Twitter locks out Trump

Link coming

They need to kept the seditionist-in-chief under wraps.

His main means of communication needs to be taken away.

They should have done this years ago and for longer than 12 hours.
It's just weird watching someone celebrate censorship

Maybe he shouldn't incite a mob riot on the Capital. I know, you don't think he did because you're illiterate between the lines.

They were mostly peaceful. The woman shot was unarmed. That cop should be arrested.
Should, but wont.

But if a drunk black woman in Detroit pounds on your door at 3 am and you tell her to leave but she refuses, and you shoot and kill her thru the door, YOU GET 50 YEARS IN PRISON FOR MURDER

Yeah, shooting a drunk black woman is murder.

I don't know yet what the circumstances were for the shooting of the woman at the capital but I guess she wasn't listening to police and was in the act of breaking the law and from what you guys seem to say that means she's a lawful target. For me, I'll wait to see more details before passing judgement.

Funny how suddenly being unarmed or a woman or not a threat or that the man was bigger, or blah, blah, blah,

suddenly doesn't mean shit to you lefties.

Suddenly someone committing a crime shouldn't be shot according to you numbnuts.

I'm willing to see the evidence, you've made up your mind.
When did any right winger say people should be shot for committing misdemeanors?

Anybody who wants to shoot people for crossing the border for starters.

I'm also not so sure committing insurrection is a misdemeanor either.
Only morons believe they committed insurrection, and I have never advocated shooting people for crossing the border illegally.

Wingnuts have and it was insurrection. There purpose was to hold up our elections and they brought handcuffs and nooses because that's fun.

Sorry idiot. Learn a definition. Not insurrection. Just because your media pukes use a word they don’t know, you start spouting it too. Peaceful protest. By your sides definition, now shut up.

a violent uprising against an authority or government.

Meets the definition.

That's old speak. By newspeak rules, it was a mostly peaceful protest.

Your side made these rules and made them stick. Why are you now getting all dodgy?

I'm not interesting and I don't think anyone else is either of prosecuting anyone who remained outside to protest. It's those that invaded the capital, destroyed property, brought weapons and rioted inside the capital. They are picking them off now and I look forward to more being arrested, prosecuted and thrown in jail where they belong.

Yep. Supposedly, that's what Trump wants as well.

Sure he does. I think Trump wants whatever is best for Trump, he doesn't really care one way or the other for the insurrectionists, they were nothing more than a last attempt gambit, tools to help him steal the election and when they became inconvenient he dropped them.
I find these diatrabs about Trump so boring and worthless. Your theories about Trump are utterly baseless

Yeah, they're tied to his his own words, so probably baseless. If you're bored (or don't have a proper reply) then feel free to stop engaging, idiot. Nobody is forcing you to read my posts.
What words did Trump use that incited anyone to riot?

He called those in the capital evil, told an enraged crowd to go to the capital and fight. Kind of like how a mob boss directs his traffic.
So far in this thread all you've done is lie.

Trump didn't call those who don't support his idiot claims of election fraud evil?

“But we can’t play into the hands of these people,” Trump said. “We have to have peace. So go home. We love you. You’re very special. You’ve seen what happens, you see the way others are treated that are so bad and so evil. I know how you feel. But go home and go home in peace.”

Believe it or not that's not how you get a crowd of idiots to go home.
Who cares? Let those buildings vaporize.
I hope the politicians never go back to work.
I guess we could say those four wouldn't have died if they hadn't committed a crime, right?
View attachment 439491
I'm sure the breaking down of doors, windows, breaking into congressional offices, chasing the police, stealing government property, hitting a police officer on the head with a fire extinguisher and obstructing the business of Congress were not invited.

The next step will be to find out why some of the Capital police removed barricades and took selfies with the rioters. Looks to me like some of them will be soon out of a job and possibly also going to prison.
One window was broken. No one has said how many doors. I'll bet only the one in the video that shows Ashli being gunned down in cold blood. How ar you "breaking in" if the door is unlocked? Who says they were "chasing the police?" What government property was stolen? You don't know anyone hit a police officer on the head with a fire extinguisher.

The bottom line: your claims are 95% bullshit.

One window? Offices were broken into the doors to the house and senate chambers were broken into? Cops were over run. What are you talking about? Furniture was piled up against the doors to keep these people out and they pummeled the doors in.

I saw a couple of doors broken into. That's it.

You didn't see the cops being over run or barricading the House chamber? Or even in other videos chasing the police up the stairs or fighting with the police?


Do you think the protesters were allowed to be in this room too?

You are the dumbest idiot on this board and that's quite a prize.
Link coming

They need to kept the seditionist-in-chief under wraps.

His main means of communication needs to be taken away.

They should have done this years ago and for longer than 12 hours.
It's just weird watching someone celebrate censorship
I guess you missed the seige of the Capitol building today. No one likes censorship but someone died today because of Trump and who knows how much in property damage was done to our Capitol building because of Trump’s incitement to riot.
First of all, jackass, the First Amendment does not apply to private property, and Twitter is private property. The word censorship is a red herring. Second, what Trump said does not constitute incitement to riot. He did not encourage any violence. It is moronic to blame Donald Trump because someone shot someone at the demonstration. That would never fly in court. John Law is a silly name for someone who does not know jackshit about law.
Twitter is a government protected monopoly. As such, it's required to observe all the rules that the government is required to observe.

How is twitter a monopoly? And no, twitter is allowed to ban people from it's platform that it feels does not follow it's TOS. Trump agreed to that when he signed on.
ROFL! That doesn't mean Trump gave government approvat to Twitter's monopoly, moron. that doesn't mean Twitter is legally allowed to censor opinions it doesn't agree with.

According to the DOJ, simply having a certain percentage of a market makes a company guilty of violating the Sherman anti trust act. That's why they prosecuted Alcoa Aluminum. That's also why they prosecuted Standard Oil.

Twitter is a government protected monopoly. If it recieves government protection from lawsuits, then it's obligated to follow all the rules that government has to follow. That's the way it works for government contractors, moron.

You're just a clueless moron who will say anything to preserve your propaganda organ.
The First Amendment does not apply to private property. Twitter can include or exclude anything it wants, just as a newspaper editor can.
Sorry, turd. But when private companies are granted special privileges or contracts, they are required to follow the same rules as government. Just as any government contractor. If twitter wants to play favorites, then it can have it's 230 protection revoked.

You assholes who defend twitter always ignore that.

Sorry, there is nothing you've posted that demonstrates the president gets to say whatever he wants on a companies' social network system.
Obviously you're too fucking stupid to understand what I'm saying.

You need a source, so find one.
He called those in the capital evil, told an enraged crowd to go to the capital and fight. Kind of like how a mob boss directs his traffic.
So far in this thread all you've done is lie.

Trump didn't call those who don't support his idiot claims of election fraud evil?

I have no idea what that is supposed to mean. Please take a course in remedial English.

“But we can’t play into the hands of these people,” Trump said. “We have to have peace. So go home. We love you. You’re very special. You’ve seen what happens, you see the way others are treated that are so bad and so evil. I know how you feel. But go home and go home in peace.”
Believe it or not that's not how you get a crowd of idiots to go home.
You'll excuse us if we don't accept your expertise on the subject. I mean, you'll did such a good job in Portland and Seattle.

I'm sorry you don't understand the written word but whatever gets you out of replying I guess is OK.
I understand that you're posting one weasel after another.

I'm posting weasels? Whatever.
Link coming

They need to kept the seditionist-in-chief under wraps.

His main means of communication needs to be taken away.

They should have done this years ago and for longer than 12 hours.
It's just weird watching someone celebrate censorship

Maybe he shouldn't incite a mob riot on the Capital. I know, you don't think he did because you're illiterate between the lines.

They were mostly peaceful. The woman shot was unarmed. That cop should be arrested.
Should, but wont.

But if a drunk black woman in Detroit pounds on your door at 3 am and you tell her to leave but she refuses, and you shoot and kill her thru the door, YOU GET 50 YEARS IN PRISON FOR MURDER

Yeah, shooting a drunk black woman is murder.

I don't know yet what the circumstances were for the shooting of the woman at the capital but I guess she wasn't listening to police and was in the act of breaking the law and from what you guys seem to say that means she's a lawful target. For me, I'll wait to see more details before passing judgement.

Funny how suddenly being unarmed or a woman or not a threat or that the man was bigger, or blah, blah, blah,

suddenly doesn't mean shit to you lefties.

Suddenly someone committing a crime shouldn't be shot according to you numbnuts.

I'm willing to see the evidence, you've made up your mind.
When did any right winger say people should be shot for committing misdemeanors?

Anybody who wants to shoot people for crossing the border for starters.

I'm also not so sure committing insurrection is a misdemeanor either.
Only morons believe they committed insurrection, and I have never advocated shooting people for crossing the border illegally.

Wingnuts have and it was insurrection. There purpose was to hold up our elections and they brought handcuffs and nooses because that's fun.

Sorry idiot. Learn a definition. Not insurrection. Just because your media pukes use a word they don’t know, you start spouting it too. Peaceful protest. By your sides definition, now shut up.

a violent uprising against an authority or government.

Meets the definition.

That's old speak. By newspeak rules, it was a mostly peaceful protest.

Your side made these rules and made them stick. Why are you now getting all dodgy?

I'm not interesting and I don't think anyone else is either of prosecuting anyone who remained outside to protest. It's those that invaded the capital, destroyed property, brought weapons and rioted inside the capital. They are picking them off now and I look forward to more being arrested, prosecuted and thrown in jail where they belong.

Yep. Supposedly, that's what Trump wants as well.

Sure he does. I think Trump wants whatever is best for Trump, he doesn't really care one way or the other for the insurrectionists, they were nothing more than a last attempt gambit, tools to help him steal the election and when they became inconvenient he dropped them.
I find these diatrabs about Trump so boring and worthless. Your theories about Trump are utterly baseless

Yeah, they're tied to his his own words, so probably baseless. If you're bored (or don't have a proper reply) then feel free to stop engaging, idiot. Nobody is forcing you to read my posts.
What words did Trump use that incited anyone to riot?

He called those in the capital evil, told an enraged crowd to go to the capital and fight. Kind of like how a mob boss directs his traffic.
So far in this thread all you've done is lie.

Trump didn't call those who don't support his idiot claims of election fraud evil?

“But we can’t play into the hands of these people,” Trump said. “We have to have peace. So go home. We love you. You’re very special. You’ve seen what happens, you see the way others are treated that are so bad and so evil. I know how you feel. But go home and go home in peace.”

Believe it or not that's not how you get a crowd of idiots to go home.
Who cares? Let those buildings vaporize.

Yep, you guys don't even support our Republic. You and Bripat are a couple of clueless idiots.
Link coming

They need to kept the seditionist-in-chief under wraps.

His main means of communication needs to be taken away.

They should have done this years ago and for longer than 12 hours.
It's just weird watching someone celebrate censorship
I guess you missed the seige of the Capitol building today. No one likes censorship but someone died today because of Trump and who knows how much in property damage was done to our Capitol building because of Trump’s incitement to riot.
First of all, jackass, the First Amendment does not apply to private property, and Twitter is private property. The word censorship is a red herring. Second, what Trump said does not constitute incitement to riot. He did not encourage any violence. It is moronic to blame Donald Trump because someone shot someone at the demonstration. That would never fly in court. John Law is a silly name for someone who does not know jackshit about law.
Twitter is a government protected monopoly. As such, it's required to observe all the rules that the government is required to observe.

How is twitter a monopoly? And no, twitter is allowed to ban people from it's platform that it feels does not follow it's TOS. Trump agreed to that when he signed on.
ROFL! That doesn't mean Trump gave government approvat to Twitter's monopoly, moron. that doesn't mean Twitter is legally allowed to censor opinions it doesn't agree with.

According to the DOJ, simply having a certain percentage of a market makes a company guilty of violating the Sherman anti trust act. That's why they prosecuted Alcoa Aluminum. That's also why they prosecuted Standard Oil.

Twitter is a government protected monopoly. If it recieves government protection from lawsuits, then it's obligated to follow all the rules that government has to follow. That's the way it works for government contractors, moron.

You're just a clueless moron who will say anything to preserve your propaganda organ.
The First Amendment does not apply to private property. Twitter can include or exclude anything it wants, just as a newspaper editor can.
Does the 14th Amendment apply to private companies?

Whatever the hell that's about. A more important question would be does the 1st?
I guess we could say those four wouldn't have died if they hadn't committed a crime, right?
View attachment 439491
I'm sure the breaking down of doors, windows, breaking into congressional offices, chasing the police, stealing government property, hitting a police officer on the head with a fire extinguisher and obstructing the business of Congress were not invited.

The next step will be to find out why some of the Capital police removed barricades and took selfies with the rioters. Looks to me like some of them will be soon out of a job and possibly also going to prison.
One window was broken. No one has said how many doors. I'll bet only the one in the video that shows Ashli being gunned down in cold blood. How ar you "breaking in" if the door is unlocked? Who says they were "chasing the police?" What government property was stolen? You don't know anyone hit a police officer on the head with a fire extinguisher.

The bottom line: your claims are 95% bullshit.

One window? Offices were broken into the doors to the house and senate chambers were broken into? Cops were over run. What are you talking about? Furniture was piled up against the doors to keep these people out and they pummeled the doors in.

I saw a couple of doors broken into. That's it.

You didn't see the cops being over run or barricading the House chamber? Or even in other videos chasing the police up the stairs or fighting with the police?

View attachment 439507View attachment 439509View attachment 439510

Do you think the protesters were allowed to be in this room too?
View attachment 439512

You are the dumbest idiot on this board and that's quite a prize.


That's a lot of nothing. Want to see a riot?



I have a solution: Defund the capitol police!
Link coming

They need to kept the seditionist-in-chief under wraps.

His main means of communication needs to be taken away.

They should have done this years ago and for longer than 12 hours.
It's just weird watching someone celebrate censorship
I guess you missed the seige of the Capitol building today. No one likes censorship but someone died today because of Trump and who knows how much in property damage was done to our Capitol building because of Trump’s incitement to riot.
First of all, jackass, the First Amendment does not apply to private property, and Twitter is private property. The word censorship is a red herring. Second, what Trump said does not constitute incitement to riot. He did not encourage any violence. It is moronic to blame Donald Trump because someone shot someone at the demonstration. That would never fly in court. John Law is a silly name for someone who does not know jackshit about law.
Twitter is a government protected monopoly. As such, it's required to observe all the rules that the government is required to observe.

How is twitter a monopoly? And no, twitter is allowed to ban people from it's platform that it feels does not follow it's TOS. Trump agreed to that when he signed on.
ROFL! That doesn't mean Trump gave government approvat to Twitter's monopoly, moron. that doesn't mean Twitter is legally allowed to censor opinions it doesn't agree with.

According to the DOJ, simply having a certain percentage of a market makes a company guilty of violating the Sherman anti trust act. That's why they prosecuted Alcoa Aluminum. That's also why they prosecuted Standard Oil.

Twitter is a government protected monopoly. If it recieves government protection from lawsuits, then it's obligated to follow all the rules that government has to follow. That's the way it works for government contractors, moron.

You're just a clueless moron who will say anything to preserve your propaganda organ.
The First Amendment does not apply to private property. Twitter can include or exclude anything it wants, just as a newspaper editor can.
Does the 14th Amendment apply to private companies?

Whatever the hell that's about. A more important question would be does the 1st?
Yeah, I knew you would play done. If the Fist Amendment doesn't apply to private companies, then does the 14th Amendment?

Answer the question.
Link coming

They need to kept the seditionist-in-chief under wraps.

His main means of communication needs to be taken away.

They should have done this years ago and for longer than 12 hours.
It's just weird watching someone celebrate censorship
I guess you missed the seige of the Capitol building today. No one likes censorship but someone died today because of Trump and who knows how much in property damage was done to our Capitol building because of Trump’s incitement to riot.
First of all, jackass, the First Amendment does not apply to private property, and Twitter is private property. The word censorship is a red herring. Second, what Trump said does not constitute incitement to riot. He did not encourage any violence. It is moronic to blame Donald Trump because someone shot someone at the demonstration. That would never fly in court. John Law is a silly name for someone who does not know jackshit about law.
Twitter is a government protected monopoly. As such, it's required to observe all the rules that the government is required to observe.

How is twitter a monopoly? And no, twitter is allowed to ban people from it's platform that it feels does not follow it's TOS. Trump agreed to that when he signed on.
ROFL! That doesn't mean Trump gave government approvat to Twitter's monopoly, moron. that doesn't mean Twitter is legally allowed to censor opinions it doesn't agree with.

According to the DOJ, simply having a certain percentage of a market makes a company guilty of violating the Sherman anti trust act. That's why they prosecuted Alcoa Aluminum. That's also why they prosecuted Standard Oil.

Twitter is a government protected monopoly. If it recieves government protection from lawsuits, then it's obligated to follow all the rules that government has to follow. That's the way it works for government contractors, moron.

You're just a clueless moron who will say anything to preserve your propaganda organ.
The First Amendment does not apply to private property. Twitter can include or exclude anything it wants, just as a newspaper editor can.
Sorry, turd. But when private companies are granted special privileges or contracts, they are required to follow the same rules as government. Just as any government contractor. If twitter wants to play favorites, then it can have it's 230 protection revoked.

You assholes who defend twitter always ignore that.

Sorry, there is nothing you've posted that demonstrates the president gets to say whatever he wants on a companies' social network system.
Obviously you're too fucking stupid to understand what I'm saying.

You need a source, so find one.
I could post a source, but I'm not going to waste my time on a douchebag moron like you.
Link coming

They need to kept the seditionist-in-chief under wraps.

His main means of communication needs to be taken away.

They should have done this years ago and for longer than 12 hours.
It's just weird watching someone celebrate censorship

Maybe he shouldn't incite a mob riot on the Capital. I know, you don't think he did because you're illiterate between the lines.

They were mostly peaceful. The woman shot was unarmed. That cop should be arrested.
Should, but wont.

But if a drunk black woman in Detroit pounds on your door at 3 am and you tell her to leave but she refuses, and you shoot and kill her thru the door, YOU GET 50 YEARS IN PRISON FOR MURDER

Yeah, shooting a drunk black woman is murder.

I don't know yet what the circumstances were for the shooting of the woman at the capital but I guess she wasn't listening to police and was in the act of breaking the law and from what you guys seem to say that means she's a lawful target. For me, I'll wait to see more details before passing judgement.

Funny how suddenly being unarmed or a woman or not a threat or that the man was bigger, or blah, blah, blah,

suddenly doesn't mean shit to you lefties.

Suddenly someone committing a crime shouldn't be shot according to you numbnuts.

I'm willing to see the evidence, you've made up your mind.
When did any right winger say people should be shot for committing misdemeanors?

Anybody who wants to shoot people for crossing the border for starters.

I'm also not so sure committing insurrection is a misdemeanor either.
Only morons believe they committed insurrection, and I have never advocated shooting people for crossing the border illegally.

Wingnuts have and it was insurrection. There purpose was to hold up our elections and they brought handcuffs and nooses because that's fun.

Sorry idiot. Learn a definition. Not insurrection. Just because your media pukes use a word they don’t know, you start spouting it too. Peaceful protest. By your sides definition, now shut up.

a violent uprising against an authority or government.

Meets the definition.

That's old speak. By newspeak rules, it was a mostly peaceful protest.

Your side made these rules and made them stick. Why are you now getting all dodgy?

I'm not interesting and I don't think anyone else is either of prosecuting anyone who remained outside to protest. It's those that invaded the capital, destroyed property, brought weapons and rioted inside the capital. They are picking them off now and I look forward to more being arrested, prosecuted and thrown in jail where they belong.

Yep. Supposedly, that's what Trump wants as well.

Sure he does. I think Trump wants whatever is best for Trump, he doesn't really care one way or the other for the insurrectionists, they were nothing more than a last attempt gambit, tools to help him steal the election and when they became inconvenient he dropped them.
I find these diatrabs about Trump so boring and worthless. Your theories about Trump are utterly baseless

Yeah, they're tied to his his own words, so probably baseless. If you're bored (or don't have a proper reply) then feel free to stop engaging, idiot. Nobody is forcing you to read my posts.
What words did Trump use that incited anyone to riot?

He called those in the capital evil, told an enraged crowd to go to the capital and fight. Kind of like how a mob boss directs his traffic.
So far in this thread all you've done is lie.

Trump didn't call those who don't support his idiot claims of election fraud evil?

“But we can’t play into the hands of these people,” Trump said. “We have to have peace. So go home. We love you. You’re very special. You’ve seen what happens, you see the way others are treated that are so bad and so evil. I know how you feel. But go home and go home in peace.”

Believe it or not that's not how you get a crowd of idiots to go home.
Who cares? Let those buildings vaporize.

Yep, you guys don't even support our Republic. You and Bripat are a couple of clueless idiots.
I thought it was a democracy.

You prog assholes are the ones who hate everything America stands for.
I guess we could say those four wouldn't have died if they hadn't committed a crime, right?
View attachment 439491
I'm sure the breaking down of doors, windows, breaking into congressional offices, chasing the police, stealing government property, hitting a police officer on the head with a fire extinguisher and obstructing the business of Congress were not invited.

The next step will be to find out why some of the Capital police removed barricades and took selfies with the rioters. Looks to me like some of them will be soon out of a job and possibly also going to prison.
One window was broken. No one has said how many doors. I'll bet only the one in the video that shows Ashli being gunned down in cold blood. How ar you "breaking in" if the door is unlocked? Who says they were "chasing the police?" What government property was stolen? You don't know anyone hit a police officer on the head with a fire extinguisher.

The bottom line: your claims are 95% bullshit.

One window? Offices were broken into the doors to the house and senate chambers were broken into? Cops were over run. What are you talking about? Furniture was piled up against the doors to keep these people out and they pummeled the doors in.

I saw a couple of doors broken into. That's it.

You didn't see the cops being over run or barricading the House chamber? Or even in other videos chasing the police up the stairs or fighting with the police?

View attachment 439507View attachment 439509View attachment 439510

Do you think the protesters were allowed to be in this room too?
View attachment 439512

You are the dumbest idiot on this board and that's quite a prize.


That's a lot of nothing. Want to see a riot?



I have a solution: Defund the capitol police!

I don't approve of either. You unfortunately can't say the same.

Also, one of them demonstrated to the world what a weak democracy we have become under Trump while the other didn't.
Link coming

They need to kept the seditionist-in-chief under wraps.

His main means of communication needs to be taken away.

They should have done this years ago and for longer than 12 hours.
It's just weird watching someone celebrate censorship
I guess you missed the seige of the Capitol building today. No one likes censorship but someone died today because of Trump and who knows how much in property damage was done to our Capitol building because of Trump’s incitement to riot.
First of all, jackass, the First Amendment does not apply to private property, and Twitter is private property. The word censorship is a red herring. Second, what Trump said does not constitute incitement to riot. He did not encourage any violence. It is moronic to blame Donald Trump because someone shot someone at the demonstration. That would never fly in court. John Law is a silly name for someone who does not know jackshit about law.
Twitter is a government protected monopoly. As such, it's required to observe all the rules that the government is required to observe.

How is twitter a monopoly? And no, twitter is allowed to ban people from it's platform that it feels does not follow it's TOS. Trump agreed to that when he signed on.
ROFL! That doesn't mean Trump gave government approvat to Twitter's monopoly, moron. that doesn't mean Twitter is legally allowed to censor opinions it doesn't agree with.

According to the DOJ, simply having a certain percentage of a market makes a company guilty of violating the Sherman anti trust act. That's why they prosecuted Alcoa Aluminum. That's also why they prosecuted Standard Oil.

Twitter is a government protected monopoly. If it recieves government protection from lawsuits, then it's obligated to follow all the rules that government has to follow. That's the way it works for government contractors, moron.

You're just a clueless moron who will say anything to preserve your propaganda organ.
The First Amendment does not apply to private property. Twitter can include or exclude anything it wants, just as a newspaper editor can.
Sorry, turd. But when private companies are granted special privileges or contracts, they are required to follow the same rules as government. Just as any government contractor. If twitter wants to play favorites, then it can have it's 230 protection revoked.

You assholes who defend twitter always ignore that.

Sorry, there is nothing you've posted that demonstrates the president gets to say whatever he wants on a companies' social network system.
Obviously you're too fucking stupid to understand what I'm saying.

You need a source, so find one.
I could post a source, but I'm not going to waste my time on a douchebag moron like you.

No shit you can't post a source.
It sure as hell isn't. Do you believe defense contractors are able to ignore all the government's rules about discrimination?
I believe defense contractors sign contracts that bind them to government rules.

Show me the contract Twitter signed with the government.
Link coming

They need to kept the seditionist-in-chief under wraps.

His main means of communication needs to be taken away.

They should have done this years ago and for longer than 12 hours.
It's just weird watching someone celebrate censorship

Maybe he shouldn't incite a mob riot on the Capital. I know, you don't think he did because you're illiterate between the lines.

They were mostly peaceful. The woman shot was unarmed. That cop should be arrested.
Should, but wont.

But if a drunk black woman in Detroit pounds on your door at 3 am and you tell her to leave but she refuses, and you shoot and kill her thru the door, YOU GET 50 YEARS IN PRISON FOR MURDER

Yeah, shooting a drunk black woman is murder.

I don't know yet what the circumstances were for the shooting of the woman at the capital but I guess she wasn't listening to police and was in the act of breaking the law and from what you guys seem to say that means she's a lawful target. For me, I'll wait to see more details before passing judgement.

Funny how suddenly being unarmed or a woman or not a threat or that the man was bigger, or blah, blah, blah,

suddenly doesn't mean shit to you lefties.

Suddenly someone committing a crime shouldn't be shot according to you numbnuts.

I'm willing to see the evidence, you've made up your mind.
When did any right winger say people should be shot for committing misdemeanors?

Anybody who wants to shoot people for crossing the border for starters.

I'm also not so sure committing insurrection is a misdemeanor either.
Only morons believe they committed insurrection, and I have never advocated shooting people for crossing the border illegally.

Wingnuts have and it was insurrection. There purpose was to hold up our elections and they brought handcuffs and nooses because that's fun.

Sorry idiot. Learn a definition. Not insurrection. Just because your media pukes use a word they don’t know, you start spouting it too. Peaceful protest. By your sides definition, now shut up.

a violent uprising against an authority or government.

Meets the definition.

That's old speak. By newspeak rules, it was a mostly peaceful protest.

Your side made these rules and made them stick. Why are you now getting all dodgy?

I'm not interesting and I don't think anyone else is either of prosecuting anyone who remained outside to protest. It's those that invaded the capital, destroyed property, brought weapons and rioted inside the capital. They are picking them off now and I look forward to more being arrested, prosecuted and thrown in jail where they belong.

Yep. Supposedly, that's what Trump wants as well.

Sure he does. I think Trump wants whatever is best for Trump, he doesn't really care one way or the other for the insurrectionists, they were nothing more than a last attempt gambit, tools to help him steal the election and when they became inconvenient he dropped them.
I find these diatrabs about Trump so boring and worthless. Your theories about Trump are utterly baseless

Yeah, they're tied to his his own words, so probably baseless. If you're bored (or don't have a proper reply) then feel free to stop engaging, idiot. Nobody is forcing you to read my posts.
What words did Trump use that incited anyone to riot?

He called those in the capital evil, told an enraged crowd to go to the capital and fight. Kind of like how a mob boss directs his traffic.
So far in this thread all you've done is lie.

Trump didn't call those who don't support his idiot claims of election fraud evil?

“But we can’t play into the hands of these people,” Trump said. “We have to have peace. So go home. We love you. You’re very special. You’ve seen what happens, you see the way others are treated that are so bad and so evil. I know how you feel. But go home and go home in peace.”

Believe it or not that's not how you get a crowd of idiots to go home.
Who cares? Let those buildings vaporize.

Yep, you guys don't even support our Republic. You and Bripat are a couple of clueless idiots.
I thought it was a democracy.

You prog assholes are the ones who hate everything America stands for.

We are both. That you don't understand that a democracy and republic are not mutually exclusive is amazing.

I hate everything America stands for? Nope, I love our democratic elections, especially when they throw out a fat ass who lies about election fraud.
Twitter proving yet again they are fascists who mean to enslave the american people and spread their propaganda.
Nothing is more fascist than forcing a private corporation to promote and propagate the violent rhetoric of the government leadership under threat of government enforced sanction.
Link coming

They need to kept the seditionist-in-chief under wraps.

His main means of communication needs to be taken away.

They should have done this years ago and for longer than 12 hours.
It's just weird watching someone celebrate censorship

Maybe he shouldn't incite a mob riot on the Capital. I know, you don't think he did because you're illiterate between the lines.

They were mostly peaceful. The woman shot was unarmed. That cop should be arrested.
Should, but wont.

But if a drunk black woman in Detroit pounds on your door at 3 am and you tell her to leave but she refuses, and you shoot and kill her thru the door, YOU GET 50 YEARS IN PRISON FOR MURDER

Yeah, shooting a drunk black woman is murder.

I don't know yet what the circumstances were for the shooting of the woman at the capital but I guess she wasn't listening to police and was in the act of breaking the law and from what you guys seem to say that means she's a lawful target. For me, I'll wait to see more details before passing judgement.

Funny how suddenly being unarmed or a woman or not a threat or that the man was bigger, or blah, blah, blah,

suddenly doesn't mean shit to you lefties.

Suddenly someone committing a crime shouldn't be shot according to you numbnuts.

I'm willing to see the evidence, you've made up your mind.
When did any right winger say people should be shot for committing misdemeanors?

Anybody who wants to shoot people for crossing the border for starters.

I'm also not so sure committing insurrection is a misdemeanor either.
Only morons believe they committed insurrection, and I have never advocated shooting people for crossing the border illegally.

Wingnuts have and it was insurrection. There purpose was to hold up our elections and they brought handcuffs and nooses because that's fun.

Sorry idiot. Learn a definition. Not insurrection. Just because your media pukes use a word they don’t know, you start spouting it too. Peaceful protest. By your sides definition, now shut up.

a violent uprising against an authority or government.

Meets the definition.

That's old speak. By newspeak rules, it was a mostly peaceful protest.

Your side made these rules and made them stick. Why are you now getting all dodgy?

I'm not interested and I don't think anyone else is either of prosecuting anyone who remained outside to protest. It's those that invaded the capital, destroyed property, brought weapons and rioted inside the capital. They are picking them off now and I look forward to more being arrested, prosecuted and thrown in jail where they belong.
Since your side encouraged riots, looting, and murder by your BLM and Antifa pals, you get to shut up. People like you and your ilk belong in jail for treason. So quick you are to try to change YOUR rules which marked this a peaceful protest. How communist of you.

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