Turley Tells Disappointed CBS Hosts: Impeachment ‘Designed to Fail’


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
Turley Tells Disappointed CBS Hosts: Impeachment ‘Designed to Fail’

Turley Tells Disappointed CBS Hosts: Impeachment ‘Designed to Fail’
November 22, 2019 ~ By Kyle Drennen
Appearing on Friday’s CBS This Morning, legal analyst and constitutional law scholar Jonathan Turley completely shattered the hopes of Democrats and the liberal media that President Trump would be successfully impeached and removed from office. He trashed the proceedings for presenting “the thinnest evidentiary record” and declared the effort was “designed to fail.”
Replying to King and fellow co-host Anthony Mason skeptically asking, “why don’t they have a case?,” Turley dismantled the impeachment crusade point by point:
Whether this is intentional or not, it seems designed to fail in the Senate. I don’t think you could prove a removable offense of a president on this record even if the Democrats were in control. This thing is too narrow, it is – it doesn’t have a broad foundation, and it’s an undeveloped record. There are a lot of core witnesses that were not called. And the question is why? They said, “We want a vote by December. We want to vote before Santa.” Why? Why – why would you – why would you be pushing this instead of calling these critical witnesses?

The only way Progressive Marxist Socialist/ DSA Democrats can save face at this point is - pass articles of impeachment, dump this whole mess on the Senate, and then blame the Republican Senate for not finding Trump guilty. They messed up big time with this and put themselves in a lose/lose situation. Their plan was to use the impeachment as part of the campaign to win the 2020 presidential election. It has back fired upon them. Pelosi is clearly not really in control of the House.
By voting for impeachment and sending it to the Senate the White House gets to mount a defense. The evidence produced by Schitf and company has more holes in it than Swiss cheese. This was not an inquiry because only one side was allowed to present testimony. Schitf refused every witness requested by GOP and thwarted every question of substance.
Turley remarked: “And so the question is, what is this going to look like in the Senate? And I got to tell you, I think this could be the trial that Trump wants. And they will – the first witness they call may be Hunter Biden.” The second witness will be Joe Biden......
Turley is not a left winger.

Did the CBS assholes really think the senate would take this seriously ?
The democrats must have forgotten the first rule of investigations: "follow the money"
1. There is Ukrainian money flowing to the Bidens
2. There is Chinese money flowing to the Bidens

The senate trial will probably show a QPQ for the Bidens benefiting the So0ros organization.
B-B-B-But an anonymous Whistleblower told someone he heard someone who thought he heard something funny on phone call! I mean it doesn't get any more rock solid than that! :laughing0301:
Turley Tells Disappointed CBS Hosts: Impeachment ‘Designed to Fail’

Turley Tells Disappointed CBS Hosts: Impeachment ‘Designed to Fail’
November 22, 2019 ~ By Kyle Drennen
Appearing on Friday’s CBS This Morning, legal analyst and constitutional law scholar Jonathan Turley completely shattered the hopes of Democrats and the liberal media that President Trump would be successfully impeached and removed from office. He trashed the proceedings for presenting “the thinnest evidentiary record” and declared the effort was “designed to fail.”
Replying to King and fellow co-host Anthony Mason skeptically asking, “why don’t they have a case?,” Turley dismantled the impeachment crusade point by point:
Whether this is intentional or not, it seems designed to fail in the Senate. I don’t think you could prove a removable offense of a president on this record even if the Democrats were in control. This thing is too narrow, it is – it doesn’t have a broad foundation, and it’s an undeveloped record. There are a lot of core witnesses that were not called. And the question is why? They said, “We want a vote by December. We want to vote before Santa.” Why? Why – why would you – why would you be pushing this instead of calling these critical witnesses?

The only way Progressive Marxist Socialist/ DSA Democrats can save face at this point is - pass articles of impeachment, dump this whole mess on the Senate, and then blame the Republican Senate for not finding Trump guilty. They messed up big time with this and put themselves in a lose/lose situation. Their plan was to use the impeachment as part of the campaign to win the 2020 presidential election. It has back fired upon them. Pelosi is clearly not really in control of the House.
By voting for impeachment and sending it to the Senate the White House gets to mount a defense. The evidence produced by Schitf and company has more holes in it than Swiss cheese. This was not an inquiry because only one side was allowed to present testimony. Schitf refused every witness requested by GOP and thwarted every question of substance.
Turley remarked: “And so the question is, what is this going to look like in the Senate? And I got to tell you, I think this could be the trial that Trump wants. And they will – the first witness they call may be Hunter Biden.” The second witness will be Joe Biden......

Holy Cow...
I am honestly stunned.
A moment of clarity on main stream media. I don't know who this man is, but he should be the producer of a network.
What he said is perfect, succinct and describes it all to a T.
B-B-B-But an anonymous Whistleblower told someone he heard someone who thought he heard something funny on phone call! I mean it doesn't get any more rock solid than that! :laughing0301:
I'm guessing you missed the last two weeks of congressional testimony from first hand witnesses that completely shatters the "hearsay" argument. We know exactly what happened thanks to the people who came forward to testify despite the Orange Fraud's attempts to block their testimony. The facts are not in dispute. The only question that remains is how Senate Repubs will justify their vote to acquit in contradiction to the overwhelming evidence of Trump's guilt.
Career politicians will not turn on their own................

The show will go on and if they vote to the Senate........it will be dismissed rather quickly.

Graham talks the talk in public but is friends with Biden........even though he is now doing a mock investigation of Biden................

MAD principle applies to the establishment..........they all have dirt on each other..........You destroy me and I'll destroy you.

ENJOY the SHOW.........That is all it is.
B-B-B-But an anonymous Whistleblower told someone he heard someone who thought he heard something funny on phone call! I mean it doesn't get any more rock solid than that! :laughing0301:
I'm guessing you missed the last two weeks of congressional testimony from first hand witnesses that completely shatters the "hearsay" argument. We know exactly what happened thanks to the people who came forward to testify despite the Orange Fraud's attempts to block their testimony. The facts are not in dispute. The only question that remains is how Senate Repubs will justify their vote to acquit in contradiction to the overwhelming evidence of Trump's guilt.

He's guilty !!!!


What a shock.

He'll still be running in 2020 and retire in 2024.

Suck on it.

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