Twitter locks out Trump

Link coming

They need to kept the seditionist-in-chief under wraps.

His main means of communication needs to be taken away.

They should have done this years ago and for longer than 12 hours.
It's just weird watching someone celebrate censorship

It’s a private platform. They can do what they want.

But a Baker cannot.....

A baker can totally tweet whatever they want as long as it meets twitter's TOS.

Try again. Twitter is a business. Baking is a business. Twitter can refuse service. The Baker must serve a homosexual a wedding cake. You are an ignorant partisan.

Now ask me if twitter is allowed to ban someone for being a homosexual.

No need. You've shown both your faces here.

Translation: Oof.

Not at all. You accept censorship of those you do not agree with. Me?
If one can refuse service, so can the other.

Inciting mob violence is unacceptable to Twitter and Facebook. They aren't the government.. They don't have to provide a platform for Trump's lies.

Nobody incited anything.
Link coming

They need to kept the seditionist-in-chief under wraps.

His main means of communication needs to be taken away.

They should have done this years ago and for longer than 12 hours.
It's just weird watching someone celebrate censorship

It’s a private platform. They can do what they want.

But a Baker cannot.....

A baker can totally tweet whatever they want as long as it meets twitter's TOS.

Try again. Twitter is a business. Baking is a business. Twitter can refuse service. The Baker must serve a homosexual a wedding cake. You are an ignorant partisan.

Now ask me if twitter is allowed to ban someone for being a homosexual.

No need. You've shown both your faces here.

Translation: Oof.

Not at all. You accept censorship of those you do not agree with. Me?
If one can refuse service, so can the other.

Inciting mob violence is unacceptable to Twitter and Facebook. They aren't the government.. They don't have to provide a platform for Trump's lies.

Nobody incited anything.

Where have you been ? Lies, conspiracy theories and inciting violence. Twitter and Facebook don't have to post that.. Trump can find another venue for his "free speech".
Link coming

They need to kept the seditionist-in-chief under wraps.

His main means of communication needs to be taken away.

They should have done this years ago and for longer than 12 hours.
It's just weird watching someone celebrate censorship

It’s a private platform. They can do what they want.

But a Baker cannot.....

A baker can totally tweet whatever they want as long as it meets twitter's TOS.

Try again. Twitter is a business. Baking is a business. Twitter can refuse service. The Baker must serve a homosexual a wedding cake. You are an ignorant partisan.

Now ask me if twitter is allowed to ban someone for being a homosexual.

No need. You've shown both your faces here.

Translation: Oof.

Not at all. You accept censorship of those you do not agree with. Me?
If one can refuse service, so can the other.

Inciting mob violence is unacceptable to Twitter and Facebook. They aren't the government.. They don't have to provide a platform for Trump's lies.

Nobody incited anything.

Where have you been ? Lies, conspiracy theories and inciting violence. Twitter and Facebook don't have to post that.. Trump can find another venue for his "free speech".

I use more sources every day than you use in a month. Rump is an asshole, so are you.
Link coming

They need to kept the seditionist-in-chief under wraps.

His main means of communication needs to be taken away.

They should have done this years ago and for longer than 12 hours.
It's just weird watching someone celebrate censorship

It’s a private platform. They can do what they want.

But a Baker cannot.....

A baker can totally tweet whatever they want as long as it meets twitter's TOS.

Try again. Twitter is a business. Baking is a business. Twitter can refuse service. The Baker must serve a homosexual a wedding cake. You are an ignorant partisan.

Now ask me if twitter is allowed to ban someone for being a homosexual.

No need. You've shown both your faces here.

Translation: Oof.

Not at all. You accept censorship of those you do not agree with. Me?
If one can refuse service, so can the other.

No reason to let the nut yell fire in a crowded theatre.

I take it the bakery euphemism didn't pan out.

It panned out completely, you just too stupid and too partisan to see it.

No, I saw your point and it was irrelevant. I'll ask two questions.

Is Twitter allowed to ban someone for being gay?
Can a baker throw someone out of their business for inciting a riot?
Link coming

They need to kept the seditionist-in-chief under wraps.

His main means of communication needs to be taken away.

They should have done this years ago and for longer than 12 hours.
It's just weird watching someone celebrate censorship

It’s a private platform. They can do what they want.

But a Baker cannot.....

A baker can totally tweet whatever they want as long as it meets twitter's TOS.

Try again. Twitter is a business. Baking is a business. Twitter can refuse service. The Baker must serve a homosexual a wedding cake. You are an ignorant partisan.

Now ask me if twitter is allowed to ban someone for being a homosexual.

No need. You've shown both your faces here.

Translation: Oof.

Not at all. You accept censorship of those you do not agree with. Me?
If one can refuse service, so can the other.

No reason to let the nut yell fire in a crowded theatre.

I take it the bakery euphemism didn't pan out.

It panned out completely, you just too stupid and too partisan to see it.

No, I saw your point and it was irrelevant. I'll ask two questions.

Is Twitter allowed to ban someone for being gay?
Can a baker throw someone out of their business for inciting a riot?

Honey neither question is relevant.

The question IS can one business ban someone they disagree with and another be forced to serve the one THEY disagree with.
Link coming

They need to kept the seditionist-in-chief under wraps.

His main means of communication needs to be taken away.

They should have done this years ago and for longer than 12 hours.
It's just weird watching someone celebrate censorship

It’s a private platform. They can do what they want.

But a Baker cannot.....

A baker can totally tweet whatever they want as long as it meets twitter's TOS.

Try again. Twitter is a business. Baking is a business. Twitter can refuse service. The Baker must serve a homosexual a wedding cake. You are an ignorant partisan.

Now ask me if twitter is allowed to ban someone for being a homosexual.

No need. You've shown both your faces here.

Translation: Oof.

Not at all. You accept censorship of those you do not agree with. Me?
If one can refuse service, so can the other.

No reason to let the nut yell fire in a crowded theatre.

I take it the bakery euphemism didn't pan out.

It panned out completely, you just too stupid and too partisan to see it.

No, I saw your point and it was irrelevant. I'll ask two questions.

Is Twitter allowed to ban someone for being gay?
Can a baker throw someone out of their business for inciting a riot?

Honey neither question is relevant.

The question IS can one business ban someone they disagree with and another be forced to serve the one THEY disagree with.

So, you can't answer either of my questions so why did you bring a bakery into it?

When has Trump been banned from anything over a disagreement? This is about inciting violence which is against twitter's TOS. So, tough shit.
They have zero right to do that.

They're a private platform. They have every right. Whether or not they ethically should is another matter altogether.
Make God damn sure you feel this same sense of right and wrong when it goes against you one day.

It will.
Link coming

They need to kept the seditionist-in-chief under wraps.

His main means of communication needs to be taken away.

They should have done this years ago and for longer than 12 hours.
It's just weird watching someone celebrate censorship
I guess you missed the seige of the Capitol building today. No one likes censorship but someone died today because of Trump and who knows how much in property damage was done to our Capitol building because of Trump’s incitement to riot.

no, Antifa infiltrated

Paul Sperry


BREAKING: Former FBI agent on the ground at U.S. Capitol just texted me and confirmed that at least 1 "bus load" of Antifa thugs infiltrated peaceful Trump demonstrators as part of a false Trump flag ops
Link coming

They need to kept the seditionist-in-chief under wraps.

His main means of communication needs to be taken away.

They should have done this years ago and for longer than 12 hours.
It's just weird watching someone celebrate censorship
I guess you missed the seige of the Capitol building today. No one likes censorship but someone died today because of Trump and who knows how much in property damage was done to our Capitol building because of Trump’s incitement to riot.

no, Antifa infiltrated

Paul Sperry

BREAKING: Former FBI agent on the ground at U.S. Capitol just texted me and confirmed that at least 1 "bus load" of Antifa thugs infiltrated peaceful Trump demonstrators as part of a false Trump flag ops

A worldNetDaily loon said something? Isn't Paul busy trying to find Obama's birth certificate?
One mostly peaceful protest from the right that gets cleared out in a few minutes and wuss liberals shit the bed.

Good Lord, you guys are such pansies.
Link coming

They need to kept the seditionist-in-chief under wraps.

His main means of communication needs to be taken away.

They should have done this years ago and for longer than 12 hours.
It's just weird watching someone celebrate censorship

It’s a private platform. They can do what they want.

But a Baker cannot.....

A baker can totally tweet whatever they want as long as it meets twitter's TOS.

Try again. Twitter is a business. Baking is a business. Twitter can refuse service. The Baker must serve a homosexual a wedding cake. You are an ignorant partisan.

Now ask me if twitter is allowed to ban someone for being a homosexual.

No need. You've shown both your faces here.

Translation: Oof.

Not at all. You accept censorship of those you do not agree with. Me?
If one can refuse service, so can the other.

No reason to let the nut yell fire in a crowded theatre.

I take it the bakery euphemism didn't pan out.

It panned out completely, you just too stupid and too partisan to see it.

No, I saw your point and it was irrelevant. I'll ask two questions.

Is Twitter allowed to ban someone for being gay?
Can a baker throw someone out of their business for inciting a riot?

Honey neither question is relevant.

The question IS can one business ban someone they disagree with and another be forced to serve the one THEY disagree with.

So, you can't answer either of my questions so why did you bring a bakery into it?

When has Trump been banned from anything over a disagreement? This is about inciting violence which is against twitter's TOS. So, tough shit.

LOL, run bitch run.
Nobody incited violence.
I don't your being a carpet muncher against you.
YOU support selective censorship, I do not.
Link coming

They need to kept the seditionist-in-chief under wraps.

His main means of communication needs to be taken away.

They should have done this years ago and for longer than 12 hours.
It's just weird watching someone celebrate censorship

It’s a private platform. They can do what they want.

But a Baker cannot.....

A baker can totally tweet whatever they want as long as it meets twitter's TOS.

Try again. Twitter is a business. Baking is a business. Twitter can refuse service. The Baker must serve a homosexual a wedding cake. You are an ignorant partisan.

Now ask me if twitter is allowed to ban someone for being a homosexual.

No need. You've shown both your faces here.

Translation: Oof.

Not at all. You accept censorship of those you do not agree with. Me?
If one can refuse service, so can the other.

No reason to let the nut yell fire in a crowded theatre.

I take it the bakery euphemism didn't pan out.

It panned out completely, you just too stupid and too partisan to see it.

No, I saw your point and it was irrelevant. I'll ask two questions.

Is Twitter allowed to ban someone for being gay?
Can a baker throw someone out of their business for inciting a riot?

Honey neither question is relevant.

The question IS can one business ban someone they disagree with and another be forced to serve the one THEY disagree with.

So, you can't answer either of my questions so why did you bring a bakery into it?

When has Trump been banned from anything over a disagreement? This is about inciting violence which is against twitter's TOS. So, tough shit.

LOL, run bitch run.
Nobody incited violence.
I don't your being a carpet muncher against you.
YOU support selective censorship, I do not.

Trump did and he got it.

I am a total carpet muncher, I guess you like the D. I'm not judging.

I support the right of a private business to enforce their own TOS as long as they are lawful.
Yep. Trump gonna be lucky if he lasts until morning. Time to end the charade. Battle off to Florida and go sulk.
Not a charade. Time to end the lying to the American people. It is at the point that fraud has to be dis-proven. Until experts audit machines and scan ballots no one will believe there was not fraud. Prove half of America wrong.

There is NO evidence for fraud.. That just a lie that Trump keeps repeating.
Link coming

They need to kept the seditionist-in-chief under wraps.

His main means of communication needs to be taken away.

They should have done this years ago and for longer than 12 hours.
It's just weird watching someone celebrate censorship

This is who they are. They hate free speech and this country. Their goal is ultimately to oppress.

You have the right of free speech as does the president. I can't believe I have to tell you that the president's 1st amendment rights have not been infringed on.

You can't incite violence. Trump is very sick. Pence is already acting as president.

Correct on your first sentence I have no idea who is in charge right now though.

Pence called in the National guard not Trump.

This goes into detail.

Pence Should Invoke 25th Amendment to Remove Trump From Office Immediately
By Paul Campos

Yep, I'm aware of Pence doing that but I'm not so sure that means Trump is out of power.

Trump is incapacitated.. Pence is addressing the people tonight.

Pence Should Invoke 25th Amendment to Remove Trump From Office Immediately
By Paul Campos

Do you think the rest of Trump's cabinet is convinced?

Yeah, they know Trump is sick and they know he's unable to tell the truth to his followers.

Trump has been saying for months, "If I lose, the election is rigged".. That's insane.
Link coming

They need to kept the seditionist-in-chief under wraps.

His main means of communication needs to be taken away.

They should have done this years ago and for longer than 12 hours.
It's just weird watching someone celebrate censorship

It’s a private platform. They can do what they want.

But a Baker cannot.....

A baker can totally tweet whatever they want as long as it meets twitter's TOS.

Try again. Twitter is a business. Baking is a business. Twitter can refuse service. The Baker must serve a homosexual a wedding cake. You are an ignorant partisan.

Now ask me if twitter is allowed to ban someone for being a homosexual.

No need. You've shown both your faces here.

Translation: Oof.

Not at all. You accept censorship of those you do not agree with. Me?
If one can refuse service, so can the other.

No reason to let the nut yell fire in a crowded theatre.

I take it the bakery euphemism didn't pan out.

It panned out completely, you just too stupid and too partisan to see it.

No, I saw your point and it was irrelevant. I'll ask two questions.

Is Twitter allowed to ban someone for being gay?
Can a baker throw someone out of their business for inciting a riot?

Honey neither question is relevant.

The question IS can one business ban someone they disagree with and another be forced to serve the one THEY disagree with.

So, you can't answer either of my questions so why did you bring a bakery into it?

When has Trump been banned from anything over a disagreement? This is about inciting violence which is against twitter's TOS. So, tough shit.

LOL, run bitch run.
Nobody incited violence.
I don't your being a carpet muncher against you.
YOU support selective censorship, I do not.

Trump did and he got it.

I am a total carpet muncher, I guess you like the D. I'm not judging.

I support the right of a private business to enforce their own TOS as long as they are lawful.

Trump can take his free speech elsewhere. Facebook and Twitter owe him NOTHING.
Link coming

They need to kept the seditionist-in-chief under wraps.

His main means of communication needs to be taken away.

They should have done this years ago and for longer than 12 hours.
It's just weird watching someone celebrate censorship

It’s a private platform. They can do what they want.

But a Baker cannot.....

A baker can totally tweet whatever they want as long as it meets twitter's TOS.

Try again. Twitter is a business. Baking is a business. Twitter can refuse service. The Baker must serve a homosexual a wedding cake. You are an ignorant partisan.

Now ask me if twitter is allowed to ban someone for being a homosexual.

No need. You've shown both your faces here.

Translation: Oof.

Not at all. You accept censorship of those you do not agree with. Me?
If one can refuse service, so can the other.

No reason to let the nut yell fire in a crowded theatre.

I take it the bakery euphemism didn't pan out.

It panned out completely, you just too stupid and too partisan to see it.

No, I saw your point and it was irrelevant. I'll ask two questions.

Is Twitter allowed to ban someone for being gay?
Can a baker throw someone out of their business for inciting a riot?

Honey neither question is relevant.

The question IS can one business ban someone they disagree with and another be forced to serve the one THEY disagree with.

So, you can't answer either of my questions so why did you bring a bakery into it?

When has Trump been banned from anything over a disagreement? This is about inciting violence which is against twitter's TOS. So, tough shit.

LOL, run bitch run.
Nobody incited violence.
I don't your being a carpet muncher against you.
YOU support selective censorship, I do not.

Trump did and he got it.

I am a total carpet muncher, I guess you like the D. I'm not judging.

I support the right of a private business to enforce their own TOS as long as they are lawful.

Show where he incited violence or pound sand honey.
I know what you are sweetie and I would not bake your cake.

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