Twitter bans Iraq combat vet and free speech advocate


Gold Member
Jan 29, 2015
Twitter Bans Iraq Combat Vet And GOP Congressional Candidate Jesse Kelly | Breitbart

No surprise here. Tyranny at its best. Wish President Trump would crack down on these companies. Break them up.

Kelly himself previously warned that the ban of Jones and InfoWars was part of a slippery slope that would eventually affect all conservatives on social media. “They just knew Jones was the weak member of the herd. They could pick him off as a test run” wrote Kelly. “Next they’re coming for you.”
Twitter Bans Iraq Combat Vet And GOP Congressional Candidate Jesse Kelly | Breitbart

No surprise here. Tyranny at its best. Wish President Trump would crack down on these companies. Break them up.

Kelly himself previously warned that the ban of Jones and InfoWars was part of a slippery slope that would eventually affect all conservatives on social media. “They just knew Jones was the weak member of the herd. They could pick him off as a test run” wrote Kelly. “Next they’re coming for you.”

"Pathetic Conservative Hasn't Even Been Banned From Twitter Yet


MOBILE, AL—Pathetic, fake, wannabe conservative man Bill Shaw hasn't even been banned from Twitter yet, sources close to the right-leaning man confirmed Monday.

Fellow conservatives quickly called Shaw's loyalty to the cause into question after discovering he hasn't so much as received a warning from Twitter for his tweets so far.

"I just don't know what I'm doing wrong," he said, shaking his head. "I've tried misgendering people, deadnaming people, retweeting Ben Shapiro—but nothing is working." Shaw states he posts using a slew of conservative hashtags but so far has been unable to draw the ire of Twitter or any other social network.

"He's probably a closet liberal," said one of his conservative friends. "I myself was banned from Twitter a year ago, proving my conservatism is real, unlike Bill's."

In a last-ditch effort to be accepted among his peers, Shaw posted a picture of himself in a MAGA hat, but it went completely ignored by Twitter's censors, cementing his status as a sorry excuse for a conservative."
Pathetic Conservative Hasn't Even Been Banned From Twitter Yet
there is no one more than Jack Dorsey with a greater heart for those who every day, in diverse ways, protect the people of this nation through their character and service and sacrifice

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