Turns Out Trump Correct, The Left....As Usual

So you don't believe the Obama Administration conducted surveillance on the Trump Campaign? Really? Because it's looking more & more like it did happen.
MUCH MORE likely is the trump agents colluding with russian agents attempting to take hillary down

Let's smash a verbal custard pie in your kisser:

"Sunday on NBC’s “Meet the Press,” former Obama Director of National Intelligence James Clapper told host Chuck Todd that he was not aware of evidence showing the Trump campaign had colluded with the Russian government to influence last November’s presidential election.

TODD: Well, that’s an important revelation at this point.

Let me ask you this, does intelligence exist that can definitively answer the following question, whether there were improper contacts between the Trump campaign and Russia officials?

CLAPPER: We did not include evidence in our report, and I say our, that’s NSA, FBI and CIA with my office, the director of national intelligence that had anything — that had any reflection of collusion between members of the Trump campaign and the Russians. There was there no evidence of that including in our report.

TODD: I understand that, but does it exist?

CLAPPER: Not to my knowledge.

TODD: If it existed, it would have been in the report?

CLAPPER: This could have unfolded or become available in the time since I left the government. But at the time, we had no evidence of such collusion.

TODD: But at this point, what’s not proven is the idea of collusion?

CLAPPER: that’s correct."
Fmr Obama DNI Clapper: Evidence of Trump-Russian Collusion Doesn't Exist to His 'Knowledge' - Breitbart

Clapper is a known despicable liar. He should have been prosecuted for lying to Congress.

Please......go right ahead and provide the words of someone you trust, who provided evidence of collaboration with Russia.

Where the 5 found out so far talking golf or the super bowl with the russian agents Have you no powers of deduction??
The left has told so many lies that almost anything they say now conflicts with what they said last week.
BS your friend the repubs are world class liars Trump lies almost everytime he opens his yap

Yeah, what are you going to do about it keep losing elections...AHAHAHAH! Blues you are so mean, you just keep pouring salt on the left's open wounds.
From my research, i have to conclude the Obama Administration did conduct some sort of surveillance on the Trump Campaign. And that would amount to Watergate ten-fold. Surveilling the opposition's Candidate for President? It goes against everything our nation stands for. It's a shocking egregious attack on our Democracy. Hopefully, there will be accountability.
You should share your research with Trump then. He needs it desperately.

We'll see. But i'm confident the evidence will show that the Obama Administration did surveill the Trump Campaign. And that would amount to a shocking attack on our Democracy. I'm sure if the roles were reversed, you would agree 100%.
We'll see what? You said you've already reached conclusions based on research. Well clearly that is research not available to Trump, otherwise he would have done it to prove his claim. So you should share it with him.

So you don't believe the Obama Administration conducted surveillance on the Trump Campaign? Really? Because it's looking more & more like it did happen.
I've seen no proof. Further corroborating my observations are the responses I'm getting from those who support Trump and want Obama to have spied on Trump... which ranges from, wait & see to I believe to don't you believe -- but no actual proof.
every day that goes by demonstrates to me that we may be too far gone as a country

Sure, there are examples of bad behavior and bad actions by "conservative groups & individuals"

But the amazing hate & violence is by and large coming from the left

And we do not have a trustworthy media; their agenda is more important to them than the actual truth
Only on Faux Noise...50% total bs/hate...and much better than Rush Levin Savage fake news etc etc...
So you don't believe the Obama Administration conducted surveillance on the Trump Campaign? Really? Because it's looking more & more like it did happen.
MUCH MORE likely is the trump agents colluding with russian agents attempting to take hillary down

Let's smash a verbal custard pie in your kisser:

"Sunday on NBC’s “Meet the Press,” former Obama Director of National Intelligence James Clapper told host Chuck Todd that he was not aware of evidence showing the Trump campaign had colluded with the Russian government to influence last November’s presidential election.

TODD: Well, that’s an important revelation at this point.

Let me ask you this, does intelligence exist that can definitively answer the following question, whether there were improper contacts between the Trump campaign and Russia officials?

CLAPPER: We did not include evidence in our report, and I say our, that’s NSA, FBI and CIA with my office, the director of national intelligence that had anything — that had any reflection of collusion between members of the Trump campaign and the Russians. There was there no evidence of that including in our report.

TODD: I understand that, but does it exist?

CLAPPER: Not to my knowledge.

TODD: If it existed, it would have been in the report?

CLAPPER: This could have unfolded or become available in the time since I left the government. But at the time, we had no evidence of such collusion.

TODD: But at this point, what’s not proven is the idea of collusion?

CLAPPER: that’s correct."
Fmr Obama DNI Clapper: Evidence of Trump-Russian Collusion Doesn't Exist to His 'Knowledge' - Breitbart

Clapper is a known despicable liar. He should have been prosecuted for lying to Congress.

Please......go right ahead and provide the words of someone you trust, who provided evidence of collaboration with Russia.

Where the 5 found out so far talking golf or the super bowl with the russian agents Have you no powers of deduction??
The left has told so many lies that almost anything they say now conflicts with what they said last week.
BS your friend the repubs are world class liars Trump lies almost everytime he opens his yap

Listen, you dunce.....the whole Putin Ploy is to assuage the pain of having been beaten in the election.

Even a moron like you should begin to understand that.

1. Trump has a cabinet that has made tougher statements on Russia than anything Obama did.
If Trump were going to be submissive to Putin, how to explain Dan Coates as Trump's pick for Director of National Intelligence:
Coates was forbidden to go to Russia by Putin for comparing him to Hitler:
"people from the US had been similarly blacklisted, including ... and Dan Coats of Indiana, a former US ambassador to Germany. “While I’m disappointed that I won’t be able to go on vacation with my family in Siberia this summer,” Coats wisecracked, “I am honored to be on this list.”Chrystia Freeland: My Ukraine, and Putin’s big lie

2. A pro-Russia policy would include slashing defense spending...as Obama did.

3 . A pro-Russia policy would include slowing our nuclear weapon modernization....as Obama did.

4. A pro-Russia policy would include rolling back missile defense systems...as Obama did.

5. A pro-Russia policy would include entering a one-sided nuclear arms agreement....as Obama did.

6. A pro-Russia policy would include doing everything you could to stop oil and gas production...as Obama did.

7. A pro-Russia policy would include promising Putin that you'd be more 'flexible' in dealing with Russia...as Obama did.

8. A pro-Russia policy would include turning over 20% of our uranium to Russia in exchange for a $145 million donation to the Clinton Foundation....as Bill's wife did. [FAKE NEWS: CNBC Cites Left-Wing Politifact in Clinton Russian Uranium Story - Breitbart]

9. Assuming, arguendo, that leaking material about the Democrats and their candidate were aimed at influencing the electorate, list those things that the electorate knew from the 'leaks' that they didn't know before.
Who didn't know that Bill's wife was a congenital liar and career criminal????

10. And, those leaks themselves???
There’s no evidence that this was done by the state itself, only evidence it was done by non-state actors that might be Russian-speaking,” said Jeffrey Carr, CEO of the cyber security consultancy firm Taia Global, referring to the evidence available to the public.

That evidence, which was released by private threat assessment companies rather than official channels, indicates hackers used Cyrillic keyboards and operated during Moscow working hours.
But indicators of identity like timestamps, language preferences and IP addresses “can be manipulated or faked rather easily,” said Juan Andres Guerrero-Saade, a senior security researcher at Kaspersky Lab."
Does the U.S. government really know who hacked Democrats' emails?
every day that goes by demonstrates to me that we may be too far gone as a country

Sure, there are examples of bad behavior and bad actions by "conservative groups & individuals"

But the amazing hate & violence is by and large coming from the left

And we do not have a trustworthy media; their agenda is more important to them than the actual truth
Only on Faux Noise...50% total bs/hate...and much better than Rush Levin Savage fake news etc etc...

Franco buddy how have you been? Oh wait...I see sorry I asked. :laugh:
every day that goes by demonstrates to me that we may be too far gone as a country

Sure, there are examples of bad behavior and bad actions by "conservative groups & individuals"

But the amazing hate & violence is by and large coming from the left

And we do not have a trustworthy media; their agenda is more important to them than the actual truth
Only on Faux Noise...50% total bs/hate...and much better than Rush Levin Savage fake news etc etc...

Look who's here!

They must have just opened the doors at the Home For The Criminally Insane.
To review:

a. Trump was correct, but it was not Trump's telephone or email....it was the servers themselves Obama co-opted.

b. There was no Russian hacking of the DNC...it was a criminal attempt to control Posdesta's email that he fell for: phishing

c. The claims about Russia, and that it was linked to Trump was the attempt to hide the chagrin about losing the election.

d. Have you noticed how the 'Trump-Russia Collaboration' tale is slowly being withdrawn from the news??????
Alt Righties continue to scream lies.

No president can order a wire tap, period.

Yep, the wiretap was on Trump's associates who were in league with the Russians. Not Trump. Frank has real trouble understand this simple fact.

Thank you for posting this.

In league with the Russians...sounds serious. I think Sessions needs to open an investigation into Obama's wiretapping

....as long as they don't call Pavel Buchnevich!
I see the UE rate is real again, superdupes. LOL. Hillary is no longer corrupt, all the phony scandals went nowhere in the real world, and it's looking like the only Trump promises that count are a giant tax cut for the rich and deregging his businesses... d'oh!!
To review:

a. Trump was correct, but it was not Trump's telephone or email....it was the servers themselves Obama co-opted.

b. There was no Russian hacking of the DNC...it was a criminal attempt to control Posdesta's email that he fell for: phishing

c. The claims about Russia, and that it was linked to Trump was the attempt to hide the chagrin about losing the election.

d. Have you noticed how the 'Trump-Russia Collaboration' tale is slowly being withdrawn from the news??????
A-d: Fake news, dupe.
To review:

a. Trump was correct, but it was not Trump's telephone or email....it was the servers themselves Obama co-opted.

b. There was no Russian hacking of the DNC...it was a criminal attempt to control Posdesta's email that he fell for: phishing

c. The claims about Russia, and that it was linked to Trump was the attempt to hide the chagrin about losing the election.

d. Have you noticed how the 'Trump-Russia Collaboration' tale is slowly being withdrawn from the news??????
A-d: Fake news, dupe.

Soooo......you just got off work, Blanko????

You should share your research with Trump then. He needs it desperately.

We'll see. But i'm confident the evidence will show that the Obama Administration did surveill the Trump Campaign. And that would amount to a shocking attack on our Democracy. I'm sure if the roles were reversed, you would agree 100%.
We'll see what? You said you've already reached conclusions based on research. Well clearly that is research not available to Trump, otherwise he would have done it to prove his claim. So you should share it with him.
Thank God it's the weekend Can stay at the beach instead of computer reading all the crap republicans throw The CEO AH says these job numbers aren't phony like 75 months of obamas were Grrrr

Jobs are coming back to Americans. We should all be happy about that. It's a huge positive development. So just be happy more Americans are getting back to work. Try to think about your country instead of your Party.
What the **** are you talking about ?? Obama had 75 STRAIGHT months most better than todays of job growth, and still your punks bashed him
There were 235K jobs added in Trumps first full month. While that is good, comparing the job market Obama handed Trump compared to the job market Bush handed Obama, we find;

Obama's final month in office:


Bush's final month in office:

-793K :ack-1:

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data
I agree you're a nut since Trump said his "phones" were being tapped, not a computer server. And if you think he's the one who's confused, and not you; he said it at least twice.
Even if Trump uses the wrong words, that's not a defense if Obama put his server under surveillance.
Words always have meaning.Trump twice said his "phones" were tapped. I see no evidence he used wrong words. What I do see is evidence of his supporters trying to change his words into something they think they can defend.

I'm not sure Trump mentioned 'Phones' specifically. He did say there was 'Wiretapping' though. He just may not be knowledgeable enough on surveillance techniques. But i do believe him on his claim that the Obama Administration did conduct some sort of surveillance on his Campaign.
He said, "phones".


"How low has President Obama gone to tapp my phones during the very sacred election process."

"I'll bet a good lawyer could make a great case out of the fact that President Obama was tapping my phones in October, just prior to election!"

Trump doesn't have to be tech savvy to know the difference between a phone and a computer.

So you agree the Obamunists tapped his servers.

That your brain translated my words into your post reflects solidly of how damaged your diseased brain is.
I agree you're a nut since Trump said his "phones" were being tapped, not a computer server. And if you think he's the one who's confused, and not you; he said it at least twice.
Even if Trump uses the wrong words, that's not a defense if Obama put his server under surveillance.
Words always have meaning.Trump twice said his "phones" were tapped. I see no evidence he used wrong words. What I do see is evidence of his supporters trying to change his words into something they think they can defend.

I'm not sure Trump mentioned 'Phones' specifically. He did say there was 'Wiretapping' though. He just may not be knowledgeable enough on surveillance techniques. But i do believe him on his claim that the Obama Administration did conduct some sort of surveillance on his Campaign.
He said, "phones".


"How low has President Obama gone to tapp my phones during the very sacred election process."

"I'll bet a good lawyer could make a great case out of the fact that President Obama was tapping my phones in October, just prior to election!"

Trump doesn't have to be tech savvy to know the difference between a phone and a computer.

I'll look into it a bit more. But it wouldn't surprise me that Trump just isn't very knowledgeable about modern surveillance techniques. Surveillance can be conducted in numerous different fashions.
Huh? Why do you require further research? You said the research you've already done resulted in your conclusion that Obama spied on Trump.

Apparently not, huh?
Even if Trump uses the wrong words, that's not a defense if Obama put his server under surveillance.
Words always have meaning.Trump twice said his "phones" were tapped. I see no evidence he used wrong words. What I do see is evidence of his supporters trying to change his words into something they think they can defend.

I'm not sure Trump mentioned 'Phones' specifically. He did say there was 'Wiretapping' though. He just may not be knowledgeable enough on surveillance techniques. But i do believe him on his claim that the Obama Administration did conduct some sort of surveillance on his Campaign.
He said, "phones".


"How low has President Obama gone to tapp my phones during the very sacred election process."

"I'll bet a good lawyer could make a great case out of the fact that President Obama was tapping my phones in October, just prior to election!"

Trump doesn't have to be tech savvy to know the difference between a phone and a computer.

I'll look into it a bit more. But it wouldn't surprise me that Trump just isn't very knowledgeable about modern surveillance techniques. Surveillance can be conducted in numerous different fashions.
Huh? Why do you require further research? You said the research you've already done resulted in your conclusion that Obama spied on Trump.

Apparently not, huh?

Clearly, some sort of surveillance was conducted. But i'll admit Trump may have been mistaken on his phone wiretap claim. I think he just isn't up on new surveillance techniques. I'm willing to give him a pass on it.
I agree you're a nut since Trump said his "phones" were being tapped, not a computer server. And if you think he's the one who's confused, and not you; he said it at least twice.
Even if Trump uses the wrong words, that's not a defense if Obama put his server under surveillance.
Words always have meaning.Trump twice said his "phones" were tapped. I see no evidence he used wrong words. What I do see is evidence of his supporters trying to change his words into something they think they can defend.

I'm not sure Trump mentioned 'Phones' specifically. He did say there was 'Wiretapping' though. He just may not be knowledgeable enough on surveillance techniques. But i do believe him on his claim that the Obama Administration did conduct some sort of surveillance on his Campaign.
He said, "phones".


"How low has President Obama gone to tapp my phones during the very sacred election process."

"I'll bet a good lawyer could make a great case out of the fact that President Obama was tapping my phones in October, just prior to election!"

Trump doesn't have to be tech savvy to know the difference between a phone and a computer.
Hillary pretended she didn't know what it meant to wipe a server. So what? You seem fixated on the idea that Trump used the wrong terminology. I mean, it's not like he was saying the Russians hacked the election and meaningless phrases like that.
Why wouldn't I be fixated on Trump's actual words? I understand why you're so eager to posit he had no clue what he was talking about since there's no evidence to back up his ludicrous claims.
We'll see. But i'm confident the evidence will show that the Obama Administration did surveill the Trump Campaign. And that would amount to a shocking attack on our Democracy. I'm sure if the roles were reversed, you would agree 100%.
We'll see what? You said you've already reached conclusions based on research. Well clearly that is research not available to Trump, otherwise he would have done it to prove his claim. So you should share it with him.
Thank God it's the weekend Can stay at the beach instead of computer reading all the crap republicans throw The CEO AH says these job numbers aren't phony like 75 months of obamas were Grrrr

Jobs are coming back to Americans. We should all be happy about that. It's a huge positive development. So just be happy more Americans are getting back to work. Try to think about your country instead of your Party.
What the **** are you talking about ?? Obama had 75 STRAIGHT months most better than todays of job growth, and still your punks bashed him
There were 235K jobs added in Trumps first full month. While that is good, comparing the job market Obama handed Trump compared to the job market Bush handed Obama, we find;

Obama's final month in office:


Bush's final month in office:

-793K :ack-1:

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data
Feb 2015 and 16 had exactly the same figure as today's...
Even if Trump uses the wrong words, that's not a defense if Obama put his server under surveillance.
Words always have meaning.Trump twice said his "phones" were tapped. I see no evidence he used wrong words. What I do see is evidence of his supporters trying to change his words into something they think they can defend.

I'm not sure Trump mentioned 'Phones' specifically. He did say there was 'Wiretapping' though. He just may not be knowledgeable enough on surveillance techniques. But i do believe him on his claim that the Obama Administration did conduct some sort of surveillance on his Campaign.
He said, "phones".


"How low has President Obama gone to tapp my phones during the very sacred election process."

"I'll bet a good lawyer could make a great case out of the fact that President Obama was tapping my phones in October, just prior to election!"

Trump doesn't have to be tech savvy to know the difference between a phone and a computer.
Hillary pretended she didn't know what it meant to wipe a server. So what? You seem fixated on the idea that Trump used the wrong terminology. I mean, it's not like he was saying the Russians hacked the election and meaningless phrases like that.
Why wouldn't I be fixated on Trump's actual words? I understand why you're so eager to posit he had no clue what he was talking about since there's no evidence to back up his ludicrous claims.

You're fixated on words????

How about these words, you know, when Obama told the illegal aliens to go vote..

1. The first line from the lovely young lady states the premise: Illegals are citizens, she says, because she claims they contribute to the country.
a. they don't
b. Obama sits there in total agreement.

2. Then, she asks if they will be deported if they (illegally) vote....and Obama says "not true."

@ 1:35 Obama makes this outrageous claim:

"When you vote, you are a citizen yourself."

3. Obama.....being questioned about illegal voting.......encouraging illegals to vote....saying 'don't worry...no one will catch your.'

Obama answers the 'illegal citizen voting and fearful of immigration.'

'Not true,' he says....assuring the illegal voter that 'immigration will not know where you live, or come for you.'

4. Then he gives his verbal wink and a nod...'there is not a situation where the voting rolls are transferred over and people start investigating...."

The message is clear....'vote...nothing will happen to you...you won't be caught.'

5. There would be no reason to comfort a legal voter in that way.

Or...are you claiming that those 30 seconds of video are doctored in some way.

Are you?

Barack Obama disrespect for the laws of our country, and for the Constitution.
Words always have meaning.Trump twice said his "phones" were tapped. I see no evidence he used wrong words. What I do see is evidence of his supporters trying to change his words into something they think they can defend.

I'm not sure Trump mentioned 'Phones' specifically. He did say there was 'Wiretapping' though. He just may not be knowledgeable enough on surveillance techniques. But i do believe him on his claim that the Obama Administration did conduct some sort of surveillance on his Campaign.
He said, "phones".


"How low has President Obama gone to tapp my phones during the very sacred election process."

"I'll bet a good lawyer could make a great case out of the fact that President Obama was tapping my phones in October, just prior to election!"

Trump doesn't have to be tech savvy to know the difference between a phone and a computer.

I'll look into it a bit more. But it wouldn't surprise me that Trump just isn't very knowledgeable about modern surveillance techniques. Surveillance can be conducted in numerous different fashions.
Huh? Why do you require further research? You said the research you've already done resulted in your conclusion that Obama spied on Trump.

Apparently not, huh?

Clearly, some sort of surveillance was conducted. But i'll admit Trump may have been mistaken on his phone wiretap claim. I think he just isn't up on new surveillance techniques. I'm willing to give him a pass on it.
Surveillance was conducted on Russians, not Trump.

And while I expect some folks to cavalierly forgive Trump's outrageous criticism of a former president (something no other president has ever done), I also expect Trump will receive a major rebuke for it once the dust settles.
Words always have meaning.Trump twice said his "phones" were tapped. I see no evidence he used wrong words. What I do see is evidence of his supporters trying to change his words into something they think they can defend.

I'm not sure Trump mentioned 'Phones' specifically. He did say there was 'Wiretapping' though. He just may not be knowledgeable enough on surveillance techniques. But i do believe him on his claim that the Obama Administration did conduct some sort of surveillance on his Campaign.
He said, "phones".


"How low has President Obama gone to tapp my phones during the very sacred election process."

"I'll bet a good lawyer could make a great case out of the fact that President Obama was tapping my phones in October, just prior to election!"

Trump doesn't have to be tech savvy to know the difference between a phone and a computer.

I'll look into it a bit more. But it wouldn't surprise me that Trump just isn't very knowledgeable about modern surveillance techniques. Surveillance can be conducted in numerous different fashions.
Huh? Why do you require further research? You said the research you've already done resulted in your conclusion that Obama spied on Trump.

Apparently not, huh?

Clearly, some sort of surveillance was conducted. But i'll admit Trump may have been mistaken on his phone wiretap claim. I think he just isn't up on new surveillance techniques. I'm willing to give him a pass on it.
Only surveillance on the Russians...zzzzzzzzzzzz, dupe.

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