Turkey cuts ties with France after lawmakers pass bill on Armenian genocide

Armenians pretend, that what happened to them is equal to what happened to Jews in Germany.

Bernard Lewis the world's foremost historian on Islam explains so-called Armenian Genocide. (Jstone calls him "eminent historian").
- massive Armenian rebellion
- Armenians deserting and joining the enemy (Russians)
- Armenians siege city of Van, intending to hand the city over to the invaders (Russians)
- guerrilla warfare all over Anatolia

(he goes on)
To make this a parallel with the Holocaust in Germany:
- Jews engaged in armed rebellion against NAZIs
- collaborating with the Allies against the NAZIs
- Jews in employment of NAZI state were exempted from Deportations
- Only Jews in Germany deported, but Jews in NAZI occupied Poland welcomed

Bernard Lewis Speaking on Armenian Allegations - YouTube

As long as Armenians don't admit what they did, I have no sympathy for any Armenian at all. And I'll prefer to remember only the Ottoman victims of Armenian terror.

And they attacked John F. Kennedy and World-Trade-Center of Ottoman Empire

John F Kennedy Assasination
Armenian terrorists trying to kill the Sultan and one of his bodyguards died as result
Yıldız assassination attempt

World-Trade Center
Armenian terrosits terrorizing Ottoman Central Bank
1896 Ottoman Bank Takeover - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Jews didn't do anything like that in Germany.
Armenians shall admit their terrorist activities, and then we can discuss further...
Until then I leave it at saying it was just Anti-Terror measures.with the moral concepts of Word-War 1.

Dr. Lewis does not deny the deaths of 1 million Armenians under the Turks.

He also doesn't deny Armenian terror against Ottomans.
And he makes the clear distinction between Holocaust with specific examples by mentioning the Armenian terror activities.

But Armenians say: "Ottomans once day woke up and did genocide with Armenians, because it was rainy day".
No such thing. There's causality and if you pretend there's no causality, there will be no discussion with Armenians about anything Armenian.
Dr. Lewis does not deny the deaths of 1 million Armenians under the Turks.

He also doesn't deny Armenian terror against Ottomans.
And he makes the clear distinction between Holocaust with specific examples by mentioning the Armenian terror activities.

But Armenians say: "Ottomans once day woke up and did genocide with Armenians, because it was rainy day".
No such thing. There's causality and if you pretend there's no causality, there will be no discussion with Armenians about anything Armenian.

You're a typical unintelligent muslime so I'll repeat for your benefit: Dr. Lewis acknowledges that 1 million Armenians died under the turks.

Own it, genocidal muslime.
"Not on our Agenda".
Knock on our door again when you admit your actions like a man. And then we can discuss if Ottoman response was more then necessary.
How pathetic that your shitty useless entity is the remnant of the ottoman empire?

Turkey recalls ambassador after US resolution on 'Armenian genocide' - CSMonitor.com

There's no Nuremberg Trial, and we still write our own history.

We won't accept anything that doesn't mention Muslim (Ottoman) victims of the Armenian sub-theater of WW1. Otherwise it is just selective history driven by Christian affinity.

If you don't like this, go to International Court of Justice and see if the judges participate in history revisionism.
Parliamentarians are neither Judges nor Historians.
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How pathetic that your shitty useless entity is the remnant of the ottoman empire?

Turkey recalls ambassador after US resolution on 'Armenian genocide' - CSMonitor.com

There's no Nuremberg Trial, and we still write our own history.

We won't accept anything that doesn't mention Muslim (Ottoman) victims of the Armenian sub-theater of WW1. Otherwise it is just selective history driven by Christian affinity.

If you don't like this, go to International Court of Justice and see if the judges participate in history revisionism.
Parliamentarians are neither Judges nor Historians.

You genocidal turkeys are friends with Sudan, which is perpetrating the genocide in Darfur. No doubt, turkeys deny the genocide in Darfur, too. The religion of genocide

The genocide in Darfur has claimed 400,000 lives and displaced over 2,500,000 people. More than one hundred people continue to die each day; five thousand die every month.

Since February 2003, the Sudanese government in Khartoum and the government-sponsored Janjaweed militia have used rape, displacement, organized starvation, threats against aid workers and mass murder. Violence, disease, and displacement continue to kill thousands of innocent Darfurians every month.

Genocide in Darfur, Sudan | Darfur Scorecard

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L-ojg9UjMk0]The Genocide In Darfur - YouTube[/ame]
John F Kennedy Assasination
Armenian terrorists trying to kill the Sultan and one of his bodyguards died as result
Yıldız assassination attempt

World-Trade Center
Armenian terrosits terrorizing Ottoman Central Bank
1896 Ottoman Bank Takeover - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Armenians have their lobbies, but Lobbies are not enough.
If they want to dispute, that what happened to them was not Anti-Terror operations they can go to International-Court of Justice.
Ottomans did Anti-Terror with Armenians just like the USA did with Iraqis.
Simple as that

Condoleeza Rice:
“there are many historical interpretations.”
Condi Rice Brags about Killing Genocide Resolution | Armenian Weekly

I doubt you will find a bigger supporter of Türkiye on USMB than myself, but that is flatly wrong. U.S. forces did not round up Iraqis, murder them, and bury them in mass graves, or behead them and put their heads on pikes.

Türkiye needs to finally put this issue behind her if she is going to take her rightful place in the world. Right now, it's holding Türkiye back.
Let's not forget that the one and only reason a handful of USMB's resident Jews are commenting on this thread is to heap scorn and slander upon a muslim nation. They aren't in the slightest bit interested in adding any constructive comments to this debate. They just want to bash Turkey. But that's no surprise, at all.

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