Tuesday primaries was a good sign for moderates

As hopeful as I am, I'm not holding my breath. I'll believe it when I see it.
Why do you think you will believe something when you see it in the future when you believe only what you are told rather than see today?
You are lost in minutia. You can blab about the theoretical theories of democracy, republic, Marxism, socialism, capitalism etc. They are all theories. None work in the real world in their purest form.
The real world is not as perfect as these theories assume. Are there any God-given, unalienable rights? In the real world, one's God-given, unalienable rights can interfere with another's God-given, unalienable rights. God-given, unalienable rights are challenged every day by more than government. The real world does not pay attention to God-given, unalienable rights. The real world is not fair.
You don't understand the concept of unalienable rights. Most don't. As chesswarsnow would say, "Sorry about that."
I'm unclear -
What is "the Middle"
What are those views?
You don't understand the concept of unalienable rights. Most don't. As chesswarsnow would say, "Sorry about that."
Tell me what unalienable rights mother nature honors. Forget government. You expect government to over ride mother nature in making the world fair. It will never happen.
Extremists on both sides are chasing a theoretical fair world. The world is not fair. They whine like spoiled children when the world is not fair.
It's that position, usually on all fours, whereas the donkey assumes the front position and the elephant assumes the rear position, while dry humping you on both ends at the same time and high fiving each other.

Give it to me, baby!

That sounds bad.

Whey would Elmer want that?
I'm unclear -

What is "the Middle"

What are those views?
The middle includes compromise when the far right and the far left get some of what they want and not all they want.
The middle includes compromise.
Using the same standards as those who wrote our Constitution.
Do you understand all of the compromises required to have our Constitution accepted by all who signed.
The middle includes compromise when the far right and the far left get some of what they want and not all they want.
The middle includes compromise.
Using the same standards as those who wrote our Constitution.
Do you understand all of the compromises required to have our Constitution accepted by all who signed.
All they know is fight and attack. Compromise is capitulation. Collaboration is surrender.

The Founders would be ashamed of these people.
The middle includes compromise when the far right and the far left get some of what they want and not all they want.
The middle includes compromise.
Using the same standards as those who wrote our Constitution.
Do you understand all of the compromises required to have our Constitution accepted by all who signed.

Yep, as a group they were genius.

We have different challenges today -
Can you give an example or two using today's issues what a compromise would be?

Except that I'm right. :dunno:
You are a spoiled child crying like a baby because the world is not fair and you want the government to make your world perfectly fair.
Deal with the real world and not some hypothetical perfects world according to your theoretical desires,

All extremists are spoiled children.
Yep, as a group they were genius.

We have different challenges today -
Can you give an example or two using today's issues what a compromise would be?

Far left - ban guns - No way
Far right and Trumpists - no regulations on guns
Compromise - common sense regulations to address issues in the the 21st century.

Infrastructure budget
Democrats - 3 billion dollars
Republicans - 1 billion dollars
Compromises 1.5 billion dollars

All of you brain dead Trump minion's anger toward me really hurts.

I extend tough love toward the whole group in an attempt to pull you out of the destructive Trump cult. How am I thanked. With anger. It is not fair.
here is some tough love for you elmer.....you can stick your man trump up your ass......hows that?....
Tell me what unalienable rights mother nature honors. Forget government. You expect government to over ride mother nature in making the world fair. It will never happen.
Extremists on both sides are chasing a theoretical fair world. The world is not fair. They whine like spoiled children when the world is not fair.
kind of like what you are doing right now.....whining...
I agree!!!!!!!!!!!! Trumpism is far from conservatism. Most Trump minions do not know what conservatism is all about. They tend to be the least educated among us. They let the ultimate con man, Donald Trump, define their world.
This is, of course, the spirit of compromise that you spoke of. Not a lot of room for that when you're precluding the 44% of the population that approve of Trump.

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