Tulsi Gabbard Votes 'Present' on Trump Impeachment, Slams 'Purely Partisan Process'

Just like Obama in Campaign 2008, Sanders is writing checks the American taxpayer cannot cash.
Yes an opposing view, particularly an anti-war position, is unwelcome in the big government political party controlled by billionaires.
Wow. Your ignorance of Bernie and Warren's anti-war positions is astounding. Simply astounding.

Bernie and Warren have been moaning about "endless wars" for a long time. Trump actually stole their material, the same way he steals all his material from others.

Bernie has. I'm not so sure about Warren.
Foreign Policy | Elizabeth Warren

The very first sentence: From endless wars that strain military families to trade policies that crush our middle class, Washington’s foreign policy today serves the wealthy and well-connected at the expense of everyone else.

Trump sounds just like Warren:

Well, Trump is lying.

Trump is a cut-and-run Democrat from way back. During the Iraq War, he cried for us to cut-and-run and to impeach Bush for lying about WMDs.

He is still channeling his inner far left limousine liberal.

He is so successful at scamming the rubes, he got the cucks to shut up about WMDs in Iraq and start trashing Bush.

Odd then that he isn't cutting and running. I would like him at least a little if he did.
Just to be clear, I have no intention of voting for any major party candidate next year. Whoever wins will continue to run deficits, though Trump would probably run bigger ones than Biden, but Warren and Sanders would run the biggest of all.

Sanders always explains how his programs would be paid for. If you want to argue that taxes will go up, fine argue that but he always had funding attached to his programs.
Bernie Sanders' budget would add $21 trillion to debt: Analysis

Analysists said Hillary would win also.

Non sequitur.
He pays for every item he promotes.
Trump promised to pay off the debt in 8 years. Instead, he has doubled the deficit and added over $3 trillion so far. He lied, and he knew he was lying when he said it. It says a lot about what he thinks of the rube herd when he baldly lies to them.

I look at the historical record of promises compared to deeds, and every arrow points to Sanders running up massive debt.

Yes Trump lied. You can rightly condemn Bernie if he did the same. I can't come up with him lying about anything in the past.
Wow. Your ignorance of Bernie and Warren's anti-war positions is astounding. Simply astounding.

Bernie and Warren have been moaning about "endless wars" for a long time. Trump actually stole their material, the same way he steals all his material from others.

Bernie has. I'm not so sure about Warren.
Foreign Policy | Elizabeth Warren

The very first sentence: From endless wars that strain military families to trade policies that crush our middle class, Washington’s foreign policy today serves the wealthy and well-connected at the expense of everyone else.

Trump sounds just like Warren:

Well, Trump is lying.

Trump is a cut-and-run Democrat from way back. During the Iraq War, he cried for us to cut-and-run and to impeach Bush for lying about WMDs.

He is still channeling his inner far left limousine liberal.

He is so successful at scamming the rubes, he got the cucks to shut up about WMDs in Iraq and start trashing Bush.

Odd then that he isn't cutting and running. I would like him at least a little if he did.

He's been cutting and running from Syria and surrendering it to Putin.
Just to be clear, I have no intention of voting for any major party candidate next year. Whoever wins will continue to run deficits, though Trump would probably run bigger ones than Biden, but Warren and Sanders would run the biggest of all.

Sanders always explains how his programs would be paid for. If you want to argue that taxes will go up, fine argue that but he always had funding attached to his programs.
Bernie Sanders' budget would add $21 trillion to debt: Analysis

Analysists said Hillary would win also.

Non sequitur.
He pays for every item he promotes.
Trump promised to pay off the debt in 8 years. Instead, he has doubled the deficit and added over $3 trillion so far. He lied, and he knew he was lying when he said it. It says a lot about what he thinks of the rube herd when he baldly lies to them.

I look at the historical record of promises compared to deeds, and every arrow points to Sanders running up massive debt.

Yes Trump lied. You can rightly condemn Bernie if he did the same. I can't come up with him lying about anything in the past.
All False statements involving Bernie Sanders | PolitiFact Vermont
She is positioning herself for a third party run.

Either Trump did it or not. I guess she can't figure it out.
Just like Obama in Campaign 2008, Sanders is writing checks the American taxpayer cannot cash.
The deficit went down under Obama so maybe we could cash those checks. The ACA was completely funded.

Trump ids skyrocketing the deficit.
Bernie has. I'm not so sure about Warren.
Foreign Policy | Elizabeth Warren

The very first sentence: From endless wars that strain military families to trade policies that crush our middle class, Washington’s foreign policy today serves the wealthy and well-connected at the expense of everyone else.

Trump sounds just like Warren:

Well, Trump is lying.

Trump is a cut-and-run Democrat from way back. During the Iraq War, he cried for us to cut-and-run and to impeach Bush for lying about WMDs.

He is still channeling his inner far left limousine liberal.

He is so successful at scamming the rubes, he got the cucks to shut up about WMDs in Iraq and start trashing Bush.

Odd then that he isn't cutting and running. I would like him at least a little if he did.

He's been cutting and running from Syria and surrendering it to Putin.

You haven't been paying attention. That was another lie.

Donald Trump approves mission to return US troops to Syria to 'secure oil'
Foreign Policy | Elizabeth Warren

The very first sentence: From endless wars that strain military families to trade policies that crush our middle class, Washington’s foreign policy today serves the wealthy and well-connected at the expense of everyone else.

Trump sounds just like Warren:

Well, Trump is lying.

Trump is a cut-and-run Democrat from way back. During the Iraq War, he cried for us to cut-and-run and to impeach Bush for lying about WMDs.

He is still channeling his inner far left limousine liberal.

He is so successful at scamming the rubes, he got the cucks to shut up about WMDs in Iraq and start trashing Bush.

Odd then that he isn't cutting and running. I would like him at least a little if he did.

He's been cutting and running from Syria and surrendering it to Putin.

You haven't been paying attention. That was another lie.

Donald Trump approves mission to return US troops to Syria to 'secure oil'

Russia lands forces at former U.S. air base in northern Syria
Just like Obama in Campaign 2008, Sanders is writing checks the American taxpayer cannot cash.
The deficit went down under Obama so maybe we could cash those checks. The ACA was completely funded.

Trump ids skyrocketing the deficit.
I have sometimes joked that it is a good thing the economy was falling off a cliff when Obama took office. It prevented him from doing all the spending he had promised.
When she steps out of the race Trump should bring her into the white house...maybe as an adviser...that would drive the loony dems absolutely nuts.....
No way. She is still an anti-Trumper and gives a pass to the Hussein and his warmongering.
She’s a Democrat and deserves to be burned at the stake by her fellow Dems.

Pull your skirt down. Your ignorance is showing.

Hero Congresswoman Exposes Truth on CNN After Secret Visit to Syria, 'There Are No Moderate Rebels'

At the Dem debates she criticized the Bush, Clinton and Trump administrations for having reckless foreign policy, with no criticism of the Hussein. How many wars has President Trump started again? None. She’ll still pander to Dems when push comes to shove.
Yes an opposing view, particularly an anti-war position, is unwelcome in the big government political party controlled by billionaires.
Wow. Your ignorance of Bernie and Warren's anti-war positions is astounding. Simply astounding.

Bernie and Warren have been moaning about "endless wars" for a long time. Trump actually stole their material, the same way he steals all his material from others.

Bernie has. I'm not so sure about Warren.
Foreign Policy | Elizabeth Warren

The very first sentence: From endless wars that strain military families to trade policies that crush our middle class, Washington’s foreign policy today serves the wealthy and well-connected at the expense of everyone else.

Trump sounds just like Warren:

Well, Trump is lying.

Trump is a cut-and-run Democrat from way back. During the Iraq War, he cried for us to cut-and-run and to impeach Bush for lying about WMDs.

He is still channeling his inner far left limousine liberal.

He is so successful at scamming the rubes, he got the cucks to shut up about WMDs in Iraq and start trashing Bush.

We never should have been in Iraq. We should have gotten out and put W in prison for life.
Rep. Tulsi Gabbard (D–Hawaii), a candidate for the Democratic presidential nomination, voted "present" on the two articles of impeachment against President Trump on Wednesday. This made her virtually the only the Democrat to effectively vote against sending the president's removal to the Senate.

"I come before you to make a stand for the center," said Gabbard in a statement.

Continued - Tulsi Gabbard Votes 'Present' on Trump Impeachment, Slams 'Purely Partisan Process'

Anyway. Nice to see independent thought versus just towing party lines and acting on emotion alone.

Could be a thread about this already, but I didn't see one. Apologies in advance if that's the case. I dislike a cluttered board as much as the next feller.

Seems like a cowardly move to me. She is being paid to take a stand, not sit on the sidelines and watch. The people of the state that elected her were not heard. No reason to think she could speak for the people and best interests of the United States of America. She's probably out at the end of her term.
she took a stand. not taking a stand is saying YES to something you don't believe in.

Taking a stand would have been voting YES or NO

Voting "present" is by definition NOT "taking a stand".

Obama voted "present" quite a bit.

Obama’s Vote in Illinois Was Often Just ‘Present’
He shouldn't have
Well, Trump is lying.
Trump is a cut-and-run Democrat from way back. During the Iraq War, he cried for us to cut-and-run and to impeach Bush for lying about WMDs.

He is still channeling his inner far left limousine liberal.

He is so successful at scamming the rubes, he got the cucks to shut up about WMDs in Iraq and start trashing Bush.

Odd then that he isn't cutting and running. I would like him at least a little if he did.
He's been cutting and running from Syria and surrendering it to Putin.

You haven't been paying attention. That was another lie.

Donald Trump approves mission to return US troops to Syria to 'secure oil'
Russia lands forces at former U.S. air base in northern Syria

Good. Now if Trump would only live up to his word to remove our soldiers I'll give him credit.
When she steps out of the race Trump should bring her into the white house...maybe as an adviser...that would drive the loony dems absolutely nuts.....
No way. She is still an anti-Trumper and gives a pass to the Hussein and his warmongering.
She’s a Democrat and deserves to be burned at the stake by her fellow Dems.

Pull your skirt down. Your ignorance is showing.

Hero Congresswoman Exposes Truth on CNN After Secret Visit to Syria, 'There Are No Moderate Rebels'

At the Dem debates she criticized the Bush, Clinton and Trump administrations for having reckless foreign policy, with no criticism of the Hussein. How many wars has President Trump started again? None. She’ll still pander to Dems when push comes to shove.

I have no idea what she said in the debates or context. I didn't watch them.
Voting NO would have been taking a stand. She pussed out.

The impeachment vote was a charade. We don't elect representatives to participate in useless charades.

As far as taking a stand, Gabbard voted NAY on the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2020 the other day. Which is more than anyone can say for pretty much every other Democrat and Republican looking to put us in shackles.


It still passed 377-48, pretty much all Democrats joined pretty much all Republicans and the duopoly voted Yea, regardless of the fact that there were no reforms to protect the rights of the electorate, particularly after the IG's findings with regard to the FISA abuse, but Gabbard joined Massie, Amash and others and took a stand and made the correct constitutional vote on a matter where it actually matters for something while the rest of the clowns were focused on Romper Room antics. Do you think they read it? Hell no, they didn't. But they voted YEA.

People need to get their priorities straight, it's bad enough not paying attention and selling your own liberties and prosperity out but now you're selling the next generation out with this Micky Mouse impeachment bullshit while way, way, way more important things are being done in a bipartisan manner by the duopoly right under your noses.

She's one of the very few who do take a stand. Only problem is much of the electorate is too lazy to go look at what goings-on actually need people to take a stand. All people really seem to wanna do is talk about what their television tells em is important. It's pathetic.
Cop Out. She could have spent time better at hair dresser, but I'm not from Hawaii.
She’s a wolf. She is trying to straddle the fence when it benefits her agenda.
She didn’t vote yes or no

she's a fucking conniving snake. A SNAAAAAAAAAAAKE!
When she steps out of the race Trump should bring her into the white house...maybe as an adviser...that would drive the loony dems absolutely nuts.....
No way. She is still an anti-Trumper and gives a pass to the Hussein and his warmongering.
She’s a Democrat and deserves to be burned at the stake by her fellow Dems.

Pull your skirt down. Your ignorance is showing.

Hero Congresswoman Exposes Truth on CNN After Secret Visit to Syria, 'There Are No Moderate Rebels'

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