Tulsi Gabbard "has a pulse" and can "fog up a mirror".

the other mike

Diamond Member
Jan 5, 2019
Anyone else hear what this arrogant war-mongering pathetic excuse for a journalist said yesterday
about Tulsi Gabbard's 'present' vote on the House floor. ?

She must be pretty courageous. Or, she already knows the government run media hates her, and doesn’t give a shit.
"Neither yes or no"?????

If that dizzy bitch couldn't determine that the sham impeachment report was nothing more than Democrat Dirty Tricks then she is dumber than a door knob.
She hopes to get elected by riding the fence. ... :cuckoo:

You know what is really pathetic?

As bad as she is she is still the best the Moon Bats have.

Of course the term "best" as it pertains to the Party of Moon Bats is such a low bar as to be meaningless.
She was afraid to go against the Democrats because she some how thinks that that will get her the election. But she was afraid to upset the independent voters because she was worried it might hurt her election chances. If you are afraid of having convictions the best bet is sit on the fence.
Whatever reason she had, I hope she calls out Brian Williams
for his disrespectful smear attempt.
I'd like to help her fog the windows on a 1971 Vista Cruiser :cul2:

She must be pretty courageous. Or, she already knows the government run media hates her, and doesn’t give a shit.
She represents the bluest state in the country.
She probably made the smartest choice under the circumstances......something
nobody else judge.
She must be pretty courageous. Or, she already knows the government run media hates her, and doesn’t give a shit.
Yeah...it's pretty courageous to vote "present".
It is in this day and age. The msm is already slamming her and you know the D Party will too. Crazy Hillary is likely to call her Putin’s secret lover.
She must be pretty courageous. Or, she already knows the government run media hates her, and doesn’t give a shit.
She represents the bluest state in the country.
She probably made the smartest choice under the circumstances......something
nobody else judge.
My guess is she knew the charges were bull shit, but couldn’t in good conscience vote against impeachment.

As you say, she is from a deep blue state. Had she voted against it, she likely losses her seat in a primary contest.
How does Brian Williams have a job after he was outed as a serial LIAR making wild claims of being in dangerous combat situations? Are there any standards for journalists other than having a pulse and being able to fog a mirror?
How does Brian Williams have a job after he was outed as a serial LIAR making wild claims of being in dangerous combat situations? Are there any standards for journalists other than having a pulse and being able to fog a mirror?

He must know where some bodies are buried...
How does Brian Williams have a job after he was outed as a serial LIAR making wild claims of being in dangerous combat situations? Are there any standards for journalists other than having a pulse and being able to fog a mirror?
(he's a clown, like Anderson, Beck* who knows which)

*Yes that Glenn Beck
I've heard he's CIA.

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