Tulsi Gabbard lays out gov incompetence in Hawaii response

TheYellowKing you have to have some personal content in your OP. The thread title isn't personal content. You might still have time to do some editing.
I didn't think you had to do that for podcast, thought this was just for people to listen to then start the convo after
I didn't think you had to do that for podcast, thought this was just for people to listen to then start the convo after
It's the rule for every OP. Even for videos.

Remember, it has to be made simple so liberals don't get confused. :D
Its a tragic event that could have been avoided if not for crazy democrat global climate hoax freaks.....
Stop voting for incompetence....
From what Tulsi said it absolutely could have been.

I have no doubt leftist eco terrorist started the fires like they did on the west coast

She also mentions how no warning system went into effect like what happened with that fake incoming missile some years back

She also lambasts the mayor and officials in charge
Do you know why there was no water in the hydrants?... because some woke libtard wanted to do water equalization... I barely understood what he meant by that and then it was explained in a way only you libs can understand... some areas have more water than others and this fool was using his position to determine who gets water for what and who doesn't... he has been transferred to a different Dept...
Do you know why there was no water in the hydrants?... because some woke libtard wanted to do water equalization... I barely understood what he meant by that and then it was explained in a way only you libs can understand... some areas have more water than others and this fool was using his position to determine who gets water for what and who doesn't... he has been transferred to a different Dept...
Yep that's equity for you
The MAGA cultist idea that it is easy to control incredibly destructive forces of nature is amusing to me. You are the dumbest people on planet Earth.
How did the one road out of the town that had a roadblock work for dealing with 'those destructive forces of nature' help those fleeing the inferno?

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