Turley...Obama gets it wrong on Flynn

Sun Devil 92

Diamond Member
Apr 2, 2015

Turley....whacks Obama....again.
Why can't the Kenyan-born miscreant Obama just keep his damn trap SHUT? Just dreadful.

Turley....whacks Obama....again.
Why can't the Kenyan-born miscreant Obama just keep his damn trap SHUT? Just dreadful.
Obama is bitter because he's been caught as the ring-leader of the Democrats going after Trump, and it is possible that he will be paying for his treason with a tour of the Federal Facility for treasonous traitors. He's actually singing his political swan song, methinks.

Turley....whacks Obama....again.
I think Mr. Turley, loyal Democrat, is horrified at his own party for rubberstamping wrongdoing, dishonesty, and the constant whittling away at the Constitution. Liberals who have a conscience are just now realizing they've been betrayed and lied to a lot, and Turley is hitting at the behavior, not the party at this point.

I wish some Democrat newspersons would go after those unamerican behaviors the rest of us are horrified by, particularly when it is acted out by people who have served in high office.

Turley....whacks Obama....again.
I think Mr. Turley, loyal Democrat, is horrified at his own party for rubberstamping wrongdoing, dishonesty, and the constant whittling away at the Constitution. Liberals who have a conscience are just now realizing they've been betrayed and lied to a lot, and Turley is hitting at the behavior, not the party at this point.

I wish some Democrat newspersons would go after those unamerican behaviors the rest of us are horrified by, particularly when it is acted out by people who have served in high office.
Krystal Ball is doing a job on Biden currently. She hates Trump but I think she's hating Biden even more. lol. She's a Bernie Bro; plus Jimmy Dore.


Turley....whacks Obama....again.
I think Mr. Turley, loyal Democrat, is horrified at his own party for rubberstamping wrongdoing, dishonesty, and the constant whittling away at the Constitution. Liberals who have a conscience are just now realizing they've been betrayed and lied to a lot, and Turley is hitting at the behavior, not the party at this point.

I wish some Democrat newspersons would go after those unamerican behaviors the rest of us are horrified by, particularly when it is acted out by people who have served in high office.
Krystal Ball is doing a job on Biden currently. She hates Trump but I think she's hating Biden even more. lol. She's a Bernie Bro; plus Jimmy Dore.



Both parties now have significant infighting.
Zero is a lifelong fuckup. No birth certificate, a stolen SSN, a ham-handedly altered selective service registration 20 years after the fact.... he's just a ghost, and an insufferably mediocre one at that.

No precedent? Except the kenyan klown pardoned a general that ACTUALLY lied to the FBI and was facing 2 years in prison. Spare the faux outrage:

Obama pardoned a general who actually lied to the FBI

Turley....whacks Obama....again.
I think Mr. Turley, loyal Democrat, is horrified at his own party for rubberstamping wrongdoing, dishonesty, and the constant whittling away at the Constitution. Liberals who have a conscience are just now realizing they've been betrayed and lied to a lot, and Turley is hitting at the behavior, not the party at this point.

I wish some Democrat newspersons would go after those unamerican behaviors the rest of us are horrified by, particularly when it is acted out by people who have served in high office.
Krystal Ball is doing a job on Biden currently. She hates Trump but I think she's hating Biden even more. lol. She's a Bernie Bro; plus Jimmy Dore.


That interview with Biden is one of the funniest things I have ever seen. Yet at least 60 million stupid fucks are going to vote for him.

Just bizarre.
Zero is a lifelong fuckup. No birth certificate, a stolen SSN, a ham-handedly altered selective service registration 20 years after the fact.... he's just a ghost, and an insufferably mediocre one at that.

No precedent? Except the kenyan klown pardoned a general that ACTUALLY lied to the FBI and was facing 2 years in prison. Spare the faux outrage:

Obama pardoned a general who actually lied to the FBI

2 iron bringing the Cleveland Launcher HB turbo.


Turley....whacks Obama....again.
I think Mr. Turley, loyal Democrat, is horrified at his own party for rubberstamping wrongdoing, dishonesty, and the constant whittling away at the Constitution. Liberals who have a conscience are just now realizing they've been betrayed and lied to a lot, and Turley is hitting at the behavior, not the party at this point.

I wish some Democrat newspersons would go after those unamerican behaviors the rest of us are horrified by, particularly when it is acted out by people who have served in high office.
Krystal Ball is doing a job on Biden currently. She hates Trump but I think she's hating Biden even more. lol. She's a Bernie Bro; plus Jimmy Dore.


60 million of you liberal assholes are going to vote for this guy.

Turley....whacks Obama....again.
Why can't the Kenyan-born miscreant Obama just keep his damn trap SHUT? Just dreadful.

The lonely incel with a 147 IQ is a birther? Who could have guessed.

And.....ask aaronleland about the type of men who exclaim “just dreadful!”.
Liberals, defend your vote. It’s so odd that you will not.

65 million of you will vote for Biden

Turley....whacks Obama....again.
I think Mr. Turley, loyal Democrat, is horrified at his own party for rubberstamping wrongdoing, dishonesty, and the constant whittling away at the Constitution. Liberals who have a conscience are just now realizing they've been betrayed and lied to a lot, and Turley is hitting at the behavior, not the party at this point.

I wish some Democrat newspersons would go after those unamerican behaviors the rest of us are horrified by, particularly when it is acted out by people who have served in high office.
Krystal Ball is doing a job on Biden currently. She hates Trump but I think she's hating Biden even more. lol. She's a Bernie Bro; plus Jimmy Dore.


60 million of you liberal assholes are going to vote for this guy.

Huh?? ...."you liberal"........me?? lol. No little buddy; I could NEVER vote DemoKKKrat or Republican................I'm from Oz. ...but if you adopt me I'll vote for Trump OFTEN......and in the same Election!!! Why should only DemoKKKrats be able to do that for Biden???


Turley....whacks Obama....again.
Obama never got anything right.

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