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Tuscon Turning Point?

Are you familiar with Chris Hedges's 2002 book, "War is a Force that gives us Meaning?" Chris has covered war from Salvador to Sarajevo yet has never seen children murdered for sport until he payed a visit to Gaza.
That's what makes him a pompous liar, of course.
"There were no sounds of gun-fire. The soldiers shot with silencers.
That dumbass Hedges mistook a rubber-bullet adaptor for a "silencer". There goes an individual, who "covered wars from Salvador to Sarajevo".
The numbers tell the story in the mid East.

Americans, mostly, don't want to admit it, but the data is there for those who are seeking truth.

The Israelis are winning because they are well organized, well equipped and
fighting with their backs to the wall.

It didn't have to be this way, but this is the way it is.
The numbers tell the story in the mid East.

Americans, mostly, don't want to admit it, but the data is there for those who are seeking truth.

The Israelis are winning because they are well organized, well equipped and
fighting with their backs to the wall.

It didn't have to be this way, but this is the way it is.
Uri Avnery saw alternatives half a century ago and was stabbed for acting on them:

"After the Egyptian Revolution of 1952 Avnery used his editorials in HaOlam HaZeh to call for a preventive war against Egypt, arguing that 'the reactionary Arab regimes' would attack Israel 'the minute Arab superiority in weapons over Israel is great enough.'[10]

"He began to revise his views after the 1956 Suez Crisis, which ended in Israeli withdrawal and strengthened Nasser.[11]

"In June 1957 Avnery suggested that Israel aid Palestinians in overthrowing the Hashemite monarchy in Jordan (a 'product of imperialism'); Israel would then form a federation with the new Palestinian Jordanian state.[11]

"In the late 1950s Avnery was among the founders of the group Semitic Action, which argued for a regional federation of Israel and its neighbors."

This "Semitic Federation" could have stretched from the Nile to the Euphrates; however, US and UK arms sales might have suffered as a consequence.

About twenty years later Avnery paid for his peacemaking sins:

"In late 1975 Avnery was among the founders of the Israeli Council for Israeli-Palestinian Peace.[13]

"Shortly after the group's founding, Avnery was assaulted and stabbed several times."

The first British military governor of Palestine wrote of creating a little loyal Jewish Ulster in the heart of Arab hostilism. That more than anything else has put Israel's back against the wall.
Do rubber bullets "rip out stomachs" and produce "gaping holes in limbs?"
Of course, not, and this is where palistanian thugs come into play to produce "israel atrocities". Palistanian mythology demands child sacrifices. It's old news for knowledgeable individuals. And palisimian credibility whole ended in 2000, when they shot Muhammad Al Durra boy to blame it joos.
George opines
The first British military governor of Palestine wrote of creating a little loyal Jewish Ulster in the heart of Arab hostilism. That more than anything else has put Israel's back against the wall.

If your point was the creation of Isreal was a tragic mistake, I agree.

If your point is the continued ongoing mutual genocide of the Palestinians and Israelis is entirely the fault of one side and not the other, I disagree.

The fact is that Israel exists NOW.

Ferreting out who had the high moral ground in 1917 just serves NO purpose.

Complaining that the events of 1948 were unjust likewise serves no purpose...now.

What we've got to find is a solution for the events happening on the ground TODAY.

There is no reparation of history that doesn't lead to disaster.


You bet.

But the current generation of Israelis have NO PLACE TO GO

The current generation of Palestinians also have NO PLACE TO GO.

Some compromise is the ONLY solution, now.

Sadly, the peckerheaded religious fanatics on BOTH sides are doing every damned thing they can do to prevent cooler heads from prevailing.

And lord knows this board is rife with peckerheaded racist and religious nutjobs.
"In June 1957 Avnery suggested that Israel aid Palestinians in overthrowing the Hashemite monarchy in Jordan (a 'product of imperialism'); Israel would then form a federation with the new Palestinian Jordanian state.
Some socialist-communist federation in his mind, no doubt. Avnery has, indeed, been a prodigal driveling idiot to this day. Proven fact.
George opines
The first British military governor of Palestine wrote of creating a little loyal Jewish Ulster in the heart of Arab hostilism. That more than anything else has put Israel's back against the wall.

If your point was the creation of Isreal was a tragic mistake, I agree.

If your point is the continued ongoing mutual genocide of the Palestinians and Israelis is entirely the fault of one side and not the other, I disagree.

The fact is that Israel exists NOW.

Ferreting out who had the high moral ground in 1917 just serves NO purpose.

Complaining that the events of 1948 were unjust likewise serves no purpose...now.

What we've got to find is a solution for the events happening on the ground TODAY.

There is no reparation of history that doesn't lead to disaster.


You bet.

But the current generation of Israelis have NO PLACE TO GO

The current generation of Palestinians also have NO PLACE TO GO.

Some compromise is the ONLY solution, now.

Sadly, the peckerheaded religious fanatics on BOTH sides are doing every damned thing they can do to prevent cooler heads from prevailing.

And lord knows this board is rife with peckerheaded racist and religious nutjobs.
What did you think of Chris Hedges's account of Khan Younis? (Post #20 above)

I haven't read Chris's book; however, if his account of what he saw that day in Gaza is true, the ongoing genocide in Palestine is not mutual.

Can you imagine the world wide rage if Arabs had slaughtered Israeli children in a similar fashion?

Chris Hedges: Khan Younis
Thanks for putting a capital "H" in Hypocrite

If Gifford's attack was "horrific" (small "h"?) how would you characterize what the IDF bestowed on Tom Hurndall?

"Another person shot in the head by Israeli forces was 21-year-old Tom Hurndall. The anniversary of his death is this week.

"Hurndall, a student and photographer, had wanted to 'make a difference' with his life.

"In 2003 he went to Gaza to join the nonviolence movement against Israeli aggression and to photograph what he saw. /4/

"On April 11th he was nearby when a group of children who had been playing suddenly came under Israeli rifle fire. Most of the children fled, but three, aged four to seven, froze with fear.

"Hurndall dashed over, rushed one small boy to safety and returned for two little girls.

"Just as he was reaching to lift one up, an Israeli sniper shot him in the head.

"Despite the urgency of his injury, Israeli officials delayed his transport to specialized medical care for over two and a half hours."

Shot in the Head
How about an AIPAC Connection?

"Ironically, the American Congresswoman recently so tragically shot in the head has been extremely close to the Israel lobby, which has played a critical role in enabling the tragedies sketched above.

"The American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) works year after year to ensure that the approximately $7-8 million per day of American tax to Israel /13/ keeps flowing regardless of how many civilians its troops kill. /14/

"Giffords has been known as 'a safe pro-Israel vote in the House' /15/ and could be counted on to support AIPAC’s various initiatives to shield Israel from negative consequences for its ruthless and illegal use of American weaponry. /16/

"She called a 2001 visit to Israel a turning point in her life (Israeli forces killed 103 children that year, 31 of them shot in the head) and wrote in 2006 (a year in which Israeli forces killed 665 Palestinians, 139 of them children, and Palestinians killed 23 Israelis, two of them children) that 'the United States must do everything possible to secure Israel’s long-term security.' /17/ Palestinian victims – killed first and in far greater numbers – seem to have been invisible to her."

Guess Palestinian head shot victims count for less than Jewish head shot victims...

Right, Moses?

Shot in the Head
I'm praying that you don't attach Gabrielle Giffords horrific attack and resultant six deaths and many injuries to your cause.

They do not attach.

You are sick. This forum allows your sickness. Why? I'm not sure.

Prove the attachment with Facts.

If Gifford's attack was "horrific" (small "h"?) how would you characterize what the IDF bestowed on Tom Hurndall?

"Another person shot in the head by Israeli forces was 21-year-old Tom Hurndall. The anniversary of his death is this week.

There you go. I knew you were making that attachment. No cited sources.

You are simply attaching (by pretense) two incidents that have no connection, simply to create an emotional response for your cause.

That's Trolling George.

So, since this site allows you to make such extensions without citing proven sources for your attachments, off you go...
I'm praying that you don't attach Gabrielle Giffords horrific attack and resultant six deaths and many injuries to your cause.

They do not attach.

You are sick. This forum allows your sickness. Why? I'm not sure.

Prove the attachment with Facts.

If Gifford's attack was "horrific" (small "h"?) how would you characterize what the IDF bestowed on Tom Hurndall?

"Another person shot in the head by Israeli forces was 21-year-old Tom Hurndall. The anniversary of his death is this week.

There you go. I knew you were making that attachment. No cited sources.

You are simply attaching (by pretense) two incidents that have no connection, simply to create an emotional response for your cause.

That's Trolling George.

So, since this site allows you to make such extensions without citing proven sources for your attachments, off you go...
"Amendment 1 - Freedom of Religion, Press, Expression. Ratified 12/15/1791. Note

"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."
When you connect two proposals like that and attempt to connect them as you did, then you need to cite sources.

Where is the source that connects Gabrielle to the Israeli - Palestinian conflict?

That's what this forum is about. You attempt to create an attachment that is not there.

But which this forum seems to allow, even when the rules are clear that you must cite sources when you create attachments.

What you did is not free speech.

It is a lie of false attachment.
Click on this link for the connection between Gifford's head shot and Tom Hurndall's.

Shot in the Head

Giffords has no problem supporting the killing of innocent Palestinian children by head shots.

Are you surprised that what goes around sometimes comes around?

Or are ALL Jews special?
Click on this link for the connection between Gifford's head shot and Tom Hurndall's.

Shot in the Head

Giffords has no problem supporting the killing of innocent Palestinian children by head shots.

Are you surprised that what goes around sometimes comes around?

Or are ALL Jews special?

palestinian children shouldn't be used as human shields by hamas.

is there a bigger loser on this board than you?
Chris Hedges?

"On a recent trip to the region, I visited the Khan Younis refugee camp in the Gaza Strip. As the searing afternoon heat and swirling eddies of dust enveloped the camp, I sought cover, slumping under the shade of a palm-roofed hut on the edge of the dunes. I was momentarily defeated by the grit that covered my face and hair, the jostling crowds, the stench of the open sewers and rotting garbage.

"Barefoot boys, clutching ragged soccer balls and kites made out of scraps of paper, squatted a few feet away under scrub trees. Men, in flowing white or gray galabias-homespun robes-smoked cigarettes outside their doorways. They fingered prayer beads and spoke in hushed tones as they boiled tea or coffee on sooty coals in small iron braziers in the shade of the eaves. Two emaciated donkeys, their ribs outlined on their flanks, were tethered to wooden carts with rubber wheels.

"It was still. The camp waited, as if holding its breath. And then, out of the dry furnace air a disembodied voice crackled over a loudspeaker from the Israeli side of the camp's perimeter fence.

"'Come on, dogs,' the voice boomed in Arabic. 'Where are all the dogs of Khan Younis? Come! Come!'

"I stood up and walked outside the hut. The invective spewed out in a bitter torrent. 'Son of a bitch!' 'Son of a whore!' 'Your mother's ****!'

"The boys darted in small packs up the sloping dunes to the electric fence that separated the camp from the Jewish settlement abutting it. They lobbed rocks towards a jeep, mounted with a loudspeaker and protected by bulletproof armor plates and metal grating, that sat parked on the top of a hill known as Gani Tal. The soldier inside the jeep ridiculed and derided them. Three ambulances-which had pulled up in anticipation of what was to come-lined the road below the dunes..

"There was the boom of a percussion grenade. The boys, most no more than ten or eleven years old, scattered, running clumsily through the heavy sand. They descended out of sight behind the dune in front of me. There were no sounds of gun-fire. The soldiers shot with silencers. The bullets from M-I6 rifles, unseen by me, tumbled end-over-end through their slight bodies. I would see the destruction, the way their stomachs were ripped out, the gaping holes in their limbs and torsos, later in the hospital.

"I had seen children shot in other conflicts I have covered--death squads gunned them down in EI Salvador and Guatemala, mothers with infants were lined up and massacred in Algeria, and Serb snipers put children in their sights and watched them crumple onto the pavement in Sarajevo--but I had never watched soldiers entice children like mice into a trap and murder them for sport.

Chris Hedges, "War is a Force that gives us Meaning"


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