*Turkey Next Shit Hole To Go Up In Puff Of Smoke*

Sorry bout that,

Sorry bout that,

1. Keep telling yourself that when the cops come in those protests and start cracking some heads!
2. Its coming.
3. And I wouldn't be a bit surprised when the bullets start breaking bone.


Yes, that's the way. Never pay attention to people are live in the country, live in one of the cities where this is happening, have lived in the country for 3 decades and raised a family there, who are Turkish, who went into the city center to observe what is happening, who know the government and the PM in a way you never will. Ignore all of that and just keep thinking along your own narrow minded, ignorant path. That makes all kinds of sense. In the end, btw, the Turkish police are going to be on the side of the people. They are not going to continue to brutalize people who are their friends, neighbors, and probably relatives.

1. I predict these things, don't shoot me I just the predictor.
2. If you want to believe every-things just fine in Turkey, *goat ahead* then, I mean,...oops, go ahead then.
3. This disturbance is just beginning to grow in strength, keep your head down is all I can say, soon the pressure cooker bombs will go off.
4. That's when the legs get torn off, kinda like what happened in Boston recently.

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Does no one pay attention to what's happening in Turkey?

There is a government that has a façade of being secular, while it must pander to the majority muslim population. That population has had quite enough of secularism and wants an Islamic theocracy. How long can the government stand against a people who want that government to be very different? The government itself would prefer to be a theocracy but has to keep up the pretense of being secular for the benefit of the west.

Add into the Turkish mix, the Kurds who want independence and the situation becomes extremely volatile like the middle east is.

You and the OP both have your heads firmly up your ass. Admit it, you don't know the first thing about Turkey.

What's really going on, Einstein, is the opposite of what you posted: the people are happy with their secular government and want to keep it that way. What they're protesting is the creeping right-wing shift of the PM. If you broke a sweat to understand it, it might dawn on you that you have the two parties reversed.

Just as the OP is also lost in space with his "other hell hole nations, too numerous to list" -- because he has no clue what he's talking about.

Hard to fathom how some of you manage to find your way to the fucking refrigerator.
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Sorry bout that,

Sorry bout that,

1. Keep telling yourself that when the cops come in those protests and start cracking some heads!
2. Its coming.
3. And I wouldn't be a bit surprised when the bullets start breaking bone.


Yes, that's the way. Never pay attention to people are live in the country, live in one of the cities where this is happening, have lived in the country for 3 decades and raised a family there, who are Turkish, who went into the city center to observe what is happening, who know the government and the PM in a way you never will. Ignore all of that and just keep thinking along your own narrow minded, ignorant path. That makes all kinds of sense. In the end, btw, the Turkish police are going to be on the side of the people. They are not going to continue to brutalize people who are their friends, neighbors, and probably relatives.

1. I predict these things, don't shoot me I just the predictor.
2. If you want to believe every-things just fine in Turkey, *goat ahead* then, I mean,...oops, go ahead then.
3. This disturbance is just beginning to grow in strength, keep your head down is all I can say, soon the pressure cooker bombs will go off.
4. That's when the legs get torn off, kinda like what happened in Boston recently.


Boston? You want to find a link between Turkey and Boston? Really?

You are truly an addlebrained idiot.
Turkey is fine.

A few days of riot hardly mean the country is about to fall to pieces. It's foundations are FAR too old and too strong. There is cleary any ideological divide between Secularists and Moderates, but nowhere as deep a divide as we see in the US these days.

I agree. Turkey is fine. These people who think this is a major crisis are completely ignorant, and many of them just plain idiots.

Then why is that the same exact thing that was said with Eygpt, Libya, and Syria?

It wasn't. But you can put your doll away now...

Turkey has about as much in common with those countries as we do with Brazil, Poland and Guatemala.
Sorry bout that,

Yes, you should apologise - but mainly to your English teacher.

The ignorance on this thread is really frightening.

It seems every high school dropout thinks he is an expert on the Middle East, despite struggling to read and writeand being unable to locate Ankara on a map.
Sorry bout that,

1. Islam and those who follow it are unruly people, they will always be barbarians, evil, murderers, full of hate.
2. Goodbye Turkey!
3. You will not be missed
4. You will follow those other hell hole nations, too numerous to list.

Fuck off.

Turkey has more history and more culture in its little finger then the US has in its whole body. Not be missed? Half of human history can be found in Turkey. Let's just trash the whole country, shall we?
Let's just trash the whole country, shall we?

Unnecessary: the Turks are doing that themselves.

Reuters, 6/5:

Turks clash with police despite apology

By Daren Butler

ISTANBUL - Protesters clashed with police across Turkey overnight despite an apology for police violence from the deputy prime minister designed to halt an unprecedented wave of protest against Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan. Full Article

Biden urges Turkey to respect rights of protesters

Kerry said this yesterday; apparently they are taking turns in the administration. I love it: Promoting the rights of peaceful demonstrators is a way to help destabilize the country, given that the demonstrators all across the Arab Spring have been anything but peaceful.

The more Islamland collapses, the better for us. More riots! More riots!
the people are happy with their secular government and want to keep it that way.

I don't know, Pogo..............they sure don't LOOK happy with their government.

Widespread rioting is sort of how you tell people aren't happy with their government.

the people are happy with their secular government and want to keep it that way.

I don't know, Pogo..............they sure don't LOOK happy with their government.

Widespread rioting is sort of how you tell people aren't happy with their government.

Sigh....do you understand the difference between someone being unhappy with Obama, and someone wanting to tear down the US system altogether?

Turks are protesting largely against Erdogan (the Prime Minister), and not so much about the Turkish system of government.

Hence, the current wave of protests may be important to the Erdogan administration and to the next election (when Erdogan might run for President) but are probably not important to Turkey in the long run.
Maintain discipline in evaluating the size, composition and geographic spread of protests. Social media coverage will tend to exaggerate numbers and events.
The largest and most violent demonstrations, with an estimated 5,000-10,000 protesters, are continuing in Istanbul, Izmir, Ankara and, to a lesser extent, Adana.

Taking advantage of the protest climate, the 250,000-strong Confederation of Public Workers' Union notably has called for a strike from June 4 to June 5 to demand higher wages and better working conditions.

In Turkey's largest 4 cities (Istanbul, Ankara, Izmir, Adana) there are each about 5,000 - 10,000 people on the street.

There are also protests in some mid-sized cities:
Smaller demonstrations have occurred in Antalya, Eskisehir, Yalova, Bolu, Mugla, Kayseri, Konya, Hatay, Mersin and Trabzon, where only an estimated few hundred people have turned out to protest.
Sorry bout that,

1. Islam and those who follow it are unruly people, they will always be barbarians, evil, murderers, full of hate.
2. Goodbye Turkey!
3. You will not be missed
4. You will follow those other hell hole nations, too numerous to list.

Fuck off.

Turkey has more history and more culture in its little finger then the US has in its whole body. Not be missed? Half of human history can be found in Turkey. Let's just trash the whole country, shall we?

Turkey is a beautiful country and will easily survive the riots of Marxist thugs.

But you exaggerate quite a bit to say that half human history is there. When they were the Ottoman Empire at their zenith, mmmm, maybe then you had a justifiable claim, with Egypt, Palestine, Greece and all. But just the Anatolian Peninsula? nah.
It's unbelievable.... the whole region is falling like a house of cards... :(

The impact, however, is not regional. Considering the Islamification of Europe, waves of dissent and violence will escalate, and spill over into North America.

Do you check under your bed for Muslims?

Let's be realistic here. Turkey is one of the few democracies in that region. It has problems. But frankly, nothing crazy.

People are demonstrating, the police overreacted, but they didn't shoot a bunch of people.
If anything these protests ought to fill us all with hope.

THE PEOPLE are protesting against the Islamic leaning government because they think it is to heavy handed

Can you imagine that happening in Saudi Arabia?
the people are happy with their secular government and want to keep it that way.

I don't know, Pogo..............they sure don't LOOK happy with their government.

Widespread rioting is sort of how you tell people aren't happy with their government.


They're protesting the PM, not the constitution. The latter is something they treasure more than he does.

Is it really fricking rocket surgery to figure this out?

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