*Turkey Next Shit Hole To Go Up In Puff Of Smoke*

I was just in Tunisia last year, genius!

I'm sure.

I think you are a paid Muslim propagandist, like Indofred and that georgephillips poster.

It won't do any good for your side to tell all these lies.

We can all see what is going on, and we all know the Muslims are our enemies.

Jesus wept....you really are beyond help, aren't you?

Reading through your comments on this thread I am just stunned by your lack of general knowledge. You obviously don't have a clue what is going on in the region and post like someone who could not place Ankara on a map.

Ignorance is one thing - but the fact that your only defense when confronted with your ignorance is to accuse everyone else of lies and propaganda?!

Does the simple andobvious fact not occur to you -that you simple have absolutely no idea at all about the Middle East?
I was just in Tunisia last year, genius!

I'm sure.

I think you are a paid Muslim propagandist, like Indofred and that georgephillips poster.

It won't do any good for your side to tell all these lies.

We can all see what is going on, and we all know the Muslims are our enemies.

Jesus wept....you really are beyond help, aren't you?

Reading through your comments on this thread I am just stunned by your lack of general knowledge. You obviously don't have a clue what is going on in the region and post like someone who could not place Ankara on a map.

Ignorance is one thing - but the fact that your only defense when confronted with your ignorance is to accuse everyone else of lies and propaganda?!

Does the simple andobvious fact not occur to you -that you simple have absolutely no idea at all about the Middle East?

She's either a troll, a moron or a psycho. Probably all three.
Why do you not mention that many of the countries which experienced an Arab Spring did so not to become more Isamic, but to become more moderate?

Because that would be a lie, to say they have become more moderate. They have all become more violently Islamic.

Good. They belong in the 7th century. Let them welter in it.

Muslims have been fighting over the different interpretations of the Koran since the death of Mohammed!!!! It is one of the reasons they have never been able to progress from tribal rule. The only way they are ever able to unite is under a strict, despotic rule such as in Saudi Arabia - a nation that didn't exist before Europeans created it.

Turkey - also a European construct - has survived this long under strict control that does not allow Islamic tribalism to supersede a national identity. Will it be able to withstand these pressures? Or, do we even want it to? So Turkey falls - that just means we'll have to remove our forces from its soil - and perhaps bring them home where they should be.
The Turks will crush this thing like a broken egg shell. The Islamacists there are consolidating their power by provoking secular westernists to play their hands too early.

The Turks will be standing long after the US has collapsed from economic and demographic suicide.

Muslims have been fighting over the different interpretations of the Koran since the death of Mohammed!!!! It is one of the reasons they have never been able to progress from tribal rule. The only way they are ever able to unite is under a strict, despotic rule such as in Saudi Arabia - a nation that didn't exist before Europeans created it.

Turkey - also a European construct - has survived this long under strict control that does not allow Islamic tribalism to supersede a national identity. Will it be able to withstand these pressures? Or, do we even want it to? So Turkey falls - that just means we'll have to remove our forces from its soil - and perhaps bring them home where they should be.

And....another one.

Well, then longknife, if "the only way they are ever able to unite is under a strict, despotic rule such as in Saudi Arabia" why are there so many Islamic democracies like Turkey, Malayisa, Indonesia, Bangladesh and Senegal?

If Turkey is a "western construct", why are there examples of Turkish architecture scattered from Budapest to Sofia, and from Tirana to Tiraspol?

Rather than just perpetuate this drivel, it would be really refreshing if you could either discuss this or admit you have absolutely no idea what you are talking about.
Muslims have been fighting over the different interpretations of the Koran since the death of Mohammed!!!! It is one of the reasons they have never been able to progress from tribal rule. The only way they are ever able to unite is under a strict, despotic rule such as in Saudi Arabia - a nation that didn't exist before Europeans created it.

Turkey - also a European construct - has survived this long under strict control that does not allow Islamic tribalism to supersede a national identity. Will it be able to withstand these pressures? Or, do we even want it to? So Turkey falls - that just means we'll have to remove our forces from its soil - and perhaps bring them home where they should be.

And....another one.

Well, then longknife, if "the only way they are ever able to unite is under a strict, despotic rule such as in Saudi Arabia" why are there so many Islamic democracies like Turkey, Malayisa, Indonesia, Bangladesh and Senegal?

If Turkey is a "western construct", why are there examples of Turkish architecture scattered from Budapest to Sofia, and from Tirana to Tiraspol?

Rather than just perpetuate this drivel, it would be really refreshing if you could either discuss this or admit you have absolutely no idea what you are talking about.
Turkey is a "western construct". Atatürk made it so.

Having said that, there are some "democracies" in the Islamic world, but it's a hard sell at the best of times. In the Arab world they are rarer. Arabs are less secular and when given the chance, very often vote in Islamist governments as oppressive as those they replace.

Devout Islam is not a good fit for democracy.
There is a cheerful, triumphal tone to the threads pointing out that Turkey is going the way of the other infidels ---

I think that it is beginning to become clear to a lot of us that our evil enemies the Muslims are collapsing without our having to fight them at all! What a domino display is going on in front of us: one country after another and another disintegrating before our very eyes.

I can hardly wait for the books explaining WHAT is happening, but that will be a few years, since the political landslide just keeps going on and on! With luck, it will spread to those hellholes on the other side of the globe, Pakistan and Bangladesh and so on. Maybe the terrible violent takeover of Muslims of Western and Far East and African lands will stop! That would really be great.

Iran will certainly go, surely it can't escape if even Turkey has gone.

I wish we knew what are the forces of disintegration. The pressure of modernization? The fact they don't have economies and they overpopulate so there is a food shortage? That certainly was the case in both Tunisia and Egypt. Something HUGE is going on, folks. Major historical event, the general collapse of Islamic nations. Will they unite as one Islamic Ummah? Probably not, Muslims kill each other all the time, constantly. If they can't kill us, they are glad to kill each other, look at Iraq, daily bombings. Syria.

Whatever is going on, Islam is disintegrating politically. That means we win easy and they lose by fighting each other, and that sure works for me.

I have no idea, none, not a scintilla, of how you came to this conclusion when all over the world, Islamic states that show the slightest hint of modernization are being deposed and replaced by Islamic states even more hard line that the ones they are replacing. Iraq, Afghanistan, Egypt, Libya, Syria, and now Turkey are all becoming fundamentalist muslim states and throwing off whatever shred of western civilization that has tainted them.
I was just in Tunisia last year, genius!

I'm sure.

I think you are a paid Muslim propagandist, like Indofred and that georgephillips poster.

It won't do any good for your side to tell all these lies.

We can all see what is going on, and we all know the Muslims are our enemies.

When was the last time you were in the Middle East?

If you've never been beheaded, how do you know it doesn't feel good?
I'm sure.

I think you are a paid Muslim propagandist, like Indofred and that georgephillips poster.

It won't do any good for your side to tell all these lies.

We can all see what is going on, and we all know the Muslims are our enemies.

When was the last time you were in the Middle East?

If you've never been beheaded, how do you know it doesn't feel good?

I bet they love wearing those burkas and head stuff, too, especially in the summer. But hey, it's better than being killed by Muslim men if they don't, right?
There is a cheerful, triumphal tone to the threads pointing out that Turkey is going the way of the other infidels ---

I think that it is beginning to become clear to a lot of us that our evil enemies the Muslims are collapsing without our having to fight them at all! What a domino display is going on in front of us: one country after another and another disintegrating before our very eyes.

I can hardly wait for the books explaining WHAT is happening, but that will be a few years, since the political landslide just keeps going on and on! With luck, it will spread to those hellholes on the other side of the globe, Pakistan and Bangladesh and so on. Maybe the terrible violent takeover of Muslims of Western and Far East and African lands will stop! That would really be great.

Iran will certainly go, surely it can't escape if even Turkey has gone.

I wish we knew what are the forces of disintegration. The pressure of modernization? The fact they don't have economies and they overpopulate so there is a food shortage? That certainly was the case in both Tunisia and Egypt. Something HUGE is going on, folks. Major historical event, the general collapse of Islamic nations. Will they unite as one Islamic Ummah? Probably not, Muslims kill each other all the time, constantly. If they can't kill us, they are glad to kill each other, look at Iraq, daily bombings. Syria.

Whatever is going on, Islam is disintegrating politically. That means we win easy and they lose by fighting each other, and that sure works for me.

I have no idea, none, not a scintilla, of how you came to this conclusion when all over the world, Islamic states that show the slightest hint of modernization are being deposed and replaced by Islamic states even more hard line that the ones they are replacing. Iraq, Afghanistan, Egypt, Libya, Syria, and now Turkey are all becoming fundamentalist muslim states and throwing off whatever shred of western civilization that has tainted them.

I think this is what I am saying, K&D --- you may have missed including a post in there from the opposition.
Muslims have been fighting over the different interpretations of the Koran since the death of Mohammed!!!! It is one of the reasons they have never been able to progress from tribal rule. The only way they are ever able to unite is under a strict, despotic rule such as in Saudi Arabia - a nation that didn't exist before Europeans created it.

Turkey - also a European construct - has survived this long under strict control that does not allow Islamic tribalism to supersede a national identity. Will it be able to withstand these pressures? Or, do we even want it to? So Turkey falls - that just means we'll have to remove our forces from its soil - and perhaps bring them home where they should be.

If we have to remove forces from Turkey, we'll end up putting them in Kuwait, I suppose. Saudi Arabia and Kuwait are the only countries that really matter, because our oil is under their sand. So we'll probably ensure they don't go up in revolution, if we possibly can.

But as for the others, it's much to American advantage that they are all collapsing one after the other and fighting sect against sect. I notice Kerry is doing the same thing all high American officials do: saying the government should not interfere with the (ha-ha) "peaceful" demonstrators!

The point of this is to encourage the revolution, I suddenly realize ---- because the more Islam disintegrates, the better off we are.
When was the last time you were in the Middle East?

If you've never been beheaded, how do you know it doesn't feel good?

I bet they love wearing those burkas and head stuff, too, especially in the summer. But hey, it's better than being killed by Muslim men if they don't, right?

It is the WOMEN who complain the loudest when it looks like someone wants to take the burka or niqab away. Who do you think was protesting in France when the government banned the veil? It was the women!

Muslim women protest on first day of France's face veil ban | World news | The Guardian

Kenza Drider stood defiantly outside Notre Dame, adjusting her niqab to reveal only a glimpse of her eyes. Scores of police with a riot van and several lorries stood by as she and another woman in a niqab staged a peaceful protest for the right "to dress as they please". On the first day of France's ban on full Islamic face-coverings, this was the first test.

"I'm not here to provoke, but to defend my civil liberties as a French citizen," said Drider, a 32-year-old mother-of-four from Avignon, accompanied by around 10 supporters

I live in Los Angeles, not far from the designated neighborhood of Tehrangeles named for the large number of Iranian muslims who live here. Women in burkas or niqabs are as common as women in t shirts and blue jeans. This is a free country. Do they love it? Will they be beaten if they don't cover themselves? An interested person might ask. They love it. They want it. They will fight tooth and claw to keep it. Like the women in France, in England in every "free" western country.
Regardless of where or what Turkey is, the important thing to remember is that the vast majority of the population is Muslim!

That means that regardless what the secular organizations say, the Imams and their Iranian overlords are doing their best to remove secularism and replace it with Sharia and religious leadership.

The question is - can the moderates withstand the attacks?

(My bold)

Imams are Shi'a. Iran is Shi'a (89%, v. 10% Sunni).

Turkey is 98+% Islamic, yes. But they are Sunni - the majority grouping of Islam (83%). The Shi'a (16%) & the Sunni do not get along well @ all.

This is v. basic information on Islam. After 09/11, the US press did a fair job of publishing this information. & there was a surge of classes on Islam, Arabic, the Koran, the Middle East in general, & so on. Any basic reference or cruising the Internet will get you a lot of information ...
Why do you not mention that many of the countries which experienced an Arab Spring did so not to become more Isamic, but to become more moderate?

Because that would be a lie, to say they have become more moderate. They have all become more violently Islamic.

Good. They belong in the 7th century. Let them welter in it.

Muslims have been fighting over the different interpretations of the Koran since the death of Mohammed!!!! It is one of the reasons they have never been able to progress from tribal rule. The only way they are ever able to unite is under a strict, despotic rule such as in Saudi Arabia - a nation that didn't exist before Europeans created it.

Turkey - also a European construct - has survived this long under strict control that does not allow Islamic tribalism to supersede a national identity. Will it be able to withstand these pressures? Or, do we even want it to? So Turkey falls - that just means we'll have to remove our forces from its soil - and perhaps bring them home where they should be.

I really wish you had posted some information dealing with debate over the interpretation of the Koran for I have never heard of any such debate. I have never run across any reinterpretation of the Koran. Muslims have been fighting each other since the death of mohammed, but that has to do with ancestral insults to islam not belief in different interpretations.
I live in Los Angeles, not far from the designated neighborhood of Tehrangeles named for the large number of Iranian muslims who live here. Women in burkas or niqabs are as common as women in t shirts and blue jeans. This is a free country. Do they love it? Will they be beaten if they don't cover themselves? An interested person might ask. They love it. They want it. They will fight tooth and claw to keep it. Like the women in France, in England in every "free" western country.

I've seen it, too -- there are one or two black muslims here who wear full burkas and sort of hitch at them when they slip all over their large frames.

I doubt they do it voluntarily. My guess is they are under the control of some authoritarian black muslim man. But I don't know that for sure.
Watching these protests on televison, they remind me the the Vietnam protests. They are not like serious riots with people being violent and lots of people being injured or lots of property being destroyed; in fact, it seems most of any violence has been on the part of the police. I have been in contact with a friend who lives in Turkey and has lived there for 30 years, raised a family there, is married to a Turk, etc. She lives in one of the largest cities in Turkey. Her grown son went downtown to check out the protesting, in the evening a day or two ago, and found the protestor non-violent and the police keeping their distance. He did not find it a threatening nor a violent situation. My friend talked about the situationin terms that have been expressed on this thread by those who understand the situation: this is about the over bearing, overly agressive moves of the current PM. This is about people not wanting a government that does not keep its adherence to Ataturk's vision of a secular, democratic, modern Turkey. He's got to go soon. He is in his last term of office. My friend mentioned that the country is essentially stable, that these protests are only in the downtown areas of big cities, that the rest of the country is calm and that overall, the country is stable and that this will pass.
Sorry bout that,

1. Keep telling yourself that when the cops come in those protests and start cracking some heads!
2. Its coming.
3. And I wouldn't be a bit surprised when the bullets start breaking bone.

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Sorry bout that,

1. Keep telling yourself that when the cops come in those protests and start cracking some heads!
2. Its coming.
3. And I wouldn't be a bit surprised when the bullets start breaking bone.


Yes, that's the way. Never pay attention to people are live in the country, live in one of the cities where this is happening, have lived in the country for 3 decades and raised a family there, who are Turkish, who went into the city center to observe what is happening, who know the government and the PM in a way you never will. Ignore all of that and just keep thinking along your own narrow minded, ignorant path. That makes all kinds of sense. In the end, btw, the Turkish police are going to be on the side of the people. They are not going to continue to brutalize people who are their friends, neighbors, and probably relatives.

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