*Turkey Next Shit Hole To Go Up In Puff Of Smoke*

Sorry bout that,

1. I wake up each day wondering which shit hole nation will fail.......
2. When Saudi Arabia fails that will be a *GREAT DAY*!!!
3. Iran is just a shit stain on Americas underwear, either way if they fail, or stay united makes no difference.

And the psychopath dictator Erdogan wins!


Police recently crashed the protestors in Istanbul, Taksim Square.

Erdogan showed the whole world that he is no better than a 3rd world dictator, not suitable for his people who are trying to kep the pace with the rest of the civilized world in terms of fundamental freedoms...

Turkey is a politically divided country. The urban coastal populations tend to favor a more European-style government, while the backward superstitious people who tend to live in the fly-over country want an authoritarian theocracy instead. That last group is now in power, and their policies are inciting the only reaction that can be expected from an enlightened people under such a repressive abomination.
Turkey is a politically divided country. The urban coastal populations tend to favor a more European-style government, while the backward superstitious people who tend to live in the fly-over country want an authoritarian theocracy instead. That last group is now in power, and their policies are inciting the only reaction that can be expected from an enlightened people under such a repressive abomination.

How long have you lived in Turkey?

Turkey is a country with a very stable government. It is a country where everyone is as joined in their belief and support of Mustafa Kemal Atatürk’s vision for modern day Turkey as Americans are in their constitution. Americans can be seen as very divided too: this forum is a perfect example. But we will not set aside the Constitution or the vision of our founding fathers: we are all united when it comes to that, and, as well, the Turks are united when it comes to their constitution and the vision of their founding father, Mustafa Kemal Atatürk. Turkey isn’t going down in flames. The US will not invade Turkey. These kind of claims are made by people who do not know Turkey.
But we will not set aside the Constitution or the vision of our founding fathers: we are all united when it comes to that, ...

Yeah, that's why a majority of Americans approve of the NSA intercepting emails, recording phone call metadata, etc, because we all are just so in love with maintaining our Constitutional freedoms, lol. Our Constitution is merely a symbol today and its words largely ignored.
Turkey is a politically divided country. The urban coastal populations tend to favor a more European-style government, while the backward superstitious people who tend to live in the fly-over country want an authoritarian theocracy instead. That last group is now in power, and their policies are inciting the only reaction that can be expected from an enlightened people under such a repressive abomination.

:clap2: Houston, we have a Winner... :clap2:
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Turkey is a politically divided country. The urban coastal populations tend to favor a more European-style government, while the backward superstitious people who tend to live in the fly-over country want an authoritarian theocracy instead. That last group is now in power, and their policies are inciting the only reaction that can be expected from an enlightened people under such a repressive abomination.

You could replace "Turkey" with "the U.S.".... just sayin'...
Alpine -

And the psychopath dictator Erdogan wins!

Except that he is not a psychopath or a dictator, of course.

He is not a leader I particularly like, but I think it's better to stick to reality.

No dictator becomes a dictator overnight. No dictator comes to power as a dictator either(in democratic ways). Power corrupts.

He got elected 3 terms and a fourth on the way. In civilized democracies there are rules against that for a reason.

Watch him, closely, listen even closer. He is a dictator, because he dictates. He never listens to anyone. There is no single case he listened to anyone.

The same in the last gezi park incident, he goes into a meeting with the protestor leaders, he tells them their options and walks out. Again, dictating whatever he has in mind. This is dialogue to him. He thinks he is so democratic, because he could actually not even give em any options, but rather just run 'em over.

And btw this is what his best friend, he was right next to Erdogan in his last speech openly said:

"You are lucky this is democracy, otherwise we would be drowning you all!"

So to his point of view, as long as he is not drowning you, he is a democrat :) and you are lucky that he is one.

This is a solid, clear dictator guys, a true modern day dictator. The times of the old bloddy dictators are over, because there is no need to be one when you can become a democratic(?!) dictator. Hail the new dictator, Erdogan, the polarizer, the dictate errrrr......

Americans can be seen as very divided too: this forum is a perfect example.

I was making a direct comparison, yes.

Turkey is a politically divided country. The urban coastal populations tend to favor a more European-style government, while the backward superstitious people who tend to live in the fly-over country want an authoritarian theocracy instead. That last group is now in power, and their policies are inciting the only reaction that can be expected from an enlightened people under such a repressive abomination.

How long have you lived in Turkey?

Turkey is a country with a very stable government. It is a country where everyone is as joined in their belief and support of Mustafa Kemal Atatürk’s vision for modern day Turkey as Americans are in their constitution. Americans can be seen as very divided too: this forum is a perfect example. But we will not set aside the Constitution or the vision of our founding fathers: we are all united when it comes to that, and, as well, the Turks are united when it comes to their constitution and the vision of their founding father, Mustafa Kemal Atatürk. Turkey isn’t going down in flames. The US will not invade Turkey. These kind of claims are made by people who do not know Turkey.

When you say Ataturk, the founding father of modern Turkey, abolished institutionalized religion and put the country westward; should I mention Erdogan calling him a "drunk" and an "alcoholic", 2 phrases he likes so much lately.

Yes, Turkey is divided. But the division is not a religious division like in Syria (they should thank to Ataturk for that), nor like a democratic political division in US. It is more like a division in understanding and lifestyles. It can be overcome so easily, but obviously not by Erdogan.
Alpine -

And the psychopath dictator Erdogan wins!

Except that he is not a psychopath or a dictator, of course.

He is not a leader I particularly like, but I think it's better to stick to reality.

No dictator becomes a dictator overnight. No dictator comes to power as a dictator either(in democratic ways). Power corrupts.

He got elected 3 terms and a fourth on the way. In civilized democracies there are rules against that for a reason.

Watch him, closely, listen even closer. He is a dictator, because he dictates. He never listens to anyone. There is no single case he listened to anyone.

The same in the last gezi park incident, he goes into a meeting with the protestor leaders, he tells them their options and walks out. Again, dictating whatever he has in mind. This is dialogue to him. He thinks he is so democratic, because he could actually not even give em any options, but rather just run 'em over.

And btw this is what his best friend, he was right next to Erdogan in his last speech openly said:

"You are lucky this is democracy, otherwise we would be drowning you all!"

So to his point of view, as long as he is not drowning you, he is a democrat :) and you are lucky that he is one.

This is a solid, clear dictator guys, a true modern day dictator. The times of the old bloddy dictators are over, because there is no need to be one when you can become a democratic(?!) dictator. Hail the new dictator, Erdogan, the polarizer, the dictate errrrr......

Turkey is a politically divided country. The urban coastal populations tend to favor a more European-style government, while the backward superstitious people who tend to live in the fly-over country want an authoritarian theocracy instead. That last group is now in power, and their policies are inciting the only reaction that can be expected from an enlightened people under such a repressive abomination.

How long have you lived in Turkey?

Turkey is a country with a very stable government. It is a country where everyone is as joined in their belief and support of Mustafa Kemal Atatürk’s vision for modern day Turkey as Americans are in their constitution. Americans can be seen as very divided too: this forum is a perfect example. But we will not set aside the Constitution or the vision of our founding fathers: we are all united when it comes to that, and, as well, the Turks are united when it comes to their constitution and the vision of their founding father, Mustafa Kemal Atatürk. Turkey isn’t going down in flames. The US will not invade Turkey. These kind of claims are made by people who do not know Turkey.

Yes, Turkey is divided. But the division is not a religious division like in Syria (they should thank to Ataturk for that), nor like a democratic political division in US. It is more like a division in understanding and lifestyles. It can be overcome so easily, but obviously not by Erdogan.

I have lived in Turkey. And I am in touch with people who are Turks, living there, or Westerners who have lived there for 25-30 years. They do not believe there is any chance of Turkey falling apart. It is Erdogan's last term in office. He will be replaced. Most likely with someone more middle of the road, someone who does not want the devisiveness we are seeing now, which has simply come to a head. Turkey is not going to fall apart. Sorry to disappoint you. And it's not going to become a theocracy because of someone like Erdogan. When I lived there, only 8 years ago, it was illegal to insult Ataturk. Do you have credible, verifiable evidence that Erdogan has insulted Ataturk?
Sorry bout that,

1. Oh its going, just read the Islamic text, hate breeds hate, and that book is pure hate, gilded with *evil*.
2. You can't make a good book out of a sows ear.
3. The Koran is Satan's answer to the *good book* the one written by the *JEWS*.

Alpine -

Except that he is not a psychopath or a dictator, of course.

He is not a leader I particularly like, but I think it's better to stick to reality.

No dictator becomes a dictator overnight. No dictator comes to power as a dictator either(in democratic ways). Power corrupts.

He got elected 3 terms and a fourth on the way. In civilized democracies there are rules against that for a reason.

Watch him, closely, listen even closer. He is a dictator, because he dictates. He never listens to anyone. There is no single case he listened to anyone.

The same in the last gezi park incident, he goes into a meeting with the protestor leaders, he tells them their options and walks out. Again, dictating whatever he has in mind. This is dialogue to him. He thinks he is so democratic, because he could actually not even give em any options, but rather just run 'em over.

And btw this is what his best friend, he was right next to Erdogan in his last speech openly said:

"You are lucky this is democracy, otherwise we would be drowning you all!"

So to his point of view, as long as he is not drowning you, he is a democrat :) and you are lucky that he is one.

This is a solid, clear dictator guys, a true modern day dictator. The times of the old bloddy dictators are over, because there is no need to be one when you can become a democratic(?!) dictator. Hail the new dictator, Erdogan, the polarizer, the dictate errrrr......

How long have you lived in Turkey?

Turkey is a country with a very stable government. It is a country where everyone is as joined in their belief and support of Mustafa Kemal Atatürk’s vision for modern day Turkey as Americans are in their constitution. Americans can be seen as very divided too: this forum is a perfect example. But we will not set aside the Constitution or the vision of our founding fathers: we are all united when it comes to that, and, as well, the Turks are united when it comes to their constitution and the vision of their founding father, Mustafa Kemal Atatürk. Turkey isn’t going down in flames. The US will not invade Turkey. These kind of claims are made by people who do not know Turkey.

Yes, Turkey is divided. But the division is not a religious division like in Syria (they should thank to Ataturk for that), nor like a democratic political division in US. It is more like a division in understanding and lifestyles. It can be overcome so easily, but obviously not by Erdogan.

I have lived in Turkey. And I am in touch with people who are Turks, living there, or Westerners who have lived there for 25-30 years. They do not believe there is any chance of Turkey falling apart. It is Erdogan's last term in office. He will be replaced. Most likely with someone more middle of the road, someone who does not want the devisiveness we are seeing now, which has simply come to a head. Turkey is not going to fall apart. Sorry to disappoint you. And it's not going to become a theocracy because of someone like Erdogan. When I lived there, only 8 years ago, it was illegal to insult Ataturk. Do you have credible, verifiable evidence that Erdogan has insulted Ataturk?

Then last week Erdogan defended his anti-alcohol legislation by obliquely calling Ataturk and his closest ally, Ismet Inonu, a couple of "drunkards".

Turkey's protesters proclaim themselves the true heirs of their nation's founding father | World news | The Observer

I don't want to get into the debate of "who lived in Turkey more than the other" or "who has more Turkish friends in facebook". I just want to crank some history, to put this subject on some solid ground.

Lets start what gezi park is. Gezi park has a very distinct place in anatolian history, way before modern Turkey was established, it was called Ottoman back then. As all we know, Ottoman was a backward country ruled by religious institutions, just like europe in the middle ages, and Iran at the moment. While western countries progressed by pushing the separation of church and the state to their societies, Ottoman was not able to put himself on this path, becoming more and more backward. Then western countries pushed Ottomans to enact their first constitution, recognizing his religious and ethnic minorities and giving them some freedom, along with the muslim majority. But religious institutions feel pressurized by this new "gavur icadi" (which means westerners invention, make of the devil) and started a backward revolution attempt. And as you guessed, it was started right where gezi park is, there was the barracks of soldiers supporting the religious institutions rather than the constitutional government. And guess who put that revolution down??? Mustafa Kemal, aka Ataturk. And now Erdogan plans to re-build those barracks, instead of gezi park.

This is just the beginning. There is a lot more to that. Just another small detail, do you know who put the law against insulting Ataturk in place? It is Menderes himself, whom Erdogan claims to be the successor of. But the reason Menderes put that law in place was not because he was a fan of Ataturk, but because there was a religious cult openly ridiculing Ataturk because of him abolishing the caliphate, sultanate and bunch of religious institutions, and for not being a proper muslim, drinking alcohol( :) ) and Menderes simply did not want to be seen as a backwards leader. Otherwise he was opposing Ataturk for his reforms especially because of his land reform giving the poor some land to live on. I can understand that since Menderes was one of the biggest land owners in Turkey.

And about Erdogan having his last term as a PM, it is true that he can not get elected as a PM anymore but I would not be so sure about Erdogan being out of the picture. He is trying to change the parliamentary system to a presidential one, so he now he can get elected as a president, not a PM.

So when I claim Turkey being on a slippery slope, I am trying to base myself on these historical processes Turkey has been through, the facts of its religion and its geographical location that also plays a big role in its relations to the rest of the world which naturally effecting its politics.

And one last detail from history, do you know how long it did take Romains from chanting for Ceausescu, to shoot him like a dog in front of a wall? 48 hours...
PM Erdogan addressing to the millions at site of AK Party rally in Istanbul Anadolu Agency

Erdogan: "If International media wants a picture, it is here"

Istanbul Kazlicesme

No worries, we have seen this scene before



Just another popular dictator. You expect us to be impressed?

You have lots to learn if you want to match the thinking of the people you are trying to make a point to. First; bringing people from miles away to fill up a meeting square does NOT mean anything, unless you are trying to make the point that you are a power hungry dictator.

Erdogan's meeting organizations are like the time share people offering you a free boat ride to attend their sales meeting. And he actually did offer free boat ride for people wanting to come from surrounding cities, to attend this photo shoot :) I wouldn't say no to this deal either, especially considering the free food on top of that ;)

Democrats, Republicans, do you get anything for free to support whoever you are supporting? Then you are being fooled. Your vote would worth much more in Turkey, if you fucking care of course...
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The best that could be said of Turkey was that it was a very stable country at one time. It is obviously not a stable country now. People living on the coast are more European because part of Turkey is on the continent of Europe. Part of Turkey is on the continent of Asia and follows more fundamentalist Islamic principles.

The controversy over the park was just an excuse. It could have been any excuse, it just happened to be this one. The fundamentalist faction is using this to establish control over the nation. Any little fissure can be exploited by islamists. Add into this volatile mix, the separatist Kurds who have a vested interest in destabilization and Turkey becomes a country falling apart.

The rise of fundamentalist islam in Turkey was readily apparent ten years ago. It's been doing nothing but growing for a very long time.

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