Twitter locks out Trump

Trump may have won if someone had taken Twitter away from him years ago.

I would love to have seen his tantrum when he found out he was cut off.
They have zero right to do that.

They're a private platform. They have every right. Whether or not they ethically should is another matter altogether.
Trump may have won if someone had taken Twitter away from him years ago.

I would love to have seen his tantrum when he found out he was cut off.

Trump would've won without Covid/Corona.
Days after media declared Biden has won they came up with vaccine.
Link coming

They need to kept the seditionist-in-chief under wraps.

His main means of communication needs to be taken away.

They should have done this years ago and for longer than 12 hours.
It's just weird watching someone celebrate censorship

Maybe he shouldn't incite a mob riot on the Capital. I know, you don't think he did because you're illiterate between the lines.

18 U.S. Code § 2102.Definitions
As used in this chapter, the term “to incite a riot”, or “to organize, promote, encourage, participate in, or carry on a riot”, includes, but is not limited to, urging or instigating other persons to riot, but shall not be deemed to mean the mere oral or written (1) advocacy of ideas or (2) expression of belief, not involving advocacy of any act or acts of violence or assertion of the rightness of, or the right to commit, any such act or acts.

Trump might not have broken the law, but he is very close... Morally he is highly wrong...

He arranged for a mob, whipped them up and they attacked the capital with one person shot....
Link coming

They need to kept the seditionist-in-chief under wraps.

His main means of communication needs to be taken away.

They should have done this years ago and for longer than 12 hours.
It's just weird watching someone celebrate censorship
Also wrong.

Private media editing their content is not ‘censorship’; indeed, private media are at liberty to not tolerate misuse of their platforms – such as Trump inciting lawlessness and violence and spreading lies and misinformation.
Trump may have won if someone had taken Twitter away from him years ago.

I would love to have seen his tantrum when he found out he was cut off.

Trump would've won without Covid/Corona.
Days after media declared Biden has won they came up with vaccine.
Wouda, couda, shouda. Did you just admit that Trump lost?
Trump may have won if someone had taken Twitter away from him years ago.

I would love to have seen his tantrum when he found out he was cut off.

Trump would've won without Covid/Corona.
Days after media declared Biden has won they came up with vaccine.

Well he did screw up the message concerning Covid. All the same, people were well tired of his tiresome act even before that.
It's quite sad to see people cheering for the Chinese takeover of America. Perhaps they think their children and grandchildren will be exempt from being forced into slavery, but they are wrong.
This is a lie – no one is cheering for a Chinese takeover of America.

Conservatives are as reprehensible as they are dishonest.
Fake News! My Orange Messiah will be on Twittersphere for eons! Just wait and see!

Do not try to be me because the level of insanity you need is more than a normal personal can handle...
Your thread, brother. Knock yourself out.

I can let a lot go but Trump and his base crossed a line and Trump losing his Twitter account for twelve hours will be interesting because when the twelve hours elapsed Trump will go on a tirade...
CNN's Jim Acosta just reported a few minutes ago that he had just talked to a close Trump adviser who has known Trump for many years who said: "Trump is out of his mind". "All he can talk and think about is losing the election."

Facebook has shut Trump down too.

Trump's allies are calling for him to be removed.

Link coming

They need to kept the seditionist-in-chief under wraps.

His main means of communication needs to be taken away.

They should have done this years ago and for longer than 12 hours.
It's just weird watching someone celebrate censorship

I think it's more weird watching the leader of our country trying to incite violence.

I've never seen anything like this. Ever.

Me either. Trump is quite mad.
Link coming

They need to kept the seditionist-in-chief under wraps.

His main means of communication needs to be taken away.

They should have done this years ago and for longer than 12 hours.
It's just weird watching someone celebrate censorship

I think it's more weird watching the leader of our country trying to incite violence.

I've never seen anything like this. Ever.

Yes you have... Well not here but in countries like Belarus...
Link coming

They need to kept the seditionist-in-chief under wraps.

His main means of communication needs to be taken away.

They should have done this years ago and for longer than 12 hours.
It's just weird watching someone celebrate censorship

This is who they are. They hate free speech and this country. Their goal is ultimately to oppress.

You have the right of free speech as does the president. I can't believe I have to tell you that the president's 1st amendment rights have not been infringed on.

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