Turkish Airlines Bans Air Hostesses From Wearing Red Lipstick and Nail Polish

Turkey is a muslim majority country and the citizens want Islamic morals and social values to be the norm in their country.

So I fail to see why this should concern people who don't live in Turkey? .. :cool:
^^^ This attitude of, "we know what's best for you", is what makes people in other countries dislike Americans. .. :cool:
Isn't that kinda like the Muslim take on women?
It's their country and their dress codes.

Why should it be any of our business?? .. :cool:
I didn't realize any western government had taken a position on this, unless you think a few bored posters commenting constitutes making it our business.
There is a subtle effort by the western governments to defeat Islam in muslim countries by undermining their traditional morals and values.

So the ban by the Turkish Airlines is a push back against corrupt western ideas infecting their country. .. :cool:
As a friend of mine used to say, everyone who is not my brother...

...is my sister.
There is a subtle effort by the western governments to defeat Islam in muslim countries by undermining their traditional morals and values.

So the ban by the Turkish Airlines is a push back against corrupt western ideas infecting their country. .. :cool:
I'd no idea red nail polish and lipstick on Turkish flight attendants was such a nefarious plan by western government to corrupt and undermine traditional morals and values. You'd think the Muslim world would be more concerned with things like female circumcision and suicide bombers, but then I'm not a Muslim.
There is a subtle effort by the western governments to defeat Islam in muslim countries by undermining their traditional morals and values.

So the ban by the Turkish Airlines is a push back against corrupt western ideas infecting their country. .. :cool:
I'd no idea red nail polish and lipstick on Turkish flight attendants was such a nefarious plan by western government to corrupt and undermine traditional morals and values. You'd think the Muslim world would be more concerned with things like female circumcision and suicide bombers, but then I'm not a Muslim.
I have never heard of a turkish suicide bomber??

And as far as I know, female circumcision isn't practiced in Turkey.

Although, personally I have no problem with the surgery. .. :cool:
There is a subtle effort by the western governments to defeat Islam in muslim countries by undermining their traditional morals and values.

So the ban by the Turkish Airlines is a push back against corrupt western ideas infecting their country. .. :cool:

The muslim "traditions" are as ill-defined as christian traditions.

How many people here knew that one of Mohammed's wives was a physician and another was a teacher?

What the world at large needs to do is to progress. Equal rights and equal opportunities must be given to all. Everyone should be given a good education. All housing and job sites should be safe. Everyone should be given fair wages for a day's labor. Those that cheat the system should be punished, not subsidized.

If America and other western countries can crawl out of the backwards hole we've been dragged into, if we can move into the 21st Century and look beyond, then we will have set the bar for the rest of the world, and be qualified to enforce human rights laws as necessary.
If America and other western countries can crawl out of the backwards hole we've been dragged into, if we can move into the 21st Century and look beyond, then we will have set the bar for the rest of the world, and be qualified to enforce human rights laws as necessary.
This is the, "we know what's best for you" western colonial mindset that has plagued the world for the last several centuries and guides U.S. foreign policy today. .. :doubt:
We don't right now, we're being pulled backwards by the far right, and we're not doing what's best for ourselves. If we could get into a Ster Trek's Starfleet Federation kind of lifestyle and mindset, the world would be a better place.
Who gives a toss what Turkey does to its own people. People should be more concerned about why the Turks continue to deny the Armenian genocide.
Female circumcision is illegal in the US. So much for religious freedom (thank God).
Anyone, ANYONE, who excuses such barbarity is an embarrassment to humanity and an enemy to all.

Interfering in other cultures and nations affairs is sometimes necessary, especially when it comes to their attacking the defenseless. There is no objectivity about this sadistic practice; it is wrong, sick, sadistic and intolerable. Whatever needs to be done to halt it and those who promote it should be done. I would never go to war for oil, but for my sisters, yes.

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