Twitter locks out Trump

That you cannot be honest about your political enemies, shows that on some level, you know you are on the side of the bad guys.
Of course he does. All these douchebags know that the Democrats swindled this election. They are accomplices to the crime.

And by 'know' you mean you imagined?

Where are those '1000 affidavits' again, rube?

No. I meas you know your filthy party swindled this election.

The 'swindle' you imagined? I just want to make sure we're talking about the same thing.

Still waiting for those '1000 affidavits'. You rubes have referred to them over and over. I wanna see 'em.

Surely you asked to see them, right?
Link coming

They need to kept the seditionist-in-chief under wraps.

His main means of communication needs to be taken away.

They should have done this years ago and for longer than 12 hours.
It's just weird watching someone celebrate censorship

Maybe he shouldn't incite a mob riot on the Capital. I know, you don't think he did because you're illiterate between the lines.

They were mostly peaceful. The woman shot was unarmed. That cop should be arrested.
Should, but wont.

But if a drunk black woman in Detroit pounds on your door at 3 am and you tell her to leave but she refuses, and you shoot and kill her thru the door, YOU GET 50 YEARS IN PRISON FOR MURDER

Yeah, shooting a drunk black woman is murder.

I don't know yet what the circumstances were for the shooting of the woman at the capital but I guess she wasn't listening to police and was in the act of breaking the law and from what you guys seem to say that means she's a lawful target. For me, I'll wait to see more details before passing judgement.

Funny how suddenly being unarmed or a woman or not a threat or that the man was bigger, or blah, blah, blah,

suddenly doesn't mean shit to you lefties.

Suddenly someone committing a crime shouldn't be shot according to you numbnuts.

I'm willing to see the evidence, you've made up your mind.
When did any right winger say people should be shot for committing misdemeanors?

Anybody who wants to shoot people for crossing the border for starters.

I'm also not so sure committing insurrection is a misdemeanor either.
Only morons believe they committed insurrection, and I have never advocated shooting people for crossing the border illegally.

Wingnuts have and it was insurrection. There purpose was to hold up our elections and they brought handcuffs and nooses because that's fun.

Sorry idiot. Learn a definition. Not insurrection. Just because your media pukes use a word they don’t know, you start spouting it too. Peaceful protest. By your sides definition, now shut up.

a violent uprising against an authority or government.

Meets the definition.

That's old speak. By newspeak rules, it was a mostly peaceful protest.

Your side made these rules and made them stick. Why are you now getting all dodgy?

I'm not interesting and I don't think anyone else is either of prosecuting anyone who remained outside to protest. It's those that invaded the capital, destroyed property, brought weapons and rioted inside the capital. They are picking them off now and I look forward to more being arrested, prosecuted and thrown in jail where they belong.
Destroyed property? They broke one window. Who are you trying to kid?

Your ilk defended rioters in SEattle and Portland who burned down the entire downtown, looted all the stores, asaulted people and even committed murder. You're scumbags who have to right to comment on this. None.

They broke multiple windows, doors, trashed offices, stole government property, cracked a cops head with a fire extinguisher and killed him, injured multiple others, brought handcuffs and nooses and obstructed the business of Congress in the process of peacefully transferring power.

Basically they tried to overturn an election and lost and Trump saving his own skin called them and their actions heinous and not representing America.
Sorry turd, but no cops were killed. The protesters may have broken a few doors. "trashed offices" means they left some empty water bottles laying around. The cops are the only ones who injured anyone. They killed 4 people. They killed an unarmed white woman.

Only a douchebag would defend the behavior of the D.C. cops. Watching you hypocrites screech about this would be positively comical if it wasn't so tragic and scary.

No cops were killed?

First it was a single door, now it's "a few". What the insurrections did is destroy the barriers protecting Congress from a rabid cult. They rifled through offices, throwing folders and papers everywhere. The cops only killed 1, the others died of medical issues, probably overweight slobs like you.

And Trump basically called them un-American and their actions heinous after the fact. What do you think about Trump throwing them under the bus?

That you cannot be honest about your political enemies, shows that on some level, you know you are on the side of the bad guys.
Of course he does. All these douchebags know that the Democrats swindled this election. They are accomplices to the crime.
Stop with the election fraud lie. Break free of the Trumpist cult! Make an appointment with a deprogrammer.
You know it's the truth. You would have to be retarded to believe this election was honest.
No, Trump’s own Communications Director now says election fraud was all a lie. You were played, my man.
Link coming

They need to kept the seditionist-in-chief under wraps.

His main means of communication needs to be taken away.

They should have done this years ago and for longer than 12 hours.
It's just weird watching someone celebrate censorship

Maybe he shouldn't incite a mob riot on the Capital. I know, you don't think he did because you're illiterate between the lines.

They were mostly peaceful. The woman shot was unarmed. That cop should be arrested.
Should, but wont.

But if a drunk black woman in Detroit pounds on your door at 3 am and you tell her to leave but she refuses, and you shoot and kill her thru the door, YOU GET 50 YEARS IN PRISON FOR MURDER

Yeah, shooting a drunk black woman is murder.

I don't know yet what the circumstances were for the shooting of the woman at the capital but I guess she wasn't listening to police and was in the act of breaking the law and from what you guys seem to say that means she's a lawful target. For me, I'll wait to see more details before passing judgement.

Funny how suddenly being unarmed or a woman or not a threat or that the man was bigger, or blah, blah, blah,

suddenly doesn't mean shit to you lefties.

Suddenly someone committing a crime shouldn't be shot according to you numbnuts.

I'm willing to see the evidence, you've made up your mind.
When did any right winger say people should be shot for committing misdemeanors?

Anybody who wants to shoot people for crossing the border for starters.

I'm also not so sure committing insurrection is a misdemeanor either.
Only morons believe they committed insurrection, and I have never advocated shooting people for crossing the border illegally.

Wingnuts have and it was insurrection. There purpose was to hold up our elections and they brought handcuffs and nooses because that's fun.

Sorry idiot. Learn a definition. Not insurrection. Just because your media pukes use a word they don’t know, you start spouting it too. Peaceful protest. By your sides definition, now shut up.

a violent uprising against an authority or government.

Meets the definition.

That's old speak. By newspeak rules, it was a mostly peaceful protest.

Your side made these rules and made them stick. Why are you now getting all dodgy?

I'm not interesting and I don't think anyone else is either of prosecuting anyone who remained outside to protest. It's those that invaded the capital, destroyed property, brought weapons and rioted inside the capital. They are picking them off now and I look forward to more being arrested, prosecuted and thrown in jail where they belong.
Destroyed property? They broke one window. Who are you trying to kid?

Your ilk defended rioters in SEattle and Portland who burned down the entire downtown, looted all the stores, asaulted people and even committed murder. You're scumbags who have to right to comment on this. None.

They broke multiple windows, doors, trashed offices, stole government property, cracked a cops head with a fire extinguisher and killed him, injured multiple others, brought handcuffs and nooses and obstructed the business of Congress in the process of peacefully transferring power.

Basically they tried to overturn an election and lost and Trump saving his own skin called them and their actions heinous and not representing America.
Sorry turd, but no cops were killed. The protesters may have broken a few doors. "trashed offices" means they left some empty water bottles laying around. The cops are the only ones who injured anyone. They killed 4 people. They killed an unarmed white woman.

Only a douchebag would defend the behavior of the D.C. cops. Watching you hypocrites screech about this would be positively comical if it wasn't so tragic and scary.

No cops were killed?

First it was a single door, now it's "a few". What the insurrections did is destroy the barriers protecting Congress from a rabid cult. They rifled through offices, throwing folders and papers everywhere. The cops only killed 1, the others died of medical issues, probably overweight slobs like you.

And Trump basically called them un-American and their actions heinous after the fact. What do you think about Trump throwing them under the bus?

That you cannot be honest about your political enemies, shows that on some level, you know you are on the side of the bad guys.
Of course he does. All these douchebags know that the Democrats swindled this election. They are accomplices to the crime.
Stop with the election fraud lie. Break free of the Trumpist cult! Make an appointment with a deprogrammer.
You know it's the truth. You would have to be retarded to believe this election was honest.

Or.....consider the CISA, the DOJ and the Secretary of State of Georgia more reliable sources on the election than
  • Thanks
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Link coming

They need to kept the seditionist-in-chief under wraps.

His main means of communication needs to be taken away.

They should have done this years ago and for longer than 12 hours.
It's just weird watching someone celebrate censorship

Maybe he shouldn't incite a mob riot on the Capital. I know, you don't think he did because you're illiterate between the lines.

They were mostly peaceful. The woman shot was unarmed. That cop should be arrested.
Should, but wont.

But if a drunk black woman in Detroit pounds on your door at 3 am and you tell her to leave but she refuses, and you shoot and kill her thru the door, YOU GET 50 YEARS IN PRISON FOR MURDER

Yeah, shooting a drunk black woman is murder.

I don't know yet what the circumstances were for the shooting of the woman at the capital but I guess she wasn't listening to police and was in the act of breaking the law and from what you guys seem to say that means she's a lawful target. For me, I'll wait to see more details before passing judgement.

Funny how suddenly being unarmed or a woman or not a threat or that the man was bigger, or blah, blah, blah,

suddenly doesn't mean shit to you lefties.

Suddenly someone committing a crime shouldn't be shot according to you numbnuts.

I'm willing to see the evidence, you've made up your mind.
When did any right winger say people should be shot for committing misdemeanors?

Anybody who wants to shoot people for crossing the border for starters.

I'm also not so sure committing insurrection is a misdemeanor either.
Only morons believe they committed insurrection, and I have never advocated shooting people for crossing the border illegally.

Wingnuts have and it was insurrection. There purpose was to hold up our elections and they brought handcuffs and nooses because that's fun.

Sorry idiot. Learn a definition. Not insurrection. Just because your media pukes use a word they don’t know, you start spouting it too. Peaceful protest. By your sides definition, now shut up.

a violent uprising against an authority or government.

Meets the definition.

That's old speak. By newspeak rules, it was a mostly peaceful protest.

Your side made these rules and made them stick. Why are you now getting all dodgy?

I'm not interested and I don't think anyone else is either of prosecuting anyone who remained outside to protest. It's those that invaded the capital, destroyed property, brought weapons and rioted inside the capital. They are picking them off now and I look forward to more being arrested, prosecuted and thrown in jail where they belong.

Why are you supporting the police living in teh past? Times have changed. Riots and political violence are acceptable now. That was demonstrated again and again, over the last 4 years with the "resistance" and the soft coup, and the open insurrection and the constant rioting, and ect.

Whatever floats your boat.

I've been on the record quite a bit bemoaning this change. I am one of those crazy conservatives that think that not all change is for the good.

But, once again, society moved on and ignored my concerns or the concerns of people like me.

Now we all have to get used to the new normal.

Why are you pretending otherwise?

You're too busy telling me what I think.
Twitter has permanently banned the seditionist in chief.

Link coming

They need to kept the seditionist-in-chief under wraps.

His main means of communication needs to be taken away.

They should have done this years ago and for longer than 12 hours.
It's just weird watching someone celebrate censorship

Maybe he shouldn't incite a mob riot on the Capital. I know, you don't think he did because you're illiterate between the lines.

They were mostly peaceful. The woman shot was unarmed. That cop should be arrested.
Should, but wont.

But if a drunk black woman in Detroit pounds on your door at 3 am and you tell her to leave but she refuses, and you shoot and kill her thru the door, YOU GET 50 YEARS IN PRISON FOR MURDER

Yeah, shooting a drunk black woman is murder.

I don't know yet what the circumstances were for the shooting of the woman at the capital but I guess she wasn't listening to police and was in the act of breaking the law and from what you guys seem to say that means she's a lawful target. For me, I'll wait to see more details before passing judgement.

Funny how suddenly being unarmed or a woman or not a threat or that the man was bigger, or blah, blah, blah,

suddenly doesn't mean shit to you lefties.

Suddenly someone committing a crime shouldn't be shot according to you numbnuts.

I'm willing to see the evidence, you've made up your mind.
When did any right winger say people should be shot for committing misdemeanors?

Anybody who wants to shoot people for crossing the border for starters.

I'm also not so sure committing insurrection is a misdemeanor either.
Only morons believe they committed insurrection, and I have never advocated shooting people for crossing the border illegally.

Wingnuts have and it was insurrection. There purpose was to hold up our elections and they brought handcuffs and nooses because that's fun.

Sorry idiot. Learn a definition. Not insurrection. Just because your media pukes use a word they don’t know, you start spouting it too. Peaceful protest. By your sides definition, now shut up.

a violent uprising against an authority or government.

Meets the definition.

That's old speak. By newspeak rules, it was a mostly peaceful protest.

Your side made these rules and made them stick. Why are you now getting all dodgy?

I'm not interesting and I don't think anyone else is either of prosecuting anyone who remained outside to protest. It's those that invaded the capital, destroyed property, brought weapons and rioted inside the capital. They are picking them off now and I look forward to more being arrested, prosecuted and thrown in jail where they belong.
Destroyed property? They broke one window. Who are you trying to kid?

Your ilk defended rioters in SEattle and Portland who burned down the entire downtown, looted all the stores, asaulted people and even committed murder. You're scumbags who have to right to comment on this. None.

They broke multiple windows, doors, trashed offices, stole government property, cracked a cops head with a fire extinguisher and killed him, injured multiple others, brought handcuffs and nooses and obstructed the business of Congress in the process of peacefully transferring power.

Basically they tried to overturn an election and lost and Trump saving his own skin called them and their actions heinous and not representing America.
Sorry turd, but no cops were killed. The protesters may have broken a few doors. "trashed offices" means they left some empty water bottles laying around. The cops are the only ones who injured anyone. They killed 4 people. They killed an unarmed white woman.

Only a douchebag would defend the behavior of the D.C. cops. Watching you hypocrites screech about this would be positively comical if it wasn't so tragic and scary.

No cops were killed?

First it was a single door, now it's "a few". What the insurrections did is destroy the barriers protecting Congress from a rabid cult. They rifled through offices, throwing folders and papers everywhere. The cops only killed 1, the others died of medical issues, probably overweight slobs like you.

And Trump basically called them un-American and their actions heinous after the fact. What do you think about Trump throwing them under the bus?

That you cannot be honest about your political enemies, shows that on some level, you know you are on the side of the bad guys.
Of course he does. All these douchebags know that the Democrats swindled this election. They are accomplices to the crime.
Stop with the election fraud lie. Break free of the Trumpist cult! Make an appointment with a deprogrammer.
You know it's the truth. You would have to be retarded to believe this election was honest.
No, Trump’s own Communications Director now says election fraud was all a lie. You were played, my man.
Former communications director - disgruntled employee. How deep in the slime barrel are you going to dig to find people who want to sell a book and want to smear Trump?
Link coming

They need to kept the seditionist-in-chief under wraps.

His main means of communication needs to be taken away.

They should have done this years ago and for longer than 12 hours.
It's just weird watching someone celebrate censorship

Maybe he shouldn't incite a mob riot on the Capital. I know, you don't think he did because you're illiterate between the lines.

They were mostly peaceful. The woman shot was unarmed. That cop should be arrested.
Should, but wont.

But if a drunk black woman in Detroit pounds on your door at 3 am and you tell her to leave but she refuses, and you shoot and kill her thru the door, YOU GET 50 YEARS IN PRISON FOR MURDER

Yeah, shooting a drunk black woman is murder.

I don't know yet what the circumstances were for the shooting of the woman at the capital but I guess she wasn't listening to police and was in the act of breaking the law and from what you guys seem to say that means she's a lawful target. For me, I'll wait to see more details before passing judgement.

Funny how suddenly being unarmed or a woman or not a threat or that the man was bigger, or blah, blah, blah,

suddenly doesn't mean shit to you lefties.

Suddenly someone committing a crime shouldn't be shot according to you numbnuts.

I'm willing to see the evidence, you've made up your mind.
When did any right winger say people should be shot for committing misdemeanors?

Anybody who wants to shoot people for crossing the border for starters.

I'm also not so sure committing insurrection is a misdemeanor either.
Only morons believe they committed insurrection, and I have never advocated shooting people for crossing the border illegally.

Wingnuts have and it was insurrection. There purpose was to hold up our elections and they brought handcuffs and nooses because that's fun.

Sorry idiot. Learn a definition. Not insurrection. Just because your media pukes use a word they don’t know, you start spouting it too. Peaceful protest. By your sides definition, now shut up.

a violent uprising against an authority or government.

Meets the definition.

That's old speak. By newspeak rules, it was a mostly peaceful protest.

Your side made these rules and made them stick. Why are you now getting all dodgy?

I'm not interested and I don't think anyone else is either of prosecuting anyone who remained outside to protest. It's those that invaded the capital, destroyed property, brought weapons and rioted inside the capital. They are picking them off now and I look forward to more being arrested, prosecuted and thrown in jail where they belong.

Why are you supporting the police living in teh past? Times have changed. Riots and political violence are acceptable now. That was demonstrated again and again, over the last 4 years with the "resistance" and the soft coup, and the open insurrection and the constant rioting, and ect.
Trump is a demon who thrives on chaos, deceit and lies. Break yourself free from that evil cult.

A "demon"? Who's most controversial policy was sending foreign nationals home, in accordance with the law.

Your hysteria was in support of the justifications for the violence over the last 4 years, that has normalized political violence and disrespecting elections.

This is on you.
Link coming

They need to kept the seditionist-in-chief under wraps.

His main means of communication needs to be taken away.

They should have done this years ago and for longer than 12 hours.
It's just weird watching someone celebrate censorship

Maybe he shouldn't incite a mob riot on the Capital. I know, you don't think he did because you're illiterate between the lines.

They were mostly peaceful. The woman shot was unarmed. That cop should be arrested.
Should, but wont.

But if a drunk black woman in Detroit pounds on your door at 3 am and you tell her to leave but she refuses, and you shoot and kill her thru the door, YOU GET 50 YEARS IN PRISON FOR MURDER

Yeah, shooting a drunk black woman is murder.

I don't know yet what the circumstances were for the shooting of the woman at the capital but I guess she wasn't listening to police and was in the act of breaking the law and from what you guys seem to say that means she's a lawful target. For me, I'll wait to see more details before passing judgement.

Funny how suddenly being unarmed or a woman or not a threat or that the man was bigger, or blah, blah, blah,

suddenly doesn't mean shit to you lefties.

Suddenly someone committing a crime shouldn't be shot according to you numbnuts.

I'm willing to see the evidence, you've made up your mind.
When did any right winger say people should be shot for committing misdemeanors?

Anybody who wants to shoot people for crossing the border for starters.

I'm also not so sure committing insurrection is a misdemeanor either.
Only morons believe they committed insurrection, and I have never advocated shooting people for crossing the border illegally.

Wingnuts have and it was insurrection. There purpose was to hold up our elections and they brought handcuffs and nooses because that's fun.

Sorry idiot. Learn a definition. Not insurrection. Just because your media pukes use a word they don’t know, you start spouting it too. Peaceful protest. By your sides definition, now shut up.

a violent uprising against an authority or government.

Meets the definition.

That's old speak. By newspeak rules, it was a mostly peaceful protest.

Your side made these rules and made them stick. Why are you now getting all dodgy?

I'm not interesting and I don't think anyone else is either of prosecuting anyone who remained outside to protest. It's those that invaded the capital, destroyed property, brought weapons and rioted inside the capital. They are picking them off now and I look forward to more being arrested, prosecuted and thrown in jail where they belong.
Destroyed property? They broke one window. Who are you trying to kid?

Your ilk defended rioters in SEattle and Portland who burned down the entire downtown, looted all the stores, asaulted people and even committed murder. You're scumbags who have to right to comment on this. None.

They broke multiple windows, doors, trashed offices, stole government property, cracked a cops head with a fire extinguisher and killed him, injured multiple others, brought handcuffs and nooses and obstructed the business of Congress in the process of peacefully transferring power.

Basically they tried to overturn an election and lost and Trump saving his own skin called them and their actions heinous and not representing America.
Sorry turd, but no cops were killed. The protesters may have broken a few doors. "trashed offices" means they left some empty water bottles laying around. The cops are the only ones who injured anyone. They killed 4 people. They killed an unarmed white woman.

Only a douchebag would defend the behavior of the D.C. cops. Watching you hypocrites screech about this would be positively comical if it wasn't so tragic and scary.

No cops were killed?

First it was a single door, now it's "a few". What the insurrections did is destroy the barriers protecting Congress from a rabid cult. They rifled through offices, throwing folders and papers everywhere. The cops only killed 1, the others died of medical issues, probably overweight slobs like you.

And Trump basically called them un-American and their actions heinous after the fact. What do you think about Trump throwing them under the bus?

That you cannot be honest about your political enemies, shows that on some level, you know you are on the side of the bad guys.
Of course he does. All these douchebags know that the Democrats swindled this election. They are accomplices to the crime.
Stop with the election fraud lie. Break free of the Trumpist cult! Make an appointment with a deprogrammer.
You know it's the truth. You would have to be retarded to believe this election was honest.
No, Trump’s own Communications Director now says election fraud was all a lie. You were played, my man.
Former communications director - disgruntled employee. How deep in the slime barrel are you going to dig to find people who want to sell a book and want to smear Trump?
LOL..she would know. She was in the belly of the beast. She played a part in deceiving Trump supporters. She did her job well.
Link coming

They need to kept the seditionist-in-chief under wraps.

His main means of communication needs to be taken away.

They should have done this years ago and for longer than 12 hours.
It's just weird watching someone celebrate censorship

Maybe he shouldn't incite a mob riot on the Capital. I know, you don't think he did because you're illiterate between the lines.

They were mostly peaceful. The woman shot was unarmed. That cop should be arrested.
Should, but wont.

But if a drunk black woman in Detroit pounds on your door at 3 am and you tell her to leave but she refuses, and you shoot and kill her thru the door, YOU GET 50 YEARS IN PRISON FOR MURDER

Yeah, shooting a drunk black woman is murder.

I don't know yet what the circumstances were for the shooting of the woman at the capital but I guess she wasn't listening to police and was in the act of breaking the law and from what you guys seem to say that means she's a lawful target. For me, I'll wait to see more details before passing judgement.

Funny how suddenly being unarmed or a woman or not a threat or that the man was bigger, or blah, blah, blah,

suddenly doesn't mean shit to you lefties.

Suddenly someone committing a crime shouldn't be shot according to you numbnuts.

I'm willing to see the evidence, you've made up your mind.
When did any right winger say people should be shot for committing misdemeanors?

Anybody who wants to shoot people for crossing the border for starters.

I'm also not so sure committing insurrection is a misdemeanor either.
Only morons believe they committed insurrection, and I have never advocated shooting people for crossing the border illegally.

Wingnuts have and it was insurrection. There purpose was to hold up our elections and they brought handcuffs and nooses because that's fun.

Sorry idiot. Learn a definition. Not insurrection. Just because your media pukes use a word they don’t know, you start spouting it too. Peaceful protest. By your sides definition, now shut up.

a violent uprising against an authority or government.

Meets the definition.

That's old speak. By newspeak rules, it was a mostly peaceful protest.

Your side made these rules and made them stick. Why are you now getting all dodgy?

I'm not interesting and I don't think anyone else is either of prosecuting anyone who remained outside to protest. It's those that invaded the capital, destroyed property, brought weapons and rioted inside the capital. They are picking them off now and I look forward to more being arrested, prosecuted and thrown in jail where they belong.
Destroyed property? They broke one window. Who are you trying to kid?

Your ilk defended rioters in SEattle and Portland who burned down the entire downtown, looted all the stores, asaulted people and even committed murder. You're scumbags who have to right to comment on this. None.

They broke multiple windows, doors, trashed offices, stole government property, cracked a cops head with a fire extinguisher and killed him, injured multiple others, brought handcuffs and nooses and obstructed the business of Congress in the process of peacefully transferring power.

Basically they tried to overturn an election and lost and Trump saving his own skin called them and their actions heinous and not representing America.
Sorry turd, but no cops were killed. The protesters may have broken a few doors. "trashed offices" means they left some empty water bottles laying around. The cops are the only ones who injured anyone. They killed 4 people. They killed an unarmed white woman.

Only a douchebag would defend the behavior of the D.C. cops. Watching you hypocrites screech about this would be positively comical if it wasn't so tragic and scary.

No cops were killed?

First it was a single door, now it's "a few". What the insurrections did is destroy the barriers protecting Congress from a rabid cult. They rifled through offices, throwing folders and papers everywhere. The cops only killed 1, the others died of medical issues, probably overweight slobs like you.

And Trump basically called them un-American and their actions heinous after the fact. What do you think about Trump throwing them under the bus?

That you cannot be honest about your political enemies, shows that on some level, you know you are on the side of the bad guys.
Of course he does. All these douchebags know that the Democrats swindled this election. They are accomplices to the crime.
Stop with the election fraud lie. Break free of the Trumpist cult! Make an appointment with a deprogrammer.
You know it's the truth. You would have to be retarded to believe this election was honest.

Or.....consider the CISA, the DOJ and the Secretary of State of Georgia more reliable sources on the election than
They are douchebags. Either someone is paying them are someone is blackmailing them.
Link coming

They need to kept the seditionist-in-chief under wraps.

His main means of communication needs to be taken away.

They should have done this years ago and for longer than 12 hours.
It's just weird watching someone celebrate censorship

Maybe he shouldn't incite a mob riot on the Capital. I know, you don't think he did because you're illiterate between the lines.

They were mostly peaceful. The woman shot was unarmed. That cop should be arrested.
Should, but wont.

But if a drunk black woman in Detroit pounds on your door at 3 am and you tell her to leave but she refuses, and you shoot and kill her thru the door, YOU GET 50 YEARS IN PRISON FOR MURDER

Yeah, shooting a drunk black woman is murder.

I don't know yet what the circumstances were for the shooting of the woman at the capital but I guess she wasn't listening to police and was in the act of breaking the law and from what you guys seem to say that means she's a lawful target. For me, I'll wait to see more details before passing judgement.

Funny how suddenly being unarmed or a woman or not a threat or that the man was bigger, or blah, blah, blah,

suddenly doesn't mean shit to you lefties.

Suddenly someone committing a crime shouldn't be shot according to you numbnuts.

I'm willing to see the evidence, you've made up your mind.
When did any right winger say people should be shot for committing misdemeanors?

Anybody who wants to shoot people for crossing the border for starters.

I'm also not so sure committing insurrection is a misdemeanor either.
Only morons believe they committed insurrection, and I have never advocated shooting people for crossing the border illegally.

Wingnuts have and it was insurrection. There purpose was to hold up our elections and they brought handcuffs and nooses because that's fun.

Sorry idiot. Learn a definition. Not insurrection. Just because your media pukes use a word they don’t know, you start spouting it too. Peaceful protest. By your sides definition, now shut up.

a violent uprising against an authority or government.

Meets the definition.

That's old speak. By newspeak rules, it was a mostly peaceful protest.

Your side made these rules and made them stick. Why are you now getting all dodgy?

I'm not interesting and I don't think anyone else is either of prosecuting anyone who remained outside to protest. It's those that invaded the capital, destroyed property, brought weapons and rioted inside the capital. They are picking them off now and I look forward to more being arrested, prosecuted and thrown in jail where they belong.
Destroyed property? They broke one window. Who are you trying to kid?

Your ilk defended rioters in SEattle and Portland who burned down the entire downtown, looted all the stores, asaulted people and even committed murder. You're scumbags who have to right to comment on this. None.

They broke multiple windows, doors, trashed offices, stole government property, cracked a cops head with a fire extinguisher and killed him, injured multiple others, brought handcuffs and nooses and obstructed the business of Congress in the process of peacefully transferring power.

Basically they tried to overturn an election and lost and Trump saving his own skin called them and their actions heinous and not representing America.
Sorry turd, but no cops were killed. The protesters may have broken a few doors. "trashed offices" means they left some empty water bottles laying around. The cops are the only ones who injured anyone. They killed 4 people. They killed an unarmed white woman.

Only a douchebag would defend the behavior of the D.C. cops. Watching you hypocrites screech about this would be positively comical if it wasn't so tragic and scary.

No cops were killed?

First it was a single door, now it's "a few". What the insurrections did is destroy the barriers protecting Congress from a rabid cult. They rifled through offices, throwing folders and papers everywhere. The cops only killed 1, the others died of medical issues, probably overweight slobs like you.

And Trump basically called them un-American and their actions heinous after the fact. What do you think about Trump throwing them under the bus?

That you cannot be honest about your political enemies, shows that on some level, you know you are on the side of the bad guys.
Of course he does. All these douchebags know that the Democrats swindled this election. They are accomplices to the crime.
Stop with the election fraud lie. Break free of the Trumpist cult! Make an appointment with a deprogrammer.

Yes. That is the way forward to healing and peace. Keep ridiculing those that disagree with you. Never admit that they could have validity to their concerns.

Or hell, even that they have the right to have concerns.

Keep it up.

Hey, remember when you lefties laughed at me when I predicted blowback for you and yours?
Link coming

They need to kept the seditionist-in-chief under wraps.

His main means of communication needs to be taken away.

They should have done this years ago and for longer than 12 hours.
It's just weird watching someone celebrate censorship

Maybe he shouldn't incite a mob riot on the Capital. I know, you don't think he did because you're illiterate between the lines.

They were mostly peaceful. The woman shot was unarmed. That cop should be arrested.
Should, but wont.

But if a drunk black woman in Detroit pounds on your door at 3 am and you tell her to leave but she refuses, and you shoot and kill her thru the door, YOU GET 50 YEARS IN PRISON FOR MURDER

Yeah, shooting a drunk black woman is murder.

I don't know yet what the circumstances were for the shooting of the woman at the capital but I guess she wasn't listening to police and was in the act of breaking the law and from what you guys seem to say that means she's a lawful target. For me, I'll wait to see more details before passing judgement.

Funny how suddenly being unarmed or a woman or not a threat or that the man was bigger, or blah, blah, blah,

suddenly doesn't mean shit to you lefties.

Suddenly someone committing a crime shouldn't be shot according to you numbnuts.

I'm willing to see the evidence, you've made up your mind.
When did any right winger say people should be shot for committing misdemeanors?

Anybody who wants to shoot people for crossing the border for starters.

I'm also not so sure committing insurrection is a misdemeanor either.
Only morons believe they committed insurrection, and I have never advocated shooting people for crossing the border illegally.

Wingnuts have and it was insurrection. There purpose was to hold up our elections and they brought handcuffs and nooses because that's fun.

Sorry idiot. Learn a definition. Not insurrection. Just because your media pukes use a word they don’t know, you start spouting it too. Peaceful protest. By your sides definition, now shut up.

a violent uprising against an authority or government.

Meets the definition.

That's old speak. By newspeak rules, it was a mostly peaceful protest.

Your side made these rules and made them stick. Why are you now getting all dodgy?

I'm not interesting and I don't think anyone else is either of prosecuting anyone who remained outside to protest. It's those that invaded the capital, destroyed property, brought weapons and rioted inside the capital. They are picking them off now and I look forward to more being arrested, prosecuted and thrown in jail where they belong.
Destroyed property? They broke one window. Who are you trying to kid?

Your ilk defended rioters in SEattle and Portland who burned down the entire downtown, looted all the stores, asaulted people and even committed murder. You're scumbags who have to right to comment on this. None.

They broke multiple windows, doors, trashed offices, stole government property, cracked a cops head with a fire extinguisher and killed him, injured multiple others, brought handcuffs and nooses and obstructed the business of Congress in the process of peacefully transferring power.

Basically they tried to overturn an election and lost and Trump saving his own skin called them and their actions heinous and not representing America.
Sorry turd, but no cops were killed. The protesters may have broken a few doors. "trashed offices" means they left some empty water bottles laying around. The cops are the only ones who injured anyone. They killed 4 people. They killed an unarmed white woman.

Only a douchebag would defend the behavior of the D.C. cops. Watching you hypocrites screech about this would be positively comical if it wasn't so tragic and scary.

No cops were killed?

First it was a single door, now it's "a few". What the insurrections did is destroy the barriers protecting Congress from a rabid cult. They rifled through offices, throwing folders and papers everywhere. The cops only killed 1, the others died of medical issues, probably overweight slobs like you.

And Trump basically called them un-American and their actions heinous after the fact. What do you think about Trump throwing them under the bus?

That you cannot be honest about your political enemies, shows that on some level, you know you are on the side of the bad guys.
Of course he does. All these douchebags know that the Democrats swindled this election. They are accomplices to the crime.
Stop with the election fraud lie. Break free of the Trumpist cult! Make an appointment with a deprogrammer.
You know it's the truth. You would have to be retarded to believe this election was honest.
No, Trump’s own Communications Director now says election fraud was all a lie. You were played, my man.
Former communications director - disgruntled employee. How deep in the slime barrel are you going to dig to find people who want to sell a book and want to smear Trump?

Right? Just more people to throw into the conspiracy bin.
Link coming

They need to kept the seditionist-in-chief under wraps.

His main means of communication needs to be taken away.

They should have done this years ago and for longer than 12 hours.
It's just weird watching someone celebrate censorship

Maybe he shouldn't incite a mob riot on the Capital. I know, you don't think he did because you're illiterate between the lines.

They were mostly peaceful. The woman shot was unarmed. That cop should be arrested.
Should, but wont.

But if a drunk black woman in Detroit pounds on your door at 3 am and you tell her to leave but she refuses, and you shoot and kill her thru the door, YOU GET 50 YEARS IN PRISON FOR MURDER

Yeah, shooting a drunk black woman is murder.

I don't know yet what the circumstances were for the shooting of the woman at the capital but I guess she wasn't listening to police and was in the act of breaking the law and from what you guys seem to say that means she's a lawful target. For me, I'll wait to see more details before passing judgement.

Funny how suddenly being unarmed or a woman or not a threat or that the man was bigger, or blah, blah, blah,

suddenly doesn't mean shit to you lefties.

Suddenly someone committing a crime shouldn't be shot according to you numbnuts.

I'm willing to see the evidence, you've made up your mind.
When did any right winger say people should be shot for committing misdemeanors?

Anybody who wants to shoot people for crossing the border for starters.

I'm also not so sure committing insurrection is a misdemeanor either.
Only morons believe they committed insurrection, and I have never advocated shooting people for crossing the border illegally.

Wingnuts have and it was insurrection. There purpose was to hold up our elections and they brought handcuffs and nooses because that's fun.

Sorry idiot. Learn a definition. Not insurrection. Just because your media pukes use a word they don’t know, you start spouting it too. Peaceful protest. By your sides definition, now shut up.

a violent uprising against an authority or government.

Meets the definition.

That's old speak. By newspeak rules, it was a mostly peaceful protest.

Your side made these rules and made them stick. Why are you now getting all dodgy?

I'm not interesting and I don't think anyone else is either of prosecuting anyone who remained outside to protest. It's those that invaded the capital, destroyed property, brought weapons and rioted inside the capital. They are picking them off now and I look forward to more being arrested, prosecuted and thrown in jail where they belong.

Yep. Supposedly, that's what Trump wants as well.

Sure he does. I think Trump wants whatever is best for Trump, he doesn't really care one way or the other for the insurrectionists, they were nothing more than a last attempt gambit, tools to help him steal the election and when they became inconvenient he dropped them.
I find these diatrabs about Trump so boring and worthless. Your theories about Trump are utterly baseless

Yeah, they're tied to his his own words, so probably baseless. If you're bored (or don't have a proper reply) then feel free to stop engaging, idiot. Nobody is forcing you to read my posts.
What words did Trump use that incited anyone to riot?

He called those in the capital evil, told an enraged crowd to go to the capital and fight. Kind of like how a mob boss directs his traffic.
So far in this thread all you've done is lie.

Trump didn't call those who don't support his idiot claims of election fraud evil?

“But we can’t play into the hands of these people,” Trump said. “We have to have peace. So go home. We love you. You’re very special. You’ve seen what happens, you see the way others are treated that are so bad and so evil. I know how you feel. But go home and go home in peace.”

Believe it or not that's not how you get a crowd of idiots to go home.

Try insulting them some more. That is the way to get them to go home. That is how to have healing.

What you posted there, doesn't make sense.

lol!!! Your denial is strong.
Link coming

They need to kept the seditionist-in-chief under wraps.

His main means of communication needs to be taken away.

They should have done this years ago and for longer than 12 hours.
It's just weird watching someone celebrate censorship

Maybe he shouldn't incite a mob riot on the Capital. I know, you don't think he did because you're illiterate between the lines.

They were mostly peaceful. The woman shot was unarmed. That cop should be arrested.
Should, but wont.

But if a drunk black woman in Detroit pounds on your door at 3 am and you tell her to leave but she refuses, and you shoot and kill her thru the door, YOU GET 50 YEARS IN PRISON FOR MURDER

Yeah, shooting a drunk black woman is murder.

I don't know yet what the circumstances were for the shooting of the woman at the capital but I guess she wasn't listening to police and was in the act of breaking the law and from what you guys seem to say that means she's a lawful target. For me, I'll wait to see more details before passing judgement.

Funny how suddenly being unarmed or a woman or not a threat or that the man was bigger, or blah, blah, blah,

suddenly doesn't mean shit to you lefties.

Suddenly someone committing a crime shouldn't be shot according to you numbnuts.

I'm willing to see the evidence, you've made up your mind.
When did any right winger say people should be shot for committing misdemeanors?

Anybody who wants to shoot people for crossing the border for starters.

I'm also not so sure committing insurrection is a misdemeanor either.
Only morons believe they committed insurrection, and I have never advocated shooting people for crossing the border illegally.

Wingnuts have and it was insurrection. There purpose was to hold up our elections and they brought handcuffs and nooses because that's fun.

Sorry idiot. Learn a definition. Not insurrection. Just because your media pukes use a word they don’t know, you start spouting it too. Peaceful protest. By your sides definition, now shut up.

a violent uprising against an authority or government.

Meets the definition.

That's old speak. By newspeak rules, it was a mostly peaceful protest.

Your side made these rules and made them stick. Why are you now getting all dodgy?

I'm not interesting and I don't think anyone else is either of prosecuting anyone who remained outside to protest. It's those that invaded the capital, destroyed property, brought weapons and rioted inside the capital. They are picking them off now and I look forward to more being arrested, prosecuted and thrown in jail where they belong.
Destroyed property? They broke one window. Who are you trying to kid?

Your ilk defended rioters in SEattle and Portland who burned down the entire downtown, looted all the stores, asaulted people and even committed murder. You're scumbags who have to right to comment on this. None.

They broke multiple windows, doors, trashed offices, stole government property, cracked a cops head with a fire extinguisher and killed him, injured multiple others, brought handcuffs and nooses and obstructed the business of Congress in the process of peacefully transferring power.

Basically they tried to overturn an election and lost and Trump saving his own skin called them and their actions heinous and not representing America.
Sorry turd, but no cops were killed. The protesters may have broken a few doors. "trashed offices" means they left some empty water bottles laying around. The cops are the only ones who injured anyone. They killed 4 people. They killed an unarmed white woman.

Only a douchebag would defend the behavior of the D.C. cops. Watching you hypocrites screech about this would be positively comical if it wasn't so tragic and scary.

No cops were killed?

First it was a single door, now it's "a few". What the insurrections did is destroy the barriers protecting Congress from a rabid cult. They rifled through offices, throwing folders and papers everywhere. The cops only killed 1, the others died of medical issues, probably overweight slobs like you.

And Trump basically called them un-American and their actions heinous after the fact. What do you think about Trump throwing them under the bus?

That you cannot be honest about your political enemies, shows that on some level, you know you are on the side of the bad guys.
Of course he does. All these douchebags know that the Democrats swindled this election. They are accomplices to the crime.
Stop with the election fraud lie. Break free of the Trumpist cult! Make an appointment with a deprogrammer.
You know it's the truth. You would have to be retarded to believe this election was honest.
No, Trump’s own Communications Director now says election fraud was all a lie. You were played, my man.
Former communications director - disgruntled employee. How deep in the slime barrel are you going to dig to find people who want to sell a book and want to smear Trump?
LOL..she would know. She was in the belly of the beast.
She an establishment back stabber.
Link coming

They need to kept the seditionist-in-chief under wraps.

His main means of communication needs to be taken away.

They should have done this years ago and for longer than 12 hours.
It's just weird watching someone celebrate censorship

Maybe he shouldn't incite a mob riot on the Capital. I know, you don't think he did because you're illiterate between the lines.

They were mostly peaceful. The woman shot was unarmed. That cop should be arrested.
Should, but wont.

But if a drunk black woman in Detroit pounds on your door at 3 am and you tell her to leave but she refuses, and you shoot and kill her thru the door, YOU GET 50 YEARS IN PRISON FOR MURDER

Yeah, shooting a drunk black woman is murder.

I don't know yet what the circumstances were for the shooting of the woman at the capital but I guess she wasn't listening to police and was in the act of breaking the law and from what you guys seem to say that means she's a lawful target. For me, I'll wait to see more details before passing judgement.

Funny how suddenly being unarmed or a woman or not a threat or that the man was bigger, or blah, blah, blah,

suddenly doesn't mean shit to you lefties.

Suddenly someone committing a crime shouldn't be shot according to you numbnuts.

I'm willing to see the evidence, you've made up your mind.
When did any right winger say people should be shot for committing misdemeanors?

Anybody who wants to shoot people for crossing the border for starters.

I'm also not so sure committing insurrection is a misdemeanor either.
Only morons believe they committed insurrection, and I have never advocated shooting people for crossing the border illegally.

Wingnuts have and it was insurrection. There purpose was to hold up our elections and they brought handcuffs and nooses because that's fun.

Sorry idiot. Learn a definition. Not insurrection. Just because your media pukes use a word they don’t know, you start spouting it too. Peaceful protest. By your sides definition, now shut up.

a violent uprising against an authority or government.

Meets the definition.

That's old speak. By newspeak rules, it was a mostly peaceful protest.

Your side made these rules and made them stick. Why are you now getting all dodgy?

I'm not interesting and I don't think anyone else is either of prosecuting anyone who remained outside to protest. It's those that invaded the capital, destroyed property, brought weapons and rioted inside the capital. They are picking them off now and I look forward to more being arrested, prosecuted and thrown in jail where they belong.
Destroyed property? They broke one window. Who are you trying to kid?

Your ilk defended rioters in SEattle and Portland who burned down the entire downtown, looted all the stores, asaulted people and even committed murder. You're scumbags who have to right to comment on this. None.

They broke multiple windows, doors, trashed offices, stole government property, cracked a cops head with a fire extinguisher and killed him, injured multiple others, brought handcuffs and nooses and obstructed the business of Congress in the process of peacefully transferring power.

Basically they tried to overturn an election and lost and Trump saving his own skin called them and their actions heinous and not representing America.
Sorry turd, but no cops were killed. The protesters may have broken a few doors. "trashed offices" means they left some empty water bottles laying around. The cops are the only ones who injured anyone. They killed 4 people. They killed an unarmed white woman.

Only a douchebag would defend the behavior of the D.C. cops. Watching you hypocrites screech about this would be positively comical if it wasn't so tragic and scary.

No cops were killed?

First it was a single door, now it's "a few". What the insurrections did is destroy the barriers protecting Congress from a rabid cult. They rifled through offices, throwing folders and papers everywhere. The cops only killed 1, the others died of medical issues, probably overweight slobs like you.

And Trump basically called them un-American and their actions heinous after the fact. What do you think about Trump throwing them under the bus?

That you cannot be honest about your political enemies, shows that on some level, you know you are on the side of the bad guys.
Of course he does. All these douchebags know that the Democrats swindled this election. They are accomplices to the crime.
Stop with the election fraud lie. Break free of the Trumpist cult! Make an appointment with a deprogrammer.
You know it's the truth. You would have to be retarded to believe this election was honest.
No, Trump’s own Communications Director now says election fraud was all a lie. You were played, my man.
Former communications director - disgruntled employee. How deep in the slime barrel are you going to dig to find people who want to sell a book and want to smear Trump?

Right? Just more people to throw into the conspiracy bin.
They are just worms wriggling through the scum
Link coming

They need to kept the seditionist-in-chief under wraps.

His main means of communication needs to be taken away.

They should have done this years ago and for longer than 12 hours.
It's just weird watching someone celebrate censorship

Maybe he shouldn't incite a mob riot on the Capital. I know, you don't think he did because you're illiterate between the lines.

They were mostly peaceful. The woman shot was unarmed. That cop should be arrested.
Should, but wont.

But if a drunk black woman in Detroit pounds on your door at 3 am and you tell her to leave but she refuses, and you shoot and kill her thru the door, YOU GET 50 YEARS IN PRISON FOR MURDER

Yeah, shooting a drunk black woman is murder.

I don't know yet what the circumstances were for the shooting of the woman at the capital but I guess she wasn't listening to police and was in the act of breaking the law and from what you guys seem to say that means she's a lawful target. For me, I'll wait to see more details before passing judgement.

Funny how suddenly being unarmed or a woman or not a threat or that the man was bigger, or blah, blah, blah,

suddenly doesn't mean shit to you lefties.

Suddenly someone committing a crime shouldn't be shot according to you numbnuts.

I'm willing to see the evidence, you've made up your mind.
When did any right winger say people should be shot for committing misdemeanors?

Anybody who wants to shoot people for crossing the border for starters.

I'm also not so sure committing insurrection is a misdemeanor either.
Only morons believe they committed insurrection, and I have never advocated shooting people for crossing the border illegally.

Wingnuts have and it was insurrection. There purpose was to hold up our elections and they brought handcuffs and nooses because that's fun.

Sorry idiot. Learn a definition. Not insurrection. Just because your media pukes use a word they don’t know, you start spouting it too. Peaceful protest. By your sides definition, now shut up.

a violent uprising against an authority or government.

Meets the definition.

That's old speak. By newspeak rules, it was a mostly peaceful protest.

Your side made these rules and made them stick. Why are you now getting all dodgy?

I'm not interested and I don't think anyone else is either of prosecuting anyone who remained outside to protest. It's those that invaded the capital, destroyed property, brought weapons and rioted inside the capital. They are picking them off now and I look forward to more being arrested, prosecuted and thrown in jail where they belong.

Why are you supporting the police living in teh past? Times have changed. Riots and political violence are acceptable now. That was demonstrated again and again, over the last 4 years with the "resistance" and the soft coup, and the open insurrection and the constant rioting, and ect.
Trump is a demon who thrives on chaos, deceit and lies. Break yourself free from that evil cult.

A "demon"? Who's most controversial policy was sending foreign nationals home, in accordance with the law.

Your hysteria was in support of the justifications for the violence over the last 4 years, that has normalized political violence and disrespecting elections.

This is on you.
Wrong, the George Floyd riots were not “political violence”. Political violence is attacking the Capitol Building in an attempt at a coup against the newly elected government of the United States of America.
Link coming

They need to kept the seditionist-in-chief under wraps.

His main means of communication needs to be taken away.

They should have done this years ago and for longer than 12 hours.
It's just weird watching someone celebrate censorship

Maybe he shouldn't incite a mob riot on the Capital. I know, you don't think he did because you're illiterate between the lines.

They were mostly peaceful. The woman shot was unarmed. That cop should be arrested.
Should, but wont.

But if a drunk black woman in Detroit pounds on your door at 3 am and you tell her to leave but she refuses, and you shoot and kill her thru the door, YOU GET 50 YEARS IN PRISON FOR MURDER

Yeah, shooting a drunk black woman is murder.

I don't know yet what the circumstances were for the shooting of the woman at the capital but I guess she wasn't listening to police and was in the act of breaking the law and from what you guys seem to say that means she's a lawful target. For me, I'll wait to see more details before passing judgement.

Funny how suddenly being unarmed or a woman or not a threat or that the man was bigger, or blah, blah, blah,

suddenly doesn't mean shit to you lefties.

Suddenly someone committing a crime shouldn't be shot according to you numbnuts.

I'm willing to see the evidence, you've made up your mind.
When did any right winger say people should be shot for committing misdemeanors?

Anybody who wants to shoot people for crossing the border for starters.

I'm also not so sure committing insurrection is a misdemeanor either.
Only morons believe they committed insurrection, and I have never advocated shooting people for crossing the border illegally.

Wingnuts have and it was insurrection. There purpose was to hold up our elections and they brought handcuffs and nooses because that's fun.

Sorry idiot. Learn a definition. Not insurrection. Just because your media pukes use a word they don’t know, you start spouting it too. Peaceful protest. By your sides definition, now shut up.

a violent uprising against an authority or government.

Meets the definition.

That's old speak. By newspeak rules, it was a mostly peaceful protest.

Your side made these rules and made them stick. Why are you now getting all dodgy?

I'm not interesting and I don't think anyone else is either of prosecuting anyone who remained outside to protest. It's those that invaded the capital, destroyed property, brought weapons and rioted inside the capital. They are picking them off now and I look forward to more being arrested, prosecuted and thrown in jail where they belong.
Destroyed property? They broke one window. Who are you trying to kid?

Your ilk defended rioters in SEattle and Portland who burned down the entire downtown, looted all the stores, asaulted people and even committed murder. You're scumbags who have to right to comment on this. None.

They broke multiple windows, doors, trashed offices, stole government property, cracked a cops head with a fire extinguisher and killed him, injured multiple others, brought handcuffs and nooses and obstructed the business of Congress in the process of peacefully transferring power.

Basically they tried to overturn an election and lost and Trump saving his own skin called them and their actions heinous and not representing America.
Sorry turd, but no cops were killed. The protesters may have broken a few doors. "trashed offices" means they left some empty water bottles laying around. The cops are the only ones who injured anyone. They killed 4 people. They killed an unarmed white woman.

Only a douchebag would defend the behavior of the D.C. cops. Watching you hypocrites screech about this would be positively comical if it wasn't so tragic and scary.

No cops were killed?

First it was a single door, now it's "a few". What the insurrections did is destroy the barriers protecting Congress from a rabid cult. They rifled through offices, throwing folders and papers everywhere. The cops only killed 1, the others died of medical issues, probably overweight slobs like you.

And Trump basically called them un-American and their actions heinous after the fact. What do you think about Trump throwing them under the bus?

That you cannot be honest about your political enemies, shows that on some level, you know you are on the side of the bad guys.
Of course he does. All these douchebags know that the Democrats swindled this election. They are accomplices to the crime.
Stop with the election fraud lie. Break free of the Trumpist cult! Make an appointment with a deprogrammer.

Yes. That is the way forward to healing and peace. Keep ridiculing those that disagree with you. Never admit that they could have validity to their concerns.

Or hell, even that they have the right to have concerns.

Keep it up.

Hey, remember when you lefties laughed at me when I predicted blowback for you and yours?
They don't give a damn about healing and peace now that they can swindle every election.
Link coming

They need to kept the seditionist-in-chief under wraps.

His main means of communication needs to be taken away.

They should have done this years ago and for longer than 12 hours.
It's just weird watching someone celebrate censorship

Maybe he shouldn't incite a mob riot on the Capital. I know, you don't think he did because you're illiterate between the lines.

They were mostly peaceful. The woman shot was unarmed. That cop should be arrested.
Should, but wont.

But if a drunk black woman in Detroit pounds on your door at 3 am and you tell her to leave but she refuses, and you shoot and kill her thru the door, YOU GET 50 YEARS IN PRISON FOR MURDER

Yeah, shooting a drunk black woman is murder.

I don't know yet what the circumstances were for the shooting of the woman at the capital but I guess she wasn't listening to police and was in the act of breaking the law and from what you guys seem to say that means she's a lawful target. For me, I'll wait to see more details before passing judgement.

Funny how suddenly being unarmed or a woman or not a threat or that the man was bigger, or blah, blah, blah,

suddenly doesn't mean shit to you lefties.

Suddenly someone committing a crime shouldn't be shot according to you numbnuts.

I'm willing to see the evidence, you've made up your mind.
When did any right winger say people should be shot for committing misdemeanors?

Anybody who wants to shoot people for crossing the border for starters.

I'm also not so sure committing insurrection is a misdemeanor either.
Only morons believe they committed insurrection, and I have never advocated shooting people for crossing the border illegally.

Wingnuts have and it was insurrection. There purpose was to hold up our elections and they brought handcuffs and nooses because that's fun.

Sorry idiot. Learn a definition. Not insurrection. Just because your media pukes use a word they don’t know, you start spouting it too. Peaceful protest. By your sides definition, now shut up.

a violent uprising against an authority or government.

Meets the definition.

That's old speak. By newspeak rules, it was a mostly peaceful protest.

Your side made these rules and made them stick. Why are you now getting all dodgy?

I'm not interesting and I don't think anyone else is either of prosecuting anyone who remained outside to protest. It's those that invaded the capital, destroyed property, brought weapons and rioted inside the capital. They are picking them off now and I look forward to more being arrested, prosecuted and thrown in jail where they belong.

Yep. Supposedly, that's what Trump wants as well.

Sure he does. I think Trump wants whatever is best for Trump, he doesn't really care one way or the other for the insurrectionists, they were nothing more than a last attempt gambit, tools to help him steal the election and when they became inconvenient he dropped them.
I find these diatrabs about Trump so boring and worthless. Your theories about Trump are utterly baseless

Yeah, they're tied to his his own words, so probably baseless. If you're bored (or don't have a proper reply) then feel free to stop engaging, idiot. Nobody is forcing you to read my posts.
What words did Trump use that incited anyone to riot?

He called those in the capital evil, told an enraged crowd to go to the capital and fight. Kind of like how a mob boss directs his traffic.
So far in this thread all you've done is lie.

Trump didn't call those who don't support his idiot claims of election fraud evil?

“But we can’t play into the hands of these people,” Trump said. “We have to have peace. So go home. We love you. You’re very special. You’ve seen what happens, you see the way others are treated that are so bad and so evil. I know how you feel. But go home and go home in peace.”

Believe it or not that's not how you get a crowd of idiots to go home.

Try insulting them some more. That is the way to get them to go home. That is how to have healing.

What you posted there, doesn't make sense.

lol!!! Your denial is strong.
Are you saying I'm insulting the rioters and they won't go home from the 6th because I said something?

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