Tulsi Gabbard testifies on weaponization of the fed gov

Yeah, she's kind of got a mixed record. Her father was a Republican State Senator in Hawaii, but I think he eventually switched parties and she's supported some far left positions like universal health care.
I don't consider "universal health care" to be a "far left position" unless it includes aliens.
unless she called out certain politicians in our own govt. as domestic enemies of the Constitution, she's completely full of shit!!!!

Powerful speech. This is what speaking truth to power is really about. She has made some questionable votes in the past but I knew it would only be a matter of time until she WALKed AWAY from the Dems like many others have. Her taking the red pill has been joyous to watch

Tulsi Gabbard is a right wing loon. She has no principles whatsoever.
Yeah, she's kind of got a mixed record. Her father was a Republican State Senator in Hawaii, but I think he eventually switched parties and she's supported some far left positions like universal health care.

She has supported right wing causes sincer she lost in 2016. Talk about sore losers. She is a big supporter of Putin's war in Ukraine.
She actually has stood by her principles and in opposition to the democratic insanity which is why I like her

You don't like her because she's not a Hillary sycophant and made Kamala her bitch

Because she parrots your right wing lunacy and supports Putin. No wonder you love her.
All dems are rats (as the FBI is currently finding out) but that is not to say that you can't use them to your own ends. ;)

Powerful speech. This is what speaking truth to power is really about. She has made some questionable votes in the past but I knew it would only be a matter of time until she WALKed AWAY from the Dems like many others have. Her taking the red pill has been joyous to watch

Her calling out the Deep State, reminds me of another famous member of the DNC calling out the Deep State and leaving the DNC from another generation . . .

They slandered the hell out of her too.

They will both be with Ron Paul, protesting the war in D.C. in a few days.


Dyncorp trafficking women and children? The same corporation that is administering vaccines? :eusa_think:

The first congressional representative to expose the missing Pentagon trillions. . .

Questioning the 911 war games? Demanding a 911 investigation?

Her calling out the Deep State, reminds me of another famous member of the DNC calling out the Deep State and leaving the DNC from another generation . . .

They slandered the hell out of her too.

They will both be with Ron Paul, protesting the war in D.C. in a few days.

View attachment 756936

Dyncorp trafficking women and children? The same corporation that is administering vaccines? :eusa_think:

The first congressional representative to expose the missing Pentagon trillions. . .

Questioning the 911 war games? Demanding a 911 investigation?


The trouble is that we are not at war. Support Putin and you are a treasonous traitor. End of story.
Rightwingers are banning The Roberto Clemente Story because it states that Clemente faced racism in the US. That is a fact. The right wants to brainwash young people.
The left wants to grooms kids to faggotry. They want to ban To Kill a Mockingbird and other classics like Huckleberry Fin

Your words are empty like your head
The trouble is that we are not at war. Support Putin and you are a treasonous traitor. End of story.
We are in a proxy war, this is not disputed among intelligent, educated people.

"A proxy war is an armed conflict between two states or non-state actors, one or both of which act at the instigation or on behalf of other parties that are not directly involved in the hostilities.[1] In order for a conflict to be considered a proxy war, there must be a direct, long-term relationship between external actors and the belligerents involved.[2] The aforementioned relationship usually takes the form of funding, military training, arms, or other forms of material assistance which assist a belligerent party in sustaining its war effort.[2]. . . "

Desiring to not be involved in a conflict, and desiring peace, not taking sides? Does not make one a supporter of Putin, or, "a treasonous traitor."

What it does make one, is completely educated as to what the founders of this nation, wished us to be, a beacon of light to be fair and impartial, to all the problems of the world.

Striving for world peace, rather than purposely engineering and provoking wars, should be what we should be about.





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