Twitter puts anti-American, anti-Israel group in charge of censorship


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
No surprise...

Twitter Puts Anti-American, Anti-Israel Group in Charge of Censorship
February 9, 2016
Daniel Greenfield


Twitter has unveiled its creepily Orwellian "Trust and Safety Council" under the creepily Orwellian slogan, "When it comes to safety, everyone plays a role". These groups will be helping set censorship policy for the site.


Stuart K. Hayashi had discussed the problems with Feminist Frequency earlier this year. Jonathan McIntosh, the man behind Feminist Frequency, is a radical leftist who has smeared American soldiers and attacked Israel and complained about people celebrating the death of Osama bin Laden. He attacked Charlie Hebdo after the massacre, ranting, "It’s telling that so many white folks are quick to jump to the defense of racist speech but can’t be bothered to fight institutional racism."


This is a serious problem, especially since Twitter is putting political extremists with pro-censorship views in charge of censorship. And McIntosh has his own history of hateful views.

Twitter has forgotten that it owes its success to being an open platform. Turning it into a heavily censored forum moderated by radical leftists will alienate most of its global audience and kill its future.

Twitter Puts Anti-American, Anti-Israel Group in Charge of Censorship
The Most Important Point About Twitter's New Censorship
February 24, 2016
Daniel Greenfield


The left would like to censor everyone, but it focuses on maintaining its monopoly on "influential" figures. In the past that meant writers, actors, journalists, academics, etc. Today it also means people with lots of followers on social media whose views get attention. Shut them down and the left can preserve its monopoly of influence.

While Twitter is coming under heavy fire for this, it should be noted that this kind of thing is routine on Facebook. My account there was nuked once, for example, but I know plenty of conservatives whose accounts were repeatedly banned and limited in various ways. This is harassment and it has a clear purpose.

Twitter came late to this party after heavy organized pressure from crybullies whining that it was just too hard for them to function online because of all the trolling. Anita Sarkeesian, the anti-gaming SJW troll whose front group, Feminist Frequency, now sits on Twitters' "Trust and Safety Council", responsible for censorship of political dissent, is one of the more noxious examples of a crybully who turned allegations of victimhood into a profitable political industry. But she's hardly alone. In the leftosphere, stories about how "hard it is" out there for a crybully are a dime a dozen.

The UN Broadband report put Twitter under more pressure. There are growing calls for censorship and Twitter buckled to them. But while we're attacking Twitter, we should remember that unlike Facebook, it did once stand for free speech. Facebook never did and Mark Zuckerberg's latest collaboration with Merkel is just another reminder of that.

This is a larger crisis in which a handful of huge companies run by lefty manchildren who put social responsibility ahead of business skills, control much of the indexing of content on the internet. Of these, Google is one of the few to take a free speech absolutist position. That's why it stood up to Obama and to judicial rulings over the Innocence of Mohammed video.

Facebook is at the opposite extreme of Google. Twitter used to be closer to Google, it's now drifted toward the Facebook extreme.

Silicon Valley has been coming under growing pressure from the illiberal left for a while now. There's diversity pressure. Attacks over minimum wage. Throwing a bone to the censors just seems easier.

The Most Important Point About Twitter's New Censorship

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