Tulsi Sells Out

She really is stupid.

Biden is finished in this campaign. Too much baggage and too much age for him to survive, plus the dems (far left) don't want him.

His supporters would need someone to turn to. They won't support Warren or Sanders or the fag. With Gabbard standing on her
own two feet and being eligible for the debates in November, she could have gotten Biden's supporters when he hangs it up.
That would have put her into the thick of the mix.

She's not only stupid, she's a fool.

Maybe not....in your scenario she's just an opportunist and maybe that's the promise Pelousy made her.....come out against Trump and we'll either get you on the ticket or a Senate seat.

All of them are opportunist. Pelosi can't help her in Hawaii get a Senate seat. Nor is Pelosi going to get her on the ballot. She's already qualified for the
November debate. Having a strong Independent position would help her gain moderate votes. Now, it is possible that Pelosi told her she would
make her life miserable in the House if she didn't go along, but that clips her political appeal for higher office. She's not her own person and that finishes
her for any higher office.
Democrat motto: "Party before Country".


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