Twitter Fact Checks trump's Tweets. Labels Two As Misleading

This is the kind of thing that happens when a liar fears not being able to use his #1 platform for lying any more. It's also what happens when there is no one around the Orange Fraud to tell him this is blowing up in his face.

Especially from the Russians
Ha ha. Can you believe it ? They're still sputtering about the "Russians". I wonder where that obsession came from. Hey guys. Russian cold war ended 30 years ago. Pheeew!
And the facts of Russian collusion now point against Hillary, the DNC, Obama admin. Haven't heard ? Oh that's right - you watch CNN.
The Cold War against the USSR ended 30 years ago. Today, Russians conduct a propaganda and misinformation war centered on disrupting our global power and helping conservatives get elected.

Electing Trump has served them nicely
So the Russians have promoted extreme gay, extreme feminism and extreme racial agendas the break up of traditional families and more. Is that what the Repubs are the party of. It seems to me that our downfall is in process now as we are a declining superpower.
Can you believe Trump threatened to shut down Twitter?
He's making it worse with this unhinged behavior. He's been losing it ever since COVID. It didn't disappear, Clorox isn't a treatment, and down deep he knows he has killed thousands of people with his lies and incompetence.
This is the kind of thing that happens when a liar fears not being able to use his #1 platform for lying any more. It's also what happens when there is no one around the Orange Fraud to tell him this is blowing up in his face.

If anything is blowing up, it is Twitter, CNN, and the Washington Bust. :biggrin:
Especially from the Russians
Ha ha. Can you believe it ? They're still sputtering about the "Russians". I wonder where that obsession came from. Hey guys. Russian cold war ended 30 years ago. Pheeew!
And the facts of Russian collusion now point against Hillary, the DNC, Obama admin. Haven't heard ? Oh that's right - you watch CNN.
The Cold War against the USSR ended 30 years ago. Today, Russians conduct a propaganda and misinformation war centered on disrupting our global power and helping conservatives get elected.

Electing Trump has served them nicely
So the Russians have promoted extreme gay, extreme feminism and extreme racial agendas the break up of traditional families and more. Is that what the Repubs are the party of. It seems to me that our downfall is in process now as we are a declining superpower.
You are getting close

In 2016, Russian bots posted extreme anti gay propaganda
He's making it worse with this unhinged behavior. He's been losing it ever since COVID. It didn't disappear, Clorox isn't a treatment, and down deep he knows he has killed thousands of people with his lies and incompetence.
I can see they got YOU programmed, all right.
Post # 132, eleven times. Information-deprived liberals,
I think your position might be taken more seriously if you could come up with some credible sources instead of a conglomeration of horseshit spewers refuted by every reputable study ever done on the issue.
Even Twitter is now “fake news” to our President
It absolutely is. One of the reasons why Twitter, CNN, and so many other media are so leftist looney, is because the jobs these people have require college degrees. So their offices are filled with people who are dupes of years of leftist, university indoctrination, and probably couldn't be be deprogrammed from this MISeducation jibberish, if they actually hired somebody to do it for them.

One of the requirements for a job in journalism, ought to be never having gone to college (and being MISeducated). Then you'd have an intelligent, clear thinking media.
I think your position might be taken more seriously if you could come up with some credible sources instead of a conglomeration of horseshit spewers refuted by every reputable study ever done on the issue.
Yeah ? So Show me even one example of this so-called "reputable study" Do they have names ? :laugh:

And you offer nothing here to say what could be wrong with the studies you claim are "horseshit spewers" Be specific. Got any ?

Age old leftist tactic. If you can't defeat the message. Attack the messenger.

INVALIDATION is hard-wired into liberals.
Even Twitter is now “fake news” to our President
It absolutely is. One of the reasons why Twitter, CNN, and so many other media are so leftist looney, is because the jobs these people have require college degrees. So their offices are filled with people who are dupes of years of leftist, university indoctrination, and probably couldn't be be deprogrammed from this MISeducation jibberish, if they actually hired somebody to do it for them.

One of the requirements for a job in journalism, ought to be never having gone to college (and being MISeducated). Then you'd have an intelligent, clear thinking media.
Proud of that degree from Trump U, ain't ya. Bet you have it framed and hanging over the mantle, next to the AR-15.
Spewing horseshit as you did in post #105 isn't refutation,. The commission's purpose was to substantiate Trump's baseless claims about voter fraud. It failed, because voter fraud is not a problem.
Sorry , just you calling it "horseshit", doesn't rate even one little iota. THAT is what is not refutation, MR INVALIDATOR. You haven't offered one shred of evidence to back up your claim of "horeseshit"

As for the Commission, you've had more than enough information in this thread to not be ignorant about it. YOU KNOW the Commission (which was unecessary to begin with) flopped, because the blue states simply didn't participate (report). And also because alien voting can't be audited, because there's no requirement for proof of CITIZENSHIP in any state.

You conceded defeat in this thread, just by posting the Trump Commission as "evidence" Hope you foot heals up quickly.
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Question for PROGS. Do you feel victimized when Trump lies or when lies tell you he lied?

I'm not sure where to go on this one. On one hand PROGS act as though they've been sexually assaulted by "Trump lies", on another they remind me of kindergartners who run and tell anytime they don't like something.
Proud of that degree from Trump U, ain't ya. Bet you have it framed and hanging over the mantle, next to the AR-15.
I wouldn't mind having a degree from Trump University. it would probably be of greater value than the one I have from the City University of New York, where I got a combo of information and MISinformation. But you're duped by your fake media to think that Trump University was a bad thing. It was perfectly fine.

As for the AR-15, good rifle. Everybody ought to have one.
Spewing horseshit as you did in post #105 isn't refutation. The commission's purpose was to substantiate Trump's baseless claims about voter fraud. It failed, because voter fraud is not a problem.
"Potentially misleading"? Is that the best they could come up with? Using the same criteria you could say that about any political pundit. Let it go lefties, you just look like petulant fools.

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