Tuesday primaries was a good sign for moderates

I agree!!!!!!!!!!!! Trumpism is far from conservatism. Most Trump minions do not know what conservatism is all about. They tend to be the least educated among us. They let the ultimate con man, Donald Trump, define their world.
like a far lefty like you knows what conservatism is all about?....
Your political spectrum is defined as Trump minion or you are the enemy.
It is not based on political philosophy, it is based on whether you follow one man. That is a cult not a political philosophy.
A sad group of brain dead souls.
hey elmer why dont you find a post of mine saying i like trump?...but i bet you will find plenty of mine saying he is a fucking asshole.....the only person with a narrow political spectrum is you....."if you dont agree with me,you must be a trump minion".....look in the mirror elmer,there you will see someone who is brain dead...
I find my posts full of disgust for people like you as opposed to anger. I use strong language because I hope I can move one of you fools away from being a Trump minion.
It is tough love, not anger.
there you go again elmer.....if you disagree with me you must be a trump minion.....here let me give you some tough love.....elmer you are a dipshit....
Papageorgio is an angry one. People with his temperament can be dangerous.
The best leaders and the best citizens are those with a level disposition.
Most laws are written to curtail very angry people, like Papageorgio, who act out.
If we had less people, like Papageorgio, we would not need as many laws.
Not angry, fed up with your const lies and BS. I respond to your post in another thread and my response was a laid out resonable response with no insults or name calling and your response was an attack on me accusing me of a position I have never had. I responded they way you responded to me and you ran away because I called you on you BS response to me.

Your post is nothing but more lies. Thanks for the dishonesty, that is your strong suit.
Kristi Noem by a boatload of votes! This is right.

Damn! I sure had a good feeling, voting for the first time in South Dakota! In Washington, it didn't matter who you voted for. Here in the land of warm red sanity, it matters a great deal.
hey elmer why dont you find a post of mine saying i like trump?...but i bet you will find plenty of mine saying he is a fucking asshole.....the only person with a narrow political spectrum is you....."if you dont agree with me,you must be a trump minion".....look in the mirror elmer,there you will see someone who is brain dead...
He won’t because he is a dishonest left wing extremist.
Not angry, fed up with your const lies and BS. I respond to your post in another thread and my response was a laid out resonable response with no insults or name calling and your response was an attack on me accusing me of a position I have never had. I responded they way you responded to me and you ran away because I called you on you BS response to me.

Your post is nothing but more lies. Thanks for the dishonesty, that is your strong suit.
if you dont agree with elmer you must love trump.....what else can you be?...
Tuesday primaries was a good sign for moderates.
Extreme left politicians did not fair well
Trump endorsed Republicans lost to their "not Trump endorsed" opponents
Could US politics making a slight turn toward sanity?

You as a radical far left extremist want sanity???? :confused-84:
Not angry, fed up with your const lies and BS. I respond to your post in another thread and my response was a laid out resonable response with no insults or name calling and your response was an attack on me accusing me of a position I have never had. I responded they way you responded to me and you ran away because I called you on you BS response to me.

Your post is nothing but more lies. Thanks for the dishonesty, that is your strong suit.
Extremists of all types quickly resort to such nonsense.
if you dont agree with elmer you must love trump.....what else can you be?...
I know he lacks comprehension and insight. Mac is the same way. I don’t understand how we got to this point. Biden and Trump and Clinton. I couldn’t hold my nose and vote for them. Terrible politicians and terrible leaders.
I know he lacks comprehension and insight. Mac is the same way. I don’t understand how we got to this point. Biden and Trump and Clinton. I couldn’t hold my nose and vote for them. Terrible politicians and terrible leaders.
Lesser-of-two-evils is the fundamental flaw in the way we do elections. People voting for bad candidates on purpose. That's never going to end well.
This how the Marxist pigs roll. They know they will get their asses handed to them in November. Then blame it all on the 'moderate' position of the losers. Thus a greater push for leftist extremism fueled by the failure of moderate positions.
Lesser-of-two-evils is the fundamental flaw in the way we do elections. People voting for bad candidates on purpose. That's never going to end well.
I agree, the less of two evils is still evil, it sets the bar very low.
That's a non sequitur.

"A Democracy'' and democracy are two completely different concepts. They are antithetical.

The chief characteristic and distinguishing feature of ''a Democracy'' is: Rule by Omnipotent Majority. There's nothing democratic about it.

In ''a Democracy,'' The Individual, and any group of Individuals composing any Minority, have no protection against the unlimited power of The Majority. It is a case of Majority-over-Man.

This is true whether it be a Direct Democracy, or a Representative Democracy.

''A Republic,'' on the other hand, has a very different purpose and an entirely different form, or system, of government. Its purpose is to control The Majority strictly, as well as all others among the people, primarily to protect The Individual’s God-given, unalienable rights and therefore for the protection of the rights of The Minority, of all minorities, and the liberties of people in general.

The definition of ''a Republic'' is a constitutionally limited government of the representative type, created by a written Constitution, adopted by the people and changeable (from its original meaning) by them only by its amendment, with its powers divided between three separate Branches: Executive, Legislative and Judicial. Here the term "the people" means, of course, the electorate.
You are lost in minutia. You can blab about the theoretical theories of democracy, republic, Marxism, socialism, capitalism etc. They are all theories. None work in the real world in their purest form.
The real world is not as perfect as these theories assume. Are there any God-given, unalienable rights? In the real world, one's God-given, unalienable rights can interfere with another's God-given, unalienable rights. God-given, unalienable rights are challenged every day by more than government. The real world does not pay attention to God-given, unalienable rights. The real world is not fair.
A real world government cannot be based on an intellectual theory. It must be based on the reality of the real world.
Extremists on all sides are focused on theory and not the real world. They are like spoiled children who will not accept the realities of the real world. They get lost in the minutia of their theory.
You are a great example.
trying to now pass himself off as a moderate....
All of you brain dead Trump minion's anger toward me really hurts.

I extend tough love toward the whole group in an attempt to pull you out of the destructive Trump cult. How am I thanked. With anger. It is not fair.
You as a radical far left extremist want sanity???? :confused-84:
All of you brain dead Trump minion's anger toward me really hurts.

I extend tough love toward the whole group in an attempt to pull you out of the destructive Trump cult. How am I thanked. With anger. It is not fair.
You are lost in minutia. You can blab about the theoretical theories of democracy, republic, Marxism, socialism, capitalism etc. They are all theories. None work in the real world in their purest form.
The real world is not as perfect as these theories assume. Are there any God-given, unalienable rights? In the real world, one's God-given, unalienable rights can interfere with another's God-given, unalienable rights. God-given, unalienable rights are challenged every day by more than government. The real world does not pay attention to God-given, unalienable rights. The real world is not fair.
A real world government cannot be based on an intellectual theory. It must be based on the reality of the real world.
Extremists on all sides are focused on theory and not the real world. They are like spoiled children who will not accept the realities of the real world. They get lost in the minutia of their theory.
You are a great example.

Except that I'm right. :dunno:

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