TULIP (God calls some to atheism)

Apparently I have to be dumb enough to believe in a magical afterlife or Christianity will not yield its full benefit.

Both Judaism and Christianity are about living this life in a way that benefits you right now, right here, the most. The after life takes care of itself; it is this life that brings us difficulties. Christianity and Judaism map a path through the difficulties. (I don't know any other faith well enough to make claims of them. I suspect most have the same philosophy.)
Christianity is not just a kick ass philosophical system with strong similarities with stoicism but Christianity is full blown psychological therapy as well. I get it but that doesn’t mean God exists. It just means resigning your mind feels good. That explains why so many people fall for it hook, line, and sinker. I could but I worry it would hinder the ambitious side of my existence.

If you recognize Christianity works, what is it about God's existence that bothers you so much?
I can do that whether He exists or not. I could follow the Bible 99% of the way and live a good life that benefits others but that comes with a guarantee.
Perfect! You have found eternal life, a life of serving God and others. This life begins here and extends into the afterlife. What more are you looking for? (This is a serious question.)

Nothing really. I have a poor time in these message forums illustrating my full appreciation for Christian both as a philosophy, and as a religion but reject it as a tool of psychotherapy. Mind control is not my thing but I understand its usefulness. I’m not going to “believe” anything that is stupid. I’m not going to believe in an invisible God. I’m not going to believe in magic blood from a man that died 2,000 years ago. I’m not going to believe Jonah lived inside a whale. I’m not going to believe that donkeys or snakes talk. I’m not going to believe in heaven or hell. That’s just taking things too far. I will not accept any man or any gods mandate that I am required to be stupid. If a man or god wants to prove me that these fantastic things are real then I would not be believing them out of blind stupidity anymore. It’s not really that I dislike Christianity at all. It is that I have a strong objection to voluntarily believing things that are untrue.
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Christianity is not just a kick ass philosophical system with strong similarities with stoicism but Christianity is full blown psychological therapy as well. I get it but that doesn’t mean God exists. It just means resigning your mind feels good. That explains why so many people fall for it hook, line, and sinker. I could but I worry it would hinder the ambitious side of my existence.

If you recognize Christianity works, what is it about God's existence that bothers you so much?

If a person agrees to believe outlandish claims that are either true or untrue then they make themselves vulnerable to believe other outlandish claims that are backed by a sinister agenda.

Businesses love Christians. Politicians love Christians. Cult leaders love Christians.
You think critically. Pretty sure that beats buying into Spaghettis Monster dogma any day in terms of mental health maintenance. I've witnessed devout Christians still desperately.. agonizingly.. proselytizing to any and all in their death throws. Not a pretty sight. Faith is a nasty Ponzi scheme.
Nothing really. I have a poor time in these message forums illustrating my full appreciation for Christian both as a philosophy, and as a religion but reject it as a tool of psychotherapy. Mind control is not my thing but I understand its usefulness. I’m not going to “believe” anything that is stupid. I’m not going to believe in an invisible God. I’m not going to believe in magic blood from a man that died 2,000 years ago. I’m not going to believe Jonah lived inside a whale. I’m not going to believe that donkeys or snakes talk. I’m not going to believe in heaven or hell. That’s just taking things too far. I will not accept any man or any gods mandate that I am required to be stupid. If a man or god wants to prove me that these fantastic things are real then I would not be believing them out of blind stupidity anymore. It’s not really that I dislike Christianity at all. It is that I have a strong objection to voluntarily believing things that are untrue.
Setting aside the invisible God for a moment, let's take the other issues. First, Jesus did not have magical blood. Go back and re-read the New Testament. Jesus' battle with the religious leaders of his day was over the forgiveness of sins. He started proclaiming, Sins are forgiven! and ran into those who sincerely believed he had no right to make this proclamation. This was no covenant with God, because covenants were sealed with blood. Jesus gave his own very human blood to mark the sign of this New Testament (Covenant). It was a sign he had God's authority to voice this truth: Sins ARE forgiven. Note Jesus did not say or suggest that sins would be forgiven after his death. He was telling people right then, right there, "You sins are forgiven."

Jonah did not life in a whale, but a big fish. This might be an metaphor for a dark place. Snakes don't talk, and neither do donkeys. Sometimes their behavior may suggest communication (The balking donkey, the snake that enjoys the tree and fruit forbidden to man.) One suggests the human needs to stop; the other suggests something that looks good is good. If it doesn't hurt a snake, how could it hurt a being much larger than a snake?
As far as the next life...believe what you want, but it has been my experience that the after life is the true reality, and in comparison this life is more like twilight. We are in for a treat. It is there whether people believe it or not; it is not taken away if belief is not there. In the same way, there is no need for God to prove His existence to us. The more important issue is directing people towards how to live in love.

As for wanting to know God, are you sure? Why do you want to know Him? Is it to prove something to yourself? If so, then it is about you, not about God. It tells me you want to know you and that the interest in actually knowing God isn't that great. Have you ever considered it is for our own protection we are shielded from God in this life? See if you can imagine an experience with God--then living decades knowing it is not possible to live at that height on this planet. Think of something you miss terribly, multiply that by thousands of times, and reflect on whether you are up to experiencing God. You might not be wrong in protecting yourself by believing God does not exist.
If a person agrees to believe outlandish claims that are either true or untrue then they make themselves vulnerable to believe other outlandish claims that are backed by a sinister agenda.
Let us acknowledge that some believers to make themselves vulnerable to other outlandish claims. Should those who are not vulnerable to other outlandish claims be forbidden to explore their faith and spiritual existence?
I’m not sure why you do not find this system so vulnerable to abuse.

You should follow God on faith. He is invisible and if you are bad He will not talk to you. Just trust me. I know what God wants. Listen to me and you will be Holy in the eyes of God.

Is there any cult leader in the entire world that has never read the Bible? The Bible is hella powerful. If you have the desire to control people in any capacity the Bible is the best resource in existence.

“You can’t see God or hear God but I can. Obey me.” Do you honestly think that passes the smell test of being on the up and up?

The whole concept of God is very important for organizing societies. I get that but haven’t we grown out of that and found a more honest method ?

Of course, the evidence for God's existence is overwhelming.
If a person agrees to believe outlandish claims that are either true or untrue then they make themselves vulnerable to believe other outlandish claims that are backed by a sinister agenda.
Let us acknowledge that some believers to make themselves vulnerable to other outlandish claims. Should those who are not vulnerable to other outlandish claims be forbidden to explore their faith and spiritual existence?

Yes and the reason I say that is because others will follow your lead. They may not have the wisdom to differentiate between believing stupid stuff about God and believer stupid stuff about God.
You think critically. Pretty sure that beats buying into Spaghettis Monster dogma any day in terms of mental health maintenance. I've witnessed devout Christians still desperately.. agonizingly.. proselytizing to any and all in their death throws. Not a pretty sight. Faith is a nasty Ponzi scheme.

Pastafarians reject dogma. Go study your pastalogy .
Yes and the reason I say that is because others will follow your lead. They may not have the wisdom to differentiate between believing stupid stuff about God and believer stupid stuff about God.
It has been my experience that most people give up studying the Bible and their faith even before they are teenagers. Perhaps it taking too much to heart that a childlike faith is best. Bible studies should include the history, cultures, and languages of Biblical times, which means decades after one leaves Sunday school. The idea that people can read and know the Bible on their own is deplorable. (Too many people believing in talking snakes, donkeys, and the flooding of an entire planet--not to mention Rapture and a six thousand year-old Earth.)

Some students have difficulties with math and get it all wrong, but that is no reason to stop teaching math. The same is true of the Bible. Let's teach both math and the Bible better, not give up teaching it at all.
Pick and choose.. Pick and choose.. No phony Christian here like those people. They like to dip a toe in. Nope. You have to fully commit. All in. Or die tryin'!
Pick and choose.. Pick and choose.. No phony Christian here like those people. They like to dip a toe in. Nope. You have to fully commit. All in. Or die tryin'!
Shrug. It is not about picking and choosing. It is about research and a lot of it. Those who take every word in the Bible literally are those who haven't spent the time researching. Further, it is about living what is being learned. In science, students perform their own experiments, they just don't take the text's word for it. This is even more true for scripture. When do you not let your left hand know what your right is doing; when don't you hide the light under a bushel basket.

I peg you for a referee--one who delights not only in watching the game but in pointing out what the players are doing wrong. :)
Dogma – The basic tenet of Pastafarianism is the rejection of assertions of absoluteness. All things Pastafarian henge on this one concept. This doctrine or nondoctrine obligates us to challenge ideas that do not make sense or may have sinister objectives. The pinnacle of our nondogmatic tradition is the commitment to reject the Flying Spaghetti Monster fully if the proof of his nonexistence is ever to surface. Every Pastafarian is obligated to assert the nonexistence of the Flying Spaghetti Monster when and if this proof ever arises. As Pastafarians we never allow dogmatic claims to go unchecked. We have no dogmatic beliefs. This is problematic which is why we must rely on paradox and contradictions as part of who we are.

You think critically. Pretty sure that beats buying into Spaghettis Monster dogma any day in terms of mental health maintenance. I've witnessed devout Christians still desperately.. agonizingly.. proselytizing to any and all in their death throws. Not a pretty sight. Faith is a nasty Ponzi scheme.

II. Paradox and Contradictions – Every human is guilty at one time or another of contradicting himself or herself. It would be unethical to create a tradition that does not embrace this inevitable part of the human condition. Bobby Henderson predicted, celebrated, and even encouraged the use of paradox to challenge the faith of Pastafarians. This is not a new tactic and is often used in other religious traditions worldwide. Contradictions create a beautiful and colorful supplement to the dry and complex nature of philosophy, human nature, and the study of other deep subjects worthy of human inquiry.

III. Explanation of God(s) – In most world religious traditions it is asserted that their particular God created man. Pastafarianism is the opposite. We believe that our god was created by man. Bobby Henderson created our god sometime around 2005. We find it fascinating that other gods throughout the history of time have supernatural powers. These gods are worthy of study and awe. We quietly believe these other gods were likely created by humans as well but this does not stop us from investigating or enjoying the tales of these mighty creatures of old. Even though we may assert our god to be real, this is only a part of our tradition to use rhetoric, satire and nonsensical assertions to make a point or teach complex concepts that require an illustrative tone to ensure understanding to the audience. In all honesty, Pastafarians do not literally believe that the Flying Spaghetti Monster exists except within the realm of literature. We further assert that all gods live within that pantheon of religious literature that can inspire, motivate, comfort, protect, teach, and even help us with our average day to day struggles. Gods most certainly exist but not in the literal sense that a chair or a tree may exist. In short, gods are amazing! Unfortunately, our god is one of the lesser amazing gods in the pantheon.

IV. Purity and morality – In line with the Presbyterian vein of our tradition there will always be debate between ardor and order. Pastafarians traditionally assert to having flimsy moral standards much like a noodle. This is sometimes mischaracterized as low moral standards. Flimsy means that it can be adjusted based on the necessity of the moment. The moralstandards can wibble and wobble much like the consistency of a noodle. For example: when in the workplace it is important that you build impeccable trust by behaving in an upright way. When playing video games utilizing a little white lie here and there could give you an advantage over your opponent. In a dire state of survival mode, stealing or lying could be necessary for your own wellbeing. Bobby Henderson tells us that purity is for drinking water, not for men. This belief is certainly beneficial for providing flexibility to individuals to accommodate their own wellbeing. It also leaves little room for living a life filled with guilt. For the purpose of this document we must return to the discussion of finding a balance between ardor and order. It is necessary for our existence as an organization to have some sort of ethical guide that guides us into the future. The failure of the First Pastafarian Church in Norman Oklahoma could be blamed on low moral standards. The landlord of the property where the First Pastafarian Church congregated received constant and frequent complaints about behavior that was not accepted by mainstream society. We must maintain a certain level of purity and morality as an organization. Order is necessary for our existence.
Order – Pastafarians are a free people that reject dogma, shun rules, and even have symbolism that promotes a hedonistic mindset. This is an unfortune aspect of our religious tradition that undermines our religion as being legitimate. It can even be argued that this lack of order will lead to our demise as a movement. The first point of that argument is the documented failure of the First Pastafarian Church in Norman Oklahoma that was short lived. Because of these weaknesses; we borrow, steal, utilize, parody, or copy from the Presbyterian tradition. When possible we adopt Book of Order The Constitution of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) Part II 2011/2013 to keep us grounded and sustainable. We must be formally organized and have rules for our posterity even though this does create a paradox and contradiction of who we are as Pastafarians. It is of note to Pastafarians that paradoxes and contradictions were, predicted, celebrated, and even encouraged in the early writings of Bobby Henderson. VI. Church/Table defined – The word table and church are used interchangeably throughout this document. We do hope that one day our organization(s) will be referred to as tables instead of churches but do not have the confidence that this linguistic alteration will ever stick. When seeing the word table do not be confused. It has the same meaning as what we traditionally mean when using the word church. VII. Tradition Baptist – As part of our heritage we adopt the Baptist traditions of individual table autonomy and a democratic run institution. Individual tables are not subject to any authority or governing body outside of the congregation of that individual table organization. The election of leaders and other administrative personnel is to be made through a democratic process. Presbyterianism – Presbyterians just as Pastafarians promoted the separation of church matters versus government matters. We already share that history together. The church should not rule the state. The state should not rule the church. We also took it a step further and adopted the Book of Order The Constitution of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) Part II 2011/2013 as our methodology for solving all matters organizationally related. Furthermore this document is inspired by John Calvin’s work, The Institutes of the Christian Religion. It is necessary to point out that we are associating our borrowed traditions from the PCUSA sect of the Presbyterian community. PCUSA also engage in the rejection of the dogmatic teaching on the authority and inerrancy of scripture. Mormonism – We encourage the reading of the Book of Mormon for literary inspiration. We do share a tradition with Mormonism that we are a religion created in America by an American. We believe the philosophy of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints could be helpful in inspiring future literature on matters of Pastafarianism. Satanism – Laveyan Satanism also has roots in America. It was created in American by an American. We believe the philosophy of Satanism celebrates the instincts of the human creature and provides insight into a more successful path for living by encouraging the manipulation of one’s environment to maximize achievement. We encourage the reading of works on Satanism for the purpose of utilizing your life to the fullest. Calvinism – John Calvin is celebrated by some as the greatest theologian to ever live. We find it wise to utilize this wisdom to structure our organization where Pastafarian thought was lacking. We seek methods for order from John Calvin’s work, The Institutes of the Christian Religion.

VIII. Our History – Bobby Henderson created the Flying Spaghetti Monster as a satirical concept to challenge the Kansas School Board’s decision to teach creationism as an equally plausible theory on par with the theory of evolution. Later, the Gospel of the Flying Spaghetti Monster was written. Sometime after that, the Loose Canon was written. Sometime after that, the First Pastafarian Church in Norman Oklahoma was organized. Sometime after that, the First Pastafarian Church in Norman Oklahoma was disbanned. Learning from their failures, Russell Eric Whitfield felt the necessity to create an organizational structure to serve Pastafarians into the future. That is the purpose of this entire document.

IX. On Christ – All religions utilize Christ in their teaching. Jesus Christ is the central figure of Christianity. Buddhist regard Christ as a Bodhisattva, which is a person who gives up the luxury of enlightenment in order to teach others how to find enlightenment. Islam considers Christ a prophet that actually spoke as a newborn infant. The voodoo religion boasts of Christ as the first voodoo priest. The Jews also consider Christ a rabi in their tradition. Pastafarianism is no exception. Bobby Henderson mentions in the Gospel of the Flying Spaghetti Monster that if Christ was alive today then he would most certainly be a Pastafarian. The character of Christ is a great inspiration to many cultures and peoples. It would be a disgrace to reject such a powerful source of inspiration. As Pastafarians we love the personage of Jesus Christ of Nazereth and encourage the study of his life and character.

X. Afterlife – In the Gospel of the Flying Spaghetti Monster it is asserted that good people go to Pastafarian Heaven that is filled with beer volcanos and stripper factories. It is further asserted that bad people go to Pastafarian Hell that is also filled with beer volcanos and stripper factories but the beer is stale and the strippers all have venereal diseases. We believe this to be completely false. The Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster New Zealand Reformed condemned this heresy and asserted that when we die, we die. We simply cease to exist anymore. There is no afterlife.

XI. Marriage – As a matter of necessity it is encouraged that Pastafarians search outside of our organization and into the mainstream culture on matters of marriage. There is a wide array of cultural niches that have mastered the realm of marital traditions, wedding rituals, and rules on expected marital behavior. It is asserted that ordained ministers of the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster are legally capable of performing wedding ceremonies. We take no such position on this matter and recommend relying on mainstream culture on the topic of marriage. We do not condemn the performance of a Pastafarian wedding but do not aspire to adopt this as a normal part of our tradition.

XII. Death - As a matter of necessity it is encouraged that Pastafarians search outside of our organization and into the mainstream culture on matters of death. There is a wide array of cultural niches that have mastered the realm of handling matters of death, funerals, and burial customs. In the Gospel of the Flying Spaghetti Monster it is asserted that good people go to Pastafarian Heaven that is filled with beer volcanos and stripper factories. It is further asserted that bad people go to Pastafarian Hell that is also filled with beer volcanos and stripper factories but the beer is stale and the strippers all have venereal diseases. We believe this to be completely false. The Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster New Zealand Reformed condemned this heresy and asserted that when we die, we die. We simply cease to exist anymore. There is no afterlife. The Pastafarian view on death is grim, uninspiring, and lacking in colorful display necessary for a celebration of death. We recommend the Pastafarian to rely on the mainstream culture on matters of death. We do not condemn the performance of a Pastafarian funeral but do not aspire to adopt this as a normal part of our tradition.

XIII. Holy Days – No official holidays have been set but here is a list of 8 possible holidays that may be adopted as holidays in the future. Creation Day (August 9) Talk Like a Pirate Day (September 19) Halloween (October 31) Pouring of the Beer (December 26) Happy Holidays (December 8 – January 5) Ramendan (March 1) Pastover (April 12) Fast of Edna (July 28-August 9)

XIV. Bobby Henderson – Bobby Henderson is considered the founder of our religion. His hands off approach for leading the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster is a mystery to us all. It is almost as if the term “monster” is the most perfect description for our god. It appears as if the Pastafarian movement is much bigger than Bobby Henderson planned and he is unable to control its momentum. It is a monster per se. Bobby Henderson will always be held in high esteem as our first prophet and the founder of the Pastafarian faith.

XV. Scripture and prophecy – The Loose Canon is the method that we use for assigning scripture. This means that there is a very lax standard for considering something scripture. Our canon can be changed based on the whims of anybody at any time and for any reason. Due to our nondogmatic belief system, scripture really has little value in the Pastafarian tradition. As a matter of prophecy, it is prophesied by Russell Eric Whitfield that a female named Ashley will be born on December 25, 2391. She will permanently assign a canon of Pastafarian scripture on August 9, 2413 when she establishes the permanent Pastafarian Church.

XVI. Homosexuality – Due to the zeitgeist of when Pastafarianism came on the scene it is almost a necessity to address the issue of homosexuality. Religions operating today are having a difficult time reconciling their ancient roots with this newfound view regarding the acceptance of homosexuality as a normal behavior that occurs in some humans. As Pastafarians we do not have that disadvantage. It is our tradition to welcome anyone of the homosexual persuasion to participate in our religion in any way that is beneficial to the greater good of our organization or our society at large.

XVII. Creation – We do not know how the universe was created. Bobby Henderson teaches us that it happened fairly quick and was pretty dull. Some Pastafarian literature delves into this illustration but as an organization we assert that we do not know for sure how it happened.

XVIII. Converting – Becoming a Pastafarian is easy. All you have to do is say, “I am a Pastafarian.” This is the only rite of passage to become Pastafarian. The highest ritual to be performed by any Pastafarian is to have your picture made while wearing a pasta strainer on your head in an official government identification photo. This ritual was started in Austria by Niko Alm in 2009.

XIX. Rhetoric – Speaking things with certainty for the purpose of making a point even though it may be an exaggeration is sometimes necessary when making an argument against opposing forces. The greatest example is for us to assert that the Flying Spaghetti Monster created the universe when in fact we do not believe that at all. Rhetoric is an art that is often used in the process of persuading others and should be used sparingly.

XX. Satire – Satire is similar to rhetoric. The entirety of our religion was created in a spirit of satire. It is likely that this part of our tradition may taint every area of our development as a religion. Satirical people is what we are as Pastafarians this does not negate our sincerity as devoted Pastafarians.

XXI. Nonsensical assertions – Nonsensical assertions are similar to rhetoric and satire. Nonsensical assertions should be used when making observations or arguments on matters of comparative religion.

XXII. American Intellectualism – The era and locale in which the Pastafarian religion had its beginnings was limited by the norm of its day. Americans are not intellectuals by virtue. Americans are instead builders or consumers. The era in which Pastafarian enjoyed its infancy was 2005-2022. At that time there were very few intellectuals. Our founding documents may lack the depth and thoroughness of other religious movements of the past. We hope history will take that into consideration and work to elaborate, edit, change, and clarify the traditions of Pastafarianism throughout this 408 year era until Ashley comes to make our church a permanent existence upon the entire future of humankind.
Has anyone ever spoken to God?
Only those who pray. ;)
Has God ever spoken to a human?
All the time, through the Holy Spirit who speaks in a very quiet voice.
So someone has recorded this?
The question is what would that actually look like, right?
So nobody has recorded this voice. Got it. Then you all must simply imagine it.
Are you expecting magic again, Taz?
I'm just going by what YOU said.

"the Holy Spirit who speaks in a very quiet voice"

So either god is speaking for real, or you're imagining it. Which is it?
We both know better what you meant, Taz. You dismiss and ridicule what you don't understand.

From my own personal experiences I have had revelations that when they popped into my head I instantly recognized that they were true. Mind you I am not describing religious revelations, but ordinary everyday kind of things about my ordinary everyday issues that I am confronted with. Usually they happen in the morning when I am in that halfway state of being asleep and being awake. There is only one time when we are not conscious of self and that is when we are asleep. So it makes perfect sense to me that that is the time I am most receptive to the spirit which binds us but is not a part of the material world. This is how I believe revelations work.

You keep worshiping yourself and I'll keep worshiping the creator of existence and we'll see who leads the the more harmonious and peaceful life.
So basically, you’re living in a dreamworld.
Like I said before... You keep worshiping yourself and I'll keep worshiping the creator of existence and we'll see who leads the the more harmonious and peaceful life.
You're worshipping a fantasy. If that brings you peace, I'm not against that.
How do you know?
Because you've shown no empirical proof for your invisible magician.
Untrue. The existence of God can be known through the light of human reason by examining what He created. What you mean to say is that you reject all evidence for God. There is no evidence you will accept as proof of God's existence. And then there is Jesus Christ.
But no one knows who, how or why the universe was created. I'd accept real, tangible empirical evidence. And you don't have that. For you, it's "my magical invisible friend exists because the universe exists. And my invisible friend cares how we live our live, well... just because."
The just because is because virtue is logical, taz. As for your failure to investigate the only evidence you will ever have until you enter into a relationship with the Creator, that's on you.

And then there is Jesus Christ.
None of what you said is empirical proof. So you still have nothing but a fantasy.
Actually it is. If you created something I could use it as evidence. Anything tangible can be used as evidence, dum dum.
What would it take to assure you that God is real and God cares about you?

The same way you would prove you are real. I would want Him to stand right in front me me and say, “hi”. That would convince me.
Why should convincing you be important exactly?
Because people like you say that god kingdom is so fantastic, I want to see it for myself. But so far, nothing but goose eggs.
Then go and find it. No one is stopping you but you.
Nobody has any idea where to send me, or go themselves.
I had no problem.
But you made it up.
How do you know?
What would it take to assure you that God is real and God cares about you?

The same way you would prove you are real. I would want Him to stand right in front me me and say, “hi”. That would convince me.
Why should convincing you be important exactly?
Because people like you say that god kingdom is so fantastic, I want to see it for myself. But so far, nothing but goose eggs.
Then go and find it. No one is stopping you but you.

Just tell us how you found God so that we can use the same method. It turns out this is quite a complicated process for some reason.

Have you ever considered that God hates some people and loves others? (Like the Bible says). If God hates me then He probably doesn’t want me to find Him.

John Calvin is considered the greatest theologian of all times. John Calvin taught that God chooses some and ignores others. His theology actually makes sense and is consistent with the observation of myself and many atheists.

You seem to be an amateur theologian with a theology that makes no sense whatsoever. Are you sure that you and Calvin knew the same god?

Your theology is lacking an explanation for why God reveals Himself to you but refuses to reveal Himself to me. Calvinism explains it plainly and clearly.
Why? You aren't interested in it. You are here to amuse yourself. Besides, I don't believe you are willing or capable to do what is required. But on the off chance I have you pegged all wrong, it's simple. Die to self. Of course, simple does not necessarily mean easy.

So maybe Calvin wasn't as knowledgeable as he thought he was or as you think he was. God is reality and the only way anyone will ever see reality is to die to self. When you can do that you will see how God has worked in your life.

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