Tulsi Gabbard Votes 'Present' on Trump Impeachment, Slams 'Purely Partisan Process'

Gabbard is a gutless political POS

And you. You're clueless. I wouldn't give a bucket of piss for your opinion with regard to actual topics that truly affect the peace, prosperity and liberties of the electorate. Turn your tv off once in a while and pay attention to what's actually going on for a change of pace. Every time you post it's like we're reading a rerun of Watters World or something. It's about as deep as a mud puddle. As a matter of fact, I've never known you to post a darned thing that solicited any kind of discussion beyond the depth of the letters D and R.
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First of all, we aren’t talking about how anyone voted on other bills were talking about the impeachment vote in this thread, no? Isn’t that what this thread is about? How tulsi voted on impeachment?

Second of all, what specifically in this year’s NDAA do you not like? I know in years past they’ve slipped some very draconian riders into it but what is your issue with this one specifically?

When you start making general statements about having balls, then I think it's fair to expand on it. Which I did.

Now, then. To answer your question. They had 19 hours to read 3500 pages before voting on it. $738 billion. We're broke. We're $23 trillion in debt. Where's that money gonna come from? Are we gonna print it? Again, almost all Democrats and Republicans voted Yea. Do you think they read it, much less grasped what they were voting on? I say no. Prove me wrong.

They stripped from the bill any requirement for congressional approval that wuld stop the President from just arbitrarily committing cambat troops overseas. This is a direct violation of the constitution. Now we effectively have a king calling troops any place he wants in the world for any reason he wants. That's just brilliant. Separation of powers is out the window. Prove me wrong.

Not only can our new kind wage aritrary war any place on Earth that he wants wthout congressional approval, now he can do it in space, thanks to the newly created and funded, of course, Chief of Space Operations as well as the newly created, and funded, of course,
Assistant Secretary of the Air Force for Space Acquisition and Integration.

Let's talk about indefinite detention. No revision whatsoever, regardless of the IG's findings i nthe FISA abuses. None. Habeas corpus? Still void. Sixth Amednment? Voided at the the luxury of whomever sits in the office. The NDAA also places the military at the disposal of the President to apprehend, arrest and detention of anyone inside our border. Place that into perspective with what Barr just told the intelligence agencies about rounding up people who could be seen as anti-government and placing them into state run reeducation, as well as Trump's new 'surge' policy. I'll find that for you if you need me to do that. So, Posse Comitatus Act of 1878? Out the window.

Actually, here, it's short - Weekly Update --- Sentence First, Crime Later

Moving on. Authorization for unconstitutional surveillance of American citizens.No reforms. No protections. $th Amendment? Out the window. Still.

And I'm still not done reading it.
Some of that stuff is concerning, no doubt. But it could also be used to arrest and try deep state scum. It’s not something I personally worry about though. Nobody is rounding me or my family up for jack fucking shit without losing some of their men because I’m locked and loaded for just that exact reason.
Natural citizen, you do realize that before we can ever fix the monetary system we’re currently stuck with, that it needs to implode first right? We’re never going to get rid of the Fed on the merits of simply ending it out of dislike for it. For congress to finally do something about it we need to make it implode first. The sooner we implode it the better, so that we can move on to replacing it with what the constitution dictates. What better way to implode it than to literally spend every bit of the fake money as you can before it implodes? The system is done. It’s clear. The world is going into negative interest rates bevsuse the fiat system has no gas left in the tank. The collapse is coming in the very foreseeable future and if I’m the president I’m going to max out the credit card as much as possible and spend it on AMERICA before we transition into the new monetary system.

I’m sure that sounds preposterous to you but I don’t care. It’s abundantly clear the Fed isn’t going to be replaced until the whole country sees how bankrupt the system is.
Don’t forget.. worthless FRN’s still purchase real assets. The more of it we spend on ourselves before it collapses the better off we’ll be to transition into a new system. It’s like saying at the individual level, let’s spend a bunch of our fiat dollars now on things like gold and real estate and food so that when the collapse comes we still have valuable assets. We can literally do the same at the national level by spending the money to beef up our defenses and rebuild our infrastructure. You don’t see the same things I do, but what I see trump doing right now makes complete sense.
Natural citizen, you do realize that before we can ever fix the monetary system we’re currently stuck with, that it needs to implode first right? We’re never going to get rid of the Fed on the merits of simply ending it out of dislike for it. For congress to finally do something about it we need to make it implode first. The sooner we implode it the better, so that we can move on to replacing it with what the constitution dictates. What better way to implode it than to literally spend every bit of the fake money as you can before it implodes? The system is done. It’s clear. The world is going into negative interest rates bevsuse the fiat system has no gas left in the tank. The collapse is coming in the very foreseeable future and if I’m the president I’m going to max out the credit card as much as possible and spend it on AMERICA before we transition into the new monetary system.

I’m sure that sounds preposterous to you but I don’t care. It’s abundantly clear the Fed isn’t going to be replaced until the whole country sees how bankrupt the system is.
I agree that the Fed needs to implode the entire economy, before the American people demand it be eliminated. However, I don’t think this is likely to end banker’s ruling. The bankers always survive. So, while the Fed may go away in a future economic collapse, the powers that be will merely replace it.
Natural citizen, you do realize that before we can ever fix the monetary system we’re currently stuck with, that it needs to implode first right? We’re never going to get rid of the Fed on the merits of simply ending it out of dislike for it. For congress to finally do something about it we need to make it implode first. The sooner we implode it the better, so that we can move on to replacing it with what the constitution dictates. What better way to implode it than to literally spend every bit of the fake money as you can before it implodes? The system is done. It’s clear. The world is going into negative interest rates bevsuse the fiat system has no gas left in the tank. The collapse is coming in the very foreseeable future and if I’m the president I’m going to max out the credit card as much as possible and spend it on AMERICA before we transition into the new monetary system.

I’m sure that sounds preposterous to you but I don’t care. It’s abundantly clear the Fed isn’t going to be replaced until the whole country sees how bankrupt the system is.

Yeah. We already had that chit chat down in the basement. I agree with you about all of that. Naturally the market will decide the future. Not the government. Not the Fed. All they control is the printing press. And they're proving they've lost the ability to control the cost of currency as we type here. QE4 has officially begun.

You know what it is? It's the Micky Mouse nonsense that drives the news of the day while both parties bend us over nice and good right under our noses and the fact that nobody really cares is what peeves me so much. I mean, theres a small demographic of refuseniks, but that's it.
Natural citizen, you do realize that before we can ever fix the monetary system we’re currently stuck with, that it needs to implode first right? We’re never going to get rid of the Fed on the merits of simply ending it out of dislike for it. For congress to finally do something about it we need to make it implode first. The sooner we implode it the better, so that we can move on to replacing it with what the constitution dictates. What better way to implode it than to literally spend every bit of the fake money as you can before it implodes? The system is done. It’s clear. The world is going into negative interest rates bevsuse the fiat system has no gas left in the tank. The collapse is coming in the very foreseeable future and if I’m the president I’m going to max out the credit card as much as possible and spend it on AMERICA before we transition into the new monetary system.

I’m sure that sounds preposterous to you but I don’t care. It’s abundantly clear the Fed isn’t going to be replaced until the whole country sees how bankrupt the system is.
I agree that the Fed needs to implode the entire economy, before the American people demand it be eliminated. However, I don’t think this is likely to end banker’s ruling. The bankers always survive. So, while the Fed may go away in a future economic collapse, the powers that be will merely replace it.
Only if we still use a private central bank. If we literally just make a national bank controlled only by the people like the constitution explicitly authorizes then we’ll be fine. They tried to kill Jackson for doing it and they actually killed Lincoln for trying.
I suspect a full court press to destroy Tulsi is in the works, by the MSM and the D Party. Hopefully it backfires.
There's no need for one of your histrionic crack pipe sooper sekrit conspiracies to bring down Tulsi Whatsherface.

The little commie wannabe is already down and out.
Yes an opposing view, particularly an anti-war position, is unwelcome in the big government political party controlled by billionaires.
Wow. Your ignorance of Bernie and Warren's anti-war positions is astounding. Simply astounding.

Bernie and Warren have been moaning about "endless wars" for a long time. Trump actually stole their material, the same way he steals all his material from others.

Bernie has. I'm not so sure about Warren.
I agree that the Fed needs to implode the entire economy, before the American people demand it be eliminated. However, I don’t think this is likely to end banker’s ruling. The bankers always survive. So, while the Fed may go away in a future economic collapse, the powers that be will merely replace it.

The BIS just openly said they're preparing for it. They're going after physical mediums of exchange first. That's another topic, though, I made a thread about that some place around here. It's probably buried.
Natural citizen, you do realize that before we can ever fix the monetary system we’re currently stuck with, that it needs to implode first right? We’re never going to get rid of the Fed on the merits of simply ending it out of dislike for it. For congress to finally do something about it we need to make it implode first. The sooner we implode it the better, so that we can move on to replacing it with what the constitution dictates. What better way to implode it than to literally spend every bit of the fake money as you can before it implodes? The system is done. It’s clear. The world is going into negative interest rates bevsuse the fiat system has no gas left in the tank. The collapse is coming in the very foreseeable future and if I’m the president I’m going to max out the credit card as much as possible and spend it on AMERICA before we transition into the new monetary system.

I’m sure that sounds preposterous to you but I don’t care. It’s abundantly clear the Fed isn’t going to be replaced until the whole country sees how bankrupt the system is.

Yeah. We already had that chit chat down in the basement. I agree with you about all of that. Naturally the market will decide the future. Not the government. Not the Fed. All they control is the printing press. And they're proving they've lost the ability to control the cost of currency as we type here. QE4 has officially begun.

You know what it is? It's the Micky Mouse nonsense that drives the news of the day while both parties bend us over nice and good right under our noses and the fact that nobody really cares is what peeves me so much. I mean, theres a small demographic of refuseniks, but that's it.
You need to think about this in terms of the collapse is already happening and that it’s inevitable. There’s no fixing it. We’re talking about hundreds of trillions of dollars in debt and debt instruments that have gone completely out of control. There’s no way to fix that. It needs to implode so the world can see that it doesn’t work and then and ONLY then can we get to business replacing it with what the founders intended. Just accept the inevitability of the collapse and enjoy the acquisition of real assets while the dollars are still worth something.

We’re going to be fine.
Just to be clear, I have no intention of voting for any major party candidate next year. Whoever wins will continue to run deficits, though Trump would probably run bigger ones than Biden, but Warren and Sanders would run the biggest of all.

Sanders always explains how his programs would be paid for. If you want to argue that taxes will go up, fine argue that but he always had funding attached to his programs.
I suspect a full court press to destroy Tulsi is in the works, by the MSM and the D Party. Hopefully it backfires.
There's no need for one of your histrionic crack pipe sooper sekrit conspiracies to bring down Tulsi Whatsherface.

The little commie wannabe is already down and out.
Yes an opposing view, particularly an anti-war position, is unwelcome in the big government political party controlled by billionaires.
Wow. Your ignorance of Bernie and Warren's anti-war positions is astounding. Simply astounding.

Bernie and Warren have been moaning about "endless wars" for a long time. Trump actually stole their material, the same way he steals all his material from others.

Bernie has. I'm not so sure about Warren.
Foreign Policy | Elizabeth Warren

The very first sentence: From endless wars that strain military families to trade policies that crush our middle class, Washington’s foreign policy today serves the wealthy and well-connected at the expense of everyone else.

Trump sounds just like Warren:

I suspect a full court press to destroy Tulsi is in the works, by the MSM and the D Party. Hopefully it backfires.
There's no need for one of your histrionic crack pipe sooper sekrit conspiracies to bring down Tulsi Whatsherface.

The little commie wannabe is already down and out.
Yes an opposing view, particularly an anti-war position, is unwelcome in the big government political party controlled by billionaires.
Wow. Your ignorance of Bernie and Warren's anti-war positions is astounding. Simply astounding.

Bernie and Warren have been moaning about "endless wars" for a long time. Trump actually stole their material, the same way he steals all his material from others.

Bernie has. I'm not so sure about Warren.
Foreign Policy | Elizabeth Warren

The very first sentence: From endless wars that strain military families to trade policies that crush our middle class, Washington’s foreign policy today serves the wealthy and well-connected at the expense of everyone else.

Trump sounds just like Warren:

Well, Trump is lying.
I suspect a full court press to destroy Tulsi is in the works, by the MSM and the D Party. Hopefully it backfires.
There's no need for one of your histrionic crack pipe sooper sekrit conspiracies to bring down Tulsi Whatsherface.

The little commie wannabe is already down and out.
Yes an opposing view, particularly an anti-war position, is unwelcome in the big government political party controlled by billionaires.
Wow. Your ignorance of Bernie and Warren's anti-war positions is astounding. Simply astounding.

Bernie and Warren have been moaning about "endless wars" for a long time. Trump actually stole their material, the same way he steals all his material from others.

Bernie has. I'm not so sure about Warren.
Foreign Policy | Elizabeth Warren

The very first sentence: From endless wars that strain military families to trade policies that crush our middle class, Washington’s foreign policy today serves the wealthy and well-connected at the expense of everyone else.

Trump sounds just like Warren:

She’s a republican who loves Wall Street.
Just to be clear, I have no intention of voting for any major party candidate next year. Whoever wins will continue to run deficits, though Trump would probably run bigger ones than Biden, but Warren and Sanders would run the biggest of all.

Sanders always explains how his programs would be paid for. If you want to argue that taxes will go up, fine argue that but he always had funding attached to his programs.
Bernie Sanders' budget would add $21 trillion to debt: Analysis
When she steps out of the race Trump should bring her into the white house...maybe as an adviser...that would drive the loony dems absolutely nuts.....
No way. She is still an anti-Trumper and gives a pass to the Hussein and his warmongering.
She’s a Democrat and deserves to be burned at the stake by her fellow Dems.

Pull your skirt down. Your ignorance is showing.

Hero Congresswoman Exposes Truth on CNN After Secret Visit to Syria, 'There Are No Moderate Rebels'
There's no need for one of your histrionic crack pipe sooper sekrit conspiracies to bring down Tulsi Whatsherface.

The little commie wannabe is already down and out.
Yes an opposing view, particularly an anti-war position, is unwelcome in the big government political party controlled by billionaires.
Wow. Your ignorance of Bernie and Warren's anti-war positions is astounding. Simply astounding.

Bernie and Warren have been moaning about "endless wars" for a long time. Trump actually stole their material, the same way he steals all his material from others.

Bernie has. I'm not so sure about Warren.
Foreign Policy | Elizabeth Warren

The very first sentence: From endless wars that strain military families to trade policies that crush our middle class, Washington’s foreign policy today serves the wealthy and well-connected at the expense of everyone else.

Trump sounds just like Warren:

Well, Trump is lying.

Trump is a cut-and-run Democrat from way back. During the Iraq War, he cried for us to cut-and-run and to impeach Bush for lying about WMDs.

He is still channeling his inner far left limousine liberal.

He is so successful at scamming the rubes, he got the cucks to shut up about WMDs in Iraq and start trashing Bush.
Maybe I'll have to revise my opinion about her. It was a gutsy thing to do especially in the democrat party where you risk bodily harm for expressing independent thought.
Just to be clear, I have no intention of voting for any major party candidate next year. Whoever wins will continue to run deficits, though Trump would probably run bigger ones than Biden, but Warren and Sanders would run the biggest of all.

Sanders always explains how his programs would be paid for. If you want to argue that taxes will go up, fine argue that but he always had funding attached to his programs.
Bernie Sanders' budget would add $21 trillion to debt: Analysis

Analysists said Hillary would win also. He pays for every item he promotes.
Just to be clear, I have no intention of voting for any major party candidate next year. Whoever wins will continue to run deficits, though Trump would probably run bigger ones than Biden, but Warren and Sanders would run the biggest of all.

Sanders always explains how his programs would be paid for. If you want to argue that taxes will go up, fine argue that but he always had funding attached to his programs.
Bernie Sanders' budget would add $21 trillion to debt: Analysis

Analysists said Hillary would win also.

Non sequitur.
He pays for every item he promotes.
Trump promised to pay off the debt in 8 years. Instead, he has doubled the deficit and added over $3 trillion so far. He lied, and he knew he was lying when he said it. It says a lot about what he thinks of the rube herd when he baldly lies to them.

I look at the historical record of promises compared to deeds, and every arrow points to Sanders running up massive debt.

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