Tucker: How does Maxine Waters afford a $4.3 Million Mansion on 40 years of government work?

It's different for him though..

It's simpler than that.

Conservatives SUPPORT criminal enterprises like the Trump University con because in their perverted view of the world they see that is savvy free enterprise. They see a billionaire like Trump scamming hardworking Americans out their savings as a great example of how the free market should work.

Really? Want to discuss such Democratic Party luminaries like the Clintons, James Johnson as head of Fannie Mae, Barney Frank, and a few dozen others that are all about protecting Goldman Sachs, AIG, and a dozen other 'too big to fail' crime syndicates, that also have such wonderful 'progressive organizations' like ACORN on their graft payrolls?

I want to hear you condemn Trump's criminal enterprise called Trump University, or tacitly endorse it.

Take your pick.

Yes, you don't want to discuss who got the whole shit train rolling that caused people to lose their savings. lol @ 'Trump University'. You trying to sell that as causing anywhere near the problems your Democratic insiders caused???? Seriously???? lol

because your story is horseshit and my story is the truth.

lol and you tards wonder why you can't sell anything remotely resembling 'the truth' any more. you just can't make any points without lying.
How did Mitch McConnell go from being worth 5 million dollars in 2006 to 26 million dollars today?
How did Mitch McConnell go from being worth 5 million dollars in 2006 to 26 million dollars today?

Doesn't have a thing to do with Trump. Most of those who voted for Trump hate McConnell and Ryan and most of the rest already.
How did Mitch McConnell go from being worth 5 million dollars in 2006 to 26 million dollars today?

Doesn't have a thing to do with Trump. Most of those who voted for Trump hate McConnell and Ryan and most of the rest already.
The thread seems to be about a Black Democrat woman serving for a long time as a Representative and being able to afford a 4 million dollar plus home with only her Congressional salary plus her husband's income. Seems fair to compare her income to another Representative, one who has not had a private job and has been totally dependent on his Congressional salary and his wife's income.
How has Maxine not done what other Congressional members do?
Career politicians are ALL evil
If Trump runs again, does that make him a professional politician?

No, because after elected second time as president he could never run for that office again.

The slime of humanity are the free loaders who never stop being selfish and greedy pigs living off the public trough.
How did Mitch McConnell go from being worth 5 million dollars in 2006 to 26 million dollars today?

Doesn't have a thing to do with Trump. Most of those who voted for Trump hate McConnell and Ryan and most of the rest already.
The thread seems to be about a Black Democrat woman serving for a long time as a Representative and being able to afford a 4 million dollar plus home with only her Congressional salary plus her husband's income. Seems fair to compare her income to another Representative, one who has not had a private job and has been totally dependent on his Congressional salary and his wife's income.

Given where they live and the cost of living, their salaries don't pay for their 'lifestyle'. Black Democratic politicians tend to be far more corrupt, always have been. A few, like Barbara Jordan, are stand outs as examples of those who weren't, but not many of those around. The black community seems to be very very happy with corruption in their politicians, more so than the norm, from Reconstruction on to today.

The 'establishment', of either 'party', hates self-made people, always have; Trump is no exception to that.
I am sure she has never done anything the least bit unethical, right?

Like demanding POTUS be impeached for nothing.

Maybe they should impeach Maxine!

THERE are a myriad amount of ways she could have afforded it. Investments, inheritance etc.
But you have a lot of god damn nerve singling out Waters when we have the most unethical president in history currently sitting in the
White House. His ethics director just resigned in disgust because of all his unethical doings.
He's been in violation of the emolument clause of the Constitution since his first day in office.
Maxine Waters isn't.

Your hypocrisy is beyond pale.

Blow it out your ass!
More rightist stupidity.

Watters husband played 5 years in the NFL then for 20 years sold Mercedes Benz autos. Seeing that Mercedes Benzes' are not cheap, the money for the mansion probably came from that. But since she refuses to back down from the right wing authoritarian administration we have the gestapo out her yelling about a mansion.
lol so what? She's supposed tobe all about bankrupting the rich, so why hasn't given over half of hers away? Oh yeah, its only white proles who are supposed to 'pay reparations', pour money into black schools for nothing, etc., etc.
and he wants the Trumps investigated?

Her and many others, especially all those 'community organizers' were huge fans of James Johnson's Fanny Mae, he gave them millions in taxpayer money for their support for scams like Countrywide and the rest of the swindlers behind the fake 'housing bubbles', beginning with Clinton's Home Ownership for Americans' con game. She should be in jail, sharing a cell with the felon and traitor Hillary, Barney Frank, the ACORN fraudsters, etc., etc. They also liked to make sure American citizens didn't even make any money building all those McMansions, either, by their promotion and encouragement of criminal illegal immigration, which of course hurt blacks and American latinos the worst, so that even a 'boom' kept their wages to nothing.
It's hilarious looking around and seeing where all these 'Social Justice Leaders' and 'populists' live; mostly in gated communities, like Schumer and Maxine, and far away from any chance of actually meeting all these poor folk they claim they're fighting for, isn't it?
Has good old Uncle Bernie bought another house yet? Anybody seen any pics of any homeless people hanging around Bernie's places? lol hilarious stuff these hypocrites and fakes keep peddling, like the fake 'Russian collusion' hoax, except funnier.
and to think the IRS comes after us for a few hundred dollars :eusa_think:

Well, Reagan wanted us to believe it was all those waitresses that were cheating on their taxes that were causing the problem. With both 'Parties' its always working stiffs who need to tighten their belts and cough up. They don't hire a lot of lobbyists like the bankers do, the bankers have literally three lobbyists for every Senator and Congressman, and eat at all the best restaurants and hire ' guest speakers' at exotic 'retreats' all over the world.

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