Turn on CNN if you want a good laugh

They have a countdown clock to "Obama's Final SOTU"

It's as all consuming as the missing Malaysia airliner lol
I think that is hilarious and worth noting.

As though such an event means anything to those of us (and there are probably a hundred million) who think so little of the integrity and abilities of this dunce in the oval office that we care one way or another.

If anything, there was a real buzz when Obama was going to Grant Park in Chicago to give his victory speech when he first won the presidency back in November 2008. My black friend at the office took time off from work to be part of this historical event. The next day he came back very underwhelmed by our new black president and his speech. Everything has gone down hill since then.

For the record: anyone on the left who thinks we cannot stand our president because he is black, I think you are an imbecile. Grow up and see what has taken place and what this coward / phony has done and not done the past 7 years.
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