Tulsi Gabbard snubbed by the DNC at the convention

I travel all over the country for work. Have been voting Absentee since 2006.

Oh ya and tell your lil snowflake pussy president to go vote in person if you insist on me doing it. HYPOCRITE much lil snowflake.
Umm... There is a difference between mail in and absentee ballot. The major difference is it's a lot harder to cheat a absentee ballot.

ROTFLMFAO, there is no fucking difference.
Tell the military that.

Are you saying they do not mail their ballot in?
Yes.............she refused to toe the line and march in lock step with the DNC.........which is why they didn't give her the time of day.

Now their true colors come out..............they eat their own...........OBEY or be snubbed..........or run over by a greyhound bus.

This is how they treat probably the best candidate they had.............LOL

Rep. Tulsi Gabbard (D-HI) confirmed Thursday night, just before the last night of the Democratic National Convention, that she was completely snubbed by the party, despite being a Democrat presidential candidate and receiving delegates.

You think the RNC will snub Romney?
No...............Romney is RINO to the core...............The Tea Party managed to take a few out................here in Alabama we didn't let Sessions back in.....................some try to get rid of the establishment still................not enough though.

So he didn't toe the tard herd line and he is out. ROTFLMFAO!!!!

Yes.............she refused to toe the line and march in lock step with the DNC.........which is why they didn't give her the time of day.

Now their true colors come out..............they eat their own...........OBEY or be snubbed..........or run over by a greyhound bus.

This is how they treat probably the best candidate they had.............LOL

Rep. Tulsi Gabbard (D-HI) confirmed Thursday night, just before the last night of the Democratic National Convention, that she was completely snubbed by the party, despite being a Democrat presidential candidate and receiving delegates.

You think the RNC will snub Romney?
Romney's cronies in the RNC snubbed Ron Paul and Rick Santorum in '12, so the precedent has been set....A taste of his own medicine for completely misrepresenting himself to the voters of Utah would be very apropos.

Just pointing out how RethugiKKKons eat their own.
I voted Maga last time.............will do so again.............even had Tulsi been the candidate............this is about the hypocrites of the left and nothing more.................

She went against them.........and they shunned her for it.........which is the point.............and it doesn't hurt that she's hot.

Noticed how you conveiniently left off how RethugiKKKons eat their own.

That is MAGA!!!
Another lame ass ..........fitting symbol of the DNC ......attempt to shift the narrative to your social Warrior victim narrative.

Sorry............we don't buy lemons here.........try to sell that car somewhere else.

Way to keep delecting. It shows that you are the lemon.
This thread shows why your side will lose..............Tulsi might have won it...........but she wouldn't march lock and step with you........You fucked up.........and now you will pay for it in November.......

Should be fun watching the river of tears.

Romney wouldn't lockstep and now he will be shunned. Tulsi wasn't winning anything, she barely got 1% of the vote.

You underestimate the anti establishment in this country..............well done............you chose POORLY............

I didn't choose either iI have done well, you not so much. You chose tRump!!!

And you will lose again...........because your elitist club of career politicians chose POORLY.......why they are desperate to get the mail in vote................

You fucked up.

Why are you so desperate to stop mail in voting? tRump is voting mail in but YOUR ELITIST is against you voting the same way.

It doesn't get more MAGA than that!!!
We aren't pussies in this state.............and we don't vote for them or quid pro quo hair sniffers..............we will vote.........in person as always.......

The only ones whining like bitches is the DNC ............your side always whines and bitches when you don't get your way........brain washed emotional idiots from LSD hippie parents...............perhaps one day there will be a cure for you.

So why is your pussy president voting by mail along with all his family and most of his cabinet and staff? Tell puss puss to man up, put his strap on on and go vote in person.
Awe........triggered much.........get off your ass and go vote in person or STFU..............tired of hearing whining noises from your side as your protesters burn the country to the ground.

All for power and control................you don't care about covid for riots.............hypocrisy on steroids.

I travel all over the country for work. Have been voting Absentee since 2006.

Oh ya and tell your lil snowflake pussy president to go vote in person if you insist on me doing it. HYPOCRITE much lil snowflake.
And you fill out the verification forms.......with proof......not the same as a whole state doing so............

When I was in the military and overseas..........it was nearly impossible to get the forms.........mail didn't come often........so much of the time we didn't get to vote..............

So spare me your outrage........I really don't give a shit........

Everyone knows this is a scam........and everyone knows the left will try to cheat their asses off with it............get off your asses and go to vote............or oh well.

Just imagine you are going to loot and burn............everyone knows if it's looting and burning you can't get covid...........derp.

ROTFLMFAO, tRump has filled your head with bullshit.

Yes.............she refused to toe the line and march in lock step with the DNC.........which is why they didn't give her the time of day.

Now their true colors come out..............they eat their own...........OBEY or be snubbed..........or run over by a greyhound bus.

This is how they treat probably the best candidate they had.............LOL

Rep. Tulsi Gabbard (D-HI) confirmed Thursday night, just before the last night of the Democratic National Convention, that she was completely snubbed by the party, despite being a Democrat presidential candidate and receiving delegates.

You think the RNC will snub Romney?
No...............Romney is RINO to the core...............The Tea Party managed to take a few out................here in Alabama we didn't let Sessions back in.....................some try to get rid of the establishment still................not enough though.

So he didn't toe the tard herd line and he is out. ROTFLMFAO!!!!

Yes.............she refused to toe the line and march in lock step with the DNC.........which is why they didn't give her the time of day.

Now their true colors come out..............they eat their own...........OBEY or be snubbed..........or run over by a greyhound bus.

This is how they treat probably the best candidate they had.............LOL

Rep. Tulsi Gabbard (D-HI) confirmed Thursday night, just before the last night of the Democratic National Convention, that she was completely snubbed by the party, despite being a Democrat presidential candidate and receiving delegates.

You think the RNC will snub Romney?
Romney's cronies in the RNC snubbed Ron Paul and Rick Santorum in '12, so the precedent has been set....A taste of his own medicine for completely misrepresenting himself to the voters of Utah would be very apropos.

Just pointing out how RethugiKKKons eat their own.
I voted Maga last time.............will do so again.............even had Tulsi been the candidate............this is about the hypocrites of the left and nothing more.................

She went against them.........and they shunned her for it.........which is the point.............and it doesn't hurt that she's hot.

Noticed how you conveiniently left off how RethugiKKKons eat their own.

That is MAGA!!!
Another lame ass ..........fitting symbol of the DNC ......attempt to shift the narrative to your social Warrior victim narrative.

Sorry............we don't buy lemons here.........try to sell that car somewhere else.

Way to keep delecting. It shows that you are the lemon.
This thread shows why your side will lose..............Tulsi might have won it...........but she wouldn't march lock and step with you........You fucked up.........and now you will pay for it in November.......

Should be fun watching the river of tears.

Romney wouldn't lockstep and now he will be shunned. Tulsi wasn't winning anything, she barely got 1% of the vote.

You underestimate the anti establishment in this country..............well done............you chose POORLY............

I didn't choose either iI have done well, you not so much. You chose tRump!!!

And you will lose again...........because your elitist club of career politicians chose POORLY.......why they are desperate to get the mail in vote................

You fucked up.

Why are you so desperate to stop mail in voting? tRump is voting mail in but YOUR ELITIST is against you voting the same way.

It doesn't get more MAGA than that!!!
We aren't pussies in this state.............and we don't vote for them or quid pro quo hair sniffers..............we will vote.........in person as always.......

The only ones whining like bitches is the DNC ............your side always whines and bitches when you don't get your way........brain washed emotional idiots from LSD hippie parents...............perhaps one day there will be a cure for you.

So why is your pussy president voting by mail along with all his family and most of his cabinet and staff? Tell puss puss to man up, put his strap on on and go vote in person.
Awe........triggered much.........get off your ass and go vote in person or STFU..............tired of hearing whining noises from your side as your protesters burn the country to the ground.

All for power and control................you don't care about covid for riots.............hypocrisy on steroids.

I travel all over the country for work. Have been voting Absentee since 2006.

Oh ya and tell your lil snowflake pussy president to go vote in person if you insist on me doing it. HYPOCRITE much lil snowflake.
And you fill out the verification forms.......with proof......not the same as a whole state doing so............

When I was in the military and overseas..........it was nearly impossible to get the forms.........mail didn't come often........so much of the time we didn't get to vote..............

So spare me your outrage........I really don't give a shit........

Everyone knows this is a scam........and everyone knows the left will try to cheat their asses off with it............get off your asses and go to vote............or oh well.

Just imagine you are going to loot and burn............everyone knows if it's looting and burning you can't get covid...........derp.

ROTFLMFAO, tRump has filled your head with bullshit.

Maga...........yea .......Maga.........so I was in the South China Sea and couldn't get mail in voter registration and that is filled with BS

Cool story bro.............and a failed troll post.

Get off your ass and go vote in person........if not........ I don't give a damn...........
Well the troll has succeeded....................he spun the web away from how they treated Tulsi who failed to toe the party line...........

So to get back on track........a little marching music for the commies............here we go

Yes.............she refused to toe the line and march in lock step with the DNC.........which is why they didn't give her the time of day.

Now their true colors come out..............they eat their own...........OBEY or be snubbed..........or run over by a greyhound bus.

This is how they treat probably the best candidate they had.............LOL

Rep. Tulsi Gabbard (D-HI) confirmed Thursday night, just before the last night of the Democratic National Convention, that she was completely snubbed by the party, despite being a Democrat presidential candidate and receiving delegates.

How many Republicans who don't toe the line with Trump will be speaking at the RNC convention? The same number as spoke at the Democrat convention. None.

Which only goes to condemn both parties.

One of them is going to win. The Republican Party is too far right.
Yes.............she refused to toe the line and march in lock step with the DNC.........which is why they didn't give her the time of day.

Now their true colors come out..............they eat their own...........OBEY or be snubbed..........or run over by a greyhound bus.

This is how they treat probably the best candidate they had.............LOL

Rep. Tulsi Gabbard (D-HI) confirmed Thursday night, just before the last night of the Democratic National Convention, that she was completely snubbed by the party, despite being a Democrat presidential candidate and receiving delegates.

You think the RNC will snub Romney?
No...............Romney is RINO to the core...............The Tea Party managed to take a few out................here in Alabama we didn't let Sessions back in.....................some try to get rid of the establishment still................not enough though.

So he didn't toe the tard herd line and he is out. ROTFLMFAO!!!!

Yes.............she refused to toe the line and march in lock step with the DNC.........which is why they didn't give her the time of day.

Now their true colors come out..............they eat their own...........OBEY or be snubbed..........or run over by a greyhound bus.

This is how they treat probably the best candidate they had.............LOL

Rep. Tulsi Gabbard (D-HI) confirmed Thursday night, just before the last night of the Democratic National Convention, that she was completely snubbed by the party, despite being a Democrat presidential candidate and receiving delegates.

You think the RNC will snub Romney?
Romney's cronies in the RNC snubbed Ron Paul and Rick Santorum in '12, so the precedent has been set....A taste of his own medicine for completely misrepresenting himself to the voters of Utah would be very apropos.

Just pointing out how RethugiKKKons eat their own.
I voted Maga last time.............will do so again.............even had Tulsi been the candidate............this is about the hypocrites of the left and nothing more.................

She went against them.........and they shunned her for it.........which is the point.............and it doesn't hurt that she's hot.

Noticed how you conveiniently left off how RethugiKKKons eat their own.

That is MAGA!!!
Another lame ass ..........fitting symbol of the DNC ......attempt to shift the narrative to your social Warrior victim narrative.

Sorry............we don't buy lemons here.........try to sell that car somewhere else.

Way to keep delecting. It shows that you are the lemon.
This thread shows why your side will lose..............Tulsi might have won it...........but she wouldn't march lock and step with you........You fucked up.........and now you will pay for it in November.......

Should be fun watching the river of tears.

Romney wouldn't lockstep and now he will be shunned. Tulsi wasn't winning anything, she barely got 1% of the vote.

You underestimate the anti establishment in this country..............well done............you chose POORLY............

I didn't choose either iI have done well, you not so much. You chose tRump!!!

And you will lose again...........because your elitist club of career politicians chose POORLY.......why they are desperate to get the mail in vote................

You fucked up.

Why are you so desperate to stop mail in voting? tRump is voting mail in but YOUR ELITIST is against you voting the same way.

It doesn't get more MAGA than that!!!
We aren't pussies in this state.............and we don't vote for them or quid pro quo hair sniffers..............we will vote.........in person as always.......

The only ones whining like bitches is the DNC ............your side always whines and bitches when you don't get your way........brain washed emotional idiots from LSD hippie parents...............perhaps one day there will be a cure for you.

So why is your pussy president voting by mail along with all his family and most of his cabinet and staff? Tell puss puss to man up, put his strap on on and go vote in person.
Awe........triggered much.........get off your ass and go vote in person or STFU..............tired of hearing whining noises from your side as your protesters burn the country to the ground.

All for power and control................you don't care about covid for riots.............hypocrisy on steroids.

I travel all over the country for work. Have been voting Absentee since 2006.

Oh ya and tell your lil snowflake pussy president to go vote in person if you insist on me doing it. HYPOCRITE much lil snowflake.
And you fill out the verification forms.......with proof......not the same as a whole state doing so............

When I was in the military and overseas..........it was nearly impossible to get the forms.........mail didn't come often........so much of the time we didn't get to vote..............

So spare me your outrage........I really don't give a shit........

Everyone knows this is a scam........and everyone knows the left will try to cheat their asses off with it............get off your asses and go to vote............or oh well.

Just imagine you are going to loot and burn............everyone knows if it's looting and burning you can't get covid...........derp.

ROTFLMFAO, tRump has filled your head with bullshit.

Maga...........yea .......Maga.........so I was in the South China Sea and couldn't get mail in voter registration and that is filled with BS

Cool story bro.............and a failed troll post.

Get off your ass and go vote in person........if not........ I don't give a damn...........

Tell ewe what tell your feckless pussy of a president to put his strap on on and go vote in person and I will come back from wherever I may be working and do the same.

Yes.............she refused to toe the line and march in lock step with the DNC.........which is why they didn't give her the time of day.

Now their true colors come out..............they eat their own...........OBEY or be snubbed..........or run over by a greyhound bus.

This is how they treat probably the best candidate they had.............LOL

Rep. Tulsi Gabbard (D-HI) confirmed Thursday night, just before the last night of the Democratic National Convention, that she was completely snubbed by the party, despite being a Democrat presidential candidate and receiving delegates.

Conventions are about blowing smoke up each other's asses and especially this one as it's just Biden. Gabbard isn't about to blow smoke up anyone's ass.
Conventions are about blowing smoke up each other's asses and especially this one as it's just Biden. Gabbard isn't about to blow smoke up anyone's ass.

That and she's a crazy person... just look at the people who like her.
Yes.............she refused to toe the line and march in lock step with the DNC.........which is why they didn't give her the time of day.

Now their true colors come out..............they eat their own...........OBEY or be snubbed..........or run over by a greyhound bus.

This is how they treat probably the best candidate they had.............LOL

Rep. Tulsi Gabbard (D-HI) confirmed Thursday night, just before the last night of the Democratic National Convention, that she was completely snubbed by the party, despite being a Democrat presidential candidate and receiving delegates.

I agree. Gabbard was by far the best candidate they had and seeing as they picked foot in mouth Biden he should chosen her as his VP.

They sure ain't to smart.
Yes.............she refused to toe the line and march in lock step with the DNC.........which is why they didn't give her the time of day.

Now their true colors come out..............they eat their own...........OBEY or be snubbed..........or run over by a greyhound bus.

This is how they treat probably the best candidate they had.............LOL

Rep. Tulsi Gabbard (D-HI) confirmed Thursday night, just before the last night of the Democratic National Convention, that she was completely snubbed by the party, despite being a Democrat presidential candidate and receiving delegates.

I agree. Gabbard was by far the best candidate they had and seeing as they picked foot in mouth Biden he should chosen her as his VP.

They sure ain't to smart.

Instead they picked the woman that fought to keep innocent black men in prison.
The duopoly is a hopeless drain on America. Voters will either wake up for real or just get further buried by these criminals.
Joe Biden's assertion about needing the female point of view to be heard sounds pretty shallow when they bury a major female voice because she doesn't agree with their Marxist ideals. MAGA

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