Turns out Russians hacked systems in 39 states. Did Republicans help?

We see the Alt Right and Far Right posters above in their McCarthyite tactics.

They try to repress politically their opposition by spreading fear and lies throughout the political process. In the 1950s the far right did exactly that accusing their opponents of treason and sedition.

Now some sixty years later, they have allied with our enemy, Russia, and say that their opponents have no reason to characterize that combination as wrong and bad for the welfare of our country.

McCarthy vastly understated the extent to which the Truman White House reported directly to Uncle Joe. I dare say they even relayed our troops movements to the Chinese during the Korean War.

The surest sign that Communists have successfully taken over Jake's Democrat Party is that they no longer feel the need to endorse their own candidate; they endorsed Obama and Jake's girl, Hillary
Russian Cyber Hacks on U.S. Electoral System Far Wider Than Previously Known

The White House provided evidence gathered on Russia’s hacking efforts and reasons why the U.S. considered it dangerously aggressive. Russia responded by asking for more information and providing assurances that it would look into the matter even as the hacking continued, according to the two people familiar with the response.

In early July 2016, a contractor who works two or three days a week at the state board of elections detected unauthorized data leaving the network, according to Ken Menzel, general counsel for the Illinois board of elections. The hackers had gained access to the state’s voter database, which contained information such as names, dates of birth, genders, driver’s licenses and partial Social Security numbers on 15 million people, half of whom were active voters. As many as 90,000 records were ultimately compromised.


Wow, and remember, Trump only won by 77 thousand in three states.

I'm sure Republicans aren't seeing a problem. After all, they now love Russia. They think Putin is great.

If Republicans love Putin, which they do, then they must admit they love Saddam. After all, there really isn't much of a difference between Putin and Saddam. Except Putin is Trump's boss. Putin is the proud owner of an Orange Haired Russian Poodle. His "papers" show he is pure bred Manchurian.

I read the article in the link. There is no suggestion that the hacking had any effect on the outcome of the election. In other words, the Orange Clown beat the bulldyke,fair and square. Ouch- more ass pain for the snowflakes.
We see the Alt Right and Far Right posters above in their McCarthyite tactics.

They try to repress politically their opposition by spreading fear and lies throughout the political process. In the 1950s the far right did exactly that accusing their opponents of treason and sedition.

Now some sixty years later, they have allied with our enemy, Russia, and say that their opponents have no reason to characterize that combination as wrong and bad for the welfare of our country.
except what you believe to be true, they believe to be a lie.
what they believe to be true, you believe to be a lie.

by definition of what you just said, only 1 side is right and the other side wrong.

and i believe we both know the levels of bullshit around that.
I agree with you. Either both sides decide to work together to fix our country, or we will slide into authoritarianism. My wife just told me someone was shot in DC at a congressional ball game.
aren't hackers getting personal information from most all stores in the country? I mean, this is totally meaningless, because there is no way to tell what happened if anything. All someone has to do is actually state what happened and let the american people decide on what actually happened.

This isn't collusion, this isn't obstruction. So this falls outside of any lib witch hunt on the trump campaign, as per Comey. Counter intelligence hack, It was the original investigation. And yet the dems kept interfering with that investigation by bringing up fairytales about the trump campaign. It is the libs interfering in our election.
We see the Alt Right and Far Right posters above in their McCarthyite tactics.

They try to repress politically their opposition by spreading fear and lies throughout the political process. In the 1950s the far right did exactly that accusing their opponents of treason and sedition.

Now some sixty years later, they have allied with our enemy, Russia, and say that their opponents have no reason to characterize that combination as wrong and bad for the welfare of our country.
except what you believe to be true, they believe to be a lie.
what they believe to be true, you believe to be a lie.

by definition of what you just said, only 1 side is right and the other side wrong.

and i believe we both know the levels of bullshit around that.
I agree with you. Either both sides decide to work together to fix our country, or we will slide into authoritarianism. My wife just told me someone was shot in DC at a congressional ball game.

The shooter first asked if they were Democrats or Republicans. Did Soros pay the shooter
We see the Alt Right and Far Right posters above in their McCarthyite tactics.

They try to repress politically their opposition by spreading fear and lies throughout the political process. In the 1950s the far right did exactly that accusing their opponents of treason and sedition.

Now some sixty years later, they have allied with our enemy, Russia, and say that their opponents have no reason to characterize that combination as wrong and bad for the welfare of our country.
except what you believe to be true, they believe to be a lie.
what they believe to be true, you believe to be a lie.

by definition of what you just said, only 1 side is right and the other side wrong.

and i believe we both know the levels of bullshit around that.
I agree with you. Either both sides decide to work together to fix our country, or we will slide into authoritarianism. My wife just told me someone was shot in DC at a congressional ball game.

The shooter first asked if they were Democrats or Republicans. Did Soros pay the shooter
two republican congressmen and two aides. one of them Steve Scalise, the third ranking member of congress.

Shooting in Alexandria, Virginia, wounds GOP's Steve Scalise, officers

"WASHINGTON -- A top House Republican, Steve Scalise of Louisiana, was shot by a rifle-wielding gunman Wednesday at a congressional baseball practice just outside of Washington. At least four other people were also shot, CBS News has learned.

Capitol Police said officers who were part of Scalise's security detail returned fire and wounded the shooter, who was taken into custody."
We see the Alt Right and Far Right posters above in their McCarthyite tactics.

They try to repress politically their opposition by spreading fear and lies throughout the political process. In the 1950s the far right did exactly that accusing their opponents of treason and sedition.

Now some sixty years later, they have allied with our enemy, Russia, and say that their opponents have no reason to characterize that combination as wrong and bad for the welfare of our country.
except what you believe to be true, they believe to be a lie.
what they believe to be true, you believe to be a lie.

by definition of what you just said, only 1 side is right and the other side wrong.

and i believe we both know the levels of bullshit around that.
I agree with you. Either both sides decide to work together to fix our country, or we will slide into authoritarianism. My wife just told me someone was shot in DC at a congressional ball game.
yep. and rumors around it are the gunman asked if they were repub or democrat.

"we the people" have let our partisan differences get way out of hand if we're now killing people based on nothing more than *how* they wish to make this a better country.
We see the Alt Right and Far Right posters above in their McCarthyite tactics.

They try to repress politically their opposition by spreading fear and lies throughout the political process. In the 1950s the far right did exactly that accusing their opponents of treason and sedition.

Now some sixty years later, they have allied with our enemy, Russia, and say that their opponents have no reason to characterize that combination as wrong and bad for the welfare of our country.
except what you believe to be true, they believe to be a lie.
what they believe to be true, you believe to be a lie.

by definition of what you just said, only 1 side is right and the other side wrong.

and i believe we both know the levels of bullshit around that.
I agree with you. Either both sides decide to work together to fix our country, or we will slide into authoritarianism. My wife just told me someone was shot in DC at a congressional ball game.
yep. and rumors around it are the gunman asked if they were repub or democrat.

"we the people" have let our partisan differences get way out of hand if we're now killing people based on nothing more than *how* they wish to make this a better country.
no, the hate from the left is way out of control. This is still the US no matter how bad they wish to end its existence.
what's funny is:

As he was leaning toward Medvedev in Seoul, Obama was overheard asking for time - "particularly with missile defense" - until he is in a better position politically to resolve such issues.

"I understand your message about space," replied Medvedev, who will hand over the presidency to Putin in May.

"This is my last election ... After my election I have more flexibility," Obama said, expressing confidence that he would win a second term.

"I will transmit this information to Vladimir," said Medvedev, Putin's protégé and long considered number two in Moscow's power structure."

take out obama and put in trump and wow the left would literally shit out kittens and unicorns in anger. but it's also more details on conversations we DO know about NO ONE CARES ABOUT but the ones we dont know, well they must be evil. period. end of story. saying otherwise is a lie...

this shit needs to end.
Seriously? You can't tell the difference between a president and a non- president??

Since when does a sitting president not have the authority of the U.S. to conduct negotiations with foreign governments?
Now that we know the Trump associates were colluding with the Russians, Rosenstein and Mueller need to find the weak links and crack them.
You are the weak link. Every day you show up peddling lies. You are the Russian puppet.
Who was president when all this was happening?
It's OK. Republicans were traitors then and they are traitors now. They love Russia. The new GOP "fad".
people with your mindset are a type of traitor too dean.....basically you far left and right assholes who only care about what their fucking useless party wants and fuck everyone else....
Who was president when all this was happening?
Obama took immediate action. This is exactly why he rushed to preserve the evidence, because he knew traitors like Trump and the ones we just saw in this topic would never move to protect us from Russia's attacks once he was gone.
Good little liberal. Defends illegal spying, as long as it provides a political advantage.
Who was president when all this was happening?
Obama took immediate action. This is exactly why he rushed to preserve the evidence, because he knew traitors like Trump and the ones we just saw in this topic would never move to protect us from Russia's attacks once he was gone.
so if he took immediate action, what is the issue here?
We see the Alt Right and Far Right posters above in their McCarthyite tactics.

They try to repress politically their opposition by spreading fear and lies throughout the political process. In the 1950s the far right did exactly that accusing their opponents of treason and sedition.

Now some sixty years later, they have allied with our enemy, Russia, and say that their opponents have no reason to characterize that combination as wrong and bad for the welfare of our country.
except what you believe to be true, they believe to be a lie.
what they believe to be true, you believe to be a lie.

by definition of what you just said, only 1 side is right and the other side wrong.

and i believe we both know the levels of bullshit around that.
I agree with you. Either both sides decide to work together to fix our country, or we will slide into authoritarianism. My wife just told me someone was shot in DC at a congressional ball game.
yep. and rumors around it are the gunman asked if they were repub or democrat.

"we the people" have let our partisan differences get way out of hand if we're now killing people based on nothing more than *how* they wish to make this a better country.
no, the hate from the left is way out of control. This is still the US no matter how bad they wish to end its existence.
hate doesn't seem to be limited to one side.

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