Tuscon Arizona school district bans racial hatred books

On January 10, U.S. Circuit Court Judge A. Wallace Tashima ruled against a group of Tucson Unified School District (TUSD) teachers who sued to re-instate so-called Raza Studies (or Mexican-American Studies), claiming their 1st Amendment rights had been violated.

The teachers filed the suit after a state law (HB 2281) was passed banning any curriculum which promotes “resentment toward a race or class of people,” or “promotes the overthrow” of the government.

The measure effectively put an end to Raza Studies.

They were teaching political hate speech.
One of the textbooks which has been used in Raza Studies is entitled “Occupied America,” which was written by Rodolfo Acuña and includes a speech given by activist and university professor Jose Angel Gutierrez in which he says: “We have got to eliminate the gringo, and what I mean by that is if the worst comes to the worst, we have got to kill him,” (pg. 323).

The book also talks about the need for Mexico to re-take seven states in the Southwestern United States, often referred to as “Aztlan.”

The following rather shocking quotes are taken directly from Occupied America (pg. 167):

“Supporters would execute all white males over age 16,” (also known as the Plan of San Diego).

“The Southwest would become a Chicano nation.”

In May 2011, the woman who can easily be credited for exposing the hatred being taught in Tucson’s public schools, Laura Leighton, attended a TUSD school board meeting and read excerpts from several books being used to teach children as young as 9-years-old.

Leighton read:

-“Hard drugs and drug culture is an invention of the gringo because he has no culture.”

-“We have to destroy capitalism and we have to help 5/6 of the world to destroy capitalism in order to equal all peoples’ lives.”

“The Declaration of Independence states that we the people have the right to revolution…the right to overrule the government…”

“Any country based on capitalism is based on greed…”

This curriculum is not okay...teaching the truth that Columbus was a douche and did NOT discover America...totally okay.
I did it clearly states the the superintendent says that the classes were promoting resentment toward a race or class of people.
It is you that refuses what it states.
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PB3Qx_K86bs&feature=related]Hateful speech at TUSD board meeting - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J-Ha5ZQGJ-w&feature=related]Mexican-American Studies Problem in the Tucson Unified School District - YouTube[/ame]
I did it clearly states the the superintendent says that the classes were promoting resentment toward a race or class of people.
It is you that refuses what it states.
I asked you for some pretty specific links.

You failed to provide them.

And telling the truth, as ugly as it might be, should be the goal of public schools.
Psssst! I'd just like to remind all those self-righteous "Chicanos" that they too are descendants of European invaders who exterminated several indigenous peoples in their greedy quest for gold and silver.
I did it clearly states the the superintendent says that the classes were promoting resentment toward a race or class of people.
It is you that refuses what it states.
I asked you for some pretty specific links.

You failed to provide them.

And telling the truth, as ugly as it might be, should be the goal of public schools.

Post 105 Ravi
They had plenty of witness and testaments.
At the school board and in the court.
They voted 4 to one to stop the studies, after all of the evidence.

That is true. HOWEVER, Texas textbooks can influence textbooks nationwide. Google it...

Decisions by the board -- made up of lawyers, a dentist and a weekly newspaper publisher among others -- can affect textbook content nationwide because Texas is one of publishers' biggest clients.

You're welcome...

A couple more links:

Texas Textbook Wars Could Impact Schools Nationwide

Textbooks | TPMMuckraker
I did it clearly states the the superintendent says that the classes were promoting resentment toward a race or class of people.
It is you that refuses what it states.
I asked you for some pretty specific links.

You failed to provide them.

And telling the truth, as ugly as it might be, should be the goal of public schools.

Huppenthal's letter stated;
The assertion that TUSD’s Mexican American Studies Program was designed and implemented only to promote cultural diversity and a greater understanding of the role of Mexican Americans in this nation is inaccurate and incomplete. Tucson Unified School District’s Mexican American Studies Program courses, curriculum and classroom materials have been found to (1) promote resentment toward a race or class of people; (2) be designed primarily for the pupils of a particular ethnic group; and (3) advocate ethnic solidarity instead of the treatment of pupils as individuals.
Can't get any plainer
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I believe chlldren should be taught the bad with the good in history. Santa Clause continue to be a lie and bunnies don't lay colored eggs. All the atrocites of america shoud be taught. When it is taught it is considered racist. We are running over with atrocities against other human being inorder to gain power

I've heard many theories on the origin of Santa Claus. My favorite is that he was based on a man who wanted to marry the youngest daughter of another man, but the other man said he couldn't until the older daughters were married and they couldn't be married because they had no dowry. So one night, a man rides through the town and leaves a bunch of gold at the home of the man with so many daughters. His first daughter now has a dowry and marrieds. This happend until all the daughters were married and the man who gave away the gold could marry the youngest daughter he had chosen.

That's the gist of it. forgive me if it's incomplete, but I read the story when I was a child and it took place in Persia.

IMHO Santa Claus is real. He might not be a fat man that flies with raindeer, but he's real, all the same.
Why are you applauding lying about Americas history? I mean, if the history of America leads you to believe that America sucks. Is it the teachers responsibility to reverse your conclusion you draw from the facts?

Lying about Columbus helps no one and worst...it's not true. Why promote that?
Seems like you're more upset about kids not getting proper liberal indoctrination than about accurate history.

Seems like you are bad at the seems like game. I'll ask again, Why are you applauding lying about Americas history? I mean, if the history of America leads you to believe that America sucks. Is it the teachers responsibility to reverse your conclusion you draw from the facts?

Lying about Columbus helps no one and worst...it's not true. Why promote that?
You're really not very good at this.

I don't think America sucks. I think America is the most amazing nation in history.

Some on the left think America sucks, and attempt to indoctrinate school children with that warped view. See any of Howard Zinn's leftist wet dream "histories".

I aupport teaching children the good with the bad. Some on the left want to teach only the bad. Omitting the good things is lying about American history.

Why do you support that?
What book is being offered that says America sucks?
I'm betting Rethinking Columbus doesn't paint a rosy picture of America.
America isn't always a rosy place. That isn't the same thing as saying that America sucks!
It is when all you teach is the bad things.
Thanks for confirming that you are for banning books.
I'm for each school district deciding for themselves what books to teach from.

You seem to have a problem with that.

And no books were banned. Don't be stupid.

That is EXACTLY what they are doing. Not surprised to find you applauding them.

Yes, good Gaea! It's terrible that kids can't be exposed to the idea that America sucks! That's the only true enlightened opinion!

Telling the truth about Columbus' methods = America Sucks? Isn't that odd, considering that America didn't even exist yet. :eusa_whistle:
Emphasizing the bad things in America's history over the good things is "America sucks".
On January 10, U.S. Circuit Court Judge A. Wallace Tashima ruled against a group of Tucson Unified School District (TUSD) teachers who sued to re-instate so-called Raza Studies (or Mexican-American Studies), claiming their 1st Amendment rights had been violated.

The teachers filed the suit after a state law (HB 2281) was passed banning any curriculum which promotes “resentment toward a race or class of people,” or “promotes the overthrow” of the government.

The measure effectively put an end to Raza Studies.

They were teaching political hate speech.
One of the textbooks which has been used in Raza Studies is entitled “Occupied America,” which was written by Rodolfo Acuña and includes a speech given by activist and university professor Jose Angel Gutierrez in which he says: “We have got to eliminate the gringo, and what I mean by that is if the worst comes to the worst, we have got to kill him,” (pg. 323).

The book also talks about the need for Mexico to re-take seven states in the Southwestern United States, often referred to as “Aztlan.”

The following rather shocking quotes are taken directly from Occupied America (pg. 167):

“Supporters would execute all white males over age 16,” (also known as the Plan of San Diego).

“The Southwest would become a Chicano nation.”

In May 2011, the woman who can easily be credited for exposing the hatred being taught in Tucson’s public schools, Laura Leighton, attended a TUSD school board meeting and read excerpts from several books being used to teach children as young as 9-years-old.

Leighton read:

-“Hard drugs and drug culture is an invention of the gringo because he has no culture.”

-“We have to destroy capitalism and we have to help 5/6 of the world to destroy capitalism in order to equal all peoples’ lives.”

“The Declaration of Independence states that we the people have the right to revolution…the right to overrule the government…”

“Any country based on capitalism is based on greed…”
Nothing wrong with that.

Right, USMB lefties?
I didn't say it was. Read daveman's posts, dipshit.

I may be a dipshit, but you're a lying dipshit. :thup:

Not one of daveman's posts even comes close to supporting your dishonest characterization of his position. Fact, not opinion.
Sure they do. Not to mention that he thanked Cesspool for her post about a judge's actions regarding the book in question.
Yes, the judge ruled the book could not be used as a textbook.

I'd ask you to stop being stupid, but I don't think you're capable.

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