TV Advertising pushing social agendas with role reversal and transgenders

They are pushing multi-racial couples big time in advertising. I haven't seen the gender-confused commercials yet though. And sure, one can just change the channel and not watch. That isn't the issue, though. The issue is that those who think they are 'evolved and diverse' by accepting what is being shown are actually swallowing the insanity that a mental illness is perfectly normal. smh
Pushing an agenda that people on a daily basis do without advertising, having relationships, oh my goodness...
They are pushing multi-racial couples big time in advertising. I haven't seen the gender-confused commercials yet though. And sure, one can just change the channel and not watch. That isn't the issue, though. The issue is that those who think they are 'evolved and diverse' by accepting what is being shown are actually swallowing the insanity that a mental illness is perfectly normal. smh
I have no problem with multi-racial couples at all, that has been happening since the early 1970's. But then the liberals of today are insulting the blacks of yesteryear by insinuating that fucking another mans ass, is the same as being treated equal in employment and voting....
They've been showing that in commercials?????
Thank goodness, we don't have to put up with women harassing us for sex, just to see if we feel like their new boy friend.
They are pushing multi-racial couples big time in advertising. I haven't seen the gender-confused commercials yet though. And sure, one can just change the channel and not watch. That isn't the issue, though. The issue is that those who think they are 'evolved and diverse' by accepting what is being shown are actually swallowing the insanity that a mental illness is perfectly normal. smh
I have no problem with multi-racial couples at all, that has been happening since the early 1970's. But then the liberals of today are insulting the blacks of yesteryear by insinuating that fucking another mans ass, is the same as being treated equal in employment and voting....
They've been showing that in commercials?????
These so called straight guys always target the "ass fucking" for some reason...??
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Tip of the iceberg. As mentioned above, in at least half of the advertisements where a "couple" is featured now, it is an inter-racial couple, with one of them being a very light skinned "Black" person.

In scripted programming, where there is an ultimate "bad-ass" it is invariably a woman. The head of the crime syndicate, chief gang member, government agency or department head, it's always a woman, and usually a woman who is at least a decade too young for the position even if a woman could hold it.

In fight scenes, women are constantly shown beating up a much-larger man. Occasionally, they allow a dose of reality (the woman starts by hitting the guy on the head with a club), but more often than not, you see preposterous things like a man being knocked out by a woman's punch.

Television has always featured "heroes" who do things that strain credulity - one guy beating up a platoon of the enemy - but this is ridiculous. One can only hope that the kids in the audience realize that what they are seeing is a fantasy.
I have an aunt that was farmed raised and honestly she could whip any man I've known and she stabbed her second husband just for hitting her....She currently is single, I'll tell her you are interested in meeting a woman with balls....and someone that could still out wrestle you...
We have all seen the TV ads showing sex role reversals; the man asleep, exhausted after taking care of their baby - and the woman wearing overalls and putting together the crib...the tough looking construction guy sitting in his big tough truck...with a tiny woman in a little car - jump starting his vehicle while he sits inside keeping warm. And on and on.
And recently we are now seeing TV ads showing transgender parents, and even transgender KIDS.

Advertising agencies are actively trying to push a reality that isn't there.

They even have TV ads showing negroes

Oh wait, that is what conservatives were outraged about fifty years ago
And dey be kissin' da white womens...
Advertising reflects what actually happens with real people and is intended to reach a particular demographic. Why should advertisers adhere to some people's idea of what should or shouldn't be portrayed according the social structure they want to impose on the rest of society? The Nazis would be proud of such an effort.

Yes, men take care of babies and children, women jump-start cars (all you need to know is proper placement of the cables), women put together stuff (I did the glass-door stereo cabinet), people of different races marry each other, and (gasp!) "negroes" actually eat meals with their families and celebrate family occasions and holidays, and even buy life insurance! Oh the horror of it all! Next thing you know, gays will be cooking dinner and taking vacations.

I'll never forget an incident years ago when my housemate and I went to buy a plunger because we were having trouble with the toilet. The guy at the counter asked us if we knew how to use it. We stifled our unfriendly thoughts about the plunger and his anatomy until we got outside. She looked at me and I looked at her and we broke up laughing.
Advertising reflects what actually happens with real people and is intended to reach a particular demographic. Why should advertisers adhere to some people's idea of what should or shouldn't be portrayed according the social structure they want to impose on the rest of society? The Nazis would be proud of such an effort.

Yes, men take care of babies and children, women jump-start cars (all you need to know is proper placement of the cables), women put together stuff (I did the glass-door stereo cabinet), people of different races marry each other, and (gasp!) "negroes" actually eat meals with their families and celebrate family occasions and holidays, and even buy life insurance! Oh the horror of it all! Next thing you know, gays will be cooking dinner and taking vacations.

I'll never forget an incident years ago when my housemate and I went to buy a plunger because we were having trouble with the toilet. The guy at the counter asked us if we knew how to use it. We stifled our unfriendly thoughts about the plunger and his anatomy until we got outside. She looked at me and I looked at her and we broke up laughing.
None of my wives could or would do that...or my mom and sister or my Grandma's....In fact women from then didn't want to touch anything but the steering wheel on a car...I was a gas station grease monkey at 16 and I still have to do it for the females in the family...ugh...
They are pushing multi-racial couples

A couple can be bi-racial. To be multi-racial, one or more members of the couple must be mixed-race.

Advertising reflects what actually happens with real people and is intended to reach a particular demographic. Why should advertisers adhere to some people's idea of what should or shouldn't be portrayed according the social structure they want to impose on the rest of society? The Nazis would be proud of such an effort.

Yes, men take care of babies and children, women jump-start cars (all you need to know is proper placement of the cables), women put together stuff (I did the glass-door stereo cabinet), people of different races marry each other, and (gasp!) "negroes" actually eat meals with their families and celebrate family occasions and holidays, and even buy life insurance! Oh the horror of it all! Next thing you know, gays will be cooking dinner and taking vacations.

I'll never forget an incident years ago when my housemate and I went to buy a plunger because we were having trouble with the toilet. The guy at the counter asked us if we knew how to use it. We stifled our unfriendly thoughts about the plunger and his anatomy until we got outside. She looked at me and I looked at her and we broke up laughing.
None of my wives could or would do that...or my mom and sister or my Grandma's....In fact women from then didn't want to touch anything but the steering wheel on a car...I was a gas station grease monkey at 16 and I still have to do it for the females in the family...ugh...

This happened in the '70s. I'm giving away my age. I was okay with fixing stuff. Roberta was (RIP, Dear Friend), a genius. When I was 18, my parents assigned me to accompany my USAF aunt, returning from duty in Vietnam, on the drive from New Jersey to her next assignment in Texas. Had my first grits in N.C., thought that they were lumpy potatoes. My aunt informed me that they were "grits" and to shut up and eat them! My father instructed me how to check the oil, coolant, tires, etc., and made me promise to perform these checks every morning. It all depends on what you're taught. My mother was a scaredy klutz. Her little sister had a sharpshooter's medal and patched up the combat wounded.

btw: this was all back in the day when every car had a Chilton's manual.
Advertising reflects what actually happens with real people and is intended to reach a particular demographic. Why should advertisers adhere to some people's idea of what should or shouldn't be portrayed according the social structure they want to impose on the rest of society? The Nazis would be proud of such an effort.

Yes, men take care of babies and children, women jump-start cars (all you need to know is proper placement of the cables), women put together stuff (I did the glass-door stereo cabinet), people of different races marry each other, and (gasp!) "negroes" actually eat meals with their families and celebrate family occasions and holidays, and even buy life insurance! Oh the horror of it all! Next thing you know, gays will be cooking dinner and taking vacations.

I'll never forget an incident years ago when my housemate and I went to buy a plunger because we were having trouble with the toilet. The guy at the counter asked us if we knew how to use it. We stifled our unfriendly thoughts about the plunger and his anatomy until we got outside. She looked at me and I looked at her and we broke up laughing.
None of my wives could or would do that...or my mom and sister or my Grandma's....In fact women from then didn't want to touch anything but the steering wheel on a car...I was a gas station grease monkey at 16 and I still have to do it for the females in the family...ugh...

This happened in the '70s. I'm giving away my age. I was okay with fixing stuff. Roberta was (RIP, Dear Friend), a genius. When I was 18, my parents assigned me to accompany my USAF aunt, returning from duty in Vietnam, on the drive from New Jersey to her next assignment in Texas. Had my first grits in N.C., thought that they were lumpy potatoes. My aunt informed me that they were "grits" and to shut up and eat them! My father instructed me how to check the oil, coolant, tires, etc., and made me promise to perform these checks every morning. It all depends on what you're taught. My mother was a scaredy klutz. Her little sister had a sharpshooter's medal and patched up the combat wounded.

btw: this was all back in the day when every car had a Chilton's manual.
No women ever served in my close family even during WWII...
My Grandmother was part Cherokee so I've heard all the slurs from dickheads like the OP since I was a kid in the 1960's.....The Irish, Grandfather's side, had no problems with injuns since white folks hated them also...So these haters just hate for hate sake, it's not just about color....
I don't see any correlation between showing sex role reversals and/or transgender children and inter-racial couples.
Inter racial couples are an obvious normal thing. Whether you like it or not.
Woman acting like men, and men acting like women in everyday settings is not normal, and cross dressing 8 year olds is not normal either.
I don't see any correlation between showing sex role reversals and/or transgender children and inter-racial couples.
Inter racial couples are an obvious normal thing. Whether you like it or not.
Woman acting like men, and men acting like women in everyday settings is not normal, and cross dressing 8 year olds is not normal either.
Welcome to the 21st century...
Advertising reflects what actually happens with real people and is intended to reach a particular demographic. Why should advertisers adhere to some people's idea of what should or shouldn't be portrayed according the social structure they want to impose on the rest of society? The Nazis would be proud of such an effort.

Yes, men take care of babies and children, women jump-start cars (all you need to know is proper placement of the cables), women put together stuff (I did the glass-door stereo cabinet), people of different races marry each other, and (gasp!) "negroes" actually eat meals with their families and celebrate family occasions and holidays, and even buy life insurance! Oh the horror of it all! Next thing you know, gays will be cooking dinner and taking vacations.

I'll never forget an incident years ago when my housemate and I went to buy a plunger because we were having trouble with the toilet. The guy at the counter asked us if we knew how to use it. We stifled our unfriendly thoughts about the plunger and his anatomy until we got outside. She looked at me and I looked at her and we broke up laughing.
None of my wives could or would do that...or my mom and sister or my Grandma's....In fact women from then didn't want to touch anything but the steering wheel on a car...I was a gas station grease monkey at 16 and I still have to do it for the females in the family...ugh...

This happened in the '70s. I'm giving away my age. I was okay with fixing stuff. Roberta was (RIP, Dear Friend), a genius. When I was 18, my parents assigned me to accompany my USAF aunt, returning from duty in Vietnam, on the drive from New Jersey to her next assignment in Texas. Had my first grits in N.C., thought that they were lumpy potatoes. My aunt informed me that they were "grits" and to shut up and eat them! My father instructed me how to check the oil, coolant, tires, etc., and made me promise to perform these checks every morning. It all depends on what you're taught. My mother was a scaredy klutz. Her little sister had a sharpshooter's medal and patched up the combat wounded.

btw: this was all back in the day when every car had a Chilton's manual.
No women ever served in my close family even during WWII...
My Grandmother was part Cherokee so I've heard all the slurs from dickheads like the OP since I was a kid in the 1960's.....The Irish, Grandfather's side, had no problems with injuns since white folks hated them also...So these haters just hate for hate sake, it's not just about color....

The six children of my not-very-good-English speaking grand-parents from Eastern Europe served in WWII:
  • Jack in North Africa. He drove a tank.
  • Skip and Vic in the Navy. Skip came down with malaria in the Philippines. That handsome six-footer arrived home weighing somewhere in the 120s, so I heard. My mom did the quinine run to the pharmacy every day.
  • Stephanie (my mom) worked at Grumman Aircraft, Bethpage, L.I.
  • Helen was in the WAVES.
  • Annie, a teenager, was the street captain for black-out activities. She later was career USAF.
Nana was in charge of goodies packages going out every week to her sons. Gamps supported the whole thing.

My Dad's family was pure Irish on both sides. Arriving in NYC in the 1840s, you know what happened with that. Dad was in the Army. On the rumor that he grew up with Germans and took high-school German, they assigned him to work with German prisoners.

What happened to the Cherokee and other tribes sucked. What happened to African-descended people both before and after slavery sucked.

People like the OP don't understand that we all live here, have every intention of living in freedom, and have no intention of allowing them to impose their version of the rules.

I once heard this in a comedy routine: "Son, one of us is goin' a roamin'. I ain't leavin'. You figure it out."
Advertising reflects what actually happens with real people and is intended to reach a particular demographic. Why should advertisers adhere to some people's idea of what should or shouldn't be portrayed according the social structure they want to impose on the rest of society? The Nazis would be proud of such an effort.

Yes, men take care of babies and children, women jump-start cars (all you need to know is proper placement of the cables), women put together stuff (I did the glass-door stereo cabinet), people of different races marry each other, and (gasp!) "negroes" actually eat meals with their families and celebrate family occasions and holidays, and even buy life insurance! Oh the horror of it all! Next thing you know, gays will be cooking dinner and taking vacations.

I'll never forget an incident years ago when my housemate and I went to buy a plunger because we were having trouble with the toilet. The guy at the counter asked us if we knew how to use it. We stifled our unfriendly thoughts about the plunger and his anatomy until we got outside. She looked at me and I looked at her and we broke up laughing.
None of my wives could or would do that...or my mom and sister or my Grandma's....In fact women from then didn't want to touch anything but the steering wheel on a car...I was a gas station grease monkey at 16 and I still have to do it for the females in the family...ugh...

This happened in the '70s. I'm giving away my age. I was okay with fixing stuff. Roberta was (RIP, Dear Friend), a genius. When I was 18, my parents assigned me to accompany my USAF aunt, returning from duty in Vietnam, on the drive from New Jersey to her next assignment in Texas. Had my first grits in N.C., thought that they were lumpy potatoes. My aunt informed me that they were "grits" and to shut up and eat them! My father instructed me how to check the oil, coolant, tires, etc., and made me promise to perform these checks every morning. It all depends on what you're taught. My mother was a scaredy klutz. Her little sister had a sharpshooter's medal and patched up the combat wounded.

btw: this was all back in the day when every car had a Chilton's manual.
No women ever served in my close family even during WWII...
My Grandmother was part Cherokee so I've heard all the slurs from dickheads like the OP since I was a kid in the 1960's.....The Irish, Grandfather's side, had no problems with injuns since white folks hated them also...So these haters just hate for hate sake, it's not just about color....

The six children of my not-very-good-English speaking grand-parents from Eastern Europe served in WWII:
  • Jack in North Africa. He drove a tank.
  • Skip and Vic in the Navy. Skip came down with malaria in the Philippines. That handsome six-footer arrived home weighing somewhere in the 120s, so I heard. My mom did the quinine run to the pharmacy every day.
  • Stephanie (my mom) worked at Grumman Aircraft, Bethpage, L.I.
  • Helen was in the WAVES.
  • Annie, a teenager, was the street captain for black-out activities. She later was career USAF.
Nana was in charge of goodies packages going out every week to her sons. Gamps supported the whole thing.

My Dad's family was pure Irish on both sides. Arriving in NYC in the 1840s, you know what happened with that. Dad was in the Army. On the rumor that he grew up with Germans and took high-school German, they assigned him to work with German prisoners.

What happened to the Cherokee and other tribes sucked. What happened to African-descended people both before and after slavery sucked.

People like the OP don't understand that we all live here, have every intention of living in freedom, and have no intention of allowing them to impose their version of the rules.

I once heard this in a comedy routine: "Son, one of us is goin' a roamin'. I ain't leavin'. You figure it out."
Hawkins County Tennessee is where the Irish side decided to build a community, my Irish side came over in the same time period as yours..
Advertising reflects what actually happens with real people and is intended to reach a particular demographic. Why should advertisers adhere to some people's idea of what should or shouldn't be portrayed according the social structure they want to impose on the rest of society? The Nazis would be proud of such an effort.

Yes, men take care of babies and children, women jump-start cars (all you need to know is proper placement of the cables), women put together stuff (I did the glass-door stereo cabinet), people of different races marry each other, and (gasp!) "negroes" actually eat meals with their families and celebrate family occasions and holidays, and even buy life insurance! Oh the horror of it all! Next thing you know, gays will be cooking dinner and taking vacations.

I'll never forget an incident years ago when my housemate and I went to buy a plunger because we were having trouble with the toilet. The guy at the counter asked us if we knew how to use it. We stifled our unfriendly thoughts about the plunger and his anatomy until we got outside. She looked at me and I looked at her and we broke up laughing.
None of my wives could or would do that...or my mom and sister or my Grandma's....In fact women from then didn't want to touch anything but the steering wheel on a car...I was a gas station grease monkey at 16 and I still have to do it for the females in the family...ugh...

This happened in the '70s. I'm giving away my age. I was okay with fixing stuff. Roberta was (RIP, Dear Friend), a genius. When I was 18, my parents assigned me to accompany my USAF aunt, returning from duty in Vietnam, on the drive from New Jersey to her next assignment in Texas. Had my first grits in N.C., thought that they were lumpy potatoes. My aunt informed me that they were "grits" and to shut up and eat them! My father instructed me how to check the oil, coolant, tires, etc., and made me promise to perform these checks every morning. It all depends on what you're taught. My mother was a scaredy klutz. Her little sister had a sharpshooter's medal and patched up the combat wounded.

btw: this was all back in the day when every car had a Chilton's manual.
No women ever served in my close family even during WWII...
My Grandmother was part Cherokee so I've heard all the slurs from dickheads like the OP since I was a kid in the 1960's.....The Irish, Grandfather's side, had no problems with injuns since white folks hated them also...So these haters just hate for hate sake, it's not just about color....

The six children of my not-very-good-English speaking grand-parents from Eastern Europe served in WWII:
  • Jack in North Africa. He drove a tank.
  • Skip and Vic in the Navy. Skip came down with malaria in the Philippines. That handsome six-footer arrived home weighing somewhere in the 120s, so I heard. My mom did the quinine run to the pharmacy every day.
  • Stephanie (my mom) worked at Grumman Aircraft, Bethpage, L.I.
  • Helen was in the WAVES.
  • Annie, a teenager, was the street captain for black-out activities. She later was career USAF.
Nana was in charge of goodies packages going out every week to her sons. Gamps supported the whole thing.

My Dad's family was pure Irish on both sides. Arriving in NYC in the 1840s, you know what happened with that. Dad was in the Army. On the rumor that he grew up with Germans and took high-school German, they assigned him to work with German prisoners.

What happened to the Cherokee and other tribes sucked. What happened to African-descended people both before and after slavery sucked.

People like the OP don't understand that we all live here, have every intention of living in freedom, and have no intention of allowing them to impose their version of the rules.

I once heard this in a comedy routine: "Son, one of us is goin' a roamin'. I ain't leavin'. You figure it out."

What in the hell does this have to do with the OP???
I don't see any correlation between showing sex role reversals and/or transgender children and inter-racial couples.
Inter racial couples are an obvious normal thing. Whether you like it or not.
Woman acting like men, and men acting like women in everyday settings is not normal, and cross dressing 8 year olds is not normal either.
Welcome to the 21st century...
In the 21st Century, it is not a normal sight to see an 8 year old cross dresser.
I don't see any correlation between showing sex role reversals and/or transgender children and inter-racial couples.
Inter racial couples are an obvious normal thing. Whether you like it or not.
Woman acting like men, and men acting like women in everyday settings is not normal, and cross dressing 8 year olds is not normal either.
Welcome to the 21st century...
In the 21st Century, it is not a normal sight to see an 8 year old cross dresser.
I know, years ago they called it natural in fact a thousand years ago they pretty much wore the same type of garments..

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