Tulsi Gabbard needs to be the next POTUS nominee

She's obviously trying to carve out a separate spot for herself.

I guess we'll see if that's even possible right now. A politician who isn't solidly in a tribe gets attacked by both eventually.
I'd vote for her if she ran.

...but then again, I'm an actual independent instead of a fake one.
"Nothing" is the point. Why she was thrown under the bus by her own party.
Gabbard was thrown under the bus because she was too far left. She is the female version of Bernie Sanders, who they also threw under the bus for the same reason.
Dipshits with the intellectual bandwidth of a bumper sticker see a photo of a woman in a bathing suit who ISN'T EVEN TULSI GABBARD, and they suddenly and magically imagine she would make a great Republican.

Jesus H. Christ.

Tulsi Gabbard backed Sanders in 2016.

She supports the Green New Deal.

She supports reparations for slavery.

She wants a $15 minimum wage.

She believes college should be free.

She supports banning offshore drilling.

She supports closing down all existing nuclear power plants.

She supports a ban on assault weapons.

She supports Medicare For All.

Healthcare For All

People Before Profits & Politics "People Before Profits". An age-old socialist slogan.

Racial Justice

Hold Wall Street Accountable
“We must break up the big banks, reinstate Glass-Steagall, and get our economy back to working for the benefit of all Americans.”

Second Amendment Rights & Gun Safety
“We don’t have to wait for answers to these questions for Congress to pass legislation already supported by a majority of Americans, like universal background checks, closing the gun show loophole and reinstating a federal ban on military-style assault weapons.”

Gabbard is no longer running for president. “No, I do not support new nuclear power plants and am in favor of phasing out nuclear power,” Gabbard told The Post. She said she supports ending “subsidies or waivers to the nuclear power industry, which should itself be completely responsible for paying for its own insurance and paying the long term cost for safe storage of nuclear waste over centuries.”
Candidate positions highlighted

Here's a bill cosponsored by Tulsi:

H.R.40 Commission to Study and Develop Reparation Proposals for African-Americans Act To establish a commission to study and consider a national apology and proposal for reparations for the institution of slavery.

"I'll usher in a Green Economy":

Tulsi Gabbard is as socialist as Bernie Sanders.
Dipshits with the intellectual bandwidth of a bumper sticker see a photo of a woman in a bathing suit who ISN'T EVEN TULSI GABBARD, and they suddenly and magically imagine she would make a great Republican.

Jesus H. Christ.

Tulsi Gabbard backed Sanders in 2016.

She supports the Green New Deal.

She supports reparations for slavery.

She wants a $15 minimum wage.

She believes college should be free.

She supports banning offshore drilling.

She supports closing down all existing nuclear power plants.

She supports a ban on assault weapons.

She supports Medicare For All.

Healthcare For All

People Before Profits & Politics "People Before Profits". An age-old socialist slogan.

Racial Justice

Hold Wall Street Accountable
“We must break up the big banks, reinstate Glass-Steagall, and get our economy back to working for the benefit of all Americans.”

Second Amendment Rights & Gun Safety
“We don’t have to wait for answers to these questions for Congress to pass legislation already supported by a majority of Americans, like universal background checks, closing the gun show loophole and reinstating a federal ban on military-style assault weapons.”

Gabbard is no longer running for president. “No, I do not support new nuclear power plants and am in favor of phasing out nuclear power,” Gabbard told The Post. She said she supports ending “subsidies or waivers to the nuclear power industry, which should itself be completely responsible for paying for its own insurance and paying the long term cost for safe storage of nuclear waste over centuries.”
Candidate positions highlighted

Here's a bill cosponsored by Tulsi:

H.R.40 Commission to Study and Develop Reparation Proposals for African-Americans Act To establish a commission to study and consider a national apology and proposal for reparations for the institution of slavery.

"I'll usher in a Green Economy":

Tulsi Gabbard is as socialist as Bernie Sanders.

She is GTG with Sensible Firearm Restrictions And Pathway /Amnesty

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