Turkish Airlines Bans Air Hostesses From Wearing Red Lipstick and Nail Polish

Female circumcision is a cultural practice and ritual performed in several countries by 10's of millions of people for eons.

It is none of our business to meddle in something that doesn't need concern us. .. :cool:
There is a subtle effort by the western governments to defeat Islam in muslim countries by undermining their traditional morals and values.

So the ban by the Turkish Airlines is a push back against corrupt western ideas infecting their country. .. :cool:

The muslim "traditions" are as ill-defined as christian traditions.

How many people here knew that one of Mohammed's wives was a physician and another was a teacher?

What the world at large needs to do is to progress. Equal rights and equal opportunities must be given to all. Everyone should be given a good education. All housing and job sites should be safe. Everyone should be given fair wages for a day's labor. Those that cheat the system should be punished, not subsidized.

If America and other western countries can crawl out of the backwards hole we've been dragged into, if we can move into the 21st Century and look beyond, then we will have set the bar for the rest of the world, and be qualified to enforce human rights laws as necessary.

You're aiming a little high, I think. At this point, I'd be happy if Islam could be dragged into the 19th century.
Female circumcision is a cultural practice and ritual performed in several countries by 10's of millions of people for eons.

It is none of our business to meddle in something that doesn't need concern us. .. :cool:

Female genital mutilation is an evil practice that is yet more evidence that Islam is a cancer on the world and needs to be dealt with as such. I suggest high doses of RADIATION therapy.
"Female circumcision is still practiced mainly in Africa by muslims, pagans, and even christian tribes. .."

...and deserves to be rooted out and ended in the name of humanity, compassion and intellectual progress.
Turkish Airlines Bans Air Hostesses From Wearing Red Lipstick and Nail Polish

May 3, 2013
Air hostesses banned from wearing lipstick and nail polish in Turkey sparking row over increasing Islamic influence | Mail Online

"One wrote: ‘Why not just ban stewardesses altogether so we can all breathe a sigh of relief?’

1974 Photo - Things were more modern back then.


Female flight attendants at Turkey’s national airline have been banned from wearing red lipstick and nail polish, prompting renewed fears from secular Turks the country is becoming more Islamic. But critics say it reflects the creeping influence of the government's Islamic values. ‘This new guideline is totally down to Turkish Airlines management's desire to shape the company to fit its own political and ideological stance,’ Atilay Aycin, the president of Turkish Airlines' worker's union, said.

‘No one can deny that Turkey has become a more conservative, religious country.’ Turkey is 99 per cent Muslim, but the NATO state and European Union candidate has a secular constitution. 'They are objecting to the lipstick and nail polish that we have been using for years,' said Asli Gokmen, 30, a former Turkish Airlines' flight attendant who lost her job with more than 300 others last year during a union protest.

Hard to believe. When I went to Egypt there were many middle eastern women on the plane. They boarded with faces covered, but took off their face gear for the 9 hour flight. They were all heavily made up. They also adorn themselves with very beautiful scarves and other clothing. I have some incredibly beautiful scarves from there, one with sequins. They wear a lot of those over there. They are not mennonites. They don't try to be plain. The intent of covering is to be modest. Not plain.
People all over the world have unusual customs and rituals they perform.

Everything from face tattoo's, body cutting scars, wooden discs in lips and ears, to elongating necks with rings.

I think people get upset only because female circumcision involves muslims. .. :cool:
People all over the world have unusual customs and rituals they perform.

Everything from face tattoo's, body cutting scars, wooden discs in lips and ears, to elongating necks with rings.

I think people get upset only because female circumcision involves muslims. .. :cool:

That practice is in no way like male 'circumcision.' They remove the entire clitoris thinking it will keep the woman calm and by keeping her from experiencing sexual pleasure she will not screw around. I think the procedure itself is abominable. I can't imagine the pain that goes with it. But, the joke is on the ones who mistakenly believe the woman will not experience sexual pleasure without her clitoris. Unlike the male who has all of the nerve endings that deliver sexual pleasure in the penis. The nerve endings that deliver sexual pleasure in women are diffuse throughout the vaginal and mons pubis. A man who loses his penis will never have an orgasm again. But the woman without a clitoris will experience orgasm. Therefore, removing the clitoris does not curtail sexual pleasure except for the length of time the woman must endure the pain. That is the natural superiority of women!
People all over the world have unusual customs and rituals they perform.

Everything from face tattoo's, body cutting scars, wooden discs in lips and ears, to elongating necks with rings.

I think people get upset only because female circumcision involves muslims. .. :cool:

That practice is in no way like male 'circumcision.' They remove the entire clitoris thinking it will keep the woman calm and by keeping her from experiencing sexual pleasure she will not screw around. I think the procedure itself is abominable. I can't imagine the pain that goes with it. But, the joke is on the ones who mistakenly believe the woman will not experience sexual pleasure without her clitoris. Unlike the male who has all of the nerve endings that deliver sexual pleasure in the penis. The nerve endings that deliver sexual pleasure in women are diffuse throughout the vaginal and mons pubis. A man who loses his penis will never have an orgasm again. But the woman without a clitoris will experience orgasm. Therefore, removing the clitoris does not curtail sexual pleasure except for the length of time the woman must endure the pain. That is the natural superiority of women!

The Mons Pubis, huh.


Well, I'll be a monkey's uncle.
People all over the world have unusual customs and rituals they perform.

Everything from face tattoo's, body cutting scars, wooden discs in lips and ears, to elongating necks with rings.

I think people get upset only because female circumcision involves muslims. .. :cool:

That practice is in no way like male 'circumcision.' They remove the entire clitoris thinking it will keep the woman calm and by keeping her from experiencing sexual pleasure she will not screw around. I think the procedure itself is abominable. I can't imagine the pain that goes with it. But, the joke is on the ones who mistakenly believe the woman will not experience sexual pleasure without her clitoris. Unlike the male who has all of the nerve endings that deliver sexual pleasure in the penis. The nerve endings that deliver sexual pleasure in women are diffuse throughout the vaginal and mons pubis. A man who loses his penis will never have an orgasm again. But the woman without a clitoris will experience orgasm. Therefore, removing the clitoris does not curtail sexual pleasure except for the length of time the woman must endure the pain. That is the natural superiority of women!

The Mons Pubis, huh.


Well, I'll be a monkey's uncle.

Yes, if it doesn't tear you up too much, think about the complete anatomy of that region.
That practice is in no way like male 'circumcision.' They remove the entire clitoris thinking it will keep the woman calm and by keeping her from experiencing sexual pleasure she will not screw around. I think the procedure itself is abominable. I can't imagine the pain that goes with it. But, the joke is on the ones who mistakenly believe the woman will not experience sexual pleasure without her clitoris. Unlike the male who has all of the nerve endings that deliver sexual pleasure in the penis. The nerve endings that deliver sexual pleasure in women are diffuse throughout the vaginal and mons pubis. A man who loses his penis will never have an orgasm again. But the woman without a clitoris will experience orgasm. Therefore, removing the clitoris does not curtail sexual pleasure except for the length of time the woman must endure the pain. That is the natural superiority of women!

The Mons Pubis, huh.


Well, I'll be a monkey's uncle.

Yes, if it doesn't tear you up too much, think about the complete anatomy of that region.

I've identified the Mons Pubis


It doesn't really seem to be in the hot zone.
The Mons Pubis, huh.


Well, I'll be a monkey's uncle.

Yes, if it doesn't tear you up too much, think about the complete anatomy of that region.

I've identified the Mons Pubis


It doesn't really seem to be in the hot zone.

Think from the inside out, not the outside in.

It is part of the vulva - the external portion of the vagina which includes the labia, mons pubis, clitoris and the vaginal opening. The vulva is laden with pleasure transmitting nereves. Removing 1 part does not destroy functioning in the other parts.
"Think from the inside out, not the outside in.

It is part of the vulva - the external portion of the vagina which includes the labia, mons pubis, clitoris and the vaginal opening. The vulva is laden with pleasure transmitting nereves. Removing 1 part does not destroy functioning in the other parts."

Most men don't think of, can hardly imagine, this. They forget why size can matter and think it's just a display of masculinity. That doesn't at all excuse mutilation of areas closer to the surface. There is no defense of it. None. Nada. Aucune. Kein.
"Think from the inside out, not the outside in.

It is part of the vulva - the external portion of the vagina which includes the labia, mons pubis, clitoris and the vaginal opening. The vulva is laden with pleasure transmitting nereves. Removing 1 part does not destroy functioning in the other parts."

Most men don't think of, can hardly imagine, this. They forget why size can matter and think it's just a display of masculinity. That doesn't at all excuse mutilation of areas closer to the surface. There is no defense of it. None. Nada. Aucune. Kein.

What about male circumcision? I've never seen the procedure, but I've seen the table in hospitals where they line the male babies up and strap them down. Most people think men are irascible because of testosterone. If they did that to me on the second day of my life, I would hate the world too! Most of the wars of the world are just men trying to recover their rumpled foreskin.
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