Tulsi Gabbard Votes 'Present' on Trump Impeachment, Slams 'Purely Partisan Process'

Wow. Your ignorance of Bernie and Warren's anti-war positions is astounding. Simply astounding.

Bernie and Warren have been moaning about "endless wars" for a long time. Trump actually stole their material, the same way he steals all his material from others.

Bernie has. I'm not so sure about Warren.
Foreign Policy | Elizabeth Warren

The very first sentence: From endless wars that strain military families to trade policies that crush our middle class, Washington’s foreign policy today serves the wealthy and well-connected at the expense of everyone else.

Trump sounds just like Warren:

Well, Trump is lying.

Trump is a cut-and-run Democrat from way back. During the Iraq War, he cried for us to cut-and-run and to impeach Bush for lying about WMDs.

He is still channeling his inner far left limousine liberal.

He is so successful at scamming the rubes, he got the cucks to shut up about WMDs in Iraq and start trashing Bush.

We never should have been in Iraq. We should have gotten out and put W in prison for life.

What would you and/or the Progs have done after 9/11? Would President Gore do something different? What I do know we are near 3 decades of involvement now. Since Bush the first.
Bernie has. I'm not so sure about Warren.
Foreign Policy | Elizabeth Warren

The very first sentence: From endless wars that strain military families to trade policies that crush our middle class, Washington’s foreign policy today serves the wealthy and well-connected at the expense of everyone else.

Trump sounds just like Warren:

Well, Trump is lying.

Trump is a cut-and-run Democrat from way back. During the Iraq War, he cried for us to cut-and-run and to impeach Bush for lying about WMDs.

He is still channeling his inner far left limousine liberal.

He is so successful at scamming the rubes, he got the cucks to shut up about WMDs in Iraq and start trashing Bush.

We never should have been in Iraq. We should have gotten out and put W in prison for life.

What would you and/or the Progs have done after 9/11? Would President Gore do something different? What I do know we are near 3 decades of involvement now. Since Bush the first.

We would have had to have went after OBL. Oddly we let him run off to Pakistan and ignored him for awhile.

After dealing with OBL I would have taken the lessen of 9-11 to heart and start the country down the path of minding its own business.
Bernie has. I'm not so sure about Warren.
Foreign Policy | Elizabeth Warren

The very first sentence: From endless wars that strain military families to trade policies that crush our middle class, Washington’s foreign policy today serves the wealthy and well-connected at the expense of everyone else.

Trump sounds just like Warren:

Well, Trump is lying.

Trump is a cut-and-run Democrat from way back. During the Iraq War, he cried for us to cut-and-run and to impeach Bush for lying about WMDs.

He is still channeling his inner far left limousine liberal.

He is so successful at scamming the rubes, he got the cucks to shut up about WMDs in Iraq and start trashing Bush.

We never should have been in Iraq. We should have gotten out and put W in prison for life.

What would you and/or the Progs have done after 9/11? Would President Gore do something different? What I do know we are near 3 decades of involvement now. Since Bush the first.

LOL. Now I’m a prog. That’s a first.

I regrettably voted for the war criminal W twice. God what a mistake, but than it likely wouldn’t have matter much. Gore and Kerry sucked too.
Rep. Tulsi Gabbard (D–Hawaii), a candidate for the Democratic presidential nomination, voted "present" on the two articles of impeachment against President Trump on Wednesday. This made her virtually the only the Democrat to effectively vote against sending the president's removal to the Senate.

"I come before you to make a stand for the center," said Gabbard in a statement.

Continued - Tulsi Gabbard Votes 'Present' on Trump Impeachment, Slams 'Purely Partisan Process'

Anyway. Nice to see independent thought versus just towing party lines and acting on emotion alone.

Could be a thread about this already, but I didn't see one. Apologies in advance if that's the case. I dislike a cluttered board as much as the next feller.

Seems like a cowardly move to me. She is being paid to take a stand, not sit on the sidelines and watch. The people of the state that elected her were not heard. No reason to think she could speak for the people and best interests of the United States of America. She's probably out at the end of her term.
she took a stand. not taking a stand is saying YES to something you don't believe in.

Taking a stand would have been voting YES or NO

Voting "present" is by definition NOT "taking a stand".
I think it still sends a message that needs to be sent.

What message is that? That Tulsi Gabbard is a spineless politician that wants differentiation while at the same time not wanting to risk upsetting "the base" because she's running for Crime Family-D's nomination for President?
She was stating she doesn’t want any part of the whole charade.

I am fine with her doing that.

She was in a medical the front lines of Obama’s illegal wars the CIA lied us into, so she doesn’t support this CIA impeachment. The whistleblower is CIA.
Rep. Tulsi Gabbard (D–Hawaii), a candidate for the Democratic presidential nomination, voted "present" on the two articles of impeachment against President Trump on Wednesday. This made her virtually the only the Democrat to effectively vote against sending the president's removal to the Senate.

"I come before you to make a stand for the center," said Gabbard in a statement.

Continued - Tulsi Gabbard Votes 'Present' on Trump Impeachment, Slams 'Purely Partisan Process'

Anyway. Nice to see independent thought versus just towing party lines and acting on emotion alone.

Could be a thread about this already, but I didn't see one. Apologies in advance if that's the case. I dislike a cluttered board as much as the next feller.

Seems like a cowardly move to me. She is being paid to take a stand, not sit on the sidelines and watch. The people of the state that elected her were not heard. No reason to think she could speak for the people and best interests of the United States of America. She's probably out at the end of her term.
she took a stand. not taking a stand is saying YES to something you don't believe in.

Taking a stand would have been voting YES or NO

Voting "present" is by definition NOT "taking a stand".
I think it still sends a message that needs to be sent.

What message is that? That Tulsi Gabbard is a spineless politician that wants differentiation while at the same time not wanting to risk upsetting "the base" because she's running for Crime Family-D's nomination for President?
I suppose you could take it that way. But to me spineless is better reserved for all that just voted to impeach to go along party lines. To me this is her saying FUCK YOU to the entire process. I like that. Just don't play the stupid game.
Seems like a cowardly move to me. She is being paid to take a stand, not sit on the sidelines and watch. The people of the state that elected her were not heard. No reason to think she could speak for the people and best interests of the United States of America. She's probably out at the end of her term.
she took a stand. not taking a stand is saying YES to something you don't believe in.

Taking a stand would have been voting YES or NO

Voting "present" is by definition NOT "taking a stand".
I think it still sends a message that needs to be sent.

What message is that? That Tulsi Gabbard is a spineless politician that wants differentiation while at the same time not wanting to risk upsetting "the base" because she's running for Crime Family-D's nomination for President?
I suppose you could take it that way. But to me spineless is better reserved for all that just voted to impeach to go along party lines. To me this is her saying FUCK YOU to the entire process. I like that. Just don't play the stupid game.

Those that voted to "impeach to go along party lines" at least when on the record with an answer to the question that was posed.

Gabbard on the other hand, ducked the question, I really don't understand how can interpret that as her saying "FUCK YOU to the entire process", if she wanted to send that message then the appropriate course of action would have been to resign her seat because "the process" is what she signed up for and what her constituents send her to Washington to participate in.

Newsflash for Tulsi, being a Congress Critter means sometimes having to provide yes or no answers to tough questions that you don't particularly like and that the voters will later hold you accountable for.
she took a stand. not taking a stand is saying YES to something you don't believe in.

Taking a stand would have been voting YES or NO

Voting "present" is by definition NOT "taking a stand".
I think it still sends a message that needs to be sent.

What message is that? That Tulsi Gabbard is a spineless politician that wants differentiation while at the same time not wanting to risk upsetting "the base" because she's running for Crime Family-D's nomination for President?
I suppose you could take it that way. But to me spineless is better reserved for all that just voted to impeach to go along party lines. To me this is her saying FUCK YOU to the entire process. I like that. Just don't play the stupid game.

Those that voted to "impeach to go along party lines" at least when on the record with an answer to the question that was posed.

Gabbard on the other hand, ducked the question, I really don't understand how can interpret that as her saying "FUCK YOU to the entire process", if she wanted to send that message then the appropriate course of action would have been to resign her seat because "the process" is what she signed up for and what her constituents send her to Washington to participate in.

Newsflash for Tulsi, being a Congress Critter means sometimes having to provide yes or no answers to tough questions that you don't particularly like and that the voters will later hold you accountable for.
I understand your thoughts here. Just don't agree. But I also see not voting in an election by choice to be a valid way to say they both suck too.
Taking a stand would have been voting YES or NO

Voting "present" is by definition NOT "taking a stand".
I think it still sends a message that needs to be sent.

What message is that? That Tulsi Gabbard is a spineless politician that wants differentiation while at the same time not wanting to risk upsetting "the base" because she's running for Crime Family-D's nomination for President?
I suppose you could take it that way. But to me spineless is better reserved for all that just voted to impeach to go along party lines. To me this is her saying FUCK YOU to the entire process. I like that. Just don't play the stupid game.

Those that voted to "impeach to go along party lines" at least when on the record with an answer to the question that was posed.

Gabbard on the other hand, ducked the question, I really don't understand how can interpret that as her saying "FUCK YOU to the entire process", if she wanted to send that message then the appropriate course of action would have been to resign her seat because "the process" is what she signed up for and what her constituents send her to Washington to participate in.

Newsflash for Tulsi, being a Congress Critter means sometimes having to provide yes or no answers to tough questions that you don't particularly like and that the voters will later hold you accountable for.
I understand your thoughts here. Just don't agree.
That's fine, we can agree to disagree.

But I also see not voting in an election by choice to be a valid way to say they both suck too.
But... she VOTED.

Secondly a voter choosing not to participate in our sham of an electoral process in order to send a message regarding the quality of the candidates/questions on the ballot isn't the same as a Congress Critter whose job it is participate in the legislative process deciding to punt when the questions become inconvenient for her ambitions toward higher office.
Seems like a cowardly move to me. She is being paid to take a stand, not sit on the sidelines and watch. The people of the state that elected her were not heard. No reason to think she could speak for the people and best interests of the United States of America. She's probably out at the end of her term.
she took a stand. not taking a stand is saying YES to something you don't believe in.

Taking a stand would have been voting YES or NO

Voting "present" is by definition NOT "taking a stand".
I think it still sends a message that needs to be sent.

What message is that? That Tulsi Gabbard is a spineless politician that wants differentiation while at the same time not wanting to risk upsetting "the base" because she's running for Crime Family-D's nomination for President?
I suppose you could take it that way. But to me spineless is better reserved for all that just voted to impeach to go along party lines. To me this is her saying FUCK YOU to the entire process. I like that. Just don't play the stupid game.
I would agree if she had had stood to the microphone and plainly, loudly saying "F#UCK, BOTH PARTIES" ,but no. Voting "present" on a 3rd time, historic vote in the history of The United States of America, was just plain stupid and a failure to stand up and take a stand for her constituents. Most people would think better of her if she had not shown up, claiming car trouble or alarm clock failed.
Rep. Tulsi Gabbard (D–Hawaii), a candidate for the Democratic presidential nomination, voted "present" on the two articles of impeachment against President Trump on Wednesday. This made her virtually the only the Democrat to effectively vote against sending the president's removal to the Senate.

"I come before you to make a stand for the center," said Gabbard in a statement.

Continued - Tulsi Gabbard Votes 'Present' on Trump Impeachment, Slams 'Purely Partisan Process'

Anyway. Nice to see independent thought versus just towing party lines and acting on emotion alone.

Could be a thread about this already, but I didn't see one. Apologies in advance if that's the case. I dislike a cluttered board as much as the next feller.
She’s being funded by Russia idiots
Rep. Tulsi Gabbard (D–Hawaii), a candidate for the Democratic presidential nomination, voted "present" on the two articles of impeachment against President Trump on Wednesday. This made her virtually the only the Democrat to effectively vote against sending the president's removal to the Senate.

"I come before you to make a stand for the center," said Gabbard in a statement.

Continued - Tulsi Gabbard Votes 'Present' on Trump Impeachment, Slams 'Purely Partisan Process'

Anyway. Nice to see independent thought versus just towing party lines and acting on emotion alone.

Could be a thread about this already, but I didn't see one. Apologies in advance if that's the case. I dislike a cluttered board as much as the next feller.
She’s being funded by Russia idiots
She’s being funded by Russia idiots

Oh, hi, jillian. How you doin. I haven't seen you around here in a dog's age.

But no, that's not it. Huh uh.

I'll tell ya, though, the establishment parties are leaving themselves wide open to get hit from both sides. And they will be. In time. It's the darndest thing. Ya know, I always complain about people not really paying attention to what's actually going on in government, hedonic adaptation and whatnot, even to profound truths, so many these days are neophiliacs, but there's the other side of me that giggles in anticipation about capitalizing on these shortcomings. What can I say? I'm a dick. If it's of any consolation, I don't care so much about getting elected. Huh uh. It's about changing the course of history, jillian. That's how winning is done. As I mentioned elsewhere, its a process of continuing growth. Takes time.

Anyway. Hey, I hope you have a very merry Christmas, if I don't see ya around the board. I just love this time of year. Ahhhhh ring-a-ling...uuuuh ding-a-ling....do do do do...dee dee deeeee.
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