Twice as many voters say Trump is better for Black Americans than Obama

Interesting poll for from Rasmussan Reports but until you see the demographics of this poll it is hard to determine anything. Did they ask Black voters or did they just ask white voters.

Yet this is the people who also has put out a poll that says
The new Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey finds Trump with 45% support among Likely U.S. Voters to Booker’s 43%. Twelve percent (12%) are undecided.

Most polls have him at the bottom

But I guess if you put out a poll and compare just two people Trump should be worried.

White House Watch - Rasmussen Reports®
That spells doom for the Dims. If Trump gets 15% of the black vote the Dims haven't got a chance.

The First Black President: Twice as Many Voters Say TRUMP Better for Blacks Than Barack Obama

33% of likely voters say President Trump has made life better for African Americans. When Obama left office in 2099 only 13% of likely voters said he made life better for African Americans. This is not the first time Trump has seen his numbers climb among African Americans. A VoterLabs poll in May found that 29% of female African Americans approve of President’s Trump.
So today you bleev in polls...
Interesting poll for from Rasmussan Reports but until you see the demographics of this poll it is hard to determine anything. Did they ask Black voters or did they just ask white voters.

Yet this is the people who also has put out a poll that says
The new Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey finds Trump with 45% support among Likely U.S. Voters to Booker’s 43%. Twelve percent (12%) are undecided.

Most polls have him at the bottom

But I guess if you put out a poll and compare just two people Trump should be worried.

White House Watch - Rasmussen Reports®

Binden (the Democrat front runner) can't get 300 people to come out and see him. Trump? Packs the house every time with people standing in line hoping to catch a glimpse on the outside television screens.

This is why polls are a joke. They simply don't reflect the enthusiasm we see in the real world.
His ratings aren’t at 80% because 99% of the media is fake news, 90% of educators Are left wing nut jobs.. won’t matter most dems trump republican at 30
That is what you got out of my post..the numbers? ROTFLMAO!
You think Businessmen hat file for bankruptcy is unethical ? Lol we would have jobs if men didn’t take chances. You win some you lose some.. you’re just uneducated on how the world works
This is too funny.....I used the term 'ethical bankrupt' to describe one who is devoid of ethics. I think that Trump's financial failings are by far the least of his issues.
Name something else that hurts your feelings
I take it that this discussion is a bit over your may go back to slinging poo and engaging in High School rhetorical tricks.

I have to seems to be axiomatic with your crowd that everyone's feelings are so hurt over Trump..Trump does not hurt me in any way..hell..he's probably made me money!

I do have issues with his constituency---many seem so 'dumbed down.' But that may be the venue of our discussion. Here in Idaho, I am with Trump supporters all the time..and they are intelligent, caring people--i wonder..what happened to you?
Cool story ,, Trump is getting the job done that Republicans couldn’t do for the past eighty years..
you sit here in Idaho and talk about culture.. how the hell would know? By watching tv? Lol I gave you testimony, and facts.. if you dropped out of the fight to maintain our 1st class culture and not be invaded by the 3rd world then you are a coward.. good day
Interesting poll for from Rasmussan Reports but until you see the demographics of this poll it is hard to determine anything. Did they ask Black voters or did they just ask white voters.

Yet this is the people who also has put out a poll that says
The new Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey finds Trump with 45% support among Likely U.S. Voters to Booker’s 43%. Twelve percent (12%) are undecided.

Most polls have him at the bottom

But I guess if you put out a poll and compare just two people Trump should be worried.

White House Watch - Rasmussen Reports®

Binden (the Democrat front runner) can't get 300 people to come out and see him. Trump? Packs the house every time with people standing in line hoping to catch a glimpse on the outside television screens.

This is why polls are a joke. They simply don't reflect the enthusiasm we see in the real world.

It still early and the demo field is quite crowded so it is like a candy story for them but it will all come together once the choice is made.

Trump will have his supporters and they are not going anywhere and that is a given
Interesting poll for from Rasmussan Reports but until you see the demographics of this poll it is hard to determine anything. Did they ask Black voters or did they just ask white voters.

Yet this is the people who also has put out a poll that says
The new Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey finds Trump with 45% support among Likely U.S. Voters to Booker’s 43%. Twelve percent (12%) are undecided.

Most polls have him at the bottom

But I guess if you put out a poll and compare just two people Trump should be worried.

White House Watch - Rasmussen Reports®

Binden (the Democrat front runner) can't get 300 people to come out and see him. Trump? Packs the house every time with people standing in line hoping to catch a glimpse on the outside television screens.

This is why polls are a joke. They simply don't reflect the enthusiasm we see in the real world.

It still early and the demo field is quite crowded so it is like a candy story for them but it will all come together once the choice is made.

Trump will have his supporters and they are not going anywhere and that is a given

Well, it's really as you said, a long time to election day. The slightest thing can change an outcome. That's one of the many reasons I don't pay any attention to polls. Pollsters design questions to get a desired outcome. The ones that don't, I don't care what they say either. The MSM has demonized Trump so much that most who will vote for him won't be honest with a poll taker anyhow. We leaned this when the exit polls showed Kerry beating GW hands down and GW still won.
Fair enough, I guess...I'm an old my prejudices have more to do with small govt. and civility. I despise liars and I think that anyone who is willing to do and say anything to get elected---will not get my vote.

Some day soon..I hope to kick the Trump squatters out of my party....and reimpose sanity.
Lol you are no republican haha
You don't get to may come as a shock to you....but Many, Many Republicans do NOT support your culture wars and never have. I think that the far right..the alt/right..the Trumpistas..are not real Republicans...just a part of the party that we spent 60 years playing for their votes...and giving them nothing--come back to haunt us. Sins of the father's and all that.

Nixon knew how to play your ilk!
Culture wars?? Do you even know what you’re talking about?? Lol you can’t have different cultures in America.. the most multicultural neighborhoods in America are all high in murder, and violet crime, and are crying of racial oppression.
The fight must be won.
And 90% of republicans support trump you are a small minority
More like about 70%--but no matter..the thing is..these folks support a R in the White House..Trump...not so much..but better than a D. I won't vote for a D..unless they talk some serious moderation...but I would never vote for an ethical bankrupt like Trump.

Trump's national support has remained steady...for quite a while now....between 30 and 40%. Same old hard core. The thing that favors Trump...and all extremist candidates of both our Primary system. It forces both parties to the fringes and keeps the moderates out.

Trump may well win another term..maybe. Lord knows the Dems are clueless in their rush to the extreme as well. But when he is out----The GOP has already changed many of the rules that favored his candidacy. You can believe that we will do our best to make sure that populist candidates are relegated to third party status from now until eternity!
His ratings aren’t at 80% because 99% of the media is fake news, 90% of educators Are left wing nut jobs.. won’t matter most dems trump republican at 30

Interesting poll for from Rasmussan Reports but until you see the demographics of this poll it is hard to determine anything. Did they ask Black voters or did they just ask white voters.

Yet this is the people who also has put out a poll that says
The new Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey finds Trump with 45% support among Likely U.S. Voters to Booker’s 43%. Twelve percent (12%) are undecided.

Most polls have him at the bottom

But I guess if you put out a poll and compare just two people Trump should be worried.

White House Watch - Rasmussen Reports®
It doesn't matter who they polled because the polls never asked if trump is better for blacks than Obama. The OP is a fucking moron who never gets anything right.
Interesting poll for from Rasmussan Reports but until you see the demographics of this poll it is hard to determine anything. Did they ask Black voters or did they just ask white voters.

Yet this is the people who also has put out a poll that says
The new Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey finds Trump with 45% support among Likely U.S. Voters to Booker’s 43%. Twelve percent (12%) are undecided.

Most polls have him at the bottom

But I guess if you put out a poll and compare just two people Trump should be worried.

White House Watch - Rasmussen Reports®
It doesn't matter who they polled because the polls never asked if trump is better for blacks than Obama. The OP is a fucking moron who never gets anything right.

Projection niggra.
Interesting poll for from Rasmussan Reports but until you see the demographics of this poll it is hard to determine anything. Did they ask Black voters or did they just ask white voters.

Yet this is the people who also has put out a poll that says
The new Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey finds Trump with 45% support among Likely U.S. Voters to Booker’s 43%. Twelve percent (12%) are undecided.

Most polls have him at the bottom

But I guess if you put out a poll and compare just two people Trump should be worried.

White House Watch - Rasmussen Reports®
It doesn't matter who they polled because the polls never asked if trump is better for blacks than Obama. The OP is a fucking moron who never gets anything right.

Projection niggra.

You poor, demented thing. The OP was the one to start a thread about polls showing trump is better for blacks than Obama when in fact, the polls don't say that.
Interesting poll for from Rasmussan Reports but until you see the demographics of this poll it is hard to determine anything. Did they ask Black voters or did they just ask white voters.

Yet this is the people who also has put out a poll that says
The new Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey finds Trump with 45% support among Likely U.S. Voters to Booker’s 43%. Twelve percent (12%) are undecided.

Most polls have him at the bottom

But I guess if you put out a poll and compare just two people Trump should be worried.

White House Watch - Rasmussen Reports®
It doesn't matter who they polled because the polls never asked if trump is better for blacks than Obama. The OP is a fucking moron who never gets anything right.

Projection niggra.

You poor, demented thing. The OP was the one to start a thread about polls showing trump is better for blacks than Obama when in fact, the polls don't say that.

You poor kid.....
Interesting poll for from Rasmussan Reports but until you see the demographics of this poll it is hard to determine anything. Did they ask Black voters or did they just ask white voters.

Yet this is the people who also has put out a poll that says
The new Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey finds Trump with 45% support among Likely U.S. Voters to Booker’s 43%. Twelve percent (12%) are undecided.

Most polls have him at the bottom

But I guess if you put out a poll and compare just two people Trump should be worried.

White House Watch - Rasmussen Reports®
It doesn't matter who they polled because the polls never asked if trump is better for blacks than Obama. The OP is a fucking moron who never gets anything right.

Projection niggra.

You poor, demented thing. The OP was the one to start a thread about polls showing trump is better for blacks than Obama when in fact, the polls don't say that.

You poor kid.....
Interesting poll for from Rasmussan Reports but until you see the demographics of this poll it is hard to determine anything. Did they ask Black voters or did they just ask white voters.

Yet this is the people who also has put out a poll that says
The new Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey finds Trump with 45% support among Likely U.S. Voters to Booker’s 43%. Twelve percent (12%) are undecided.

Most polls have him at the bottom

But I guess if you put out a poll and compare just two people Trump should be worried.

White House Watch - Rasmussen Reports®
It doesn't matter who they polled because the polls never asked if trump is better for blacks than Obama. The OP is a fucking moron who never gets anything right.

Projection niggra.

You poor, demented thing. The OP was the one to start a thread about polls showing trump is better for blacks than Obama when in fact, the polls don't say that.

You poor kid.....

So Black unemployment ISN'T at an all time low? Do you have a job niggra?
It doesn't matter who they polled because the polls never asked if trump is better for blacks than Obama. The OP is a fucking moron who never gets anything right.

Projection niggra.

You poor, demented thing. The OP was the one to start a thread about polls showing trump is better for blacks than Obama when in fact, the polls don't say that.

You poor kid.....

So Black unemployment ISN'T at an all time low? Do you have a job niggra?
I have a great job. I've not been out of work for more than a week since 1989 when I became a software engineer. That profession is recession proof.

As far as black unemployment, no, it's not at an all time low. It's at the lowest it's been since at least 1972. And even that is thanks mostly to Obama and some to Trump.

The previous record was 7.0%. It was 7.1% just a few months after trump was sworn in and before his first budget and before his policies took effect. It was almost 17% as a result of Bush's Great Recession and was down 7.7% when Obama left office. It fell another point to break the record.

So I would give 83% credit to Obama for taking it from 16.8% to 7.7% ... and I give 17% credit to Trump for taking it from 7.7% to 5.9% (the lowest on his watch).
Projection niggra.

You poor, demented thing. The OP was the one to start a thread about polls showing trump is better for blacks than Obama when in fact, the polls don't say that.

You poor kid.....

So Black unemployment ISN'T at an all time low? Do you have a job niggra?
I have a great job. I've not been out of work for more than a week since 1989 when I became a software engineer. That profession is recession proof.

As far as black unemployment, no, it's not at an all time low. It's at the lowest it's been since at least 1972. And even that is thanks mostly to Obama and some to Trump.

The previous record was 7.0%. It was 7.1% just a few months after trump was sworn in and before his first budget and before his policies took effect. It was almost 17% as a result of Bush's Great Recession and was down 7.7% when Obama left office. It fell another point to break the record.

So I would give 83% credit to Obama for taking it from 16.8% to 7.7% ... and I give 17% credit to Trump for taking it from 7.7% to 5.9% (the lowest on his watch).
Optimism has reached 96% since Trump took over .. below 50 under Obama haha why?
Last edited:

You poor, demented thing. The OP was the one to start a thread about polls showing trump is better for blacks than Obama when in fact, the polls don't say that.

You poor kid.....

So Black unemployment ISN'T at an all time low? Do you have a job niggra?
I have a great job. I've not been out of work for more than a week since 1989 when I became a software engineer. That profession is recession proof.

As far as black unemployment, no, it's not at an all time low. It's at the lowest it's been since at least 1972. And even that is thanks mostly to Obama and some to Trump.

The previous record was 7.0%. It was 7.1% just a few months after trump was sworn in and before his first budget and before his policies took effect. It was almost 17% as a result of Bush's Great Recession and was down 7.7% when Obama left office. It fell another point to break the record.

So I would give 83% credit to Obama for taking it from 16.8% to 7.7% ... and I give 17% credit to Trump for taking it from 7.7% to 5.9% (the lowest on his watch).
Optimism is reached 96% since Trump took over .. below 50 under Obama haha why?
Lower Oxycontin prices?

So Black unemployment ISN'T at an all time low? Do you have a job niggra?
I have a great job. I've not been out of work for more than a week since 1989 when I became a software engineer. That profession is recession proof.

As far as black unemployment, no, it's not at an all time low. It's at the lowest it's been since at least 1972. And even that is thanks mostly to Obama and some to Trump.

The previous record was 7.0%. It was 7.1% just a few months after trump was sworn in and before his first budget and before his policies took effect. It was almost 17% as a result of Bush's Great Recession and was down 7.7% when Obama left office. It fell another point to break the record.

So I would give 83% credit to Obama for taking it from 16.8% to 7.7% ... and I give 17% credit to Trump for taking it from 7.7% to 5.9% (the lowest on his watch).
Optimism is reached 96% since Trump took over .. below 50 under Obama haha why?
Lower Oxycontin prices?
Do you need a hit?

You poor, demented thing. The OP was the one to start a thread about polls showing trump is better for blacks than Obama when in fact, the polls don't say that.

You poor kid.....

So Black unemployment ISN'T at an all time low? Do you have a job niggra?
I have a great job. I've not been out of work for more than a week since 1989 when I became a software engineer. That profession is recession proof.

As far as black unemployment, no, it's not at an all time low. It's at the lowest it's been since at least 1972. And even that is thanks mostly to Obama and some to Trump.

The previous record was 7.0%. It was 7.1% just a few months after trump was sworn in and before his first budget and before his policies took effect. It was almost 17% as a result of Bush's Great Recession and was down 7.7% when Obama left office. It fell another point to break the record.

So I would give 83% credit to Obama for taking it from 16.8% to 7.7% ... and I give 17% credit to Trump for taking it from 7.7% to 5.9% (the lowest on his watch).
Optimism has reached 96% since Trump took over .. below 50 under Obama haha why?
"Optimism has reached 96% since Trump took over"


So Black unemployment ISN'T at an all time low? Do you have a job niggra?
I have a great job. I've not been out of work for more than a week since 1989 when I became a software engineer. That profession is recession proof.

As far as black unemployment, no, it's not at an all time low. It's at the lowest it's been since at least 1972. And even that is thanks mostly to Obama and some to Trump.

The previous record was 7.0%. It was 7.1% just a few months after trump was sworn in and before his first budget and before his policies took effect. It was almost 17% as a result of Bush's Great Recession and was down 7.7% when Obama left office. It fell another point to break the record.

So I would give 83% credit to Obama for taking it from 16.8% to 7.7% ... and I give 17% credit to Trump for taking it from 7.7% to 5.9% (the lowest on his watch).
Optimism has reached 96% since Trump took over .. below 50 under Obama haha why?
"Optimism has reached 96% since Trump took over"

Prove me wrong

So Black unemployment ISN'T at an all time low? Do you have a job niggra?
I have a great job. I've not been out of work for more than a week since 1989 when I became a software engineer. That profession is recession proof.

As far as black unemployment, no, it's not at an all time low. It's at the lowest it's been since at least 1972. And even that is thanks mostly to Obama and some to Trump.

The previous record was 7.0%. It was 7.1% just a few months after trump was sworn in and before his first budget and before his policies took effect. It was almost 17% as a result of Bush's Great Recession and was down 7.7% when Obama left office. It fell another point to break the record.

So I would give 83% credit to Obama for taking it from 16.8% to 7.7% ... and I give 17% credit to Trump for taking it from 7.7% to 5.9% (the lowest on his watch).
Optimism has reached 96% since Trump took over .. below 50 under Obama haha why?
"Optimism has reached 96% since Trump took over"

Prove me wrong
No Thanks, that's not my job. If you can't prove what you say, I dismiss it as a lie.

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