Twitter locks out Trump

Facebook and Instagram has locked him out too.

Trump is inciting riots and attacking our republic.

These companies are doing their patriotic duty.
Of course you celebrate these places lying and censoring. Show where Trump said to riot crybaby. You can't. Now fuck off.
Link coming

They need to kept the seditionist-in-chief under wraps.

His main means of communication needs to be taken away.

They should have done this years ago and for longer than 12 hours.
It's just weird watching someone celebrate censorship
I guess you missed the seige of the Capitol building today. No one likes censorship but someone died today because of Trump and who knows how much in property damage was done to our Capitol building because of Trump’s incitement to riot.
No you fucking brain dead moron. An innocent woman was shot in cold blood (meaning murdered) by a cop. There was no incitement by Trump. Show him saying to do that. Now asshole. You assholes best get ready. This may be just the start.
LOL - BLM will crush you!!!
Link coming

They need to kept the seditionist-in-chief under wraps.

His main means of communication needs to be taken away.

They should have done this years ago and for longer than 12 hours.
It's just weird watching someone celebrate censorship
I guess you missed the seige of the Capitol building today. No one likes censorship but someone died today because of Trump and who knows how much in property damage was done to our Capitol building because of Trump’s incitement to riot.
No you fucking brain dead moron. An innocent woman was shot in cold blood (meaning murdered) by a cop. There was no incitement by Trump. Show him saying to do that. Now asshole. You assholes best get ready. This may be just the start.
Hey, Lantern, your light is as dim as your brain. Blood rests on the hands of Trump. He incited an insurrection and a person died.

And it figures a violate Trumpist asswipe like yourself threatens more death.

Only pond scum want more violence. Go back into that rancid water from you crawled out.
Last edited:
Stalinists are Stalinists - no one knew!

The "free speech" platforms block free speech and moderate content to their liking - while pretending to not be publishers.

Thankfully today Americans had enough and decided to finally do something about it. Blocking the sitting US president is treason and even during a democrat government people need to go as far as it takes to have them held accountable.
Link coming

They need to kept the seditionist-in-chief under wraps.

His main means of communication needs to be taken away.

They should have done this years ago and for longer than 12 hours.
It's just weird watching someone celebrate censorship

This is who they are. They hate free speech and this country. Their goal is ultimately to oppress.
Ban him outright.

Impeach him now.

Mr. Toro sez: "Impeach him now."

Rotten idea, doll.
Link coming

They need to kept the seditionist-in-chief under wraps.

His main means of communication needs to be taken away.

They should have done this years ago and for longer than 12 hours.
It's just weird watching someone celebrate censorship

Maybe he shouldn't incite a mob riot on the Capital. I know, you don't think he did because you're illiterate between the lines.
Like when that black dude in Ferguson yelled on a bullhorn "Burn this bitch down" right before they BURNED THE CITY DOWN???

Not only was that faggot never charged you asshats SUPPORTED this type of shit for YEARS.

Now suddenly you have a problem with it....

Excuse me while I just point and laugh.
Link coming

They need to kept the seditionist-in-chief under wraps.

His main means of communication needs to be taken away.

They should have done this years ago and for longer than 12 hours.
It's just weird watching someone celebrate censorship

It’s a private platform. They can do what they want.

But a Baker cannot.....

A baker can totally tweet whatever they want as long as it meets twitter's TOS.

Try again. Twitter is a business. Baking is a business. Twitter can refuse service. The Baker must serve a homosexual a wedding cake. You are an ignorant partisan.

Now ask me if twitter is allowed to ban someone for being a homosexual.

No need. You've shown both your faces here.

Translation: Oof.

Not at all. You accept censorship of those you do not agree with. Me?
If one can refuse service, so can the other.

No reason to let the nut yell fire in a crowded theatre.

I take it the bakery euphemism didn't pan out.

It panned out completely, you just too stupid and too partisan to see it.

No, I saw your point and it was irrelevant. I'll ask two questions.

Is Twitter allowed to ban someone for being gay?
Can a baker throw someone out of their business for inciting a riot?

Honey neither question is relevant.

The question IS can one business ban someone they disagree with and another be forced to serve the one THEY disagree with.

So, you can't answer either of my questions so why did you bring a bakery into it?

When has Trump been banned from anything over a disagreement? This is about inciting violence which is against twitter's TOS. So, tough shit.

LOL, run bitch run.
Nobody incited violence.
I don't your being a carpet muncher against you.
YOU support selective censorship, I do not.

Trump did and he got it.

I am a total carpet muncher, I guess you like the D. I'm not judging.

I support the right of a private business to enforce their own TOS as long as they are lawful.

Show where he incited violence or pound sand honey.
I know what you are sweetie and I would not bake your cake.

When he told the rabid crowd of dumbfucks they will "stop the steal" and told them to go to the capital while they were certifying votes. Pretty obvious what was going to happen.

I'm sorry, are you gay? Nothing wrong with that but you implied "carpet munching" is yuckie and you called me sweetie. I'm here to tell you now I'm not interested in your advances.
Link coming

They need to kept the seditionist-in-chief under wraps.

His main means of communication needs to be taken away.

They should have done this years ago and for longer than 12 hours.
It's just weird watching someone celebrate censorship

Maybe he shouldn't incite a mob riot on the Capital. I know, you don't think he did because you're illiterate between the lines.
Like when that black dude in Ferguson yelled on a bullhorn "Burn this bitch down" right before they BURNED THE CITY DOWN???

I haven't seen that personally. But if someone yelled that into a bullhorn they should be arrested. I don't think this is complicated.

Not only was that faggot never charged you asshats SUPPORTED this type of shit for YEARS.

Now suddenly you have a problem with it....

If you say he wasn't arrested, but I'm not sure what that has to do with being OK with assholes breaking into the capital and trashing it. Some brought handcuffs and they built a frame with a noose on the capital grounds. What do you think they had in mind if say they came across Pelosi or other Democrats?


Excuse me while I just point and laugh.

I bet you think it's funny.

They need to be rounded up and thrown in jail for a long, long time. You know, a place you're familiar with.
Link coming

They need to kept the seditionist-in-chief under wraps.

His main means of communication needs to be taken away.

They should have done this years ago and for longer than 12 hours.
It's just weird watching someone celebrate censorship

Maybe he shouldn't incite a mob riot on the Capital. I know, you don't think he did because you're illiterate between the lines.
Like when that black dude in Ferguson yelled on a bullhorn "Burn this bitch down" right before they BURNED THE CITY DOWN???

I haven't seen that personally. But if someone yelled that into a bullhorn they should be arrested. I don't think this is complicated.

Not only was that faggot never charged you asshats SUPPORTED this type of shit for YEARS.

Now suddenly you have a problem with it....

If you say he wasn't arrested, but I'm not sure what that has to do with being OK with assholes breaking into the capital and trashing it. Some brought handcuffs and they built a frame with a noose on the capital grounds. What do you think they had in mind if say they came across Pelosi or other Democrats?

View attachment 438660 View attachment 438661
Excuse me while I just point and laugh.

I bet you think it's funny.

They need to be rounded up and thrown in jail for a long, long time. You know, a place you're familiar with.

Your shakey memory (aka hypocrisy) is duely noted.
Link coming

They need to kept the seditionist-in-chief under wraps.

His main means of communication needs to be taken away.

They should have done this years ago and for longer than 12 hours.
It's just weird watching someone celebrate censorship

Maybe he shouldn't incite a mob riot on the Capital. I know, you don't think he did because you're illiterate between the lines.
Like when that black dude in Ferguson yelled on a bullhorn "Burn this bitch down" right before they BURNED THE CITY DOWN???

I haven't seen that personally. But if someone yelled that into a bullhorn they should be arrested. I don't think this is complicated.

Not only was that faggot never charged you asshats SUPPORTED this type of shit for YEARS.

Now suddenly you have a problem with it....

If you say he wasn't arrested, but I'm not sure what that has to do with being OK with assholes breaking into the capital and trashing it. Some brought handcuffs and they built a frame with a noose on the capital grounds. What do you think they had in mind if say they came across Pelosi or other Democrats?

View attachment 438660 View attachment 438661
Excuse me while I just point and laugh.

I bet you think it's funny.

They need to be rounded up and thrown in jail for a long, long time. You know, a place you're familiar with.

Your shakey memory (aka hypocrisy) is duely noted.

And? She told people to confront Trump's cabinet. So what? Did they bring nooses and handcuffs? No. Did they trash our capital building no? Did they make a few Trump cocksucking morons feel uncomfortable? Yes and good.
Link coming

They need to kept the seditionist-in-chief under wraps.

His main means of communication needs to be taken away.

They should have done this years ago and for longer than 12 hours.
It's just weird watching someone celebrate censorship

Maybe he shouldn't incite a mob riot on the Capital. I know, you don't think he did because you're illiterate between the lines.
Like when that black dude in Ferguson yelled on a bullhorn "Burn this bitch down" right before they BURNED THE CITY DOWN???

I haven't seen that personally. But if someone yelled that into a bullhorn they should be arrested. I don't think this is complicated.

Not only was that faggot never charged you asshats SUPPORTED this type of shit for YEARS.

Now suddenly you have a problem with it....

If you say he wasn't arrested, but I'm not sure what that has to do with being OK with assholes breaking into the capital and trashing it. Some brought handcuffs and they built a frame with a noose on the capital grounds. What do you think they had in mind if say they came across Pelosi or other Democrats?

View attachment 438660 View attachment 438661
Excuse me while I just point and laugh.

I bet you think it's funny.

They need to be rounded up and thrown in jail for a long, long time. You know, a place you're familiar with.

Your shakey memory (aka hypocrisy) is duely noted.

And? She told people to confront Trump's cabinet. So what? Did they bring nooses and handcuffs? No.

They just shot Scaliese and assaulted people in public and ar restaurants.

But hey, you're proving my point that most of you are hypocrites.
Link coming

They need to kept the seditionist-in-chief under wraps.

His main means of communication needs to be taken away.

They should have done this years ago and for longer than 12 hours.
It's just weird watching someone celebrate censorship

Maybe he shouldn't incite a mob riot on the Capital. I know, you don't think he did because you're illiterate between the lines.
Like when that black dude in Ferguson yelled on a bullhorn "Burn this bitch down" right before they BURNED THE CITY DOWN???

I haven't seen that personally. But if someone yelled that into a bullhorn they should be arrested. I don't think this is complicated.

Not only was that faggot never charged you asshats SUPPORTED this type of shit for YEARS.

Now suddenly you have a problem with it....

If you say he wasn't arrested, but I'm not sure what that has to do with being OK with assholes breaking into the capital and trashing it. Some brought handcuffs and they built a frame with a noose on the capital grounds. What do you think they had in mind if say they came across Pelosi or other Democrats?

View attachment 438660 View attachment 438661
Excuse me while I just point and laugh.

I bet you think it's funny.

They need to be rounded up and thrown in jail for a long, long time. You know, a place you're familiar with.

Your shakey memory (aka hypocrisy) is duely noted.

And? She told people to confront Trump's cabinet. So what? Did they bring nooses and handcuffs? No.

They just shot Scaliese and assaulted people in public and ar restaurants.

But hey, you're proving my point that most of you are hypocrites.

No, those people did not shoot Scalise. Hell, at least I can spell his name right, I've given him more respect than you have. A lone gunman did that and he was shot dead as he should have been. Why can't we also hold the inbred rebellion to account for insurrection, federal trespassing, looting and trashing the Capital building?

And you still ignore the fact that they brought handcuffs and nooses, what do you think the purpose of that was?
Link coming

They need to kept the seditionist-in-chief under wraps.

His main means of communication needs to be taken away.

They should have done this years ago and for longer than 12 hours.

View attachment 438345
Yeah, we can't have the president posting truth on twitter. That's sedition!

The Trump haters are in full Stalinist mode now.
Link coming

They need to kept the seditionist-in-chief under wraps.

His main means of communication needs to be taken away.

They should have done this years ago and for longer than 12 hours.
It's just weird watching someone celebrate censorship

Maybe he shouldn't incite a mob riot on the Capital. I know, you don't think he did because you're illiterate between the lines.
Like when that black dude in Ferguson yelled on a bullhorn "Burn this bitch down" right before they BURNED THE CITY DOWN???

I haven't seen that personally. But if someone yelled that into a bullhorn they should be arrested. I don't think this is complicated.

Not only was that faggot never charged you asshats SUPPORTED this type of shit for YEARS.

Now suddenly you have a problem with it....

If you say he wasn't arrested, but I'm not sure what that has to do with being OK with assholes breaking into the capital and trashing it. Some brought handcuffs and they built a frame with a noose on the capital grounds. What do you think they had in mind if say they came across Pelosi or other Democrats?

View attachment 438660 View attachment 438661
Excuse me while I just point and laugh.

I bet you think it's funny.

They need to be rounded up and thrown in jail for a long, long time. You know, a place you're familiar with.

Your shakey memory (aka hypocrisy) is duely noted.

And? She told people to confront Trump's cabinet. So what? Did they bring nooses and handcuffs? No.

They just shot Scaliese and assaulted people in public and ar restaurants.

But hey, you're proving my point that most of you are hypocrites.

No, those people did not shoot Scalise. Hell, at least I can spell his name right, I've given him more respect than you have. A lone gunman did that and he was shot dead as he should have been. Why can't we also hold the inbred rebellion to account for insurrection, federal trespassing, looting and trashing the Capital building?

And you still ignore the fact that they brought handcuffs and nooses, what do you think the purpose of that was?

You absolutely can hold them accountable and should. The only problem with you is your HYPOCRISY. Had that been leftists trying to oust Trump from the Whitehouse you'd have cheered. All the previous examples of this behavior that you've defended prove my point.
Link coming

They need to kept the seditionist-in-chief under wraps.

His main means of communication needs to be taken away.

They should have done this years ago and for longer than 12 hours.
It's just weird watching someone celebrate censorship

Maybe he shouldn't incite a mob riot on the Capital. I know, you don't think he did because you're illiterate between the lines.
Like when that black dude in Ferguson yelled on a bullhorn "Burn this bitch down" right before they BURNED THE CITY DOWN???

I haven't seen that personally. But if someone yelled that into a bullhorn they should be arrested. I don't think this is complicated.

Not only was that faggot never charged you asshats SUPPORTED this type of shit for YEARS.

Now suddenly you have a problem with it....

If you say he wasn't arrested, but I'm not sure what that has to do with being OK with assholes breaking into the capital and trashing it. Some brought handcuffs and they built a frame with a noose on the capital grounds. What do you think they had in mind if say they came across Pelosi or other Democrats?

View attachment 438660 View attachment 438661
Excuse me while I just point and laugh.

I bet you think it's funny.

They need to be rounded up and thrown in jail for a long, long time. You know, a place you're familiar with.

Your shakey memory (aka hypocrisy) is duely noted.

And? She told people to confront Trump's cabinet. So what? Did they bring nooses and handcuffs? No.

They just shot Scaliese and assaulted people in public and ar restaurants.

But hey, you're proving my point that most of you are hypocrites.

No, those people did not shoot Scalise. Hell, at least I can spell his name right, I've given him more respect than you have. A lone gunman did that and he was shot dead as he should have been. Why can't we also hold the inbred rebellion to account for insurrection, federal trespassing, looting and trashing the Capital building?

And you still ignore the fact that they brought handcuffs and nooses, what do you think the purpose of that was?

A Trump hater like you shot Scalise.

You want to arrest protesters? Then what about BLM and Antifa? They burned down entire cities and killed at least a dozen people. You assholes are such colossal hypocrites it's unbelievable.
Link coming

They need to kept the seditionist-in-chief under wraps.

His main means of communication needs to be taken away.

They should have done this years ago and for longer than 12 hours.
It's just weird watching someone celebrate censorship

Maybe he shouldn't incite a mob riot on the Capital. I know, you don't think he did because you're illiterate between the lines.
Like when that black dude in Ferguson yelled on a bullhorn "Burn this bitch down" right before they BURNED THE CITY DOWN???

I haven't seen that personally. But if someone yelled that into a bullhorn they should be arrested. I don't think this is complicated.

Not only was that faggot never charged you asshats SUPPORTED this type of shit for YEARS.

Now suddenly you have a problem with it....

If you say he wasn't arrested, but I'm not sure what that has to do with being OK with assholes breaking into the capital and trashing it. Some brought handcuffs and they built a frame with a noose on the capital grounds. What do you think they had in mind if say they came across Pelosi or other Democrats?

View attachment 438660 View attachment 438661
Excuse me while I just point and laugh.

I bet you think it's funny.

They need to be rounded up and thrown in jail for a long, long time. You know, a place you're familiar with.

Your shakey memory (aka hypocrisy) is duely noted.

And? She told people to confront Trump's cabinet. So what? Did they bring nooses and handcuffs? No.

They just shot Scaliese and assaulted people in public and ar restaurants.

But hey, you're proving my point that most of you are hypocrites.

No, those people did not shoot Scalise. Hell, at least I can spell his name right, I've given him more respect than you have. A lone gunman did that and he was shot dead as he should have been. Why can't we also hold the inbred rebellion to account for insurrection, federal trespassing, looting and trashing the Capital building?

And you still ignore the fact that they brought handcuffs and nooses, what do you think the purpose of that was?

You absolutely can hold them accountable and should. The only problem with you is your HYPOCRISY. Had that been leftists trying to oust Trump from the Whitehouse you'd have cheered. All the previous examples of this behavior that you've defended prove my point.

Where have I been hypocritical? I do not, will not and never will support a mob trying to remove Trump from the Whitehouse. Don't be a fucking idiot.
Link coming

They need to kept the seditionist-in-chief under wraps.

His main means of communication needs to be taken away.

They should have done this years ago and for longer than 12 hours.

View attachment 438345
Yeah, we can't have the president posting truth on twitter. That's sedition!

The Trump haters are in full Stalinist mode now.

The truth isn't in Trump.. He's too ignorant, power hungry and sick. Trump told you he's a nationalist. Do you know what that means?

Link coming

They need to kept the seditionist-in-chief under wraps.

His main means of communication needs to be taken away.

They should have done this years ago and for longer than 12 hours.
It's just weird watching someone celebrate censorship

Maybe he shouldn't incite a mob riot on the Capital. I know, you don't think he did because you're illiterate between the lines.
Like when that black dude in Ferguson yelled on a bullhorn "Burn this bitch down" right before they BURNED THE CITY DOWN???

I haven't seen that personally. But if someone yelled that into a bullhorn they should be arrested. I don't think this is complicated.

Not only was that faggot never charged you asshats SUPPORTED this type of shit for YEARS.

Now suddenly you have a problem with it....

If you say he wasn't arrested, but I'm not sure what that has to do with being OK with assholes breaking into the capital and trashing it. Some brought handcuffs and they built a frame with a noose on the capital grounds. What do you think they had in mind if say they came across Pelosi or other Democrats?

View attachment 438660 View attachment 438661
Excuse me while I just point and laugh.

I bet you think it's funny.

They need to be rounded up and thrown in jail for a long, long time. You know, a place you're familiar with.

Your shakey memory (aka hypocrisy) is duely noted.

And? She told people to confront Trump's cabinet. So what? Did they bring nooses and handcuffs? No.

They just shot Scaliese and assaulted people in public and ar restaurants.

But hey, you're proving my point that most of you are hypocrites.

No, those people did not shoot Scalise. Hell, at least I can spell his name right, I've given him more respect than you have. A lone gunman did that and he was shot dead as he should have been. Why can't we also hold the inbred rebellion to account for insurrection, federal trespassing, looting and trashing the Capital building?

And you still ignore the fact that they brought handcuffs and nooses, what do you think the purpose of that was?

You absolutely can hold them accountable and should. The only problem with you is your HYPOCRISY. Had that been leftists trying to oust Trump from the Whitehouse you'd have cheered. All the previous examples of this behavior that you've defended prove my point.

Where have I been hypocritical?


I do not, will not and never will support a mob trying to remove Trump from the Whitehouse. Don't be a fucking idiot.

Yes, but you defended BLM and Antifa mobs burning down cities and killing innocent people.[/QUOTE]

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