Tucker wants fascism

I don't dignify proven liars and propagandists with the intellectual bandwidth.....Now get to that bag of dicks, you fraud.
You set a great example. With your mindset you can’t possibly expect others to give you the respect of their intellectual bandwidth can you?
Tucker is pointing out YOUR fascism you moron.

I don't think, educated folks will deny that what goes on in Hungary is, or was biased in the last election. Even if we take the western disinfo wiki at face value. . .

"A preliminary report on the election by the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) criticised the electoral conduct and stated that Fidesz used government resources for its election campaign.[85] A spokesman described campaigning language as "quite hostile and xenophobic".[86] The report criticised the atmosphere as limiting wide-ranging debate and found that public television broadcasts were biased towards the governing coalition. It also criticised the use of "information campaigns" funded out of public money, which it stated generated "a pervasive overlap between state and ruling party resources, undermining contestants' ability to compete on an equal basis".[86]"

And compare it to the CFR publication Time magazine's OWN Admission of doing the SAME DAMN THING?

Stunning: TIME admits well-funded cabal of influencers worked behind-the-scenes to ‘save’ 2020 election​

Time Magazine: “Well-funded Cabal Of Powerful People” Secretly Conspired To Defeat Trump

“a well-funded cabal of powerful people, ranging across industries and ideologies, working together behind the scenes to influence perceptions, change rules and laws, steer media coverage and control the flow of information”

. . . in the end?

Nope, no qualitative or quantitative difference between how things are run in Hungry or how things are run here.

Anyone that believes so? Is a fool and a dupe.

Why else would Carlson be in Hungary praising an authoritarian prime minister? Because he wants a fascist system in the United States with Trump as it's dictator. Trump would fit that bill completely.

Any doubts, then do a little reading on fascism, especially as it deals with the two preeminent fascists who ever existed, Hitler and Mussolini.
The authoritarian right has always supported dictators and tyrants.
You set a great example. With your mindset you can’t possibly expect others to give you the respect of their intellectual bandwidth can you?
I mentioned the lack of self-awarness of the OP....Yours is nearly as bad.

Tucker beats the living hell out of XiNN every day of the week, and has done so for years....So their recourse is to come out with a smear piece on him....And a knuckle dragging asswipe like you carries their water, and expects others to take their blatant hit piece seriously.

.....and the horse you rode in on.

Why else would Carlson be in Hungary praising an authoritarian prime minister? Because he wants a fascist system in the United States with Trump as it's dictator. Trump would fit that bill completely.

Any doubts, then do a little reading on fascism, especially as it deals with the two preeminent fascists who ever existed, Hitler and Mussolini.
God forbid you actually watch him for a few minutes and realize what an ass you are.
They can cover whoever they want. I think it’s pretty obvious that they are going to focus on the divisive issues and highlight the ranting of the partisan hacks. It’s a reality show not news. IMO it opens the door to real people who want to contrast those games. I know I appreciate those people much more when I see them,

The freedom caucus is a group of wing nuts hiding behind the label of “freedom”. They are part of the problem just as much as the other hacks

I guess you don't understand the difference between state media and private media?
In the modern dirgism, with the interlocks, and those folks meeting in private round table groups, with the revolving door between the private and public sector?

I don't think YOU understand how the system really works.

Name for me a Sec. of State that wasn't a member of the CFR. . . Go on smarty pants.

You ever even read Bernays? Chomsky?

I don't think you really understand how captured the MSM elite journalists really are, or how many spooks work in the MSM . . . perhaps that explains why you are so uninformed, or your seeming lack of all critical thought?

. . . either that, or you are a shill? :dunno:

I guess you don't understand the difference between state media and private media?

Of course you're referring to the politically driven media in America. Has it become State Media or is it private? Certainly is is funded by ideologically politically driven oligarchs.

Why else would Carlson be in Hungary praising an authoritarian prime minister? Because he wants a fascist system in the United States with Trump as it's dictator. Trump would fit that bill completely.

Any doubts, then do a little reading on fascism, especially as it deals with the two preeminent fascists who ever existed, Hitler and Mussolini.
yeah kinda like YOU want it here in America asshole.
In the modern dirgism, with the interlocks, and those folks meeting in private round table groups, with the revolving door between the private and public sector?

I don't think YOU understand how the system really works.

Name for me a Sec. of State that wasn't a member of the CFR. . . Go on smarty pants.

You ever even read Bernays? Chomsky?

I don't think you really understand how captured the MSM elite journalists really are, or how many spooks work in the MSM . . . perhaps that explains why you are so uninformed, or your seeming lack or all critical thought?

. . . either that, or you are a shill? :dunno:

This allegation defies logic.

An authoritarian government uses their resources to force media to reinforce their control of government.

You're complaining about the media working to change the control of government, which is the exact opposite of what goes on in Hungary.
Of course you're referring to the politically driven media in America. Has it become State Media or is it private? Certainly is is funded by ideologically politically driven oligarchs.
Who cares if the owners of media are politically driven? That's their right as American citizens.

The media in this country is not controlled by the state.

Why else would Carlson be in Hungary praising an authoritarian prime minister? Because he wants a fascist system in the United States with Trump as it's dictator. Trump would fit that bill completely.

Any doubts, then do a little reading on fascism, especially as it deals with the two preeminent fascists who ever existed, Hitler and Mussolini.
Explain what makes the prime minister of Hungary authoritarian and fascist and cite specific examples of his actions that move you to arrive at that conclusion.

Why else would Carlson be in Hungary praising an authoritarian prime minister? Because he wants a fascist system in the United States with Trump as it's dictator. Trump would fit that bill completely.

Any doubts, then do a little reading on fascism, especially as it deals with the two preeminent fascists who ever existed, Hitler and Mussolini.
Dude, you fucking Socialist, have been calling US citizens who believe in freedom, borders and limited government every fucking name in the book, including Nazis. If you keep doing this over and over pretty soon, those who you call Nazis, might actually take you up on it. And you know what the Nazis did to the Socialists of Germany? Watch what you call for, for it might come true.

Nothing like a good hanging Socialist Party

Who cares if the owners of media are politically driven?
I care and so should you because it breeds a tremendous deal of distrust regarding and manipulation of the information we receive and how that can erroneously shape people's opinions.
Who cares if the owners of media are politically driven? That's their right as American citizens.

The media in this country is not controlled by the state.

I just got done explaining, in the globalized western world, there is very little separation between the highest offices of the public and private sector.

That you keep on repeating this as an excuse, or keep on believing this? Marks you as either ignorant, or a shill.

Most folks know they have very little affect over policy, but the oligarchs of this nation get what they want.

. . . why are you ignoring reality?
If protecting the country and securing its borders is fascism, bring it on.
It's not. Making up a phony emergency to access executive powers meant to be used when the continuance of government is at stake. Then using that phony emergency declaration to try and fulfill part of a campaign promise. Fascists lies are how they build power.

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