Twitter down 4% in after hours trading. I'm guessing the decline is going to be very steep, and their survival at risk

The divide is just too wide in the U.S. It's that way in Canada too, for different reasons, though not nearly as wide as in the U.S.
The divide isn’t left/right. It’s those who saw the con and those who still can’t see it.

Prior to Covid, the standard of living for poor and middle-class Americans hadn't been this good since the 1950's.

Fortunately, those days are over and we can get back to making Democratic elites become billionaires instead of just being millionaires.

I love the party!
The truth about Silicon Valley is they have some great innovators but some really bad CEOs.

Twitter Inc

51.48 USD −0.84 (1.61%)
Closed: Jan. 8, 7:59 p.m. EST · Disclaimer
After hours 49.54 −1.94 (3.77%)

Yeah like Target. Your boycotts are super successful :lmao:

Funny you mention Target. They came to Canada and we here for I think less than a year, they left, winding down $1B or more in losses in the drawdown. Was very nasty and really showed an America company that, yes, we are broke as hell here, even for cheap Made in China junk.
The truth about Silicon Valley is they have some great innovators but some really bad CEOs.

Twitter Inc

51.48 USD −0.84 (1.61%)
Closed: Jan. 8, 7:59 p.m. EST · Disclaimer
After hours 49.54 −1.94 (3.77%)

Yeah like Target. Your boycotts are super successful :lmao:

Funny you mention Target. They came to Canada and we here for I think less than a year, they left, winding down $1B or more in losses in the drawdown. Was very nasty and really showed an America company that, yes, we are broke as hell here, even for cheap Made in China junk.
Target doesn't care. Neither do the countless other businesses you broke conservatives always boycott.
The truth about Silicon Valley is they have some great innovators but some really bad CEOs.

Twitter Inc

51.48 USD −0.84 (1.61%)
Closed: Jan. 8, 7:59 p.m. EST · Disclaimer
After hours 49.54 −1.94 (3.77%)

Yeah like Target. Your boycotts are super successful :lmao:

Funny you mention Target. They came to Canada and we here for I think less than a year, they left, winding down $1B or more in losses in the drawdown. Was very nasty and really showed an America company that, yes, we are broke as hell here, even for cheap Made in China junk.
Target doesn't care. Neither do the countless other businesses you broke conservatives always boycott.

Hey, I'm rich in personality and love though. I don't need no stinking money.
All sites own by leftists eventually BAN all conservative thought. Only leftist ideas can be expressed. Historically, this is consistent with what infamous leftists such as Hitler, Stalin, Mao, Castro, etc., did. Anyone who expresses an idea that casts the party in anything less than a glorious light must be silenced.
Spot on.
You’re just crying cuz Twitter cut off you gods balls.

Not really. As a Christian, I know that this world is going down the toilet and that it has no hope, at least not until Jesus returns and destroys evil and sets up his permanent kingdom here on Earth.
Guys like you, Xi, China-Joe and the Ayatollah will get sent to Hell to suffer for eternity with your spiritual master, Satan.

Luke 3:17
He will thoroughly purge His floor and will gather the wheat into His garner; but the chaff He will burn with fire unquenchable.”
You’re nuts. No follower of Jesus is a follower of Trump that’s for sure. Biden is a perfectly (imperfect) leader for a Christian to follow. I’m Christian just not a nut.
I’m Christian just not a nut.

Do you support abortion? If you do, you're no Christian.

I only voted for Trump because the abortionists Hillary and China-Joe were/are MUCH worse.
I don’t let my vote get stolen by charlatans over settled law. abortion voters crack me up. So do homophobes.
...abortion voters crack me up.

If you support one killing their offspring then you have effectively REJECTED your supposed Christian "faith" and I will ask that you stay downwind of me.
Like i said you can’t do anything about abortion. Just like you can’t do anything about infidelity or lust or greed. All legal even though sins.
...abortion voters crack me up.

If you support one killing their offspring then you have effectively REJECTED your supposed Christian "faith" and I will ask that you stay downwind of me.
Like i said you can’t do anything about abortion. Just like you can’t do anything about infidelity or lust or greed. All legal even though sins.

Killing Jews and owning slaves was also legal in various parts of the world.

A true Christian follows Christ, not the world. Jesus came to save us from the world and, in particular, the dark lord that ruled here. One who claims to be a Christian but chooses to engage in a lifetime of extreme sin (murder, rape, abortion) has effectively REJECTED Jesus. There were Nazis gassing Jews that proclaimed to be Christians, but that doesn't make it so.

Do you follow Jesus or do you follow something else?
...abortion voters crack me up.

If you support one killing their offspring then you have effectively REJECTED your supposed Christian "faith" and I will ask that you stay downwind of me.
Like i said you can’t do anything about abortion. Just like you can’t do anything about infidelity or lust or greed. All legal even though sins.

Killing Jews and owning slaves was also legal in various parts of the world.

A true Christian follows Christ, not the world. Jesus came to save us from the world and, in particular, the dark lord that ruled here. One who claims to be a Christian but chooses to engage in a lifetime of extreme sin (murder, rape, abortion) has effectively REJECTED Jesus. There were Nazis gassing Jews that proclaimed to be Christians, but that doesn't make it so.

Do you follow Jesus or do you follow something else?
You pick and chose the parts of the Bible to follow? There’s a ton of shit in it. Oddly enough abortion isn’t in it. There’s really just a few tenants of Christianity. I don’t want to get into a circular debate cuz neither of us will change each others mind but I don’t let one dubious position on abortion trump everything else.
...abortion voters crack me up.

If you support one killing their offspring then you have effectively REJECTED your supposed Christian "faith" and I will ask that you stay downwind of me.
Like i said you can’t do anything about abortion. Just like you can’t do anything about infidelity or lust or greed. All legal even though sins.

Killing Jews and owning slaves was also legal in various parts of the world.

A true Christian follows Christ, not the world. Jesus came to save us from the world and, in particular, the dark lord that ruled here. One who claims to be a Christian but chooses to engage in a lifetime of extreme sin (murder, rape, abortion) has effectively REJECTED Jesus. There were Nazis gassing Jews that proclaimed to be Christians, but that doesn't make it so.

Do you follow Jesus or do you follow something else?
You pick and chose the parts of the Bible to follow? There’s a ton of shit in it. Oddly enough abortion isn’t in it. There’s really just a few tenants of Christianity. I don’t want to get into a circular debate cuz neither of us will change each others mind but I don’t let one dubious position on abortion trump everything else.

I hope SEC keeps an eye on Jacks activities and some of his close pals to see if any of them were shorting this stock before he banned Trump. This result was fully expected when he was banned.

Advertisers are going to have much fewer eyes on their products and they won't be very inspired by the of the alt-left losers who dislike America. "You're racist, xenophobic and a dirtbag who shouldn't be allowed a life. China is the place to be" Yeah, that really gets me in the mood to buy some junk from an advertiser.

Twitter Inc. shares fell 7% in pre-market trading after the social media platform permanently banned outgoing President Donald Trump.

The company confirmed its decision in a blog post on Friday, saying Trump’s tweets breached policies by risking incitement to violence. It cited his posts on the riots in the U.S. capital last week.

It’s a watershed moment for technology platforms that have faced conflicting pressures on one hand to restrict misinformation and hate speech, and defend free speech on the other.

Twitter was Trump’s preferred channel for amplifying attacks on his rivals, spreading conspiracies and provoking other nations during his four years in power.

Mirabaud analyst Neil Campling said the ban shows the company is making editorial decisions, and opens the door to more regulation of social media under the next administration.

“In the U.S., it’s about how are these companies being regulated, are they regulated, should they be regulated?” Campling said by phone.

What’s more, Trump is “the most popular character” on the platform, he added.
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Everything is down right now..and then it goes back up,,then back down, yeah, a roller coaster ride for money..
The FCC is keeping an make sure Parler fails. The Establishment has been grossly underestimated.
The UP and DOWN is Parler trying to reestablish on new servers, then being blocked again.

Just the beginning.
What you are going to see over the next 2 years will shock you. More like Cuba or Venezuela than America.

Gun confiscation just around the corner. It's not a question of if. it's how.
The era of fascism is in full swing and the Fascists here at this forum couldn't be happier.
The FCC is keeping an make sure Parler fails. The Establishment has been grossly underestimated.

The UP and DOWN is Parler trying to reestablish on new servers, then being blocked again.

Just the beginning.

What you are going to see over the next 2 years will shock you. More like Cuba or Venezuela than America.

Parler should have their servers in Israel
The FCC is keeping an make sure Parler fails. The Establishment has been grossly underestimated.

The UP and DOWN is Parler trying to reestablish on new servers, then being blocked again.

Just the beginning.

What you are going to see over the next 2 years will shock you. More like Cuba or Venezuela than America.

Parler should have their servers in Israel

True....but then those servers will be blocked at the US side. The Left controls ALL the gateways and routes coming and going.

Parler keeps going UP then back DOWN.
I suspect this is exactly what's happening.
They are transferring their site to other servers, then those servers are shut down / blocked.
If the Establishment decides a site will not be able to's over.

They have so outmaneuvered the Right it's like a toddler going to battle against a Navy Seal.
No question...Fascism is under way

Bottom line....only ONE path out now......all out rebellion at all costs.
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