Turnabout Is Fair Play: President Trump Calls on GOP Congress to Release Biden Crime Family’s Tax Returns (VIDEO)

MAGA Macho Man

Diamond Member
Apr 19, 2022
Now this will be interesting. Let's see how much money Biden paid on his 10% on his criminal business deals.

Dream on. Ain't gonna happen.
And your "Republican House" will soon show you how inline with the Corporate Cartel it is.

You still keep thinking it's a "fair", two way street.
We're WAY past that avenue.
Must be nice to live in that "MACHO MAGA MAN" Fantasy world.
Fair is always fair you attention seeking jackwad

Yeah, right.
So STFU then and accept that the Left is always 'Fair"
If that's the BS you really believe.

"FAIR" is what your masters TELL YOU is fair. And that's the way it is now.

Another mouthy do nuffin MAGA Mutt who never votes and visits Starbucks every morning.

Easy now...I side with Conservatives, I vote with Conservatives BUT they are the most nutless, spinless, big mouth pieces of shit that ever were. Come on man...they didn’t have the balls to keep heterosexual white Christians cool in a nation founded, built, run and funded by heterosexual white Christians. The Left has owned their sackless asses for decades....Sad but true.
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Now this will be interesting. Let's see how much money Biden paid on his 10% on his criminal business deals.

The big problem is that the Democrat Party Cult controls the IRS, FBI and DOJ.
The Democrat Cult will coverup and lie for their cult leader.
Yeah, right.
So STFU then and accept that the Left is always 'Fair"
If that's the BS you really believe.

"FAIR" is what your masters TELL YOU is fair. And that's the way it is now.

Another mouthy do nuffin MAGA Mutt who never votes and visits Starbucks every morning.

Fcking relax. I was pointing out Biden needs to be investigated.
Now this will be interesting. Let's see how much money Biden paid on his 10% on his criminal business deals.

LOL. Congress doesn't have to release it. Biden did it himself.

Next time, before blindly accepting your orange douchebag's words, do some research. It will help you look less of a fool. :itsok:

Today, the President and First Lady released their 2021 federal income tax return. With this release, the President has shared a total of 24 years of tax returns with the American public, once again demonstrating his commitment to being transparent with the American people about the finances of the commander in chief.

Now this will be interesting. Let's see how much money Biden paid on his 10% on his criminal business deals.

Joe Biden's have already been released.

The returns of members of his family, like Trump's family, are irrelevant. Because they will never be President.
We care about the candidate. Not those around him.
Why is this stupid piece of shit still on MSNBC? Almost everything he posts is either lies or fake news! He spams the board with this trash.
Now this will be interesting. Let's see how much money Biden paid on his 10% on his criminal business deals.

Trump is a lying moron and so are you.

Biden and Harris have both released their tax returns.

Trump is a lying moron and so are you.

Biden and Harris have both released their tax returns.

Biden has never lied? Careful...
You're accusing others of doing your doing.

Biden has released 24 years of tax returns.

Excellent idea!

No wealthy American is clean, under the present system.

However, Trump is proposing an attack on the system that benefits his kind so generously!

That makes it more just a threat than any real action being taken. An idea that gives his followers a warm fuzzy feeling at best.
Excellent idea!

No wealthy American is clean, under the present system.

However, Trump is proposing an attack on the system that benefits his kind so generously!

That makes it more just a threat than any real action being taken. An idea that gives his followers a warm fuzzy feeling at best.

Oh and Canadian rich are squeaky clean?

Dude stop. Absolutely nobody takes your anti American BS serious. Left loons pretend to...but they don't
Fcking relax. I was pointing out Biden needs to be investigated.

Biden has released 24 years of tax returns.

Biden has released 24 years of tax returns.

Again dumbass that's not what I asked. Has Biden lied? Answer that or shut up

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