Tulsi Gabbard testifies on weaponization of the fed gov

Putin started a war in Ukraine. These losers want to blame it on the US just like Putin.
False. The US secret intelligence agencies have been funding neo-Nazis in Ukraine since the end of WWII. They have engineered this war. Every intelligent person knows this.
We are in a proxy war, this is not disputed among intelligent, educated people.

"A proxy war is an armed conflict between two states or non-state actors, one or both of which act at the instigation or on behalf of other parties that are not directly involved in the hostilities.[1] In order for a conflict to be considered a proxy war, there must be a direct, long-term relationship between external actors and the belligerents involved.[2] The aforementioned relationship usually takes the form of funding, military training, arms, or other forms of material assistance which assist a belligerent party in sustaining its war effort.[2]. . . "

Desiring to not be involved in a conflict, and desiring peace, not taking sides? Does not make one a supporter of Putin, or, "a treasonous traitor."

What it does make one, is completely educated as to what the founders of this nation, wished us to be, a beacon of light to not be fair and impartial to all the problems of the world.





We are giving Ukraine the power to defend itself against invading Russians. Do you want to know why we won our independence? Because France helped us. At Saratoga, the French fleet prevented the British from either evacuating or re-supplying their troops by sea. Thomas Jefferson fought the Barbary Coast pirates.
You started it.
Ok prove to me you know about the war

1) How much does Ukraine owe Russia after the collapse of the USSR
2) what are the color revolutions of 2004 and 2014
3) Who is Victoria Nuland
4) Name ANY cause for this conflict just 1
She has supported right wing causes sincer she lost in 2016. Talk about sore losers. She is a big supporter of Putin's war in Ukraine.
Rightwingers are banning The Roberto Clemente Story because it states that Clemente faced racism in the US. That is a fact. The right wants to brainwash young people.
Tulsi Gabbard is a right wing loon. She has no principles whatsoever.

You going to prove any of your accusations with links to credible sources with definitive evidence? I mean all you do is bombard threads with closed ended and short comments based on absolutely nothing at all.

I am too busy fighting you right wing Nazis in the US.

Yes fighting, you're not discussing anything, sharing any real insight or intelligence or savvy. You just toss our blanket statements that don't mean anything at all and calling people names like Nazis. You confuse discussion with arguing.

It's no wonder your post vs reaction score is what it is. No one takes you seriously because you're just an instigator.
We are giving Ukraine the power to defend itself against invading Russians. Do you want to know why we won our independence? Because France helped us. At Saratoga, the French fleet prevented the British from either evacuating or re-supplying their troops by sea. Thomas Jefferson fought the Barbary Coast pirates.
Thomas Jefferson or France has shit to do with Ukraine and Russia

You fail
Money is a lot more powerful than the freedom of speech. If she wants to control the US, she should find the big ATM machines( e.g. the Murdoch family or Soros ). No money, no great power! Lol. :)
And I suppose your opinion is more informed than Tulsi's? Do tell when you were a Lt. Col, served in the house and sat on the foreign affairs and armed forces committees
That’s ALL it is. Opinion
Kinda makes her a grifter then who stands for not much of anything

Probably why you like her so much

That is not really fair.
While I am far left, liberal, progressive, I would for anyone against war over someone wanting to deliberately start an illegal war against innocents.
Which both democrats and republicans have consistently done.
Like LBJ in Vietnam, both Bush and Hillary in Iraq, Biden in the Ukraine, etc.

Both parties are awful, and the distinctions are mostly fake.
For example, we could easily have had public health care if either party wanted it.
The reality is ACA is awful, mandatory private insurance, preventing individuals any say in quality or costs.
Worse possible choice.

Tulsi Gabbard is about the most intelligent and honest candidate we have ever had.
Yeah, she's kind of got a mixed record. Her father was a Republican State Senator in Hawaii, but I think he eventually switched parties and she's supported some far left positions like universal health care.

That is not a "mixed" record, but a good record.
It is hardline democrats and republicans who suck.

Most are totally unacceptable.
Like anyone supporting the illegal wars in Iraq, Afghanistan, or the Ukraine.
That is not really fair.
While I am far left, liberal, progressive, I would for anyone against war over someone wanting to deliberately start an illegal war against innocents.
Which both democrats and republicans have consistently done.
Like LBJ in Vietnam, both Bush and Hillary in Iraq, Biden in the Ukraine, etc.

Both parties are awful, and the distinctions are mostly fake.
For example, we could easily have had public health care if either party wanted it.
The reality is ACA is awful, mandatory private insurance, preventing individuals any say in quality or costs.
Worse possible choice.

Tulsi Gabbard is about the most intelligent and honest candidate we have ever had.
She also works for your boss, which is why you admire her
There are a lot of similarities between the New Right and the long-haired pinkos of the 60s, 70s, and 80s.

Their hatred of "The Establishment", the police, and the FBI, and their love of Russia being two examples.

Their constant Blame America First rhetoric being a third.

The police should not exist legally.
They are not in the law but think they are above it.
They are the biggest threat any democratic republic always ever faces, the police state of an autocracy.

That should be obvious from the way J. Edgar Hoover tried to frame or assassinate real heros, like MLK Jr.

If you don't like Russia, then you are just ignorant.
The US replaced Spain as the big 3 colonial imperialists in the world, along with France and England.
And we constantly try to install puppet dictators.
Like Chang Kai Shek in China, Syngman Rhee in Korea, Diem in Vietnam, Samosa in Nicaragua, Batista in Cuba, etc.
The fact Russia was the only force in the entire world that worked for principles instead of greed, proves that Russia is likely the only means of ever making a free world.
Without Russia, all these countries would still be puppet dictatorships.

Anyone who does not "Blame America First" is just really ignorant.
We have about half the troops in the whole world, even though the only time we were ever actually attacked was 1812.
If someone is foolish enough to ask about Pearl Harbor, they need to look up how we abused Japan and force that war, and Hawaii has no business being occupied by the US anyway.
It was just a base for our colonial imperialism in the Pacific, a place we should not even be.
She's a mindless socialist drone.

Anyone who is NOT a socialist is a greedy, war mongering, monopolistic, evil, cheater.
Socialism is the inherent nature of all primates, and especially humans.
Name any primitive human tribe that is not socialist inherently?
That’s ALL it is. Opinion

All WE have is "opinion", but clearly Tulsi has real world experience we are only guessing at.

But there is something wrong.
We should all know that things like claiming Iraq had WMD was a lie, that Shock and Awe was illegal, that imposing economic sanctions on Russia over the Ukraine is illegal, etc.
All WE have is "opinion", but clearly Tulsi has real world experience we are only guessing at.

But there is something wrong.
We should all know that things like claiming Iraq had WMD was a lie, that Shock and Awe was illegal, that imposing economic sanctions on Russia over the Ukraine is illegal, etc.
Tulsi’s bought and paid for OPINION aside

None of that shit has anything to do with anything
We are giving Ukraine the power to defend itself against invading Russians. Do you want to know why we won our independence? Because France helped us. At Saratoga, the French fleet prevented the British from either evacuating or re-supplying their troops by sea. Thomas Jefferson fought the Barbary Coast pirates.


The city of Kyiv used to be the capital of Russia.
The reason the Ukraine is half ethnic Polish instead of being 100% ethnic Russian, is the invasion by the evil Polish empire, around 1600.
They were racist fascist, ancestors of people like Vlad the Impaler, who hated the nomadic people of the steppes who migrated in, like the Mongols, Tatars, Cossacks, Turks, etc.
These ethnic Polish remnants of the invaders, are the ultimate in racist fascism, sided with Hitler in WWII, and ran Hitler's death camps for him.
The Crimea, Donetsk, Luhansk, etc., were NEVER ethnic Polish, and were not part of the Ukraine until 1955, when Khrushchev the Ukrainian, illegally gave these Russian provinces to the Ukraine.
The Ukraine should never have ruled these ethnic Russian states, and the government in Kyiv badly abused them, as they abuse anyone who is not ethnic Polish.
But it did not become a problem for Russia until the US orchestrated a takeover in 2014, where the military took over, and murdered, arrested, or exiled friendly with Russia.
The US got Kyiv to then steal oil/gas from Russian pipelines, murder over 30k ethnic Russians, violate treaties by trying to join NATO, and essentially declared war by cutting off all negotiations with Moscow.
Which leaves Russia no choice.
It can not survive if the Ukraine is allowed to join NATO and put a first strike missile force on Russia's border.

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