Turkey is attacking the Kurds, who were risking their lives for the US just last week..

Trump the draft Dodger has no respect for the lives lost and the act of a consistent ally.
Thousands of Kurds lost their lives while fighting by US forces in the fight against ISIS.. And this how Trump rewards them.
Trump the draft dodger has the blood of the Kurds on his hands.
Trump: ‘I will totally destroy the economy’

Turkey fights PKK terrorists, where is the problem?

Turkey----DA VICTIM of Kurdish oppression !!!!!!!!!!!

Go to Turkey and see how the country suffers under Kurdish PKK plague

My son was in Turkey and I have relatives thru marriage who were born in Turkey.
The relatives, being jews---often had to seek refuge from Islamic filth in the
Kurdish hills. I am old----but knew about the ARMENIAN genocide when I was about seven. My mother told me. I grew up in a very WASPY semi rural, suburban town where my friends had no idea. Much later as a young professional,, an elderly lady came under my care-----my supervisor asked me
if I knew about the ARMENIAN GENOCIDE------I said "yes" and he was a bit
surprised. The elderly lady saw the members of her whole family hacked
to death by TURKS -----they went door to door to slaughter whole families. ----
Then there is history------in the course of the CRUSADES---there was one
NOTABLE moderate muslim leader-----SALADIN----in fact he was a berber---
aka KURD. Remember Saladin? His personal physician was Maimonides.
Who is PLAGUED over there? BTW Kurds are also oppressed in Iraq and Iran
and Syria. Saddam murdered them wholesale with weapons of mass destruction that some jerks claim DID NOT EXIST. Chlorine gas was a fave------it destroys
the delicate tissues of the lung that function to oxygenate blood-----children, typically die first in agony. I support establishment of Kurdish homelands
are we supposed to stay there forever? as people wanted us to in Vietnam?

But you don’t have a problem Trump sending troops to Saudi Arabia to babysit.

The number of US troops in Syria is less than 100 as special operations. Its a small number but it’s a heck of a pay for an allies that helped us fight the ISIS.
we have no business there--still cost $$$$$$
that's what they said about Vietnam=learn some history

Yes we do have business in that area.

You must be stuck stupid with Vietnam because this is a different war.
....that's exactly what they said about Vietnam--we have business there/we should be there--hahahhahahaah
YOU are a dumbass for repeating failed history
what business is that--dumbass??

Yet you are not saying about sending troops to Saudi. Today your messiah will send another 1,500 to Saudi on top of what are already there.

If we don’t have business in Syria then we should not be acting like a super power. Then let China and Russia take over. Is that fair for you? If you know what you are talking about.
hahahah I LOVE it----MAGA
duh--SArabia is an ally---Syria is not--duh
Trump the draft Dodger has no respect for the lives lost and the act of a consistent ally.
Thousands of Kurds lost their lives while fighting by US forces in the fight against ISIS.. And this how Trump rewards them.
Trump the draft dodger has the blood of the Kurds on his hands.
Trump: ‘I will totally destroy the economy’

Turkey fights PKK terrorists, where is the problem?

Turkey----DA VICTIM of Kurdish oppression !!!!!!!!!!!

Go to Turkey and see how the country suffers under Kurdish PKK plague

My son was in Turkey and I have relatives thru marriage who were born in Turkey.
The relatives, being jews---often had to seek refuge from Islamic filth in the
Kurdish hills. I am old----but knew about the ARMENIAN genocide when I was about seven. My mother told me. I grew up in a very WASPY semi rural, suburban town where my friends had no idea. Much later as a young professional,, an elderly lady came under my care-----my supervisor asked me
if I knew about the ARMENIAN GENOCIDE------I said "yes" and he was a bit
surprised. The elderly lady saw the members of her whole family hacked
to death by TURKS -----they went door to door to slaughter whole families. ----
Then there is history------in the course of the CRUSADES---there was one
NOTABLE moderate muslim leader-----SALADIN----in fact he was a berber---
aka KURD. Remember Saladin? His personal physician was Maimonides.
Who is PLAGUED over there? BTW Kurds are also oppressed in Iraq and Iran
and Syria. Saddam murdered them wholesale with weapons of mass destruction that some jerks claim DID NOT EXIST. Chlorine gas was a fave------it destroys
the delicate tissues of the lung that function to oxygenate blood-----children, typically die first in agony. I support establishment of Kurdish homelands
When was the Armenian genocide? It was in 1915. That's a sneeze over 100 years ago. It would be more than an elderly lady. It would be someone from the Walking Dead. But if she did remember people being hacked to death she would remember that it wasn't Turks. In fact The Turkish Republic didn't exist so there were no Turks. There was an Ottoman Empire that was smashed by the British. It no longer exists.

Kurdish terrorist attacks on Turkish civillians started in 1974 when the Kurds formed the communist PKK
They have been engaging in urban warfare ever since. They have been basically blaming Turkey for everything they have been doing.

The Kurds have several problems. One is they aren't Armenians and cannot assume atrocity. Two is all the people involved in the atrocity are gone and the country no longer exists. Three is if the Kurds were ever entitled to sympathy they lost that entitlement when they started killing people to create a communist Kurdistan.
Trump the draft Dodger has no respect for the lives lost and the act of a consistent ally.
Thousands of Kurds lost their lives while fighting by US forces in the fight against ISIS.. And this how Trump rewards them.
Trump the draft dodger has the blood of the Kurds on his hands.
Trump: ‘I will totally destroy the economy’

Turkey fights PKK terrorists, where is the problem?

Turkey----DA VICTIM of Kurdish oppression !!!!!!!!!!!

Go to Turkey and see how the country suffers under Kurdish PKK plague

My son was in Turkey and I have relatives thru marriage who were born in Turkey.
The relatives, being jews---often had to seek refuge from Islamic filth in the
Kurdish hills. I am old----but knew about the ARMENIAN genocide when I was about seven. My mother told me. I grew up in a very WASPY semi rural, suburban town where my friends had no idea. Much later as a young professional,, an elderly lady came under my care-----my supervisor asked me
if I knew about the ARMENIAN GENOCIDE------I said "yes" and he was a bit
surprised. The elderly lady saw the members of her whole family hacked
to death by TURKS -----they went door to door to slaughter whole families. ----
Then there is history------in the course of the CRUSADES---there was one
NOTABLE moderate muslim leader-----SALADIN----in fact he was a berber---
aka KURD. Remember Saladin? His personal physician was Maimonides.
Who is PLAGUED over there? BTW Kurds are also oppressed in Iraq and Iran
and Syria. Saddam murdered them wholesale with weapons of mass destruction that some jerks claim DID NOT EXIST. Chlorine gas was a fave------it destroys
the delicate tissues of the lung that function to oxygenate blood-----children, typically die first in agony. I support establishment of Kurdish homelands
When was the Armenian genocide? It was in 1915. That's a sneeze over 100 years ago. It would be more than an elderly lady. It would be someone from the Walking Dead. But if she did remember people being hacked to death she would remember that it wasn't Turks. In fact The Turkish Republic didn't exist so there were no Turks. There was an Ottoman Empire that was smashed by the British. It no longer exists.

Kurdish terrorist attacks on Turkish civillians started in 1974 when the Kurds formed the communist PKK
They have been engaging in urban warfare ever since. They have been basically blaming Turkey for everything they have been doing.

The Kurds have several problems. One is they aren't Armenians and cannot assume atrocity. Two is all the people involved in the atrocity are gone and the country no longer exists. Three is if the Kurds were ever entitled to sympathy they lost that entitlement when they started killing people to create a communist Kurdistan.

wrong again. The murderers were Turkish muslims-----Ask Robert Spencer----for that matter ---you could even ask the famous film director ELIA KAZAN-------sheeesh you is dim. IT MATTERS what the recognized STATE LINES WERE?
OH gee-----lets pretend that the Kurds are literate enough to read MARX
?COMMUNISTS? ROFLMAO. They are tribal mountain people
LOOK, Katnip, take your holier than thou attitude and STICK IT. Where were you 10 - 15 years ago? I can't wait until the next Dem president is in office doing THE EXACT SAME THING to hear the pin drop.

Had Trump pulled out as the Left have bitched for him to do for years and Turkey not done a thing, you'd still bitch. Just last week another person here bitched that we had no business there, we were doing no good. When Obama pulled out of Iraq several years ago, ISIS swooped in. That Turkey is doing what they are doing is TURKEY'S PROBLEM, bitch to them. We are not the policemen of the world.

Trying to insult me shows how little you know me. shrug

What's also clear is that you would rather deflect and focus on what you think my political leanings are rather than address the point I was making.

The world is connected whether we like it or not. It's foolish to think that problems will remain regional. I agree we cannot police the world but we do have a role to play that is critical to our own national security.
what does this mean if not to shame someone? there's is no argument in that post, it's worse than calling someone an insult. what a tool. wish to argue, post a thought.

Yeah - that's a great position to take. Let's not try and do better. Let's just say we're justified because the other guy did it too.

My post is as solid an argument as his/her post. When you have to support your position by claiming so and so did it too, or whatabout X, that tells me there is no legitimate defense.

Truth be told, any American that thinks this decision was a good one doesn't understand our foreign policy or our national security challenges. So......yeah, I guess it was a thinly veiled insult.
"doesn't understand our foreign policy"
Enlighten me. Why did we invade Iraq again?

Because Bush lied about weapons of mass destruction which triggered instability in that region. There was no reason for the US to go into Iraq. The administration viewed it as a low hanging fruit and a quick win to sell to the american people.

The US involvement in a number of countries has been a mistake but once you break it you buy it. If we're going to go in somewhere and fuck it up then we have a responsibility to try and restabilize it. That's common sense.
saddam gassed his own people
hitler gassed his own people
saddam broke the cease fire agreement
hitler broke the Treaty of Versailles
saddam started TWO wars
hitler started one war
they found 2 of the most notorious terrorists hiding in Iraq
Achille Lauro jackass:
CNN.com - U.S. captures mastermind of Achille Lauro hijacking - Apr. 16, 2003
Abu Musab al-Zarqawi - Wikipedia

PG2 was a ''continuation'' of PG1 because saddam violated a cease fire
do you know what a cease fire is??!!! and what happens when it is violated???!!
the US had every right to go into Iraq in 1990 and in 2003
The Kurds have always been in danger, from Iraq, from Turkey, and from Syria. Their goal is to carve out their own country from parts of 3 others. Naturally this will cause issues with said original countries.

Trump hasn't gotten us out of anything there. he moved 50-100 troops 30km away from a border. We are still there, and still supporting the kurds in a large portion of Syria.

If Trump had kept the troops in the buffer area, you would have accused him of antagonizing Turkey.

The troops have been there for three years, when did I accuse Trump of doing that?

He gave the green like for an Islamist Regime to attack our allies... but being good little cultists, you are good with that.
Turkey fights PKK terrorists, where is the problem?

Turkey----DA VICTIM of Kurdish oppression !!!!!!!!!!!

Go to Turkey and see how the country suffers under Kurdish PKK plague

My son was in Turkey and I have relatives thru marriage who were born in Turkey.
The relatives, being jews---often had to seek refuge from Islamic filth in the
Kurdish hills. I am old----but knew about the ARMENIAN genocide when I was about seven. My mother told me. I grew up in a very WASPY semi rural, suburban town where my friends had no idea. Much later as a young professional,, an elderly lady came under my care-----my supervisor asked me
if I knew about the ARMENIAN GENOCIDE------I said "yes" and he was a bit
surprised. The elderly lady saw the members of her whole family hacked
to death by TURKS -----they went door to door to slaughter whole families. ----
Then there is history------in the course of the CRUSADES---there was one
NOTABLE moderate muslim leader-----SALADIN----in fact he was a berber---
aka KURD. Remember Saladin? His personal physician was Maimonides.
Who is PLAGUED over there? BTW Kurds are also oppressed in Iraq and Iran
and Syria. Saddam murdered them wholesale with weapons of mass destruction that some jerks claim DID NOT EXIST. Chlorine gas was a fave------it destroys
the delicate tissues of the lung that function to oxygenate blood-----children, typically die first in agony. I support establishment of Kurdish homelands
When was the Armenian genocide? It was in 1915. That's a sneeze over 100 years ago. It would be more than an elderly lady. It would be someone from the Walking Dead. But if she did remember people being hacked to death she would remember that it wasn't Turks. In fact The Turkish Republic didn't exist so there were no Turks. There was an Ottoman Empire that was smashed by the British. It no longer exists.

Kurdish terrorist attacks on Turkish civillians started in 1974 when the Kurds formed the communist PKK
They have been engaging in urban warfare ever since. They have been basically blaming Turkey for everything they have been doing.

The Kurds have several problems. One is they aren't Armenians and cannot assume atrocity. Two is all the people involved in the atrocity are gone and the country no longer exists. Three is if the Kurds were ever entitled to sympathy they lost that entitlement when they started killing people to create a communist Kurdistan.

wrong again. The murderers were Turkish muslims-----Ask Robert Spencer----for that matter ---you could even ask the famous film director ELIA KAZAN-------sheeesh you is dim. IT MATTERS what the recognized STATE LINES WERE?
OH gee-----lets pretend that the Kurds are literate enough to read MARX
?COMMUNISTS? ROFLMAO. They are tribal mountain people
Kurds have a literacy rate around 70%.
Trying to insult me shows how little you know me. shrug

What's also clear is that you would rather deflect and focus on what you think my political leanings are rather than address the point I was making.

The world is connected whether we like it or not. It's foolish to think that problems will remain regional. I agree we cannot police the world but we do have a role to play that is critical to our own national security.
what does this mean if not to shame someone? there's is no argument in that post, it's worse than calling someone an insult. what a tool. wish to argue, post a thought.

Yeah - that's a great position to take. Let's not try and do better. Let's just say we're justified because the other guy did it too.

My post is as solid an argument as his/her post. When you have to support your position by claiming so and so did it too, or whatabout X, that tells me there is no legitimate defense.

Truth be told, any American that thinks this decision was a good one doesn't understand our foreign policy or our national security challenges. So......yeah, I guess it was a thinly veiled insult.
"doesn't understand our foreign policy"
Enlighten me. Why did we invade Iraq again?

Because Bush lied about weapons of mass destruction which triggered instability in that region. There was no reason for the US to go into Iraq. The administration viewed it as a low hanging fruit and a quick win to sell to the american people.

The US involvement in a number of countries has been a mistake but once you break it you buy it. If we're going to go in somewhere and fuck it up then we have a responsibility to try and restabilize it. That's common sense.

This is not true, although watching too much MSM a decade or so ago you would have thought it was.

We did find WMD in Iraq. WMD Saddam had not declared.


5000 chemical warheads were found scattered around Iraq. Maybe in your mind 5000 warheads was "nothing" but me that's very much "something."

Bush has long been vindicated for going into Iraq. Even the New York Slimes has admitted that. Now we just wait for the slow liberals to catch up.
see my post # 465
also--Iraq hindered WMD inspectors--jesus f christ--that's more than enough reason to go back in
Turkey fights PKK terrorists, where is the problem?

Turkey----DA VICTIM of Kurdish oppression !!!!!!!!!!!

Go to Turkey and see how the country suffers under Kurdish PKK plague

My son was in Turkey and I have relatives thru marriage who were born in Turkey.
The relatives, being jews---often had to seek refuge from Islamic filth in the
Kurdish hills. I am old----but knew about the ARMENIAN genocide when I was about seven. My mother told me. I grew up in a very WASPY semi rural, suburban town where my friends had no idea. Much later as a young professional,, an elderly lady came under my care-----my supervisor asked me
if I knew about the ARMENIAN GENOCIDE------I said "yes" and he was a bit
surprised. The elderly lady saw the members of her whole family hacked
to death by TURKS -----they went door to door to slaughter whole families. ----
Then there is history------in the course of the CRUSADES---there was one
NOTABLE moderate muslim leader-----SALADIN----in fact he was a berber---
aka KURD. Remember Saladin? His personal physician was Maimonides.
Who is PLAGUED over there? BTW Kurds are also oppressed in Iraq and Iran
and Syria. Saddam murdered them wholesale with weapons of mass destruction that some jerks claim DID NOT EXIST. Chlorine gas was a fave------it destroys
the delicate tissues of the lung that function to oxygenate blood-----children, typically die first in agony. I support establishment of Kurdish homelands
When was the Armenian genocide? It was in 1915. That's a sneeze over 100 years ago. It would be more than an elderly lady. It would be someone from the Walking Dead. But if she did remember people being hacked to death she would remember that it wasn't Turks. In fact The Turkish Republic didn't exist so there were no Turks. There was an Ottoman Empire that was smashed by the British. It no longer exists.

Kurdish terrorist attacks on Turkish civillians started in 1974 when the Kurds formed the communist PKK
They have been engaging in urban warfare ever since. They have been basically blaming Turkey for everything they have been doing.

The Kurds have several problems. One is they aren't Armenians and cannot assume atrocity. Two is all the people involved in the atrocity are gone and the country no longer exists. Three is if the Kurds were ever entitled to sympathy they lost that entitlement when they started killing people to create a communist Kurdistan.

wrong again. The murderers were Turkish muslims-----Ask Robert Spencer----for that matter ---you could even ask the famous film director ELIA KAZAN-------sheeesh you is dim. IT MATTERS what the recognized STATE LINES WERE?
OH gee-----lets pretend that the Kurds are literate enough to read MARX
?COMMUNISTS? ROFLMAO. They are tribal mountain people
The Armenian genocide was in 1915. Turkey was not created until 1923. Educate yourself look up the KKP and the PKK. The Kurds are communist terrorists who have been killing Turks for decades. It is high time the Turks fight back.
I like the idea of a Kurdish homeland (sheeeeesh---I am FORCED to agree with
Joe----of all people) but the FACTS are that DA MUZZIES are against it----
so there-------the kurds are up in them thar hills since the trash of Arabia
spilled out and muddied up the whole middle east

Um... psst. The Kurds are Muslims, too.

yup-----sunni muslims
The Kurds have always been in danger, from Iraq, from Turkey, and from Syria. Their goal is to carve out their own country from parts of 3 others. Naturally this will cause issues with said original countries.

Trump hasn't gotten us out of anything there. he moved 50-100 troops 30km away from a border. We are still there, and still supporting the kurds in a large portion of Syria.

If Trump had kept the troops in the buffer area, you would have accused him of antagonizing Turkey.

The troops have been there for three years, when did I accuse Trump of doing that?

He gave the green like for an Islamist Regime to attack our allies... but being good little cultists, you are good with that.
.....and we gave the green light to hitler, the HUTUS, the Turks in 1915, Pol Pot, Idi Amin, the Serbs, etc....everything any country has ever done wrong, was INITIATED [ hahahahahahhaha ] by the US !!!!!!
and Trump caused Old Yeller to get Rabies!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
..I've got news for you, these conflicts have been going on since the beginning of humans
they said the Rwandan genocide was America's fault, also
EVERYTHING is our fault
The Kurds have always been in danger, from Iraq, from Turkey, and from Syria. Their goal is to carve out their own country from parts of 3 others. Naturally this will cause issues with said original countries.

Trump hasn't gotten us out of anything there. he moved 50-100 troops 30km away from a border. We are still there, and still supporting the kurds in a large portion of Syria.

If Trump had kept the troops in the buffer area, you would have accused him of antagonizing Turkey.

The troops have been there for three years, when did I accuse Trump of doing that?

He gave the green like for an Islamist Regime to attack our allies... but being good little cultists, you are good with that.
Maybe Joe you and others should go over there and fight with who you want with.
....and we gave the green light to hitler, the HUTUS, the Turks in 1915, Pol Pot, Idi Amin, the Serbs, etc....everything any country has ever done wrong, was INITIATED [ hahahahahahhaha ] by the US !!!!!!
and Trump caused Old Yeller to get Rabies!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
..I've got news for you, these conflicts have been going on since the beginning of humans

True... they have. Trump is only responsible for the ones on his watch.

On his watch, he sold out the Kurds in favor of the Islamists in Ankara...
....and we gave the green light to hitler, the HUTUS, the Turks in 1915, Pol Pot, Idi Amin, the Serbs, etc....everything any country has ever done wrong, was INITIATED [ hahahahahahhaha ] by the US !!!!!!
and Trump caused Old Yeller to get Rabies!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
..I've got news for you, these conflicts have been going on since the beginning of humans

True... they have. Trump is only responsible for the ones on his watch.

On his watch, he sold out the Kurds in favor of the Islamists in Ankara...
..sure he did....all because he said the word ''their'', or ''it'' or anything ..it's ALL Trump's fault!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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