Twitter down 4% in after hours trading. I'm guessing the decline is going to be very steep, and their survival at risk

The agenda is more important than profit. Look at CNN. They've sucked hind tit for years but they don't care. That's how these morons roll.
Wednesday was an all time high in viewership for CNN. You're wrong again.

They have been in third place for years. A one night blip is not gonna change that. And they've already said they will give Biden a complete pass so that means watching CNN will be about as exciting as watching varnish dry. Or in other words perfect for someone like you. :D
The agenda is more important than profit. Look at CNN. They've sucked hind tit for years but they don't care. That's how these morons roll.

No credible, viable business puts "agenda" or propaganda ahead of profits. Without profit there is no business unless you really are JUST A FRONT for something else, being clandestinely funded underground by a Soros.

Is the DNC secretly funded by Soros and Red China? That would make them an ENEMY COMBATANT on US soil.
No credible, viable business puts "agenda" or propaganda ahead of profits.

There's a reason that AT&T and Comcast support a lower profit-margin with CNN and MSNBC. Both corporations have net worths above $250 BILLION. Controlling the political message while colluding with Democratic elites, is a financial winner for both. Of course, poor and middle-class Americans get the shaft, but who cares about them/us?
The agenda is more important than profit. Look at CNN. They've sucked hind tit for years but they don't care. That's how these morons roll.
Wednesday was an all time high in viewership for CNN. You're wrong again.

They have been in third place for years. A one night blip is not gonna change that. And they've already said they will give Biden a complete pass so that means watching CNN will be about as exciting as watching varnish dry. Or in other words perfect for someone like you. :D

I think CNN can make some inroads into Fox News. If Fox is smart, they can piggyback off of all the outrage right now with the banning of Trump and the weak, loud RINOs and such.

Some of the Talking Heads at Fox understood when it would mean if Trump lost, far too many there are just Establishment supporters. THAT has hurt their credibility with an ever change electorate, on both sides I might add.

I understand how and why Trump rubs people the wrong way, especially for the quiet Bubble Dweller born with a silver spoon and who had the easy path to the caviar. I also believe there have been forces which made it much worse, both inside his party, and inside the opposition. The Impeachment and Russia, Russia, ongoing MSM attacks even when he does well for America are cases in point. Some want power at any costs and it is upsetting Americans.

With all the stuff going on now, it's going to be difficult to be a moderate news network and remain successful. The divide is just too wide in the U.S. It's that way in Canada too, for different reasons, though not nearly as wide as in the U.S.
Twitter CEO proved tonight he is the most powerful man on the planet. Stock will be through the roof.

Chairman Zi is the most powerful man on the planet. Zi owns China-Joe and Jack Dorsey bends over for Zi.
Conservative tears are tasty. You’re just crying cuz Twitter cut off you gods balls. What kind of god can’t tweet?
They are already in "uh-oh mode" as people are angry and leaving in droves. They sent this out to try and calm those jumping ship. Once someone feels they no longer are invested emotionally in a site, it's easy to leave, and never return.


To clear up confusion about fluctuations in follower counts: In order to prevent spam, we regularly challenge accounts to confirm details like email and phone number. Until that info is confirmed, these accounts aren’t included in follower counts.

Platform manipulation and spam policy
We want Twitter to be a place where people can make human connections, find reliable information, and express themselves freely and safely.

I recall tweeting Jack some time ago after being banned for my 3rd time or so, and letting him know that there are consequences for doing this to people. Advertisers pay for eyes, the more the merrier. I don't swear at people or offend, I simply disagree with the Progressives, even if he is one of them.

As a CEO he is trying to balance the political pressure, much of it, created by the alt-left who want to silence everyone, along with corporations/MSM/China First rats who take their marching orders from the Commies, in one form or another.

Instead of just telling them, "we allow speech, it's up to you to debunk it. We don't silence unless it is encouraging criminal activity" or whatever they need to say. They ban, deboost, shadowban and silence, all to stroke the egos of others.

These companies are being pressured and hurt by the same people they work so hard to appease. Imagine owning twitter shares and seeing all of this?
Twitter CEO proved tonight he is the most powerful man on the planet. Stock will be through the roof.

Most people are not as ignorant as you and realize the terrible danger this represents for our country. Wise people on both sides of the aisle recognize how dangerous an example they are setting.


And this is what your leaders think of our Constitution.

You’re just crying cuz Twitter cut off you gods balls.

Not really. As a Christian, I know that this world is going down the toilet and that it has no hope, at least not until Jesus returns and destroys evil and sets up his permanent kingdom here on Earth.
Guys like you, Xi, China-Joe and the Ayatollah will get sent to Hell to suffer for eternity with your spiritual master, Satan.

Luke 3:17
He will thoroughly purge His floor and will gather the wheat into His garner; but the chaff He will burn with fire unquenchable.”
All sites own by leftists eventually BAN all conservative thought. Only leftist ideas can be expressed. Historically, this is consistent with what infamous leftists such as Hitler, Stalin, Mao, Castro, etc., did. Anyone who expresses an idea that casts the party in anything less than a glorious light must be silenced.

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