Twilight of American Jewry

Why can't American Jews just assimilate? Why do they need to be treated as a separate segment of society?
They have always been pushed to the margins of society.

I live among all Jews. They have very, very large families, 8 to 10 children and don't allow those children to assimilate with the rot. Consequently, those children are highly educated, well spoken, flawless manners and unfailing politeness. At 5 years old, they sound like little adults.

No they don't want to be like us, why would they?
If they don't want to be like us they should gtfo. That is our motto for Muslims & Mexicans so why not the Jews? They are not unique. This isn't WW2 Germany, this is America
guno gloating over the decline of Christians and the Catholic Church is the reason I think he's not really Jewish.

A real Jew would realize that Christians and Catholics are the friends of the Jews, and the real enemy is the modern atheist left which is now aligning itself with the Muslims who hate Israel and would see it destroyed.

guno is not a real Jew, he is a Stormfront plant. He is here to stir up hatred towards Jews.
Why can't American Jews just assimilate? Why do they need to be treated as a separate segment of society?
They have always been pushed to the margins of society.

I live among all Jews. They have very, very large families, 8 to 10 children and don't allow those children to assimilate with the rot. Consequently, those children are highly educated, well spoken, flawless manners and unfailing politeness. At 5 years old, they sound like little adults.

No they don't want to be like us, why would they?
If they don't want to be like us they should gtfo. That is our motto for Muslims & Mexicans so why not the Jews? They are not unique. This isn't WW2 Germany, this is America
Twilight of American Jewry

It is hard to know how Israel will be affected by the dramatic enfeeblement of the American Jewish community that we are now witnessing.


Increasingly, the Democratic Party has become anti-Semitic and anti-Israel, freezing Jews who support Israel out.

In the Republican Party, the disillusionment with the Iraq War has caused the neo-conservatives, who were mostly Jews, to lose credibility.

Now, the Jewish Republicans are committing political suicide by working on the "Never Trump" movement.

The article asks how the waning of American Jewish influence will impact the fate of Israel.

Shame that Israeli Jews believe that American Jews are in their 'Twilight'

Because American Jews are Democrats.
My wife has a pretty mirrored box for her jewry.

When I was a small child, my family would sometimes drive past a building that had a sign up, "Save Soviet Jewry".

I thought it was a very aggressive historical art thing.
Twilight of American Jewry

It is hard to know how Israel will be affected by the dramatic enfeeblement of the American Jewish community that we are now witnessing.


Increasingly, the Democratic Party has become anti-Semitic and anti-Israel, freezing Jews who support Israel out.

In the Republican Party, the disillusionment with the Iraq War has caused the neo-conservatives, who were mostly Jews, to lose credibility.

Now, the Jewish Republicans are committing political suicide by working on the "Never Trump" movement.

The article asks how the waning of American Jewish influence will impact the fate of Israel.

funny.... there are still a lot of jewish democrats. the democratic party is not anti-Semitic. the FAR LEFT is.

by the same token, the far right of the GOP hates jews and blacks. or do you think the KKK, neo-nazis and white supremacists who support Donald somehow like jews.

there is a reason that we don't want to enable white supremacists.

but thanks for your concern. no doubt it is solely out of altruism and has nothing to do with you being a trumpster.

Jimmy Carter has called Israel an Apartheid State.

So, you in effect just admitted that the Far Left is in control of the democratic party.
guno gloating over the decline of Christians and the Catholic Church is the reason I think he's not really Jewish.

A real Jew would realize that Christians and Catholics are the friends of the Jews, and the real enemy is the modern atheist left which is now aligning itself with the Muslims who hate Israel and would see it destroyed.

guno is not a real Jew, he is a Stormfront plant. He is here to stir up hatred towards Jews.

Many Lefty Jews have really ODD, rationalizations where they explain away the support of the Right.
Hey, while we're on the topic of all things Jewwy, I have another question.

Let's use Mel Gibson as an example: I've noticed that many on the Right are very pro-Israel (and, I assume, its people, because of all the Bible stuff) but also seem to think that Jews are responsible for all kinds of crimes. "The Jews control this", "The Jews control that", on and on.

What's the story on that?
Hey, while we're on the topic of all things Jewwy, I have another question.

Let's use Mel Gibson as an example: I've noticed that many on the Right are very pro-Israel (and, I assume, its people, because of all the Bible stuff) but also seem to think that Jews are responsible for all kinds of crimes. "The Jews control this", "The Jews control that", on and on.

What's the story on that?
Liberals are evil no matter what their religion.....
Hey, while we're on the topic of all things Jewwy, I have another question.

Let's use Mel Gibson as an example: I've noticed that many on the Right are very pro-Israel (and, I assume, its people, because of all the Bible stuff) but also seem to think that Jews are responsible for all kinds of crimes. "The Jews control this", "The Jews control that", on and on.

What's the story on that?

YOu are falling for the trick of thinking the Right is a hive mind.

Some on the Far Right, have conspiracy theories about Jews.

Some on the Right, note the way the Jews, as a block support the Dems, which is really stupid in the modern era.

ON the other hand, you have Christians who are sympathetic due to religious reasons.

You have conservatives who note that Israel is a democratic state.

You have REpublcians who note that the Arabs are not our friends, not really. Look how Turkey is evolving.

Also, the Israel are similar to us in many cultural ways, such as militarily accepting collateral damage as opposed to PURPOSEFULLY targeting non-combatants.

ALSO, there is the negative image of being someone starts wars, loses then, and then whines about it.

There is also some analogy thinking going on with both REpublicans and Israel being both overwhelmed long term by demographics, imo.
Hey, while we're on the topic of all things Jewwy, I have another question.

Let's use Mel Gibson as an example: I've noticed that many on the Right are very pro-Israel (and, I assume, its people, because of all the Bible stuff) but also seem to think that Jews are responsible for all kinds of crimes. "The Jews control this", "The Jews control that", on and on.

What's the story on that?

YOu are falling for the trick of thinking the Right is a hive mind.

Some on the Far Right, have conspiracy theories about Jews.

Some on the Right, note the way the Jews, as a block support the Dems, which is really stupid in the modern era.

ON the other hand, you have Christians who are sympathetic due to religious reasons.

You have conservatives who note that Israel is a democratic state.

You have REpublcians who note that the Arabs are not our friends, not really. Look how Turkey is evolving.

Also, the Israel are similar to us in many cultural ways, such as militarily accepting collateral damage as opposed to PURPOSEFULLY targeting non-combatants.

ALSO, there is the negative image of being someone starts wars, loses then, and then whines about it.

There is also some analogy thinking going on with both REpublicans and Israel being both overwhelmed long term by demographics, imo.
Would you say that those who tend to believe the conspiracy theories are more hardcore Right?
Hey, while we're on the topic of all things Jewwy, I have another question.

Let's use Mel Gibson as an example: I've noticed that many on the Right are very pro-Israel (and, I assume, its people, because of all the Bible stuff) but also seem to think that Jews are responsible for all kinds of crimes. "The Jews control this", "The Jews control that", on and on.

What's the story on that?

YOu are falling for the trick of thinking the Right is a hive mind.

Some on the Far Right, have conspiracy theories about Jews.

Some on the Right, note the way the Jews, as a block support the Dems, which is really stupid in the modern era.

ON the other hand, you have Christians who are sympathetic due to religious reasons.

You have conservatives who note that Israel is a democratic state.

You have REpublcians who note that the Arabs are not our friends, not really. Look how Turkey is evolving.

Also, the Israel are similar to us in many cultural ways, such as militarily accepting collateral damage as opposed to PURPOSEFULLY targeting non-combatants.

ALSO, there is the negative image of being someone starts wars, loses then, and then whines about it.

There is also some analogy thinking going on with both REpublicans and Israel being both overwhelmed long term by demographics, imo.
Would you say that those who tend to believe the conspiracy theories are more hardcore Right?

I do not recall ever meeting one in real life. I could not say.

They obviously have NO influence on the republican position on Israel.
Twilight of American Jewry

It is hard to know how Israel will be affected by the dramatic enfeeblement of the American Jewish community that we are now witnessing.


Increasingly, the Democratic Party has become anti-Semitic and anti-Israel, freezing Jews who support Israel out.

In the Republican Party, the disillusionment with the Iraq War has caused the neo-conservatives, who were mostly Jews, to lose credibility.

Now, the Jewish Republicans are committing political suicide by working on the "Never Trump" movement.

The article asks how the waning of American Jewish influence will impact the fate of Israel.

There is indeed a self-hating and self-destructive angst at work in some American Jewish cultures; it seems to be concentrated in academia, mostly. I don't see it in Jewish communities outside of the NE New Yorkers and Hollywood Jewish communities, though, i.e. 'fly over country' Jews, at least those who identify with Jewish culture.

Here's another take on it, from a New York Rabbi on 'secular Jews' that is informative.

Judaism, Culture and the Gentile World: A Conversation with Rabbi Mayer Schiller

Jewish Review: Yet you also argue that Jewish commitments on the left are an extension of a philosophy which places little or no value on the gentile, and are actually self serving commitments. How is this so?

Rabbi Schiller: Not always, just sometimes. Take, for example, Jewish involvement in the civil rights movements. Ask a Jew why he was in favor of civil rights and very often he'll come up with something like the following rationale: ?We could be next!? In fact recently there was a press report on Le Pen's movement in France which reported that French Jews are opposing Le Pen because they are afraid that after the Arabs they'll be next. Now this feeling is often subconscious and I'm not saying that there weren't also many Jews who were idealistic about their politics, but the question is did the Jew really feel that a white Protestant southerner should have an integrated society? Or did the Jew really feel that for our own political agenda their ought to be an integrated society. Would the Jews have wanted integration with the blacks if the southern whites were Jewish Orthodox?

Jewish Review: Perhaps the liberal Jews were sincere?

Rabbi Schiller: Many were, and the insincerity of others was largely subconscious. But as far as liberal Jews are concerned I think that we're seeing a split on that issue today. The sincere liberals are continuing on with Tikkun and things like that, but those who were full of baloney now support Commentary and Public Interest. Let's take the Tikkun people. Are they really serious? I can't believe that they really want the demographic/racial extinction of European man. Demographic trends seem to show that within the next century America will essentially be a third world nation. Does the Jewish liberal really welcome that? I think they may say they welcome that because they live in suburbia. Do they really believe that all nations, peoples and cultures should be obliterated in an egalitarian world? I don't know what they want. They're stuck because they took the notions of democracy and human rights so seriously.

Jewish Review: Do you feel that we as Orthodox Jews cannot take such notions seriously in this country?

Rabbi Schiller: The only way you can take these ideas seriously is something along the lines of a certain segment of Orthodox Catholic thinking that has evolved since Vatican II, and the ?Declaration on Religious Liberty?. John Paul II was a good illustration of this kind of thinking. I'm talking about John Courtney Murray's famous book We Hold These Truths and the National Review‑type Catholic. Somehow they feel that God gave man dignity and that dignity means that he must have the rights of the French Revolution. Now, of course, Catholic traditionalists have opposed this, but I think this is the only way we can put liberalism and traditional religion together: The dignity of man entitles him to certain rights and even if these rights subvert the Orthodoxy of others they must somehow be respected. It's an ?iffy? proposition.

Jewish Review: Even if these rights subvert Jewish Orthodoxy?

Rabbi Schiller: That's the only way you could possibly do it. You'd have to say that the freedom of speech, the freedom of assembly, etc. are so intrinsically linked to the dignity of man that no coercive force should ever be allowed to interfere with them in any way. I think many Modern Orthodox Jewish thinkers who don't think too critically, would say something like this: that the Bill of Rights is one of the greatest things on the earth. If you asked a Rabbi Rackman or a Sol Roth about what their metaphysical (or theological) underpinning for their view on this is I don't know what they would say. It's rather nice. It's a friendly sort of thing. But can you really defend it in the end? I've studied at great length this controversy in the Catholic church for the past 25 years. I've been obsessed with it and I think the anti‑Vatican II traditionalists are on very sound ground on this ?freedom? question. They're the ones who can maintain a consistency in their Catholic faith (and I'm afraid it seems true in a Jewish context as well). But I must say that I am far more concerned with uncovering the tension between liberal democratic thought and Orthodox religion than I am in resolving it.
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You mean why can't they just abandon their religion and become white Anglo-Saxon Protestants ("WASPs") such as you?

Who said anything about abandoning religion? You don't seem to get it. This is the United States of America. Americans unite in our identity over our freedom to practice our religion as we see fit. We don't divide amongst ourselves to be Americans second.

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