Tulsi Gabbard Votes 'Present' on Trump Impeachment, Slams 'Purely Partisan Process'

Van Drew is supposedly going to switch parties and become a Republican. I guess he can replace Amash. :)
Based on internet posters including those on this forum there are a lot of middle-of-the-road fence sitters who need a national leader

tulsi could fill that role
Tulsi Whatsherface is way too liberal for me. She nowhere near the middle of the road.

She's a younger version of Bernie Sanders/Elizabeth Warren.
Rep. Tulsi Gabbard (D–Hawaii), a candidate for the Democratic presidential nomination, voted "present" on the two articles of impeachment against President Trump on Wednesday. This made her virtually the only the Democrat to effectively vote against sending the president's removal to the Senate.

"I come before you to make a stand for the center," said Gabbard in a statement.

Continued - Tulsi Gabbard Votes 'Present' on Trump Impeachment, Slams 'Purely Partisan Process'

Anyway. Nice to see independent thought versus just towing party lines and acting on emotion alone.

Could be a thread about this already, but I didn't see one. Apologies in advance if that's the case. I dislike a cluttered board as much as the next feller.
diggin the shit out of her so far. has nothing to do with trump but her focus on the issues, not the people.
Rep. Tulsi Gabbard (D–Hawaii), a candidate for the Democratic presidential nomination, voted "present" on the two articles of impeachment against President Trump on Wednesday. This made her virtually the only the Democrat to effectively vote against sending the president's removal to the Senate.

"I come before you to make a stand for the center," said Gabbard in a statement.

Continued - Tulsi Gabbard Votes 'Present' on Trump Impeachment, Slams 'Purely Partisan Process'

Anyway. Nice to see independent thought versus just towing party lines and acting on emotion alone.

Could be a thread about this already, but I didn't see one. Apologies in advance if that's the case. I dislike a cluttered board as much as the next feller.
diggin the shit out of her so far. has nothing to do with trump but her focus on the issues, not the people.

Healthcare For All

People Before Profits & Politics "People Before Profits". An age-old socialist slogan.

Racial Justice

Hold Wall Street Accountable
“We must break up the big banks, reinstate Glass-Steagall, and get our economy back to working for the benefit of all Americans.”

Second Amendment Rights & Gun Safety
“We don’t have to wait for answers to these questions for Congress to pass legislation already supported by a majority of Americans, like universal background checks, closing the gun show loophole and reinstating a federal ban on military-style assault weapons.”

Here's a bill cosponsored by Tulsi:

H.R.40 Commission to Study and Develop Reparation Proposals for African-Americans Act To establish a commission to study and consider a national apology and proposal for reparations for the institution of slavery.

"I'll usher in a Green Economy":

Based on internet posters including those on this forum there are a lot of middle-of-the-road fence sitters who need a national leader

tulsi could fill that role
there are a lot of per policies i don't like. but that can be said for every president. but that doesn't matter because no president gets everything they want. in fact, obstruction has been the way since before obama.

she's in a manner of sorts, doing what trump is doing - going against the establishment but in a much more dignified manner. we'll see how it works but she's got my interest.
I really do wonder sometimes what crack pipe the tard herd smokes when they decide to love or hate someone without knowing fuck-all about them.

No wonder Trump won.

No wonder people throw around retard bumper sticker slogans they are told to parrot. Because they know nothing about policy and couldn't fight their way out of a wet paper bag.

"Duhhhh...Pocahontas lol"
Last edited:
I really do wonder sometimes what crack pipe the tard herd smokes when they decide to love or hate someone without knowing fuck-all about them.

No wonder Trump won.

No wonder people throw around retard bumper sticker slogans they are told to parrot. Because they know nothing about policy and couldn't debate their way out of a paper bag.

"Duhhhh...Pocahontas lol"
i really wonder why you're a dick 24x7 and can never EVER be civil to someone else yet sit and think your condensing nature makes anyone really give a fuck about what you're saying or even thinking.

hint - it doesn't.

fyi turdball - i already said i disagree with her on a lot of issues but hey - ignore shit so you can wave your dick around and go LOOK AT ME I'VE GOT A PEE PEE and be all happy you can rhyme and shit.
Rep. Tulsi Gabbard (D–Hawaii), a candidate for the Democratic presidential nomination, voted "present" on the two articles of impeachment against President Trump on Wednesday. This made her virtually the only the Democrat to effectively vote against sending the president's removal to the Senate.

"I come before you to make a stand for the center," said Gabbard in a statement.

Continued - Tulsi Gabbard Votes 'Present' on Trump Impeachment, Slams 'Purely Partisan Process'

Anyway. Nice to see independent thought versus just towing party lines and acting on emotion alone.

Could be a thread about this already, but I didn't see one. Apologies in advance if that's the case. I dislike a cluttered board as much as the next feller.

Seems like a cowardly move to me. She is being paid to take a stand, not sit on the sidelines and watch. The people of the state that elected her were not heard. No reason to think she could speak for the people and best interests of the United States of America. She's probably out at the end of her term.
When she steps out of the race Trump should bring her into the white house...maybe as an adviser...that would drive the loony dems absolutely nuts.....

Obviously she has too many principles to do that. You don't make your point by joining the swine.

I've stated my support for Gabbard. Long before she made her choices here I said I did not support the impeachment. This makes me support her even more. She would lose all support if she joined up with the Trump administration.
Rep. Tulsi Gabbard (D–Hawaii), a candidate for the Democratic presidential nomination, voted "present" on the two articles of impeachment against President Trump on Wednesday. This made her virtually the only the Democrat to effectively vote against sending the president's removal to the Senate.

"I come before you to make a stand for the center," said Gabbard in a statement.

Continued - Tulsi Gabbard Votes 'Present' on Trump Impeachment, Slams 'Purely Partisan Process'

Anyway. Nice to see independent thought versus just towing party lines and acting on emotion alone.

Could be a thread about this already, but I didn't see one. Apologies in advance if that's the case. I dislike a cluttered board as much as the next feller.

Seems like a cowardly move to me. She is being paid to take a stand, not sit on the sidelines and watch. The people of the state that elected her were not heard. No reason to think she could speak for the people and best interests of the United States of America. She's probably out at the end of her term.
she took a stand. not taking a stand is saying YES to something you don't believe in.

bagging on her is the cowardly move, son.
When she steps out of the race Trump should bring her into the white house...maybe as an adviser...that would drive the loony dems absolutely nuts.....

Obviously she has too many principles to do that. You don't make your point by joining the swine.

I've stated my support for Gabbard. Long before she made her choices here I said I did not support the impeachment. This makes me support her even more. She would lose all support if she joined up with the Trump administration.
given her background, i would listen as to why she chose to do that, if she ever did.

but no, i don't see her doing that.
I would vote for Tulsi if I used the same qualifications that I used when I voted for high school class president.
I would vote for Tulsi if I used the same qualifications that I used when I voted for high school class president.
I think that is exactly what is happening with Trumptards who support her.
I really do wonder sometimes what crack pipe the tard herd smokes when they decide to love or hate someone without knowing fuck-all about them.

No wonder Trump won.

No wonder people throw around retard bumper sticker slogans they are told to parrot. Because they know nothing about policy and couldn't debate their way out of a paper bag.

"Duhhhh...Pocahontas lol"
i really wonder why you're a dick 24x7 and can never EVER be civil to someone else yet sit and think your condensing nature makes anyone really give a fuck about what you're saying or even thinking.

hint - it doesn't.

fyi turdball - i already said i disagree with her on a lot of issues but hey - ignore shit so you can wave your dick around and go LOOK AT ME I'VE GOT A PEE PEE and be all happy you can rhyme and shit.
I am simply modeling the behavior of the leader of our country.

In the immortal words of Mick Mulvaney, "Get over it."
Based on internet posters including those on this forum there are a lot of middle-of-the-road fence sitters who need a national leader

tulsi could fill that role
Tulsi Whatsherface is way too liberal for me. She nowhere near the middle of the road.

She's a younger version of Bernie Sanders/Elizabeth Warren.
Thats the problem with the Not-My-Party Tweeners

they are scattered to the four winds politically
I really do wonder sometimes what crack pipe the tard herd smokes when they decide to love or hate someone without knowing fuck-all about them.

No wonder Trump won.

No wonder people throw around retard bumper sticker slogans they are told to parrot. Because they know nothing about policy and couldn't debate their way out of a paper bag.

"Duhhhh...Pocahontas lol"
i really wonder why you're a dick 24x7 and can never EVER be civil to someone else yet sit and think your condensing nature makes anyone really give a fuck about what you're saying or even thinking.

hint - it doesn't.

fyi turdball - i already said i disagree with her on a lot of issues but hey - ignore shit so you can wave your dick around and go LOOK AT ME I'VE GOT A PEE PEE and be all happy you can rhyme and shit.
He’s paid, that’s why. The telltale letter followed by 4 numbers that about 5 other equally nitwitted posters have is their method of identifying payment
Rep. Tulsi Gabbard (D–Hawaii), a candidate for the Democratic presidential nomination, voted "present" on the two articles of impeachment against President Trump on Wednesday. This made her virtually the only the Democrat to effectively vote against sending the president's removal to the Senate.

"I come before you to make a stand for the center," said Gabbard in a statement.

Continued - Tulsi Gabbard Votes 'Present' on Trump Impeachment, Slams 'Purely Partisan Process'

Anyway. Nice to see independent thought versus just towing party lines and acting on emotion alone.

Could be a thread about this already, but I didn't see one. Apologies in advance if that's the case. I dislike a cluttered board as much as the next feller.
She took the cowards way.
Rep. Tulsi Gabbard (D–Hawaii), a candidate for the Democratic presidential nomination, voted "present" on the two articles of impeachment against President Trump on Wednesday. This made her virtually the only the Democrat to effectively vote against sending the president's removal to the Senate.

"I come before you to make a stand for the center," said Gabbard in a statement.

Continued - Tulsi Gabbard Votes 'Present' on Trump Impeachment, Slams 'Purely Partisan Process'

Anyway. Nice to see independent thought versus just towing party lines and acting on emotion alone.

Could be a thread about this already, but I didn't see one. Apologies in advance if that's the case. I dislike a cluttered board as much as the next feller.

Seems like a cowardly move to me. She is being paid to take a stand, not sit on the sidelines and watch. The people of the state that elected her were not heard. No reason to think she could speak for the people and best interests of the United States of America. She's probably out at the end of her term.
she took a stand. not taking a stand is saying YES to something you don't believe in.

Taking a stand would have been voting YES or NO

Voting "present" is by definition NOT "taking a stand".
Based on internet posters including those on this forum there are a lot of middle-of-the-road fence sitters who need a national leader

tulsi could fill that role
Tulsi Whatsherface is way too liberal for me. She nowhere near the middle of the road.

She's a younger version of Bernie Sanders/Elizabeth Warren.

She is running on the same platform Obama initially ran on. The only difference is she doesn't appear to be lying.
Rep. Tulsi Gabbard (D–Hawaii), a candidate for the Democratic presidential nomination, voted "present" on the two articles of impeachment against President Trump on Wednesday. This made her virtually the only the Democrat to effectively vote against sending the president's removal to the Senate.

"I come before you to make a stand for the center," said Gabbard in a statement.

Continued - Tulsi Gabbard Votes 'Present' on Trump Impeachment, Slams 'Purely Partisan Process'

Anyway. Nice to see independent thought versus just towing party lines and acting on emotion alone.

Could be a thread about this already, but I didn't see one. Apologies in advance if that's the case. I dislike a cluttered board as much as the next feller.

Seems like a cowardly move to me. She is being paid to take a stand, not sit on the sidelines and watch. The people of the state that elected her were not heard. No reason to think she could speak for the people and best interests of the United States of America. She's probably out at the end of her term.
she took a stand. not taking a stand is saying YES to something you don't believe in.

Taking a stand would have been voting YES or NO

Voting "present" is by definition NOT "taking a stand".

Obama voted "present" quite a bit.

Obama’s Vote in Illinois Was Often Just ‘Present’

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