Tucker wants fascism

I mentioned the lack of self-awarness of the OP....Yours is nearly as bad.

Tucker beats the living hell out of XiNN every day of the week, and has done so for years....So their recourse is to come out with a smear piece on him....And a knuckle dragging asswipe like you carries their water, and expects others to take their blatant hit piece seriously.

.....and the horse you rode in on.
Yeah so? Tucker is so popular because of his foaming mouth smears in the left. It’s no mystery. He battles with many from CNN and they push back. They are both playing the same game. I record Tuckers show and am aware of his positions on many things. You want to plug year ears and cover your eyes when CNN says anything. That’s ignorance. If you can’t handle the game then don’t play

Not sure what you’re trying to say with your pictures… care to use your words? what’s ironic?
If I've learned anything here, it's that you can't be a leftist and be in possession of a single shred of introspection.....They project like there's no tomorrow, and are unable to recognize the fact even when their noses are rubbed in it.
Pot meet kettle

Why else would Carlson be in Hungary praising an authoritarian prime minister? Because he wants a fascist system in the United States with Trump as it's dictator. Trump would fit that bill completely.

Any doubts, then do a little reading on fascism, especially as it deals with the two preeminent fascists who ever existed, Hitler and Mussolini.
Hungry is fascist? what makes the PM there authoritarian?
Fascists lies are how they build power.


. . . and it continues with lock-downs, mandating vaccines or else no school, no jobs, no participation in society, and mask mandates.

We all know who the liars are at this point. And we know why they are telling them.


. . . and it continues with lock-downs, mandating vaccines or else no school, no jobs, no participation in society, and mask mandates.

We all know who the liars are at this point. And we know why they are telling them.

I’ve never in my wildest dreams thought that so many Americans would be such whiney little bitches over such a little thing like wearing a mask during a world wide pandemic. What’s wrong with us?!?! Holy shit
Not sure what you’re trying to say with your pictures… care to use your words? what’s ironic?
Oddball already covered it.

You were being completely tone deaf with your post. . . it was hilarious.
I just got done explaining, in the globalized western world, there is very little separation between the highest offices of the public and private sector.
No. You did some hand waving conspiratorial nonsense.

No one in government is telling media what to say and what not to say. Surely you can’t claim that the Trump administration was telling MSNBC what to do. It’s ludicrous.
At some point in time people need to understand that they’re responsible for figuring shit out on their own.
Oh, we know.

It's because Hungary isn't obeying the dictates of the global billionaires and the un-elected bureaucrats of the EU.

It's really simple.

The folks in control don't like when local folks elect their leaders to do stuff in their national interest rather than the interest of globalists . . . the billionaire owned global media smear them and their leaders for it.

Pretty simply.

We see that shit on this site all the time when establishment types lose argument. Lost an argument? Name call, appeal to mods to move threads, deflect, do what ever it takes to discredit your opponent rather than debate the facts.

No. You did some hand waving conspiratorial nonsense.

No one in government is telling media what to say and what not to say. Surely you can’t claim that the Trump administration was telling MSNBC what to do. It’s ludicrous.
Oh, we know.

It's because Hungary isn't obeying the dictates of the global billionaires and the un-elected bureaucrats of the EU.

It's really simple.

The folks in control don't like when local folks elect their leaders to do stuff in their national interest rather than the interest of globalists . . . the billionaire owned global media smear them and their leaders for it.

Pretty simply.

We see that shit on this site all the time when establishment types lose argument. Lost an argument? Name call, appeal to mods to move threads, deflect, do what ever it takes to discredit your opponent rather than debate the facts.

What a bunch of gibberish.
and it continues with lock-downs, mandating vaccines or else no school, no jobs, no participation in society, and mask mandates.
Not from the Federal Government it doesn't. They don't have the authority. That authority come from the States and usually from the Governors.
We all know who the liars are at this point.
I like how the Gov of Fla said basically, "Joe Biden, you can't be the tyrant in Fla, that's my job!"
I’ve never in my wildest dreams thought that so many Americans would be such whiney little bitches over such a little thing like wearing a mask during a world wide pandemic. What’s wrong with us?!?! Holy shit
You might view it as, "a little thing," but, since statistically, there was no significant infection spread between states and nations that mandated them, and those that didn't? It is clearly a control and fear mechanism, and has nothing to do with the disease.

Only the brainwashed see it differently.

Not from the Federal Government it doesn't. They don't have the authority. That authority come from the States and usually from the Governors.

I like how the Gov of Fla said basically, "Joe Biden, you can't be the tyrant in Fla, that's my job!"
You might view it as, "a little thing," but, since statistically, there was no significant infection spread between states and nations that mandated them, and those that didn't? It is clearly a control and fear mechanism, and has nothing to do with the disease.

Only the brainwashed see it differently.

Well I think the evidence say differently considering pretty much the entire world is doing it, even the nations that aren’t in political crisis’s or hungry power grabs.
Well I think the evidence say differently considering pretty much the entire world is doing it
Doesn't matter what you "feel" based on propaganda, I'm talking about quantifiable reality. Out in society at large, masks have no large scale testable, falsifiable affect. THIS IS NOW KNOWN!!!!


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