Tulsa police officer charged with manslaughter

Frankly, I am surprised by your naïveté. Most of us of sound mind place little value on a link you made to yourself with no other links to verify your tale. But even so, I wouldn't place faith in any investigation made by other cops.
Who would you prefer ? Al Sharpton ? :biggrin:
The window was rolled up, the door was closed, so protectionist is merely saying, "shoot the black man because he is a black man."
And the gun he was going for

Didn't exist.
It doesn't matter. I'm a cop, you aren't, so I might know a few things you don't such as the rules of deadly force don't require a weapon, just the perception of it. If you don't believe me, draw a toy gun on cops and see what happens. You cop haters keep citing incidents of cops shooting an unarmed suspect as if we're supposed to automatically conclude the cop screwed up. Then you scream injustice when a subsequent investigation clears the officer......as if there's no possible way to be justified in shooting an unarmed suspect, which is bullshit.

It doesn't matter if there was no gun. If the cop reasonably suspected the thug was going for a gun, she was justified in using force.

It does matter.
People shouldn't die for imagined threats.
Ignorant fools don't decide police procedures
You sure don't, mouser.
Where is the video or photos supporting your claim? Also have you considered that after being shot with a taser Crutcher may not have been in control of his body? This is another senseless shooting that ought not to have occurred. Wtf is a helicopter doing there anyway…making noise and distracting the people on the ground?
1. Oh it's in about 3,000 videos ALL OVER THE INTERNET. Did you just wake up from 3 weeks ago ? :rolleyes-41:

2. No I have NOT considered that after being shot with a taser Crutcher may not have been in control of his body.:laugh: That's because the taser shot and the bullet shot occured simultaneoulsy (not "after")

3. Not a senseless shooting. It was self=defense. If you don't like it, blame Crutcher for stopping his car in the middle of a roadway, with his doors wide open, and walking around on the road, and being a total assclown.
And the gun he was going for

Didn't exist.
It doesn't matter. I'm a cop, you aren't, so I might know a few things you don't such as the rules of deadly force don't require a weapon, just the perception of it. If you don't believe me, draw a toy gun on cops and see what happens. You cop haters keep citing incidents of cops shooting an unarmed suspect as if we're supposed to automatically conclude the cop screwed up. Then you scream injustice when a subsequent investigation clears the officer......as if there's no possible way to be justified in shooting an unarmed suspect, which is bullshit.

It doesn't matter if there was no gun. If the cop reasonably suspected the thug was going for a gun, she was justified in using force.

It does matter.
People shouldn't die for imagined threats.
Ignorant fools don't decide police procedures
You sure don't, mouser.
Neither do you, Farva
It doesn't matter. I'm a cop, you aren't, so I might know a few things you don't such as the rules of deadly force don't require a weapon, just the perception of it. If you don't believe me, draw a toy gun on cops and see what happens. You cop haters keep citing incidents of cops shooting an unarmed suspect as if we're supposed to automatically conclude the cop screwed up. Then you scream injustice when a subsequent investigation clears the officer......as if there's no possible way to be justified in shooting an unarmed suspect, which is bullshit.

It doesn't matter if there was no gun. If the cop reasonably suspected the thug was going for a gun, she was justified in using force.
Liberals are clueless on guns and law enforcement. All their information comes from their liberal OMISSION media, which steers them into liberal pockets of information deprivation. And they constantly throw the word "unarmed" around as if it had some great meaning, when, in fact, it is meaningless.
We? You mean the other 95% of racist bahs-turds who haunt these "hallowed" USMB halls? You aren't in the business of objectivity. Propaganda is your game. Your incorrigible bigotry/racism is aimed at demonizing anything Blacks do! Now, we know!!!!:talk2hand::talk2hand::talk2hand::talk2hand:
Is there a doctor in the house ? I mean really. :rolleyes:
The innocent police officer said she saw him reach into his vehicle. I believe her and know how she could come to that conclusion and have reason to shoot him while he was standing up next to his car with the van window rolled up. The location of his splattered blood is a clue.
It's on the door. Which means nothing.And to all you idiots who think you have some kind of a point about the window, allow me to get you right .

As the Rock of WWE fame would say >> "IT DOESN'T MATTER" what the window was. Crutchers left hand was "unobservable", according to the lead investigator Doug Campbell. That creates a self-defense scenario, which the prosecution cannot deny. Automatic non-charge.
Maybe it's my eighty year-old eyes, but I've looked very closely at every image (I believe) made available so far and I can't tell if the window is open. To me it looks closed.

But in situations of this nature we cannot ignore the very real phenomenon of subliminal suggestion which is known to cause suggestible individuals to either see things which aren't there -- or to not see things which are there. I am curious as to why no examples of high-tech photo analysis have not been published yet. We know the technology exists. The FBI has a photo unit that specializes in it. But all we see are the standard low-tech images.

I wonder why.
Creating evidence is illegal. My prior posts about the clarity and whiteness of the seats seen through the driver's window area, still holds the evidence of an open window. Also, you can see the vertical line of the white shirt of Crutcher, against his black arm. This could only be with his arm extended, and from where he was, that could only be into the car.

All this is moot though, since Crutcher's left hand was unobservable. There's your self-defense justification right there.
The race factor does weigh heavily in this as well as other, similar issues. It's understandable and it operates on both sides of any such conflict.

In the "Big Mike" Brown example, hundreds of eye-witnesses swore they saw Brown being shot while his hands were held up in surrender, which was proved to be false. The Black side of that controversy held that Brown was an innocent "child" when the fact is he was a bullying scumbag who, had he lived, would have harmed many hundreds of innocent people.

In the example of Walter Scott, a petty offender who was shot seven times in the back by an obvious loose-cannon cop, every cop I've ever heard comment on that incident has some convincing fantasy as to why Ptl. Slager was justified in shooting a fleeing misdemeanor offender in the back seven times.

My racial impressions and opinions in all of these examples are secondary to my increasing anger about the dollars and cents cost of these unnecessarily excessive and/or lethal force incidents. As I recall, Walter Scott's survivors received a $6 million dollar settlement. Freddie Gray's family got $7 million. Sandra Bland's family got $6.5 million, and it goes on and on. Add these numbers to the overall cost of the goddam War On Drugs, which is absolutely counterproductive, and it's taking money away from a lot of important things government isn't doing because of a lack of funds.

What I believe should be done is the cost of these lawsuit settlements should be factored into the wage negotiations of the respective police agencies. In other words, Sorry, no raise this time around. No money because of the xxxxx shooting lawsuit. I know it will have an effect in New York City where the lawsuit bill averages about a quarter billion dollars a year!

Guaranteed the unnecessary bullshit will cease.
Neither Walter Scott's relatives or Freddie gray's relatives should have received one penny. Slager's inarceration is 100% POLITICAL (in a black majority voting district), and his shooting was justifiablely legal by the Fleeing Felon Rule.

Freddie Gray was unjustly (and moronically charged) and the 6 cops are already exonerated. And money being paid should be going to Michael Slager and the 6 cops in Baltimore.

The "unnecessary bullshit" is the false charging of innocent cops, just to avoid race rioting, the latest of which is Betty Shelby. The correct answer to race rioting, is to beat the fucking daylights out of the rioters, make bloody puddings out of them, and if there really gets to be too many of them, assemble Army National Guard tanks in front of the rioters, and open fire on them. Also just run them over with the tanks. Rioters won't riot next time. When they're DEAD.

Fleeing felon rule - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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Here's the thing dude.
None of the officers knew anything about this man. At the time he was shot, he hadn't even been identified yet.
He had no wants or warrants.
He was not a criminal or a suspect.

He died because of one officer's irrational fear.
FALSE! When holding a gun on someone it is standard procedure to shoot them (in self-defense) if/when they fail to show their hands. Liberals are so clueless on guns and LE, it's pathetic.

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