Twitter locks out Trump

Twitter proving yet again they are fascists who mean to enslave the american people and spread their propaganda.
Nothing is more fascist than forcing a private corporation to promote and propagate the violent rhetoric of the government leadership under threat of government enforced sanction.
You should shut up while you’re only 6 feet deep. How dare these tech companies have to obey the law since by censoring and trying to determine what THEY claim is “truth” they are not is confirmed tent providers with no legal protection from being sued. Your communist wish for censorship won’t fly here comrade.
I guess we could say those four wouldn't have died if they hadn't committed a crime, right?
View attachment 439491
I'm sure the breaking down of doors, windows, breaking into congressional offices, chasing the police, stealing government property, hitting a police officer on the head with a fire extinguisher and obstructing the business of Congress were not invited.

The next step will be to find out why some of the Capital police removed barricades and took selfies with the rioters. Looks to me like some of them will be soon out of a job and possibly also going to prison.
One window was broken. No one has said how many doors. I'll bet only the one in the video that shows Ashli being gunned down in cold blood. How ar you "breaking in" if the door is unlocked? Who says they were "chasing the police?" What government property was stolen? You don't know anyone hit a police officer on the head with a fire extinguisher.

The bottom line: your claims are 95% bullshit.

One window? Offices were broken into the doors to the house and senate chambers were broken into? Cops were over run. What are you talking about? Furniture was piled up against the doors to keep these people out and they pummeled the doors in.

I saw a couple of doors broken into. That's it.

You didn't see the cops being over run or barricading the House chamber? Or even in other videos chasing the police up the stairs or fighting with the police?

View attachment 439507View attachment 439509View attachment 439510

Do you think the protesters were allowed to be in this room too?
View attachment 439512

You are the dumbest idiot on this board and that's quite a prize.


That's a lot of nothing. Want to see a riot?



I have a solution: Defund the capitol police!

I don't approve of either. You unfortunately can't say the same.

Also, one of them demonstrated to the world what a weak democracy we have become under Trump while the other didn't.

No one noticed your disapproval of the riots in Portland-Seattle, douchebag.

Who are you trying to kid?
I guess we could say those four wouldn't have died if they hadn't committed a crime, right?
View attachment 439491
I'm sure the breaking down of doors, windows, breaking into congressional offices, chasing the police, stealing government property, hitting a police officer on the head with a fire extinguisher and obstructing the business of Congress were not invited.

The next step will be to find out why some of the Capital police removed barricades and took selfies with the rioters. Looks to me like some of them will be soon out of a job and possibly also going to prison.
One window was broken. No one has said how many doors. I'll bet only the one in the video that shows Ashli being gunned down in cold blood. How ar you "breaking in" if the door is unlocked? Who says they were "chasing the police?" What government property was stolen? You don't know anyone hit a police officer on the head with a fire extinguisher.

The bottom line: your claims are 95% bullshit.

One window? Offices were broken into the doors to the house and senate chambers were broken into? Cops were over run. What are you talking about? Furniture was piled up against the doors to keep these people out and they pummeled the doors in.

I saw a couple of doors broken into. That's it.

You didn't see the cops being over run or barricading the House chamber? Or even in other videos chasing the police up the stairs or fighting with the police?

View attachment 439507View attachment 439509View attachment 439510

Do you think the protesters were allowed to be in this room too?
View attachment 439512

You are the dumbest idiot on this board and that's quite a prize.


That's a lot of nothing. Want to see a riot?



I have a solution: Defund the capitol police!

I don't approve of either. You unfortunately can't say the same.

Also, one of them demonstrated to the world what a weak democracy we have become under Trump while the other didn't.

No one noticed your disapproval of the riots in Portland-Seattle, douchebag.

Who are you trying to kid?

Nobody did until it started hurting Democrats at the polls
Twitter proving yet again they are fascists who mean to enslave the american people and spread their propaganda.
Nothing is more fascist than forcing a private corporation to promote and propagate the violent rhetoric of the government leadership under threat of government enforced sanction.

Wow, that was on twisted circumlocution.

You mean it's not fascist to censor half the population?

Only fascists are swallowing this horseshit.
It sure as hell isn't. Do you believe defense contractors are able to ignore all the government's rules about discrimination?
I believe defense contractors sign contracts that bind them to government rules.

Show me the contract Twitter signed with the government.
Section 230, moron. Did the baker sign a contract where he agreed to bake wedding cakes for homosexuals?
Link coming

They need to kept the seditionist-in-chief under wraps.

His main means of communication needs to be taken away.

They should have done this years ago and for longer than 12 hours.
It's just weird watching someone celebrate censorship

Maybe he shouldn't incite a mob riot on the Capital. I know, you don't think he did because you're illiterate between the lines.

They were mostly peaceful. The woman shot was unarmed. That cop should be arrested.
Should, but wont.

But if a drunk black woman in Detroit pounds on your door at 3 am and you tell her to leave but she refuses, and you shoot and kill her thru the door, YOU GET 50 YEARS IN PRISON FOR MURDER

Yeah, shooting a drunk black woman is murder.

I don't know yet what the circumstances were for the shooting of the woman at the capital but I guess she wasn't listening to police and was in the act of breaking the law and from what you guys seem to say that means she's a lawful target. For me, I'll wait to see more details before passing judgement.

Funny how suddenly being unarmed or a woman or not a threat or that the man was bigger, or blah, blah, blah,

suddenly doesn't mean shit to you lefties.

Suddenly someone committing a crime shouldn't be shot according to you numbnuts.

I'm willing to see the evidence, you've made up your mind.
When did any right winger say people should be shot for committing misdemeanors?

Anybody who wants to shoot people for crossing the border for starters.

I'm also not so sure committing insurrection is a misdemeanor either.
Only morons believe they committed insurrection, and I have never advocated shooting people for crossing the border illegally.

Wingnuts have and it was insurrection. There purpose was to hold up our elections and they brought handcuffs and nooses because that's fun.

Sorry idiot. Learn a definition. Not insurrection. Just because your media pukes use a word they don’t know, you start spouting it too. Peaceful protest. By your sides definition, now shut up.

a violent uprising against an authority or government.

Meets the definition.

That's old speak. By newspeak rules, it was a mostly peaceful protest.

Your side made these rules and made them stick. Why are you now getting all dodgy?

I'm not interested and I don't think anyone else is either of prosecuting anyone who remained outside to protest. It's those that invaded the capital, destroyed property, brought weapons and rioted inside the capital. They are picking them off now and I look forward to more being arrested, prosecuted and thrown in jail where they belong.
Since your side encouraged riots, looting, and murder by your BLM and Antifa pals, you get to shut up. People like you and your ilk belong in jail for treason. So quick you are to try to change YOUR rules which marked this a peaceful protest. How communist of you.

Actually, I don't get to shut up. I also don't belong in jail and you don't even know the definition of treason or what a communist is.

Those who broke into the capital need to go to jail. Those who loot and steal as well. My position is consistent.
I guess we could say those four wouldn't have died if they hadn't committed a crime, right?
View attachment 439491
I'm sure the breaking down of doors, windows, breaking into congressional offices, chasing the police, stealing government property, hitting a police officer on the head with a fire extinguisher and obstructing the business of Congress were not invited.

The next step will be to find out why some of the Capital police removed barricades and took selfies with the rioters. Looks to me like some of them will be soon out of a job and possibly also going to prison.
One window was broken. No one has said how many doors. I'll bet only the one in the video that shows Ashli being gunned down in cold blood. How ar you "breaking in" if the door is unlocked? Who says they were "chasing the police?" What government property was stolen? You don't know anyone hit a police officer on the head with a fire extinguisher.

The bottom line: your claims are 95% bullshit.

One window? Offices were broken into the doors to the house and senate chambers were broken into? Cops were over run. What are you talking about? Furniture was piled up against the doors to keep these people out and they pummeled the doors in.

I saw a couple of doors broken into. That's it.

You didn't see the cops being over run or barricading the House chamber? Or even in other videos chasing the police up the stairs or fighting with the police?

View attachment 439507View attachment 439509View attachment 439510

Do you think the protesters were allowed to be in this room too?
View attachment 439512

You are the dumbest idiot on this board and that's quite a prize.


That's a lot of nothing. Want to see a riot?



I have a solution: Defund the capitol police!

I don't approve of either. You unfortunately can't say the same.

Also, one of them demonstrated to the world what a weak democracy we have become under Trump while the other didn't.

No one noticed your disapproval of the riots in Portland-Seattle, douchebag.

Who are you trying to kid?

That's not really my problem. What I am noticing is your approval of this riot and what's different about this one is it's also seditious.
Just heard it on NBC news!

Will provide link when I can get one or someone please add one!
Trump has only himself to blame.
You guys do not learn anything. It is just the same Progressive Socialist agendas. If Trump chooses to, if he is not the president, He can be ours and Biden can be yours. We can set up massive tariffs for all the products we have and make and all the products you do not. in the cities.
Trump has only himself to blame.
You should shut up while you’re only 6 feet deep. How dare these tech companies have to obey the law since by censoring and trying to determine what THEY claim is “truth” they are not is confirmed tent providers with no legal protection from being sued. Your communist wish for censorship won’t fly here comrade.
There is no law requiring these tech companies to do your bidding.
Section 230, moron. Did the baker sign a contract where he agreed to bake wedding cakes for homosexuals?
They agreed to follow public accomodation laws when they opened a public accomodation.

Section 230 doesn't require anyone to follow any kind of nondiscrimination policy. In fact, it was specifically written to enable them to discriminate speech.
Link coming

They need to kept the seditionist-in-chief under wraps.

His main means of communication needs to be taken away.

They should have done this years ago and for longer than 12 hours.
It's just weird watching someone celebrate censorship

This is who they are. They hate free speech and this country. Their goal is ultimately to oppress.

The doctrine of free speech doesn't apply to private media.

More rightwing ignorance and stupidity.
Twitter should be disbanded. It's a Stalinist propaganda organ.

Notice how the main pipeline of communication for 99.9% of all stuff (FB and Tw) has been made a channel owned and controlled by radical leftwing zealots who now censure and cut off only the Right for all to speak their minds, views, information and opinions if they fail to tow the Marxist party line of the democrats! Including even the president of the USA.

Just like Communist China.

You now either AGREE with the fascists or you don't have any voice at all. All news contradicting the official story has been cut off labelled as hate speech, and no one is talking to any of the people there asking them what really happened or WHY, no one is even giving Trump a voice to speak his side in his own defense, and every news story is spinning this as if it were some kind of spontaneous mad coup that sprung out of hate and vile thuggery and no one is reminding us that this was really a protest AGAINST a crime that has already been committed SEEKING JUSTICE fighting for democracy, and instead is now being swept under the rug just as Hillary's felonies, Benghazi, Biden's illegal ties to China and so many other things by the Democrats have been. The FBI is now even raiding republicans homes and offices as if they were criminal conspirators against the state.

Just like Communist China.

Democrats and media have already gotten the lynch mob out and are stringing the tree, prepared to vanquish the evil perps who dared call for a free and fair election. They can't prosecute this fast enough before the real truth comes out. What message has Nancy sent out to the countless businesses in Portland that when it comes to YOUR lives and property, you can be damned, they let CHAD and CHAZ go on there for MONTHS with her APPROVAL and no redress, but don't you dare come to HER doorstep and piss in HER cornflakes!

Just like Communist China.

Even when it is a protest seeking redress for high crimes committed by HER party! Washington isn't YOUR capitol, it is HERS, and outsiders are not welcome, not you, not even the president.

Just like Communist China.

And that lousy stinking bum McConnell is to blame for this all: thanks to the weakness and ineptitude of the feckless GOP Old Guard, there is no longer a two party system, there is now only servitude to the DNC and anyone who ever again rises up to oppose their big government socialism and globalism will be labeled a "Trumpist," and be immediately blackballed from support, if not society itself.

Just like Communist China.

The patriot protesters at Congress yesterday are America's new Tienanmen Square about to be run over by the big shiny tank of Biden's DNC and their media lapdogs. They made one critical mistake: unlike the maddogs of the 2020 rioting Left, they went home after one day, and didn't bring bottles, bats, bricks, guns and Molotov cocktails. You see, Nancy and Joe can permit YOUR city, businesses, streets and homes to be monopolized, infiltrated and ruined for weeks, months on end, but not HERS, not even for a few hours. So they have to vilify the protest right away and cover up what those people were really there for.

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You never considered the cost of all that division and hate you were pushing over the last 60 years?

Well, I'm only 56, so you're full of shit right out of the gate. And I don't recall pushing any division or hatred. Examples?

The constant race baiting is the big one. A whole segment of society is not allowed to even discuss their interests, because even saying the name of their group, gets one dog piled.

Well, I don't recall doing that. Do you have quotes or links to posts where I'm doing that? I think you're just making shit up.

That is one example of the division lefties like you have been planting in our society since at least teh 60s.

Ahhh... there's your mistake. I'm not a lefty. Try again.

YOu asked a question. I answered. The answer stands. IF you are not a lefty, you still have seen the actions of lefties.

So, you happy now? Your question is answered.

This is about Traditional Americans, Trump is just our current spokesman.

You answered nothing. You made a false claim. I called you on it. You said "You never considered the cost of all that division and hate you were pushing over the last 60 years?"

I haven't been pushing division and hate. I'm not a race-baiter and I'm not a liberal or a lefty. Your assumption was in correct.

Noted. You claim to not be a lefty. My answer still stands, even if it is not directly ABOUT you.

This is about Traditional Americans, Trump is just our current spokesman.

So, you happy with the answer? Do you have a comment on it?

So, you're just using my post to rail about "lefties". Ok.

Getting back to the topic, Twitter should have banned Trump long ago. He's a demagogue and thrives on division and hatred. He sows dissent and spreads paranoia.
You claim to be a libertarian, and you say twitter should ban Trump?

You realize what a douchebag hypocrite you are, don't you?

No. But it's clear you don't have the slightest clue about individual rights. Twitter has every right to ban Trump from their website. The fact that you don't get that - that you have the same, fucked-up, inverted conception of rights that progressives do, is telling. Freedom of speech means government can't pass laws to silence you. It doesn't mean anyone has to listen, or put your horseshit on their website.
No, it doesn't have that right. It's a government protected monopoly. If it wants to be free to censor, then it needs to give up it's government protection from lawsuits.

LOL - fucking hypocrite. You really an uber-authoritarian. Is it the 'strongman' thing that gets you hard? Or do you just love state run media??
Says the fucking Commie who defends cnesorship this swindle election.

Says the sore loser who can't admit he loves bullies.
You're the bully, asshole. You defend censorship and shooting people for committing misdemeanors.

Nope. Wrong again. I defend the right of any business to refuse service to anyone, for any reason. As far as shooting people for misdemeanors, you're just making shit up. 'Cause making shit up is all you got.
What you don't defend is the First Amendment, and you endorse government protected monopolies the right to censor.
You should actually read the First Amendment. It starts with "Congress shall make no law ..." It's a limitation on government power. It prevents Congress from passing laws that limit speech. It's not a mandate on businesses to cater to every moron who thinks he has something to say. Libertarians understand this. You, do not.

What felony did the woman the capitol police shot commit?
Beats me. I never said she should have been shot. Again, you're just making shit up. I guess because you're cornered and have nothing else to defend your insane position.
I'm done arguing about this shit. If you support Twitter and Google encoring people, then you oppose the First Amendment.
Then you, truly, do not understand the First Amendment.
Sure I do. I also understand that you're a lying douchebag. You are not a libertarian.

Fucking read a book. Whatever it is you think "libertarian" means, is way, way off the mark.
I've been a libertarian for 40 years, and I've read hundreds of books on the subject.

So what changed your mind?
Do you really believe anyone is swallowing your shit?

You are no libertarian.
I'm surprised you still remember how to spell it.
What could be more surprising than a Stalinist like you claiming to be a libertarian?
You, actually standing up for liberty. That would be very surprising.

Dude, you are not convincing.

My experience has shown that Trumpsters aren't "convincible". They have their own reality, and will cling to it desperately.

I don't believe you. Indeed, the way you have to use a dismissive made up name to describe a political support of someone you don't like?

Does not support your pretense of being.... not a member of the lefty herd.
Twitter has permanently banned the seditionist in chief.

Link coming

They need to kept the seditionist-in-chief under wraps.

His main means of communication needs to be taken away.

They should have done this years ago and for longer than 12 hours.
It's just weird watching someone celebrate censorship

Maybe he shouldn't incite a mob riot on the Capital. I know, you don't think he did because you're illiterate between the lines.

They were mostly peaceful. The woman shot was unarmed. That cop should be arrested.
Should, but wont.

But if a drunk black woman in Detroit pounds on your door at 3 am and you tell her to leave but she refuses, and you shoot and kill her thru the door, YOU GET 50 YEARS IN PRISON FOR MURDER

Yeah, shooting a drunk black woman is murder.

I don't know yet what the circumstances were for the shooting of the woman at the capital but I guess she wasn't listening to police and was in the act of breaking the law and from what you guys seem to say that means she's a lawful target. For me, I'll wait to see more details before passing judgement.

Funny how suddenly being unarmed or a woman or not a threat or that the man was bigger, or blah, blah, blah,

suddenly doesn't mean shit to you lefties.

Suddenly someone committing a crime shouldn't be shot according to you numbnuts.

I'm willing to see the evidence, you've made up your mind.
When did any right winger say people should be shot for committing misdemeanors?

Anybody who wants to shoot people for crossing the border for starters.

I'm also not so sure committing insurrection is a misdemeanor either.
Only morons believe they committed insurrection, and I have never advocated shooting people for crossing the border illegally.

Wingnuts have and it was insurrection. There purpose was to hold up our elections and they brought handcuffs and nooses because that's fun.

Sorry idiot. Learn a definition. Not insurrection. Just because your media pukes use a word they don’t know, you start spouting it too. Peaceful protest. By your sides definition, now shut up.

a violent uprising against an authority or government.

Meets the definition.

That's old speak. By newspeak rules, it was a mostly peaceful protest.

Your side made these rules and made them stick. Why are you now getting all dodgy?

I'm not interested and I don't think anyone else is either of prosecuting anyone who remained outside to protest. It's those that invaded the capital, destroyed property, brought weapons and rioted inside the capital. They are picking them off now and I look forward to more being arrested, prosecuted and thrown in jail where they belong.

Why are you supporting the police living in teh past? Times have changed. Riots and political violence are acceptable now. That was demonstrated again and again, over the last 4 years with the "resistance" and the soft coup, and the open insurrection and the constant rioting, and ect.
Link coming

They need to kept the seditionist-in-chief under wraps.

His main means of communication needs to be taken away.

They should have done this years ago and for longer than 12 hours.
It's just weird watching someone celebrate censorship

Maybe he shouldn't incite a mob riot on the Capital. I know, you don't think he did because you're illiterate between the lines.

They were mostly peaceful. The woman shot was unarmed. That cop should be arrested.
Should, but wont.

But if a drunk black woman in Detroit pounds on your door at 3 am and you tell her to leave but she refuses, and you shoot and kill her thru the door, YOU GET 50 YEARS IN PRISON FOR MURDER

Yeah, shooting a drunk black woman is murder.

I don't know yet what the circumstances were for the shooting of the woman at the capital but I guess she wasn't listening to police and was in the act of breaking the law and from what you guys seem to say that means she's a lawful target. For me, I'll wait to see more details before passing judgement.

Funny how suddenly being unarmed or a woman or not a threat or that the man was bigger, or blah, blah, blah,

suddenly doesn't mean shit to you lefties.

Suddenly someone committing a crime shouldn't be shot according to you numbnuts.

I'm willing to see the evidence, you've made up your mind.
When did any right winger say people should be shot for committing misdemeanors?

Anybody who wants to shoot people for crossing the border for starters.

I'm also not so sure committing insurrection is a misdemeanor either.
Only morons believe they committed insurrection, and I have never advocated shooting people for crossing the border illegally.

Wingnuts have and it was insurrection. There purpose was to hold up our elections and they brought handcuffs and nooses because that's fun.

Sorry idiot. Learn a definition. Not insurrection. Just because your media pukes use a word they don’t know, you start spouting it too. Peaceful protest. By your sides definition, now shut up.

a violent uprising against an authority or government.

Meets the definition.

That's old speak. By newspeak rules, it was a mostly peaceful protest.

Your side made these rules and made them stick. Why are you now getting all dodgy?

I'm not interested and I don't think anyone else is either of prosecuting anyone who remained outside to protest. It's those that invaded the capital, destroyed property, brought weapons and rioted inside the capital. They are picking them off now and I look forward to more being arrested, prosecuted and thrown in jail where they belong.

Why are you supporting the police living in teh past? Times have changed. Riots and political violence are acceptable now. That was demonstrated again and again, over the last 4 years with the "resistance" and the soft coup, and the open insurrection and the constant rioting, and ect.

Whatever floats your boat.
Link coming

They need to kept the seditionist-in-chief under wraps.

His main means of communication needs to be taken away.

They should have done this years ago and for longer than 12 hours.
It's just weird watching someone celebrate censorship

Maybe he shouldn't incite a mob riot on the Capital. I know, you don't think he did because you're illiterate between the lines.

They were mostly peaceful. The woman shot was unarmed. That cop should be arrested.
Should, but wont.

But if a drunk black woman in Detroit pounds on your door at 3 am and you tell her to leave but she refuses, and you shoot and kill her thru the door, YOU GET 50 YEARS IN PRISON FOR MURDER

Yeah, shooting a drunk black woman is murder.

I don't know yet what the circumstances were for the shooting of the woman at the capital but I guess she wasn't listening to police and was in the act of breaking the law and from what you guys seem to say that means she's a lawful target. For me, I'll wait to see more details before passing judgement.

Funny how suddenly being unarmed or a woman or not a threat or that the man was bigger, or blah, blah, blah,

suddenly doesn't mean shit to you lefties.

Suddenly someone committing a crime shouldn't be shot according to you numbnuts.

I'm willing to see the evidence, you've made up your mind.
When did any right winger say people should be shot for committing misdemeanors?

Anybody who wants to shoot people for crossing the border for starters.

I'm also not so sure committing insurrection is a misdemeanor either.
Only morons believe they committed insurrection, and I have never advocated shooting people for crossing the border illegally.

Wingnuts have and it was insurrection. There purpose was to hold up our elections and they brought handcuffs and nooses because that's fun.

Sorry idiot. Learn a definition. Not insurrection. Just because your media pukes use a word they don’t know, you start spouting it too. Peaceful protest. By your sides definition, now shut up.

a violent uprising against an authority or government.

Meets the definition.

That's old speak. By newspeak rules, it was a mostly peaceful protest.

Your side made these rules and made them stick. Why are you now getting all dodgy?

I'm not interested and I don't think anyone else is either of prosecuting anyone who remained outside to protest. It's those that invaded the capital, destroyed property, brought weapons and rioted inside the capital. They are picking them off now and I look forward to more being arrested, prosecuted and thrown in jail where they belong.

Why are you supporting the police living in teh past? Times have changed. Riots and political violence are acceptable now. That was demonstrated again and again, over the last 4 years with the "resistance" and the soft coup, and the open insurrection and the constant rioting, and ect.
Trump is a demon who thrives on chaos, deceit and lies. Break yourself free from that evil cult.
Twitter has permanently banned the seditionist in chief.

Stalin would approve.

It's hilarious watching you morons accuse patritoic Americans of sedition. You don't even know what the term means.
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Why are you supporting the police living in teh past? Times have changed. Riots and political violence are acceptable now. That was demonstrated again and again, over the last 4 years with the "resistance" and the soft coup, and the open insurrection and the constant rioting, and ect.
Trump is a deceiver who thrives on chaos, deceit and lies. Break yourself free from this evil cult.
Yada, yada, yada.

Do you have a menu where you can choose from a list of insults you level at the right?

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