Turkey is attacking the Kurds, who were risking their lives for the US just last week..

....and we gave the green light to hitler, the HUTUS, the Turks in 1915, Pol Pot, Idi Amin, the Serbs, etc....everything any country has ever done wrong, was INITIATED [ hahahahahahhaha ] by the US !!!!!!
and Trump caused Old Yeller to get Rabies!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
..I've got news for you, these conflicts have been going on since the beginning of humans

True... they have. Trump is only responsible for the ones on his watch.

On his watch, he sold out the Kurds in favor of the Islamists in Ankara...

Trump kept the Turkish border closed and saved Europe.

Trump supporters are very poorly informed Americans. Do you even understand what you are posting?
Endrogan just blasted Trump threats.

How about millions of Kurds becoming refugees? Some of those will end up here.
non-Trump supporters are very poorly informed Americans. Do you even understand what you are posting?
what does this mean if not to shame someone? there's is no argument in that post, it's worse than calling someone an insult. what a tool. wish to argue, post a thought.

Yeah - that's a great position to take. Let's not try and do better. Let's just say we're justified because the other guy did it too.

My post is as solid an argument as his/her post. When you have to support your position by claiming so and so did it too, or whatabout X, that tells me there is no legitimate defense.

Truth be told, any American that thinks this decision was a good one doesn't understand our foreign policy or our national security challenges. So......yeah, I guess it was a thinly veiled insult.
"doesn't understand our foreign policy"
Enlighten me. Why did we invade Iraq again?

Because Bush lied about weapons of mass destruction which triggered instability in that region. There was no reason for the US to go into Iraq. The administration viewed it as a low hanging fruit and a quick win to sell to the american people.

The US involvement in a number of countries has been a mistake but once you break it you buy it. If we're going to go in somewhere and fuck it up then we have a responsibility to try and restabilize it. That's common sense.
saddam gassed his own people
hitler gassed his own people
saddam broke the cease fire agreement
hitler broke the Treaty of Versailles
saddam started TWO wars
hitler started one war
they found 2 of the most notorious terrorists hiding in Iraq
Achille Lauro jackass:
CNN.com - U.S. captures mastermind of Achille Lauro hijacking - Apr. 16, 2003
Abu Musab al-Zarqawi - Wikipedia

PG2 was a ''continuation'' of PG1 because saddam violated a cease fire
do you know what a cease fire is??!!! and what happens when it is violated???!!
the US had every right to go into Iraq in 1990 and in 2003

Are you cyber yelling at me? hahahahahaha
???..caps for emphasis only
Yeah - that's a great position to take. Let's not try and do better. Let's just say we're justified because the other guy did it too.
LOOK, Katnip, take your holier than thou attitude and STICK IT. Where were you 10 - 15 years ago? I can't wait until the next Dem president is in office doing THE EXACT SAME THING to hear the pin drop.

Had Trump pulled out as the Left have bitched for him to do for years and Turkey not done a thing, you'd still bitch. Just last week another person here bitched that we had no business there, we were doing no good. When Obama pulled out of Iraq several years ago, ISIS swooped in. That Turkey is doing what they are doing is TURKEY'S PROBLEM, bitch to them. We are not the policemen of the world.

Trying to insult me shows how little you know me. shrug

What's also clear is that you would rather deflect and focus on what you think my political leanings are rather than address the point I was making.

The world is connected whether we like it or not. It's foolish to think that problems will remain regional. I agree we cannot police the world but we do have a role to play that is critical to our own national security.
..economically, maybe--not politically or socially connected
Since Crooked Hillary said yesterday that she could "beat Trump again" then maybe she should run and then be the Commander in Chief and send the troops back to Syria like you Moon Bats want.

What part of the Kurds have always been considered "terrorists" by the Turkish Govt. The Turks didn't want to fight a War in Northern Syria so they allowed the US to supply some of the most vicious terrorists they knew to fight ISIS, probably promised they would have security and autonomy after ISIS was gone. It's a common tactic " the Enemy of my Enemy is my friend, until our common enemy is defeated, then we decide between ourselves!

You have no clue what you are talking about. You really think hurling unsubstantiated allegations will get Trump off the hook. Obama thought the terrorists were defeated when he prematurely withdrew from Iraq. Trump is following in his footsteps.

I simply don't care what the fuck happens over there.

Like Trump said to the press this afternoon. He is getting tired of seeing American troops come home in flag draped coffins and going to Walter Reed to had out Purple Hearts to men that are badly broken. Men killed or wounded fighting other people's wars for them.

He is looking after American interest and our interest doesn't have a damn thing to do a centuries long conflict between the Turks and the Kurds.

It is good to have a President that is looking after the American people. We haven't seen that in a long time, have we?

Removing a few handful is not going to really do much about that.
Turkey begins military offensive in Syria, Erdogan announces

Turkey begins military offensive into Syria after US pulled back troops - CNNPolitics

trump will be remembered as the spineless coward who turned his back on our allies....the Kurds....

So here's my question. Per Trump, 100% of the ISIS fighters have been captured.

Who then are the Turks invading Kurdish held Syria to fight?

The Kurdish issue boils down to the Kurds wanting their own country, and Syria, Turkey and Iraq saying "No".

Turkey's issue is that they believe the Syrian Kurds, now that they don't have ISIS to fight, are now helping the Turkish Kurds.

According to Turkey, they are creating a 30km buffer zone of control, similar to what Israel did with Lebanon back in the 80's/90's.

It remains to be seen what they intend to do with any Kurdish fighters in their zone of control, or if the fighters will even remain there, or instead retreat to US aided territory.

The US moved a total of 50-100 troops, probably mostly advisers. They are still in Syria, just outside the Turkish intended zone of control.

There is nothing to support what Turkey is saying. They are clearly going beyond that and killing innocent people. Erdogan is a thug.

We have killed tens of thousands of innocent people. What does that make us?
Since Crooked Hillary said yesterday that she could "beat Trump again" then maybe she should run and then be the Commander in Chief and send the troops back to Syria like you Moon Bats want.

What part of the Kurds have always been considered "terrorists" by the Turkish Govt. The Turks didn't want to fight a War in Northern Syria so they allowed the US to supply some of the most vicious terrorists they knew to fight ISIS, probably promised they would have security and autonomy after ISIS was gone. It's a common tactic " the Enemy of my Enemy is my friend, until our common enemy is defeated, then we decide between ourselves!

You have no clue what you are talking about. You really think hurling unsubstantiated allegations will get Trump off the hook. Obama thought the terrorists were defeated when he prematurely withdrew from Iraq. Trump is following in his footsteps.

I simply don't care what the fuck happens over there.

Like Trump said to the press this afternoon. He is getting tired of seeing American troops come home in flag draped coffins and going to Walter Reed to had out Purple Hearts to men that are badly broken. Men killed or wounded fighting other people's wars for them.

He is looking after American interest and our interest doesn't have a damn thing to do a centuries long conflict between the Turks and the Kurds.

It is good to have a President that is looking after the American people. We haven't seen that in a long time, have we?

Removing a few handful is not going to really do much about that.
not going to do much about what?
Since Crooked Hillary said yesterday that she could "beat Trump again" then maybe she should run and then be the Commander in Chief and send the troops back to Syria like you Moon Bats want.

What part of the Kurds have always been considered "terrorists" by the Turkish Govt. The Turks didn't want to fight a War in Northern Syria so they allowed the US to supply some of the most vicious terrorists they knew to fight ISIS, probably promised they would have security and autonomy after ISIS was gone. It's a common tactic " the Enemy of my Enemy is my friend, until our common enemy is defeated, then we decide between ourselves!

You have no clue what you are talking about. You really think hurling unsubstantiated allegations will get Trump off the hook. Obama thought the terrorists were defeated when he prematurely withdrew from Iraq. Trump is following in his footsteps.

I simply don't care what the fuck happens over there.

Like Trump said to the press this afternoon. He is getting tired of seeing American troops come home in flag draped coffins and going to Walter Reed to had out Purple Hearts to men that are badly broken. Men killed or wounded fighting other people's wars for them.

He is looking after American interest and our interest doesn't have a damn thing to do a centuries long conflict between the Turks and the Kurds.

It is good to have a President that is looking after the American people. We haven't seen that in a long time, have we?

Removing a few handful is not going to really do much about that.
not going to do much about what?

What did I reply to?
Kurds are commie pukes who train Antifa to come here and attack people engaging in free speech. The fact that the democrats are freaking should tell you something about who they are.

K-girl-----you got a citation for your allegation against DA KURDS? -------seems virtually impossible to me
I think we should say F it................Kick Turkey out of NATO........kick their asses because they want a new Ottoman Empire...........Take the Straits to the Black Sea.............and stick a Christian flag over Constantinople.

....and we gave the green light to hitler, the HUTUS, the Turks in 1915, Pol Pot, Idi Amin, the Serbs, etc....everything any country has ever done wrong, was INITIATED [ hahahahahahhaha ] by the US !!!!!!
and Trump caused Old Yeller to get Rabies!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
..I've got news for you, these conflicts have been going on since the beginning of humans

True... they have. Trump is only responsible for the ones on his watch.

On his watch, he sold out the Kurds in favor of the Islamists in Ankara...

Trump kept the Turkish border closed and saved Europe.

Trump supporters are very poorly informed Americans. Do you even understand what you are posting?
Endrogan just blasted Trump threats.

How about millions of Kurds becoming refugees? Some of those will end up here.
Then it is up to us to stop them. The alternative is to have communist Kurd terrorists wanting to turn us into Kurdistan.

You are delusional supporting Trump scumbag policy.
....and we gave the green light to hitler, the HUTUS, the Turks in 1915, Pol Pot, Idi Amin, the Serbs, etc....everything any country has ever done wrong, was INITIATED [ hahahahahahhaha ] by the US !!!!!!
and Trump caused Old Yeller to get Rabies!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
..I've got news for you, these conflicts have been going on since the beginning of humans

True... they have. Trump is only responsible for the ones on his watch.

On his watch, he sold out the Kurds in favor of the Islamists in Ankara...

Trump kept the Turkish border closed and saved Europe.

Trump supporters are very poorly informed Americans. Do you even understand what you are posting?
Endrogan just blasted Trump threats.

How about millions of Kurds becoming refugees? Some of those will end up here.
non-Trump supporters are very poorly informed Americans. Do you even understand what you are posting?

Yes they are.

It doesn’t matter what Trump is humping maybe it be a dog or a log ....... it’s human.
Assad should be able to throw Isis out of Syria. He's got the power to do it.

He can’t..... He didn’t...... Even with the help from your comrades.

That's because we interfered. Shitstain obama agitated rebellion against Assad. It seems that Assad protected Christians. The shit couldn't have that. Arab spring and all. The shit created and armed isis. Syria was supposed to be another Libya.

If we get out even now, Assad and loyal Syrians would get rid of the shitstain obama backed isis.
....and we gave the green light to hitler, the HUTUS, the Turks in 1915, Pol Pot, Idi Amin, the Serbs, etc....everything any country has ever done wrong, was INITIATED [ hahahahahahhaha ] by the US !!!!!!
and Trump caused Old Yeller to get Rabies!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
..I've got news for you, these conflicts have been going on since the beginning of humans

True... they have. Trump is only responsible for the ones on his watch.

On his watch, he sold out the Kurds in favor of the Islamists in Ankara...

Trump kept the Turkish border closed and saved Europe.

Trump supporters are very poorly informed Americans. Do you even understand what you are posting?
Endrogan just blasted Trump threats.

How about millions of Kurds becoming refugees? Some of those will end up here.
non-Trump supporters are very poorly informed Americans. Do you even understand what you are posting?

Yes they are.

It doesn’t matter what Trump is humping maybe it be a dog or a log ....... it’s human.
you have a bad case of TDS...hahahhahahahahh
....and we gave the green light to hitler, the HUTUS, the Turks in 1915, Pol Pot, Idi Amin, the Serbs, etc....everything any country has ever done wrong, was INITIATED [ hahahahahahhaha ] by the US !!!!!!
and Trump caused Old Yeller to get Rabies!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
..I've got news for you, these conflicts have been going on since the beginning of humans

True... they have. Trump is only responsible for the ones on his watch.

On his watch, he sold out the Kurds in favor of the Islamists in Ankara...

Trump kept the Turkish border closed and saved Europe.

Trump supporters are very poorly informed Americans. Do you even understand what you are posting?
Endrogan just blasted Trump threats.

How about millions of Kurds becoming refugees? Some of those will end up here.
Then it is up to us to stop them. The alternative is to have communist Kurd terrorists wanting to turn us into Kurdistan.

You are delusional supporting Trump scumbag policy.
you are just delusional with TDS
Assad should be able to throw Isis out of Syria. He's got the power to do it.

He can’t..... He didn’t...... Even with the help from your comrades.

That's because we interfered. Shitstain obama agitated rebellion against Assad. It seems that Assad protected Christians. The shit couldn't have that. Arab spring and all. The shit created and armed isis. Syria was supposed to be another Libya.

If we get out even now, Assad and loyal Syrians would get rid of the shitstain obama backed isis.

Bullshit it was Obama’s effort and strategy and the coalition that eliminated the ISIS in Syria.
Your comrade was there for almost 2 years didn’t do shit.

Enlighten me who are Obama’s ISIS?
True... they have. Trump is only responsible for the ones on his watch.

On his watch, he sold out the Kurds in favor of the Islamists in Ankara...

Trump kept the Turkish border closed and saved Europe.

Trump supporters are very poorly informed Americans. Do you even understand what you are posting?
Endrogan just blasted Trump threats.

How about millions of Kurds becoming refugees? Some of those will end up here.
Then it is up to us to stop them. The alternative is to have communist Kurd terrorists wanting to turn us into Kurdistan.

You are delusional supporting Trump scumbag policy.
you are just delusional with TDS

Your fake messiah lies a lot then most of his followers here are doing just the same even though you they know his policies sucks. Still acceptable.

The other at Minneapolis rally he said...... there are no US soldiers in Syria. That fucker lied. You and the rest believe him.,

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