Turns out Russians hacked systems in 39 states. Did Republicans help?

^^^ Look at the RWNJ traitors. They know the cheeto is more Russian than American but so are they so they're fine with a traitor in the WH?

Real Americans will not let you attack the US without fighting back.

Sent from my iPad using USMessageBoard.com
real Americans dont call fellow Americans traitors just because they dont agree with you.....
When they are defending Russia and Putin at the expense of America?
many people on the left right now jake are bad mouthing anything trump,whether he is right or wrong, just to get back at the right for the way they treated obama....and many on the right are defending trump,whether he is right or wrong,just because they cant stand the left.....basically the farther right and left at work....this russian thing is just their latest battle ground....and if its proven to be bullshit,the far lefties will find something else to try and hang on trump just because they dont like the guy and cant believe hillary spent a billion dollars and lost to him.....so until the next election nothing will get done and once again the country gets shoved to the back of the room....
^^^ Look at the RWNJ traitors. They know the cheeto is more Russian than American but so are they so they're fine with a traitor in the WH?

Real Americans will not let you attack the US without fighting back.

Sent from my iPad using USMessageBoard.com
real Americans dont call fellow Americans traitors just because they dont agree with you.....
When they are defending Russia and Putin at the expense of America?
many people on the left right now jake are bad mouthing anything trump,whether he is right or wrong, just to get back at the right for the way they treated obama....and many on the right are defending trump,whether he is right or wrong,just because they cant stand the left.....basically the farther right and left at work....this russian thing is just their latest battle ground....and if its proven to be bullshit,the far lefties will find something else to try and hang on trump just because they dont like the guy and cant believe hillary spent a billion dollars and lost to him.....so until the next election nothing will get done and once again the country gets shoved to the back of the room....
which again goes to prove that the left does not care for middle america. And anyone thinking all this witch hunt fairytale shit will help them in 2018 are truly more stupid than anyone thought. yep, libturds care nothing for middle americans. it is on full stage today.
Good I hope they do keep on hacking so will never see a democrat hold office again..


So you support treason and sedition as long as it's for your side. What will you do when someone from the Democrat side does the same thing?

ETA: Don't ever try to claim you believe in the Constitution again. You support America's greatest enemy electing a tame President who will protect Russia's interests over those of your own citizens.
Good I hope they do keep on hacking so will never see a democrat hold office again..


So you support treason and sedition as long as it's for your side. What will you do when someone from the Democrat side does the same thing?
they're doing it today? you know the whole russia thingy, interfering with the will of the people who voted for trump. yep all left.
Democrats were in charge. Every intelligence agency head was an Obama appointee. Trump was a civilian at the time and had no power and the DNC refused to consult with authorities when they were alerted about hacking. If it happened and in light of all the intentional leaks by alleged intelligence officials which were intended to undermine the Trump administration and in light of the cheating by the Hillary campaign against Bernie, isn't it likely that Clinton and Obama democrat helped the Russians rather than republicans?

This entire news story is a fabrication presented by the left wing media because if it was true it would have came out a long time ago. It just seems to convenient that it is being released right after comey misfire. They thought Comey was going to be the kill shot and when that didn't materialize this story just happens to float out of the democratic rectum known as the AP. I know that there isn't any evidence that this is a lie but I believe it is just because of the story's strange timing. Its realease was timed right after Comey's testimony fails to do anything.
Did you guys know that Trump has already agreed that their should be an investigation and that he has already fired people who have misled him on this question. It just seems that these are not the actions of a guilty person.
Now that we know the Trump associates were colluding with the Russians, Rosenstein and Mueller need to find the weak links and crack them.
You are the weak link. Every day you show up peddling lies. You are the Russian puppet.
ad hom attack shows that you are weak and can't deal with the OP.
Prove collusion, or shut the hell up puppet boy.
You have no game, JBond. Mueller is doing his job, and I will accept what he finds.
You claimed collusion. Prove it you lazy fuck.
You are a gnat buzzing around, nothing more. Mueller will find it.
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Russian Cyber Hacks on U.S. Electoral System Far Wider Than Previously Known

The White House provided evidence gathered on Russia’s hacking efforts and reasons why the U.S. considered it dangerously aggressive. Russia responded by asking for more information and providing assurances that it would look into the matter even as the hacking continued, according to the two people familiar with the response.

In early July 2016, a contractor who works two or three days a week at the state board of elections detected unauthorized data leaving the network, according to Ken Menzel, general counsel for the Illinois board of elections. The hackers had gained access to the state’s voter database, which contained information such as names, dates of birth, genders, driver’s licenses and partial Social Security numbers on 15 million people, half of whom were active voters. As many as 90,000 records were ultimately compromised.


Wow, and remember, Trump only won by 77 thousand in three states.

I'm sure Republicans aren't seeing a problem. After all, they now love Russia. They think Putin is great.

If Republicans love Putin, which they do, then they must admit they love Saddam. After all, there really isn't much of a difference between Putin and Saddam. Except Putin is Trump's boss. Putin is the proud owner of an Orange Haired Russian Poodle. His "papers" show he is pure bred Manchurian.
Who was responsible for preventing such a thing?
Did you guys know that Trump has already agreed that their should be an investigation and that he has already fired people who have misled him on this question. It just seems that these are not the actions of a guilty person.


Trump knew for weeks that Flynn lied his ass off, but only fired him after a leak to Washington Post made it public.

Since the firing, Trump called lying Flynn a good man and recently expressed regret about firing him, while firing FBI director who refused Trump's request to drop Flynn investigation. (textbook behavior of a guilty person)

Trump was also pissed about Sessions recusing himself from these investigations, which allowed assigning of Special Council, which Trump called a witch hunt. (again, typical behavior of a guilty person)

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You are the weak link. Every day you show up peddling lies. You are the Russian puppet.
ad hom attack shows that you are weak and can't deal with the OP.
Prove collusion, or shut the hell up puppet boy.
You have no game, JBond. Mueller is doing his job, and I will accept what he finds.
You claimed collusion. Prove it you lazy fuck.
You are gnat buzzing around, nothing more. Mueller will find it.
why couldn't comey?
Who was president when all this was happening?
Obama took immediate action. This is exactly why he rushed to preserve the evidence, because he knew traitors like Trump and the ones we just saw in this topic would never move to protect us from Russia's attacks once he was gone.
Good little liberal. Defends illegal spying, as long as it provides a political advantage.
Spits a member of the herd who defends a foreign nation who cyber attacked us because it helped the right win an election.
Another lie by a liberal turd. Where did I defend a foreign nation cyber attack? Fucking idiot.
If you don't condemn such activity, then you are a willing lackey and dupe of the Russians.
ad hom attack shows that you are weak and can't deal with the OP.
Prove collusion, or shut the hell up puppet boy.
You have no game, JBond. Mueller is doing his job, and I will accept what he finds.
You claimed collusion. Prove it you lazy fuck.
That is what Mueller is about. You are very afraid of what he will find. Why is that?
So you got nothing. You are a POS liar. Thanks for confirming it. All you do is lie. You claimed collusion was proven. Now present the evidence you lazy fucking liberal.
Fallacy of ad hom. The systems were hacked. That has been proven. I can wait on Mueller's investigation to get it right. Why are you scared?

Alt Right lackeys like jc456, jbond, correll, and others are getting louder and louder because Mueller is getting closer and closer to the truth.
Who was president when all this was happening?
Obama took immediate action. This is exactly why he rushed to preserve the evidence, because he knew traitors like Trump and the ones we just saw in this topic would never move to protect us from Russia's attacks once he was gone.
Good little liberal. Defends illegal spying, as long as it provides a political advantage.
Spits a member of the herd who defends a foreign nation who cyber attacked us because it helped the right win an election.
Another lie by a liberal turd. Where did I defend a foreign nation cyber attack? Fucking idiot.
If you don't condemn such activity, then you are a willing lackey and dupe of the Russians.
I condemn anyone from interfering in our country. Now prove someone actually did? All interference at the moment is lefturds making false accusations at the people's president. Obviously not theirs.
Prove collusion, or shut the hell up puppet boy.
You have no game, JBond. Mueller is doing his job, and I will accept what he finds.
You claimed collusion. Prove it you lazy fuck.
That is what Mueller is about. You are very afraid of what he will find. Why is that?
So you got nothing. You are a POS liar. Thanks for confirming it. All you do is lie. You claimed collusion was proven. Now present the evidence you lazy fucking liberal.
Fallacy of ad hom. The systems were hacked. That has been proven. I can wait on Mueller's investigation to get it right. Why are you scared?

Alt Right lackeys like jc456, jbond, correll, and others are getting louder and louder because Mueller is getting closer and closer to the truth.
so why are we having these hearings from Trump and FBI leaders? there is nothing but a counter intelligence investigation, not a trump witch hunt.

I already know there is nothing there. If there actually were, logic tells me it would be exposed by now.
^^^ Look at the RWNJ traitors. They know the cheeto is more Russian than American but so are they so they're fine with a traitor in the WH?

Real Americans will not let you attack the US without fighting back.

Sent from my iPad using USMessageBoard.com
real Americans dont call fellow Americans traitors just because they dont agree with you.....
When they are defending Russia and Putin at the expense of America?
many people on the left right now jake are bad mouthing anything trump,whether he is right or wrong, just to get back at the right for the way they treated obama....and many on the right are defending trump,whether he is right or wrong,just because they cant stand the left.....basically the farther right and left at work....this russian thing is just their latest battle ground....and if its proven to be bullshit,the far lefties will find something else to try and hang on trump just because they dont like the guy and cant believe hillary spent a billion dollars and lost to him.....so until the next election nothing will get done and once again the country gets shoved to the back of the room....
which again goes to prove that the left does not care for middle america. And anyone thinking all this witch hunt fairytale shit will help them in 2018 are truly more stupid than anyone thought. yep, libturds care nothing for middle americans. it is on full stage today.
you are right,but i dont think the right is any better......
^^^ Look at the RWNJ traitors. They know the cheeto is more Russian than American but so are they so they're fine with a traitor in the WH?

Real Americans will not let you attack the US without fighting back.

Sent from my iPad using USMessageBoard.com
real Americans dont call fellow Americans traitors just because they dont agree with you.....
When they are defending Russia and Putin at the expense of America?
many people on the left right now jake are bad mouthing anything trump,whether he is right or wrong, just to get back at the right for the way they treated obama....and many on the right are defending trump,whether he is right or wrong,just because they cant stand the left.....basically the farther right and left at work....this russian thing is just their latest battle ground....and if its proven to be bullshit,the far lefties will find something else to try and hang on trump just because they dont like the guy and cant believe hillary spent a billion dollars and lost to him.....so until the next election nothing will get done and once again the country gets shoved to the back of the room....
which again goes to prove that the left does not care for middle america. And anyone thinking all this witch hunt fairytale shit will help them in 2018 are truly more stupid than anyone thought. yep, libturds care nothing for middle americans. it is on full stage today.
you are right,but i dont think the right is any better......
well they sure aren't moving anything that's for sure.
Obama took immediate action. This is exactly why he rushed to preserve the evidence, because he knew traitors like Trump and the ones we just saw in this topic would never move to protect us from Russia's attacks once he was gone.
Good little liberal. Defends illegal spying, as long as it provides a political advantage.
Spits a member of the herd who defends a foreign nation who cyber attacked us because it helped the right win an election.
Another lie by a liberal turd. Where did I defend a foreign nation cyber attack? Fucking idiot.
If you don't condemn such activity, then you are a willing lackey and dupe of the Russians.
I condemn anyone from interfering in our country. Now prove someone actually did? All interference at the moment is lefturds making false accusations at the people's president. Obviously not theirs.

Wrong. Trump has acknowledged the Russians interfered, as have other Republicans.

But the question remains, why is Trump so afraid of this investigation? His behaviour screams guilty as hell. Innocent people don't care what the investigation finds, they just want to make sure it doesn't happen again.

Only someone who is guilty fires the guy who won't shut down the investigation.
Good little liberal. Defends illegal spying, as long as it provides a political advantage.
Spits a member of the herd who defends a foreign nation who cyber attacked us because it helped the right win an election.
Another lie by a liberal turd. Where did I defend a foreign nation cyber attack? Fucking idiot.
If you don't condemn such activity, then you are a willing lackey and dupe of the Russians.
I condemn anyone from interfering in our country. Now prove someone actually did? All interference at the moment is lefturds making false accusations at the people's president. Obviously not theirs.

Wrong. Trump has acknowledged the Russians interfered, as have other Republicans.

But the question remains, why is Trump so afraid of this investigation? His behaviour screams guilty as hell. Innocent people don't care what the investigation finds, they just want to make sure it doesn't happen again.

Only someone who is guilty fires the guy who won't shut down the investigation.
well comey stated just the opposite and I trust him there and never you.

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