Turley - The Prosecution of Michael Flynn and the Travesty of Justice

He may well have pled just to get the Feds to stop racking him, but that doesn't mean he didn't lie to FBI agents. He did. What Barr/Turley are saying is that the FBI's reason to interview Flynn was primarily to get him to lie, and this would create a tool for the FBI to squeeze Flynn by giving him a choice between financial ruin for his family or to betray Trump.
For this reason, no REAL liberal should ever support a law that criminalizes "lying" to investigators. It becomes their immediate goal from the start. If they can get someone to lie (or even appear to have lied) they can abuse that person to no end. It is the very essence of entrapment and that law MUST go.

Not because I give a particular shit about a life-long Democrat like Flynn. Rather, I care about liberty. This power given to the FBI is way too easy to abuse.

Until that law is repealed, I will NEVER cooperate with the fucking suits without a hand-signed guarantee letter of absolute lifetime immunity from the FBI director him/herself. Even then, I might be hesitant. They can KISS MY ASS otherwise!!!

I'm not a liberal and it's not "entrapment." The OP link said even an FBI higher up (forgot who and am not going back) asked "are we investigating a crime here, or just trying to get 'a lie'" Flynn was the focking Natl Sec Advisor to the President, and he was also a foreign representative. If the FBI was investigating Flynn and Turkey in relation to how he advised the President, and he lied …. I'd say drop him in a deep and dark and unfriendly hole. What he did was arguably worse the Snowden or Chelsea Manning.

But the FBI already know the facts of what Flynn had done to dishonor himself and potentially harm the country.

When push comes to shove on this issue, the question is whether the FBI's underhanded tricks would bother you if they used them to lock up a child pornographer or even get a terrorist aider to flip.
So I take it death angel that you'd be opposed to the FBI using the crime of lying to agents in order squeeze cooperation from an aider of a terrorist of child pornographer
Do you know that there is never a penalty to Godvernment agents LYING to citizens?

Dont you see a problem there?

Btw, HE DIDNT LIE. He pled guilty to protect his son.

When a Godvernment with UNLIMITED RESOURCES comes against YOU, you cannot win.

Playing stupid on this is destroying your party with the few moderates you have left.

Great timing !!!!!!!

From the article:

Previously undisclosed documents in the case of former national security adviser Michael Flynn offer us a chilling blueprint on how top FBI officials not only sought to entrap the former White House aide but sought to do so on such blatantly unconstitutional and manufactured grounds.

These new documents further undermine the view of both the legitimacy and motivations of those investigations under former FBI director James Comey. For all of those who have long seen a concerted effort within the Justice Department to target the Trump administration, the fragments will read like a Dead Sea Scrolls version of a “deep state” conspiracy.


Left wing ambush artists....fuck all of them.
Then why did he plead guilty?

It's calle EXTORTION, dumbass.
Flynn's "entrapment" claim is basically: you had other evidence that let you determine the falsity of my statements, so you should never have asked me about those events in the first place. It's not my fault for lying, it's your fault for forcing me to lie by... Doing diligent investigative work...?

Great timing !!!!!!!

From the article:

Previously undisclosed documents in the case of former national security adviser Michael Flynn offer us a chilling blueprint on how top FBI officials not only sought to entrap the former White House aide but sought to do so on such blatantly unconstitutional and manufactured grounds.

These new documents further undermine the view of both the legitimacy and motivations of those investigations under former FBI director James Comey. For all of those who have long seen a concerted effort within the Justice Department to target the Trump administration, the fragments will read like a Dead Sea Scrolls version of a “deep state” conspiracy.


Left wing ambush artists....fuck all of them.

This is a good start, but letting people out of prison is not enough. A lot of folks need to go to prison as well, if not face the rope.
He may well have pled just to get the Feds to stop racking him, but that doesn't mean he didn't lie to FBI agents. He did. What Barr/Turley are saying is that the FBI's reason to interview Flynn was primarily to get him to lie, and this would create a tool for the FBI to squeeze Flynn by giving him a choice between financial ruin for his family or to betray Trump.
For this reason, no REAL liberal should ever support a law that criminalizes "lying" to investigators. It becomes their immediate goal from the start. If they can get someone to lie (or even appear to have lied) they can abuse that person to no end. It is the very essence of entrapment and that law MUST go.

Not because I give a particular shit about a life-long Democrat like Flynn. Rather, I care about liberty. This power given to the FBI is way too easy to abuse.

Until that law is repealed, I will NEVER cooperate with the fucking suits without a hand-signed guarantee letter of absolute lifetime immunity from the FBI director him/herself. Even then, I might be hesitant. They can KISS MY ASS otherwise!!!

I'm not a liberal and it's not "entrapment." The OP link said even an FBI higher up (forgot who and am not going back) asked "are we investigating a crime here, or just trying to get 'a lie'" Flynn was the focking Natl Sec Advisor to the President, and he was also a foreign representative. If the FBI was investigating Flynn and Turkey in relation to how he advised the President, and he lied …. I'd say drop him in a deep and dark and unfriendly hole. What he did was arguably worse the Snowden or Chelsea Manning.

But the FBI already know the facts of what Flynn had done to dishonor himself and potentially harm the country.

When push comes to shove on this issue, the question is whether the FBI's underhanded tricks would bother you if they used them to lock up a child pornographer or even get a terrorist aider to flip.
So I take it death angel that you'd be opposed to the FBI using the crime of lying to agents in order squeeze cooperation from an aider of a terrorist of child pornographer
Do you know that there is never a penalty to Godvernment agents LYING to citizens?

Dont you see a problem there?

Btw, HE DIDNT LIE. He pled guilty to protect his son.

When a Godvernment with UNLIMITED RESOURCES comes against YOU, you cannot win.

Playing stupid on this is destroying your party with the few moderates you have left.
No. Flynn TWICE under oath admitted he broke the law by lying to investigators. You're lying, not me.

I personally agree that in this instance, the FBI interviewed him in HOPING that he'd lie, because they wanted to see if he'd tell them if Trump conspired with Vlad.

My question is whether it's ok for the FBI to interview a person suspected of aiding a terrorist or child pornographer hoping to catch a lie and use that to squeeze cooperation out of the liar. You appear to say it shouldn't be done. And I admit I'm all in favor of the FBI jamming it up these guys because I don't see another way to get the bad guys.

Great timing !!!!!!!

From the article:

Previously undisclosed documents in the case of former national security adviser Michael Flynn offer us a chilling blueprint on how top FBI officials not only sought to entrap the former White House aide but sought to do so on such blatantly unconstitutional and manufactured grounds.

These new documents further undermine the view of both the legitimacy and motivations of those investigations under former FBI director James Comey. For all of those who have long seen a concerted effort within the Justice Department to target the Trump administration, the fragments will read like a Dead Sea Scrolls version of a “deep state” conspiracy.


Left wing ambush artists....fuck all of them.
Then why did he plead guilty?

It's calle EXTORTION, dumbass.
Well, now that may influence his decision to do what should not be done, thank you. Flynn seems to have had a weak character to begin with.
ROFL! Yeah, like you wouldn't have done the same thing if you were in a similar position. You are a terminal hypocrite.
He may well have pled just to get the Feds to stop racking him, but that doesn't mean he didn't lie to FBI agents. He did. What Barr/Turley are saying is that the FBI's reason to interview Flynn was primarily to get him to lie, and this would create a tool for the FBI to squeeze Flynn by giving him a choice between financial ruin for his family or to betray Trump.
For this reason, no REAL liberal should ever support a law that criminalizes "lying" to investigators. It becomes their immediate goal from the start. If they can get someone to lie (or even appear to have lied) they can abuse that person to no end. It is the very essence of entrapment and that law MUST go.

Not because I give a particular shit about a life-long Democrat like Flynn. Rather, I care about liberty. This power given to the FBI is way too easy to abuse.

Until that law is repealed, I will NEVER cooperate with the fucking suits without a hand-signed guarantee letter of absolute lifetime immunity from the FBI director him/herself. Even then, I might be hesitant. They can KISS MY ASS otherwise!!!

I'm not a liberal and it's not "entrapment." The OP link said even an FBI higher up (forgot who and am not going back) asked "are we investigating a crime here, or just trying to get 'a lie'" Flynn was the focking Natl Sec Advisor to the President, and he was also a foreign representative. If the FBI was investigating Flynn and Turkey in relation to how he advised the President, and he lied …. I'd say drop him in a deep and dark and unfriendly hole. What he did was arguably worse the Snowden or Chelsea Manning.

But the FBI already know the facts of what Flynn had done to dishonor himself and potentially harm the country.

When push comes to shove on this issue, the question is whether the FBI's underhanded tricks would bother you if they used them to lock up a child pornographer or even get a terrorist aider to flip.
So I take it death angel that you'd be opposed to the FBI using the crime of lying to agents in order squeeze cooperation from an aider of a terrorist of child pornographer
Do you know that there is never a penalty to Godvernment agents LYING to citizens?

Dont you see a problem there?

Btw, HE DIDNT LIE. He pled guilty to protect his son.

When a Godvernment with UNLIMITED RESOURCES comes against YOU, you cannot win.

Playing stupid on this is destroying your party with the few moderates you have left.
No. Flynn TWICE under oath admitted he broke the law by lying to investigators. You're lying, not me.

I personally agree that in this instance, the FBI interviewed him in HOPING that he'd lie, because they wanted to see if he'd tell them if Trump conspired with Vlad.

My question is whether it's ok for the FBI to interview a person suspected of aiding a terrorist or child pornographer hoping to catch a lie and use that to squeeze cooperation out of the liar. You appear to say it shouldn't be done. And I admit I'm all in favor of the FBI jamming it up these guys because I don't see another way to get the bad guys.
You mean he was forced to say that, dumbfuck. Statements made under duress aren't worth the paper they are written on. If I held a gun to your head and told you to sign over the dead to your property, would that mean I own it?

You Trump haters are terminally stupid.
Last edited:

Great timing !!!!!!!

From the article:

Previously undisclosed documents in the case of former national security adviser Michael Flynn offer us a chilling blueprint on how top FBI officials not only sought to entrap the former White House aide but sought to do so on such blatantly unconstitutional and manufactured grounds.

These new documents further undermine the view of both the legitimacy and motivations of those investigations under former FBI director James Comey. For all of those who have long seen a concerted effort within the Justice Department to target the Trump administration, the fragments will read like a Dead Sea Scrolls version of a “deep state” conspiracy.


Left wing ambush artists....fuck all of them.
Then why did he plead guilty?
To protect his son. Does that make him an asshole or a good father? Flynn did what every good father would do. He's a freakin hero who should be treated as such. I understand Democrats prefer victims to heroes buy WTF is real? .
Flynn is a traitor.

Could you elaborate?

I doubt it. Yours is the typical child-like playground remark customary for the Democrats/Bolsheviks who post on this board---likely from being educated in the Teacher Union controlled public schools of rotting cities in the North.

But if you do elaborate---if you undertake to show how this 33 year decorated combat veteran three star general is a "traitor"----You need to come with facts and documentation. Or I am going to assume you are a half-wit goddamn liar.

You won't hear a peep.

About the best they have is that he disagreed on Islamic Policy with Obama.
About you need to know about your Flynn.

Michael Flynn Pleaded Guilty. Why Is The Justice Department Dropping The Charges?
He may well have pled just to get the Feds to stop racking him, but that doesn't mean he didn't lie to FBI agents. He did. What Barr/Turley are saying is that the FBI's reason to interview Flynn was primarily to get him to lie, and this would create a tool for the FBI to squeeze Flynn by giving him a choice between financial ruin for his family or to betray Trump.
For this reason, no REAL liberal should ever support a law that criminalizes "lying" to investigators. It becomes their immediate goal from the start. If they can get someone to lie (or even appear to have lied) they can abuse that person to no end. It is the very essence of entrapment and that law MUST go.

Not because I give a particular shit about a life-long Democrat like Flynn. Rather, I care about liberty. This power given to the FBI is way too easy to abuse.

Until that law is repealed, I will NEVER cooperate with the fucking suits without a hand-signed guarantee letter of absolute lifetime immunity from the FBI director him/herself. Even then, I might be hesitant. They can KISS MY ASS otherwise!!!

I'm not a liberal and it's not "entrapment." The OP link said even an FBI higher up (forgot who and am not going back) asked "are we investigating a crime here, or just trying to get 'a lie'" Flynn was the focking Natl Sec Advisor to the President, and he was also a foreign representative. If the FBI was investigating Flynn and Turkey in relation to how he advised the President, and he lied …. I'd say drop him in a deep and dark and unfriendly hole. What he did was arguably worse the Snowden or Chelsea Manning.

But the FBI already know the facts of what Flynn had done to dishonor himself and potentially harm the country.

When push comes to shove on this issue, the question is whether the FBI's underhanded tricks would bother you if they used them to lock up a child pornographer or even get a terrorist aider to flip.
So I take it death angel that you'd be opposed to the FBI using the crime of lying to agents in order squeeze cooperation from an aider of a terrorist of child pornographer
Do you know that there is never a penalty to Godvernment agents LYING to citizens?

Dont you see a problem there?

Btw, HE DIDNT LIE. He pled guilty to protect his son.

When a Godvernment with UNLIMITED RESOURCES comes against YOU, you cannot win.

Playing stupid on this is destroying your party with the few moderates you have left.
These idiots don't have enough brain power to make their lungs function.
He may well have pled just to get the Feds to stop racking him, but that doesn't mean he didn't lie to FBI agents. He did. What Barr/Turley are saying is that the FBI's reason to interview Flynn was primarily to get him to lie, and this would create a tool for the FBI to squeeze Flynn by giving him a choice between financial ruin for his family or to betray Trump.
For this reason, no REAL liberal should ever support a law that criminalizes "lying" to investigators. It becomes their immediate goal from the start. If they can get someone to lie (or even appear to have lied) they can abuse that person to no end. It is the very essence of entrapment and that law MUST go.

Not because I give a particular shit about a life-long Democrat like Flynn. Rather, I care about liberty. This power given to the FBI is way too easy to abuse.

Until that law is repealed, I will NEVER cooperate with the fucking suits without a hand-signed guarantee letter of absolute lifetime immunity from the FBI director him/herself. Even then, I might be hesitant. They can KISS MY ASS otherwise!!!

I'm not a liberal and it's not "entrapment." The OP link said even an FBI higher up (forgot who and am not going back) asked "are we investigating a crime here, or just trying to get 'a lie'" Flynn was the focking Natl Sec Advisor to the President, and he was also a foreign representative. If the FBI was investigating Flynn and Turkey in relation to how he advised the President, and he lied …. I'd say drop him in a deep and dark and unfriendly hole. What he did was arguably worse the Snowden or Chelsea Manning.

But the FBI already know the facts of what Flynn had done to dishonor himself and potentially harm the country.

When push comes to shove on this issue, the question is whether the FBI's underhanded tricks would bother you if they used them to lock up a child pornographer or even get a terrorist aider to flip.
So I take it death angel that you'd be opposed to the FBI using the crime of lying to agents in order squeeze cooperation from an aider of a terrorist of child pornographer
Do you know that there is never a penalty to Godvernment agents LYING to citizens?

Dont you see a problem there?

Btw, HE DIDNT LIE. He pled guilty to protect his son.

When a Godvernment with UNLIMITED RESOURCES comes against YOU, you cannot win.

Playing stupid on this is destroying your party with the few moderates you have left.
No. Flynn TWICE under oath admitted he broke the law by lying to investigators. You're lying, not me.

I personally agree that in this instance, the FBI interviewed him in HOPING that he'd lie, because they wanted to see if he'd tell them if Trump conspired with Vlad.

My question is whether it's ok for the FBI to interview a person suspected of aiding a terrorist or child pornographer hoping to catch a lie and use that to squeeze cooperation out of the liar. You appear to say it shouldn't be done. And I admit I'm all in favor of the FBI jamming it up these guys because I don't see another way to get the bad guys.
You mean he was forced to say that, dumbfuck. Statements made under duress aren't worth the paper they are written on. If I held a gun to your head and told you to sign over the dead to your property, would that mean I own it?

You Trump haters are terminally stupid.
LOL! And you are still a screaming little Buffoon on the Interwebs. Still.
How them coal jobs doin? What's the unemployment rate? Where's them infrastructure jobs?
Trump Loyalists are terminally stupid. Which is you.
Flynn is a traitor.

Could you elaborate?

I doubt it. Yours is the typical child-like playground remark customary for the Democrats/Bolsheviks who post on this board---likely from being educated in the Teacher Union controlled public schools of rotting cities in the North.

But if you do elaborate---if you undertake to show how this 33 year decorated combat veteran three star general is a "traitor"----You need to come with facts and documentation. Or I am going to assume you are a half-wit goddamn liar.

You won't hear a peep.

About the best they have is that he disagreed on Islamic Policy with Obama.
Looks like Jebuz loves you and Obama.
He may well have pled just to get the Feds to stop racking him, but that doesn't mean he didn't lie to FBI agents. He did. What Barr/Turley are saying is that the FBI's reason to interview Flynn was primarily to get him to lie, and this would create a tool for the FBI to squeeze Flynn by giving him a choice between financial ruin for his family or to betray Trump.
For this reason, no REAL liberal should ever support a law that criminalizes "lying" to investigators. It becomes their immediate goal from the start. If they can get someone to lie (or even appear to have lied) they can abuse that person to no end. It is the very essence of entrapment and that law MUST go.

Not because I give a particular shit about a life-long Democrat like Flynn. Rather, I care about liberty. This power given to the FBI is way too easy to abuse.

Until that law is repealed, I will NEVER cooperate with the fucking suits without a hand-signed guarantee letter of absolute lifetime immunity from the FBI director him/herself. Even then, I might be hesitant. They can KISS MY ASS otherwise!!!

I'm not a liberal and it's not "entrapment." The OP link said even an FBI higher up (forgot who and am not going back) asked "are we investigating a crime here, or just trying to get 'a lie'" Flynn was the focking Natl Sec Advisor to the President, and he was also a foreign representative. If the FBI was investigating Flynn and Turkey in relation to how he advised the President, and he lied …. I'd say drop him in a deep and dark and unfriendly hole. What he did was arguably worse the Snowden or Chelsea Manning.

But the FBI already know the facts of what Flynn had done to dishonor himself and potentially harm the country.

When push comes to shove on this issue, the question is whether the FBI's underhanded tricks would bother you if they used them to lock up a child pornographer or even get a terrorist aider to flip.
So I take it death angel that you'd be opposed to the FBI using the crime of lying to agents in order squeeze cooperation from an aider of a terrorist of child pornographer
Do you know that there is never a penalty to Godvernment agents LYING to citizens?

Dont you see a problem there?

Btw, HE DIDNT LIE. He pled guilty to protect his son.

When a Godvernment with UNLIMITED RESOURCES comes against YOU, you cannot win.

Playing stupid on this is destroying your party with the few moderates you have left.
No. Flynn TWICE under oath admitted he broke the law by lying to investigators. You're lying, not me.

I personally agree that in this instance, the FBI interviewed him in HOPING that he'd lie, because they wanted to see if he'd tell them if Trump conspired with Vlad.

My question is whether it's ok for the FBI to interview a person suspected of aiding a terrorist or child pornographer hoping to catch a lie and use that to squeeze cooperation out of the liar. You appear to say it shouldn't be done. And I admit I'm all in favor of the FBI jamming it up these guys because I don't see another way to get the bad guys.
You mean he was forced to say that, dumbfuck. Statements made under duress aren't worth the paper they are written on. If I held a gun to your head and told you to sign over the dead to your property, would that mean I own it?

You Trump haters are terminally stupid.
LOL! And you are still a screaming little Buffoon on the Interwebs. Still.
How them coal jobs doin? What's the unemployment rate? Where's them infrastructure jobs?
Trump Loyalists are terminally stupid. Which is you.
Did you have a point of some kind?
I'd have to think some more on this entrapment argument. I'd have to look at exactly what Flynn lied about. Entrapment generally means when the govt comes to you, and suggests you do something illegal that you did not have any "prior disposition to do."

I'm just an old hack. In my world its more about a copper (the filth) asking Flynn "hey Mike, next time you're in Turkey how about picking me up a couple of kilos of hash." I assume Flynn was not in the habit of bringing back drugs.

But I thought Flynn already lied to Pence about his Turkey dealings … even after he tried to get square by belatedly registering as a foreign agent and (choke) agreeing to give up the money.

He may well have pled just to get the Feds to stop racking him, but that doesn't mean he didn't lie to FBI agents. He did. What Barr/Turley are saying is that the FBI's reason to interview Flynn was primarily to get him to lie, and this would create a tool for the FBI to squeeze Flynn by giving him a choice between financial ruin for his family or to betray Trump.
For this reason, no REAL liberal should ever support a law that criminalizes "lying" to investigators. It becomes their immediate goal from the start. If they can get someone to lie (or even appear to have lied) they can abuse that person to no end. It is the very essence of entrapment and that law MUST go.

Not because I give a particular shit about a life-long Democrat like Flynn. Rather, I care about liberty. This power given to the FBI is way too easy to abuse.

Until that law is repealed, I will NEVER cooperate with the fucking suits without a hand-signed guarantee letter of absolute lifetime immunity from the FBI director him/herself. Even then, I might be hesitant. They can KISS MY ASS otherwise!!!

I'm not a liberal and it's not "entrapment." The OP link said even an FBI higher up (forgot who and am not going back) asked "are we investigating a crime here, or just trying to get 'a lie'" Flynn was the focking Natl Sec Advisor to the President, and he was also a foreign representative. If the FBI was investigating Flynn and Turkey in relation to how he advised the President, and he lied …. I'd say drop him in a deep and dark and unfriendly hole. What he did was arguably worse the Snowden or Chelsea Manning.

But the FBI already know the facts of what Flynn had done to dishonor himself and potentially harm the country.

When push comes to shove on this issue, the question is whether the FBI's underhanded tricks would bother you if they used them to lock up a child pornographer or even get a terrorist aider to flip.
So I take it death angel that you'd be opposed to the FBI using the crime of lying to agents in order squeeze cooperation from an aider of a terrorist of child pornographer
Do you know that there is never a penalty to Godvernment agents LYING to citizens?

Dont you see a problem there?

Btw, HE DIDNT LIE. He pled guilty to protect his son.

When a Godvernment with UNLIMITED RESOURCES comes against YOU, you cannot win.

Playing stupid on this is destroying your party with the few moderates you have left.
No. Flynn TWICE under oath admitted he broke the law by lying to investigators. You're lying, not me.

I personally agree that in this instance, the FBI interviewed him in HOPING that he'd lie, because they wanted to see if he'd tell them if Trump conspired with Vlad.

My question is whether it's ok for the FBI to interview a person suspected of aiding a terrorist or child pornographer hoping to catch a lie and use that to squeeze cooperation out of the liar. You appear to say it shouldn't be done. And I admit I'm all in favor of the FBI jamming it up these guys because I don't see another way to get the bad guys.
You mean he was forced to say that, dumbfuck. Statements made under duress aren't worth the paper they are written on. If I held a gun to your head and told you to sign over the dead to your property, would that mean I own it?

You Trump haters are terminally stupid.
LOL! And you are still a screaming little Buffoon on the Interwebs. Still.
How them coal jobs doin? What's the unemployment rate? Where's them infrastructure jobs?
Trump Loyalists are terminally stupid. Which is you.
Did you have a point of some kind?
Yeah. Go paint a fucking wall, moron.
He may well have pled just to get the Feds to stop racking him, but that doesn't mean he didn't lie to FBI agents. He did. What Barr/Turley are saying is that the FBI's reason to interview Flynn was primarily to get him to lie, and this would create a tool for the FBI to squeeze Flynn by giving him a choice between financial ruin for his family or to betray Trump.
For this reason, no REAL liberal should ever support a law that criminalizes "lying" to investigators. It becomes their immediate goal from the start. If they can get someone to lie (or even appear to have lied) they can abuse that person to no end. It is the very essence of entrapment and that law MUST go.

Not because I give a particular shit about a life-long Democrat like Flynn. Rather, I care about liberty. This power given to the FBI is way too easy to abuse.

Until that law is repealed, I will NEVER cooperate with the fucking suits without a hand-signed guarantee letter of absolute lifetime immunity from the FBI director him/herself. Even then, I might be hesitant. They can KISS MY ASS otherwise!!!

I'm not a liberal and it's not "entrapment." The OP link said even an FBI higher up (forgot who and am not going back) asked "are we investigating a crime here, or just trying to get 'a lie'" Flynn was the focking Natl Sec Advisor to the President, and he was also a foreign representative. If the FBI was investigating Flynn and Turkey in relation to how he advised the President, and he lied …. I'd say drop him in a deep and dark and unfriendly hole. What he did was arguably worse the Snowden or Chelsea Manning.

But the FBI already know the facts of what Flynn had done to dishonor himself and potentially harm the country.

When push comes to shove on this issue, the question is whether the FBI's underhanded tricks would bother you if they used them to lock up a child pornographer or even get a terrorist aider to flip.
So I take it death angel that you'd be opposed to the FBI using the crime of lying to agents in order squeeze cooperation from an aider of a terrorist of child pornographer
Do you know that there is never a penalty to Godvernment agents LYING to citizens?

Dont you see a problem there?

Btw, HE DIDNT LIE. He pled guilty to protect his son.

When a Godvernment with UNLIMITED RESOURCES comes against YOU, you cannot win.

Playing stupid on this is destroying your party with the few moderates you have left.
No. Flynn TWICE under oath admitted he broke the law by lying to investigators. You're lying, not me.

I personally agree that in this instance, the FBI interviewed him in HOPING that he'd lie, because they wanted to see if he'd tell them if Trump conspired with Vlad.

My question is whether it's ok for the FBI to interview a person suspected of aiding a terrorist or child pornographer hoping to catch a lie and use that to squeeze cooperation out of the liar. You appear to say it shouldn't be done. And I admit I'm all in favor of the FBI jamming it up these guys because I don't see another way to get the bad guys.
You mean he was forced to say that, dumbfuck. Statements made under duress aren't worth the paper they are written on. If I held a gun to your head and told you to sign over the dead to your property, would that mean I own it?

You Trump haters are terminally stupid.
LOL! And you are still a screaming little Buffoon on the Interwebs. Still.
How them coal jobs doin? What's the unemployment rate? Where's them infrastructure jobs?
Trump Loyalists are terminally stupid. Which is you.
Did you have a point of some kind?
Yeah. Go paint a fucking wall, moron.
Just as I thought: no point.
The police entrap innocent citizens all the time? Wow.

Except Flynn wasn't innocent.

Also, the cops never ask you a leading question unless they already know the answer. Flynn was pretty stupid for trying to lie to them.

Don't all the records say that there was absolutely no evidence to go after Flynn? What justified his entrapment?
Flynn is a traitor.

Could you elaborate?

I doubt it. Yours is the typical child-like playground remark customary for the Democrats/Bolsheviks who post on this board---likely from being educated in the Teacher Union controlled public schools of rotting cities in the North.

But if you do elaborate---if you undertake to show how this 33 year decorated combat veteran three star general is a "traitor"----You need to come with facts and documentation. Or I am going to assume you are a half-wit goddamn liar.
The record is clear about Flynn lying and selling the US out to curry favor with the Russians for Trump. Surely you have been keeping up with this subject. I mean really, we are how many years into DJTs presidency? If not, Google the info yourself. I for one am done spoon feeding you Orange Imbeciles information and facts about the Orange-COVID-19 Failure In Office.

Please elaborate. How did he sell out the US for Russia? Of course he talked to them, but how exactly did he sell us out? There are records being released now saying that everyone knew Flynn did no such thing. They went after him anyway. Are you okay with that? Is that America? Political rivals can be jailed for the 'cause'.

Great timing !!!!!!!

From the article:

Previously undisclosed documents in the case of former national security adviser Michael Flynn offer us a chilling blueprint on how top FBI officials not only sought to entrap the former White House aide but sought to do so on such blatantly unconstitutional and manufactured grounds.

These new documents further undermine the view of both the legitimacy and motivations of those investigations under former FBI director James Comey. For all of those who have long seen a concerted effort within the Justice Department to target the Trump administration, the fragments will read like a Dead Sea Scrolls version of a “deep state” conspiracy.


Left wing ambush artists....fuck all of them.
Then why did he plead guilty?

It's calle EXTORTION, dumbass.
Flynn's "entrapment" claim is basically: you had other evidence that let you determine the falsity of my statements, so you should never have asked me about those events in the first place. It's not my fault for lying, it's your fault for forcing me to lie by... Doing diligent investigative work...?

So you entrap a guy for no reason, and it is all good? You put a guy in jail for saying he didn't talk to someone, even though everyone knew he did nothing wrong when he did talk to them. But that is okay because you got him lying about something that is pointless. That is messed up.
Why don’t you liberals just admit you are;hypocrites. You sick jerks want to murder babies. At the end of the day, that’s all you sick MFers are about

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